Internal Assessment - Ii

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Branch CSE Year/Sem./Sec. IV/VII/A&B
Course Code CS8792 Date 17-10-2022
Course Name Max. marks 50
Dr.G.Vinoth Chakkaravarthy
Course Incharge Time 01:30 Hours
Dr.R. Vijayalakshmi
PART A (Answer All Questions) (8 X 2 = 16)
K CO Marks
Whys is asymmetric cryptography bad for huge data? Specify the reason. K1 CO1 2
2. K1 CO1 2
Compare conventional and Asymmetric cryptosystem.
3. K1 CO1 2
What is substitution and transposition cipher and give example for each.
4. K1 CO1 2
Define one time pad
5. K1 CO1 2
Brief about rotor machines
6. K1 CO1 2
Compare mono alphabetic cipher and poly alphabetic cipher
7. K1 CO1 2
What is Traffic Padding? What is its purpose?
8. What is meant by Denial of Service? K1 CO1 2

9. K1 CO1 2
Brief about Non repudiation.
10 What is fiestal structure K1 CO2 2

11 Define confusion and diffusion K1 CO2 2

12 Compare block cipher and stream cipher K1 CO2 2

13 What is an avalanche effect? K1 CO2 2

14 Give the five modes of operation of block cipher. K1 CO2 2

15 List out the design parameters of Fiestal structure. K1 CO2 2

16 Define Ring K1 CO2 2

17 What is an Abelian group? K1 CO2 2

18 What is a Field? K1 CO2 2

19 K1 CO3 2
State Fermat theorem
20 State Euler’s theorem K1 CO3 2

21 Why random numbers are used in network security? K1 CO3 2

22 Define Discrete Logarithm K1 CO3 2

23 Prove that 3 is a primitive root of 7. K1 CO3 2

24 Name any two methods for testing prime numbers K1 CO3 2

PART B (Answer All Questions) (2 X 13 = 26)

25. Illustrate the overall structure of AES with the transformation Functions. K2 CO2 13
25. Describe the different block cipher modes of operation in detail with neat K2 CO2 13
25.. Describe the operation of RC4 algorithm with suitable pseudocode.(5) K2 CO2 13
Encrypt the given plaintext P = [1 2 2 2] using RC4 Algorithm. Use a 4 x
3-bit key of K = [1 2 3 6] (8)
25.. For each of the following elements of DES, indicate the comparable K2 CO2 13
element in AES with neat sketch if available.
i) XOR of subkey material with the input to the function. (4)
ii) Substitution (5)
iii) Permutation p. (4)
26. a) Consider a Diffie-Hellman scheme with a common prime q = 11 and a K2 CO3 13
primitive root a =2 (8)
i). If user A has public key Y A = 9, what is A’s private key XA?
ii). If user B has public key Y B = 3, what is the secret key K shared with A?
(b) How man in middle attack can be performed in Diffie Hellman
algorithm. (5)
26. i) Given p=19, q=23, and e=3 Use RSA algorithm to find n, φ(n) and d. (7) K2 CO3 13
ii) Explain the different types of attacks on RSA. (6)
26. i) What are the principal elements of a public-key cryptosystem? (4) K2 CO3 13
ii) What requirements must a public-key cryptosystems fulfill to be a
secure algorithm? (5)
iii) List out the applications of public-key cryptography (4)
26. Users A and B use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique with a K2 CO3 13
common prime q = 71 and a primitive root a = 7.
a. If user A has private key X A = 5, what is A’s public key Y A?
b. If user B has private key XB = 12, what is B’s public key Y B?
c. What is the shared secret key?
PART C (Answer All Questions) (1 X 8 = 8)
27. Perform Encryption and decryption using Hill Cipher for the following CO2
K2 08
message meet me park” – Key : “ (9 4 5 7 )
27. Solve GCD (98,56) using Extended Euclidean algorithm. Write the K2 CO2 08
algorithm also.
27. Encrypt "meet me tomorrow '. using play fair cipher using the keyword K2 CO2 08
27. Determine the GCD (24140,16762) using Euclid’s algorithm K2 CO2 08

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