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Statement of Purpose

Master in Community Development

1. Introduction and Personal Summary

I am Sonam Pelden, daughter of Father, Karma Dorji and Mother Lamden from Village:
Ura,Charipa: Ura District: Bumthang located in the central part of Bhutan, bearing Bhutanese
Citizenship Identity number 10104001677, born on 11th May 2000.

About me and my family

My parents are engaged in family business and commercial farming activities back at our home
town. I have five siblings including myself. I must admit that my parents are financially stable in
that sense to support education for me and my siblings.

I am married to very supportive and caring husband Mr. Tenzin Namgay holding Bhutanese
Citizenship Identity Card No.10104001987 who is also from same village. We have decided to
marry after a long and stable relationship since our childhood days. As of now we do not have
any children. My husband works for a Yoenang Specialized Firm established under Build Bhutan
Project under Ministry of Labor and Human Resources as Store In-charge in Thimphu.

My Educational Background

I have completed my Bachelor of Arts in History and Dzongkha (Bhutanese Literature) from
Sherubtse College, the Royal University of Bhutan in June 2021. I have done my undergraduate
studies at Mongar Higher Secondary School till 2017. During entire educational journey almost
all the subjects are taught in English medium except in Dzonghkha.

Reasons for Study Gap (Employment details)

After my graduation, I returned to my hometown to help my parents and I engaged in different

activities of people and actively supported the people in different campaigns. Later, I got an
opportunity to work as paid intern with the non-government organization called Loden
foundation registered under Civil Society Organization of Bhutan till date. I am mainly engaged
in collecting information and populating data on cultural heritage site and assist in designing plan
for conversation through community engagements. Over the period I have developed keen in
community services and to promote living standard of the communities.

Reasons for studying abroad

As a developing country, Bhutan’s education system has colleges that offer Bachelor’s degrees. There are
no universities from where Bhutanese can further enhance their education qualifications, such as a
Masters degree or a doctorate of my interest. The government also does not encourage on-line education.
This is the main reason why I have decided to pursue my masters in Community Development at the
Murdoch University in Perth, Australia

Reason for not applying in other countries

There are many countries like USA, Canada, UK, Germany and India which have the course that
I am applying for. However, the cost of living and tuition fees are comparatively higher
compared to Australia. Some of the countries mentioned above do not have a safe learning
environment, in some countries, racial discrimination is rampant, while in other I need to spend a
lot time learning their language as the medium of instruction is not English. Unfortunately, in
some neighboring countries, universities are highly politicized, with strikes in colleges leaving
colleges locked for months.

Why did I choose to study in Australia?

In the last few decades, Australia has emerged as the center of learning, especially for countries
in South East Asia. Top Bhutanese diplomats and leaders are alma maters of Universities in
Australia. The current ambassador of Bhutan to Australia studied at the Australian National
In my interactions with those who studied in Australia and are now leaders in the legislative,
executive and judiciary, and others, there was unanimity that Australia is the best place to pursue
further studies.

I also did my own share of research and realized that Australia is the new knowledge center. It is
a multi-cultural, cosmopolitan country. It is safe and secure unlike some of our neighboring
countries, where universities are politicized, leading to in-campus strikes that shut educational
institutes for weeks and even months. The climatic conditions of Australia are very favorable,
unlike Canada and the United Kingdom. As a multi-cultural country, Australia provides me with
the opportunities to interact with people from different parts of the world and enrich ourselves
with their culture. Importantly, Australia provides opportunities to study and work, which would
make me to experience in different nature of works. Even the fees in the United Kingdom are
very high.

Why I chose Perth City?

While the decision to study in Perth is mainly because Murdoch University has the course that
fits my interests, I have learned that Perth is a very well-planned city, unlike crowded cities like
Melbourne and Sydney. It has the perfect atmosphere to study. Perth’s diversity, with the
community valuing the perspectives that international students bring, is one of the main factors
for deciding to study in Perth. Rated as one of the 10 most livable cities in the world, Perth is
also a city that offers a lower cost of living compared to other Australian capital cities.
Why Murdoch University?

The university is known for its vibrant research culture that gives opportunities to study
alongside world-renowned researchers. The learning approach and teaching pedagogy of the
university is aimed at inspiring creativity, promoting collaboration and encouraging innovation
Murdoch University is renowned for its academic excellence with an outstanding global
reputation and impressive teaching and other facilities. It has been the learning hub for over fifty
thousand active students studying various courses. These students are guided and supported by
more than four thousand qualified staff, most of whom hold PhD which helps to convey better
business decisions and ideas.

Why did I choose the Master of Community Development?

I was always interested to engage and connect myself back to the root and return my services to
my parents, family, and the community as a whole. This passion anchored me to return to my
hometown immediately upon my graduation to help my parents, However, my presence in the
community gave me much more meaning when I actively involved myself in helping different
individuals and also volunteering my services for different events in the community. 

