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CS8791 / Cloud Computing 2022


 What is Cloud Federation?

o Cloud Federation, also known as Federated Cloud is the deployment and
management of several external and internal cloud computing services to
match business needs.
o Cloud federation is the practice of interconnecting the cloud computing
environments of two or more service providers for the purpose of load
balancing traffic and accommodating spikes in demand.
o Cloud federation requires one provider to wholesale or rent computing
resources to another cloud provider.
o It is a multi-national cloud system that integrates private, community, and
public clouds into scalable computing platforms.
o Federated cloud is created by connecting the cloud environment of different
cloud providers using a common standard.

The architecture of Federated Cloud:

The architecture of Federated Cloud consists of three basic components:
1. Cloud Exchange:
– The Cloud Exchange acts as a mediator between cloud coordinator and
cloud broker.
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– The demands of the cloud broker are mapped by the cloud exchange to
the available services provided by the cloud coordinator.
– The cloud exchange has a track record of what is the present cost,
demand patterns, and available cloud providers, and this information is
periodically reformed by the cloud coordinator.

– Following are the services offered by cloud exchange to both cloud broker
and cloud coordinator.
a. Database Repository: Cloud exchange act as a database repository
or directory where cloud broker announces their resources, service
and the price they offer for the services. The customer then analyze
this repository to search the most appropriate service and price suiting
them and place a request for the service
b. Dealer: The cloud exchanger always updates policies of its
participants, they always act as a third party between broker and
c. Bank: Cloud exchanger facilitates the financial transaction between
cloud vendors and its clients thus maintaining the trust.

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2. Cloud Coordinator:
– The cloud coordinator assigns the resources of the cloud to the remote
users based on the quality of service they demand and the credits they
have in the cloud bank.
– The cloud enterprises and their membership are managed by the cloud
3. Cloud Broker
– The cloud broker interacts with the cloud coordinator, analyzes the
Service-level agreement (SLA) and the resources offered by several
cloud providers in cloud exchange.
– Cloud broker finalizes the most suitable deal for their client.

Properties of Federated Cloud:

Cloud federation properties can be classified into two categories
Federation Cloud Properties

Functional cloud Usage cloud

federation properties federation properties

1. Functional Cloud Federation Properties:

o Authentication: Cloud federation has the involvement of several foreign
resources that have participated in the federation. To consume these foreign
resource customer must be provided with the access credential.
o Integrity: Integrity in the federated cloud offers and demand consistent resources
by the providers participated in the federation. To maintain the consistency of the
environment management is needed by the providers.
o Monitoring: Federated cloud can be monitored in two ways
– Global monitoring: Aids in maintaining the federated cloud.
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– Monitoring as a service (MaaS): Provides information that helps in tracking

contracted services to the customer.
o Object: Marketing object in cloud computing are infrastructure, software, platform that
are offered to the customer as a service. These objects have to pass through
federation when consumed in the federated cloud.
o Contracts: In cloud computing, the agreement between provider and consumer
i.e. service level agreement (SLA) has both technical as well as administrative
commitments between provider and consumer. In addition to SLA federated cloud
has a federation level agreement that encloses commitment to the functional and
usage properties.
o Provisioning: Allocating services and resources offered by the cloud provider to
the customer through federation. It can be done manually or automatically.
– In an automatic way, the best provider is chosen to allocate the resources and
services to the customer.
– In the manual way entity in the federation selects the provider to allocate the
resources and services.
o Service Management: Service management discovers and publishes the services
offered by the federated cloud.
o Interoperability: A mechanism with which the customer’s system is able to interact
with the cloud service or cloud service in the federation is able to interact with other
cloud services.
o Commercialization: The providers participated in federation publish their offers to a
central entity. The customer interacts with this central entity to verify the prices and
propose an offer.
2. Usage Cloud Federation Properties:
o Interaction Architecture: In the federated cloud, the customers can interact with
the architecture either centrally or in a decentralized manner.

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– In centralized interaction, the customer has interacted with a broker to mediate

between them and the organization.
– Decentralized interaction allows the customer to interact directly with the clouds
in the federation.
o Expansion: Expansion of federation depend on how the resources and services in
the federation are used.
o Centric: The federated cloud focuses on the implementation and usability of
elements in the federated cloud architecture. The four centric of the federated
cloud are customer, business, provider, service. The federated cloud architecture
and mechanism are designed prioritizing the customer. Business-centric focuses
on the monetization. Provider centric focuses on maximizing the use of resources
and services. Service centric focus on the services and their specialties.
o Practice Niche: Federated cloud can be practiced with different niches like
commercial and non-commercial.
o Volunteer: The providers must voluntarily involve in the federation and must be able to
take the decision to leave the federation when they require.
o Visibility: Visibility of a federated cloud helps the customer to interpret the
organization of multiple clouds in the federated environment.

Benefits of Federated Cloud:

1. It minimizes the consumption of energy.
2. It increases reliability.
3. It minimizes the time and cost of providers due to dynamic scalability.
4. It connects various cloud service providers globally. The providers may buy and
sell services on demand.
5. It provides easy scaling up of resources.

