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CS8791 / Cloud Computing 2022


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

IAT-3 Question Bank

1. What are the security challenges in cloud computing?
2. Recall the layers in security architecture design.
3. Show the key challenges associated in the process of storing images in cloud.
4. What is Inter cloud?
5. Which three basic cloud security enforcements are expected?
6. What is resource provisioning?
7. What are the six layers of cloud services?
8. List the five application areas in SaaS applications.
9. State the different Resource Provisioning Methods.
10. Define security governance.
11. Define ‘Over provisioning’ and ‘Under positioning’ of resources with an example.
12. Discuss the demand resource provisioning with example.
13. Outline the main services that are offered by AWS.
14. Recall the development technologies currently supported by APP Engine.
15. What is open stack compute and open stack storage?
16. What is Hadoop?
17. List the four levels of cloud federation.
18. List the functional models of GAE
19. Recall the usage of virtual box.
20. Show the diagram for Google cloud platform and its major building blocks.
21. Recall the formal notation of MapReduce dataflow.
22. Define the name node and data node in Hadoop file system.
23. "HDFS is fault tolerant”. Is it true? Justify your answer
24. List any four federated cloud technologies.
25. Write a note on Federated services.

Dr. A.M.Rajeswari, CSE, VCET Page 1 of 2

CS8791 / Cloud Computing 2022

1. Explain the Secure Software Development Life Cycle with neat diagram.
2. Illustrate the structure of inter-cloud resource management with a neat sketch. Explain why two or
more clouds need to interact with each other. Provide an example for the same
3. What is IAM and explain the segregation roles carried out by IAM when services of multiple
organizations are maintained within the same geographical location?
4. Detail the structure of Open stack and explain each of its components.
5. Explain the steps to set the google app engine environment for executing any program of your choice.
6. Elaborate the working of Map Reduce with an example.
7. As a data center administrator, you are responsible to carry out the maintenance, operations,
infrastructure design and management. If a primary computer system fails in the data center,
elaborate the steps that must be carried out to overcome the failure. Construct the same scenario
with a neat sketch.
8. Model a hybrid cloud for an academic university using any one of the cloud environments.
9. Model a hybrid cloud for a banking environment using any one of the cloud environments.
10. Explain the open source software environment –Hadoop in detail with appropriate diagram.


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