As a child, my parents used to talk about my socializing and influential skills and used to say that
I can easily mingle with different kinds of people and always have a group of friends leading
different activities.  As I grew up, I knew there are lots of opportunities to render my service to
the community and dreamed of working in those voluntary organizations and NGOs such as
Loden foundation, ChithuenPhendeyTshogpa, an Animal welfare organization
(SemchenTshetharTshogpa), Draktsho, NazhoenLamten, and Ability Bhutan Society and Lhak-
Sam ( to
offer my service in many ways.. I also have a dream of becoming a Development Officer after
the completion of the course and fostering community-led change in settings in the pursuit of
community vitality. I hope to become a community activist and bridge a gap between policy
makers and the grassroots level of society bringing an impact to the great extent.
Given the above vision to materialize into reality, I have chosen the particular course of Master
of Community Development to serve any organizations that require my service. The course
which I have chosen is befitting and will certainly help me to upskill my knowledge required for
my future career as the course contents are very diverse and versatile in line with the
development of the world. The learning outcomes of the course are so robust that it will help me
to gain essential skills in leading the community as a trusted leader and at the same time advance
my career with specialized knowledge of community development practices and methods.

I like this course because it allows me to fulfill my interest and reach my potential to achieve a
height that I never thought I could. I have always been someone who has not known which
direction to take in life, I have always been a follower and not a leader. I believe that this course
will truly transform me to become someone who can set goals, lead and work in a team.

Carrier Goals 

The Master of Community Development course that I have selected is a result of my utmost
interest to become an effective community service provider and an activist to act as the bridge
between the community and the government. I would like to manifest all the knowledge that I
gained from the course to initiate reform and remodel my community and other communities in
and around the country. One of the domains of the Gross National Happiness (GNH) in Bhutan
is maintaining a sustainable vibrant community and restoring its vitality. To this, I fervently hope
that I could bring some changes to the community and render help to the needy ones. 

The course would specifically teach me different aspects of community development methods
and theories about indigenous people. These will equip me with the right skills, aptitudes,
research methodologies, and knowledge that I can apply upon my return. Since there is a demand
for professional social workers and development officers not only at community and non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) but also in cooperation firms like Royal Insurance
Corporation of Bhutan Limited (, I am certain my
qualification will suitably alleviate my chances to become a professional development officer in
multiple settings.

Furthermore, it will not only provide an opportunity to pursue different career paths such as
engagement and activation officer but also throws a chance of becoming an aid worker in
international agencies around the world. The salary and perks working in the prospective future
firms of my choice will surely bestow me with a competitive salary approximately ranging from
Nu.45000-Nu 55000 (AUD 813.59-AUD 994.39). The prospective organizations in which I will
get immersed after my qualifications include Gross National Happiness Commission, RICBL,
Nazhoen Lamten, Animal Welfare organizations, BNCA (Bhutan Narcotics Control Agency),
Lhag-Sam, UNICEF, UNDP Bhutan, etc in the role of Public Sector workers, Government
Agency Worker, Children and Family Service Provider, Human Resource Worker, Community
Services Worker, Development Officer, and international AID workers.

Accommodation Arrangement
With regard to my accommodation arrangements, I will make temporary arrangements with my
sister-in-law DekiChoden studying in Perth. I intend to move out gradually and find a place for
my own. Many of my friends are currently studying in Perth. So, regarding accommodation, I
don’t foresee any problem till we would be able to settle ourself.

Financial Capacity
The expenditures for my master in community development will be support by my parents
through their earning from business, my siblings and in-laws. My parents and in-laws have
substantialof farm lands to cover my educational expenditure if there is need. My brother
SherabJamtsho who is leavingStreet: 87-10 51st Ave, Apt 4OElmhurst,Newyork, USA. Further,
I have availed education loan from T Bank to meet the educational expenses.

2. Why return to home country

After successful completion of my Master program, I will definitely return to my country. I have
huge roles and responsibilities to look after the well-being of my parent and sibling. Moreover,
we have a residential building and land undivided in name of my parents which needs to be
inherited among the siblings.

Bhutan is a culturally rich country and the societal welfare is all connected due to our small
community. I have to look after my family’s welfare and importantly, I have to look after my
aging parents.

The country’s philosophy of Gross National Happiness (GNH) is the heart of our nation which is
recognized internationally. Our farsighted and visionary Monarch bestowed Bhutanese citizens
with access to every service for free. My moral duty to serve my King, Country and People of
Bhutan and beyond. With this in mind, I intend to serve my country to my best and contribute
towards its sustainable and glorious growth.
My obligations under the student visa
I would always fulfill student visa requirement.
 I must maintain 80% attendance
 I can only work for 40 hours a fortnight.
 I should inform the university about my residential address and any changes in my address or
contact details.
 I must have a valid health insurance along with my dependent.

 I must maintain academic progression constantly

Sonam Pelden
Passport # G115143
Mobile # 17716508

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