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Challenges in Federated Cloud:

1. In cloud federation, it is common to have more than one provider for processing
the incoming demands.
– In such cases, there must be a scheme needed to distribute the incoming
demands equally among the cloud service providers.
2. The increasing requests in cloud federation have resulted in more heterogeneous
infrastructure, making interoperability an area of concern.
– It becomes a challenge for cloud users to select relevant cloud service
providers and therefore, it ties them to a particular cloud service provider.
3. A federated cloud means constructing a seamless cloud environment that can
interact with people, different devices, several application interfaces, and other

Levels of Federation in Cloud

Federation in the cloud is an ability to connect two or more cloud computing environment of
distinct cloud service providers. The federation can be classified into four levels.
1. Permissive federation:
– Permissive federation allows the interconnection of the cloud environment of
two service providers without the verifying identity of peer cloud using DNS
– This raises the chances of domain spoofing.
2. Verified federation:
– Verified federation allows interconnection of the cloud environment.
– Two service providers can interact, only after the peer cloud is identified
using the information obtained from DNS.
– Though the identity verification prevents spoofing the connection is still not
encrypted and there are chances of DNS attack.

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3. Encrypted federation:
– Encrypted federation allows interconnection of the cloud environment of two
services provider only if the peer cloud supports transport layer security
– The peer cloud interested in the federation must provide the digital
certificate which still provides mutual authentication. Thus encrypted
federation results in weak identity verification.
4. Trusted federation:
– Trusted federation allows two clouds from different provider to connect only
under a provision that the peer cloud support TSL along with that it
provides a digital certificate authorized by the certification authority (CA)
that is trusted by the authenticating cloud.

Federated Cloud technologies:

The technologies that aid the cloud federation and cloud services are:
1. OpenNebula :
– It is a cloud computing platform for managing heterogeneous distributed data
center infrastructures.
– It can use the resources of its interoperability, leveraging existing information
technology assets, protecting the deals, and adding the application
programming interface (API).
2. Aneka coordinator
– The Aneka coordinator is a proposition of the Aneka services and Aneka
peer components (network architectures) which give the cloud ability and
performance to interact with other cloud services.

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3. Eucalyptus
– Eucalyptus defines the pooling computational, storage, and network
resources that can be measured scaled up or down as application workloads
change in the utilization of the software.
– It is an open-source framework that performs the storage, network, and
many other computational resources to access the cloud environment.

Federated Services and Applications:

 Clouds typically consist of all the users, devices, services, and applications
connected to the network.
 In order to fully leverage the capabilities of this cloud structure, a participant needs
the ability to find other entities of interest.
 Such entities might be end users, multiuser chat rooms, real-time content feeds,
user directories, data relays, messaging gateways, etc.
 Finding these entities is a process called discovery.
 XMPP uses service discovery (as defined in XEP-0030) to find the aforementioned
 The discovery protocol enables any network participant to query another entity
regarding its identity, capabilities, and associated entities.
 When a participant connects to the network, it queries the authoritative server for
its particular domain about the entities associated with that authoritative server.
 Then the authoritative server informs the inquirer about services hosted there and
may also detail services that are available but hosted elsewhere.
 XMPP includes a method for maintaining personal lists of other entities, known as
roster technology, which enables end users to keep track of various types of

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Future of Federations:
 The implementation of federated communications is a precursor to building a
seamless cloud that can interact with people, devices, information feeds,
documents, application interfaces, and other entities.
 It enables software developers and service providers to build and deploy such
applications without asking permission from a large, centralized communications
 Many big companies (e.g. banks, hosting companies, etc.) and also many large
institutions maintain several distributed data-centers or server-farms, for example
to serve to multiple geographically distributed offices, to implement HA, or to
guarantee server proximity to the end user. Resources and networks in these
distributed data-centers are usually configured as non-cooperative separate
 Many educational and research centers often deploy their own computing
infrastructures, that usually do not cooperate with other institutions, except in same
punctual situations (e.g. in joint projects or initiatives). Many times, even different
departments within the same institution maintain their own non-cooperative
 Cloud end-users are often tied to a unique cloud provider, because of the different
APIs, image formats, and access methods exposed by different providers that
make very difficult for an average user to move its applications from one cloud to
another, so leading to a vendor lock-in problem.
 Many SMEs have their own on-premise private cloud infrastructures to support the
internal computing necessities and workloads. These infrastructures are often
over-sized to satisfy peak demand periods, and avoid performance slow-down.
Hybrid cloud (or cloud bursting) model is a solution to reduce the on-premise
infrastructure size, so that it can be dimensioned for an average load, and it is

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complemented with external resources from a public cloud provider to satisfy peak
 The cloud consumer is often presented with "take-it-or-leave-it standard contracts
that might be cost-saving for the provider but is often undesirable for the user”.
The commission aims to develop with “stakeholders model terms for cloud
computing service level agreements for contracts”.


Links for cloud technologies.

1. Map Reduce :
2. READ and WRITE operations of HDFS.

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