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SEMESTER 3 2021/2022












On 23 August 1951, an organization called PAS or Persatuan Islam Se-Malaya was
established. It is a Malay political organization based on Islam. This organization came into
existence after Hizbul Muslimin led by Ustaz Abu Bakar al-Baqir was banned. This
organization was officially registered on May 31, 1955 In the context of PAS, establishing an
Islamic organization or Islamic Congregation is a fardhu Ain obligation. The purpose of
establishing Pas is based on the Word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Imran verse 140:

ُّ‫وا َويَتَّ ِخ َذ ِمن ُك ْم ُشهَدَاء َوهّللا ُ الَ ي ُِحب‬

ْ ُ‫اس َولِيَ ْعلَ َم هّللا ُ الَّ ِذينَ آ َمن‬
ِ َّ‫َاولُهَا بَ ْينَ الن‬ َ ‫ِإن يَ ْم َس ْس ُك ْم قَرْ ٌح فَقَ ْد َمسَّ ْالقَوْ َم قَرْ ٌح ِّم ْثلُهُ َوتِ ْل‬
ِ ‫ك األيَّا ُم نُد‬
َ‫الظَّالِ ِمين‬

If a wound should touch you, there has already touched the [opposing] people a wound
similar to it. And these days (of varying conditions) We alternate among the people so that
Allah may make evident those who believe and may take to Himself from among you martyrs
and Allah does not like the wrongdoers.

Initially, PAS was seen fighting religious affairs supported by some religious people. PAS
once took the opportunity to unite and cooperate with other political parties. One of them is
UMNO which is named Barisan Nasional. But the cooperation did not go well due to the
tragedy on 13 May 1969, PAS stated that BN betrayed them and according to BN, PAS did
not obey UMNO's ruling. PAS was officially established as a result of the meeting or meeting
with the participation of several religious figures and representatives of Islamic organizations.
Among the 4 primary purposes of the establishment of this political organization, is to create
an alliance of Islamic brotherhood to form a joint force to implement all Islamic demands and
politics based on democracy. In addition, it is to focus all efforts and energy to unify the
Constitution of religious administration throughout the country. Besides that, PAS was also
established to preserve and defend the rights, interests and honor of religion and Muslims.
Lastly, is to cooperate with other political organizations in this country, whose principles and
objectives do not conflict with the teachings of Islam in achieving democracy, social justice
and humanity. PAS is now led by President Haji Abdul Hadi Awang. Starting in 2020, PAS
joined together with the PRIBUMI BERSATU MALAYSIA party and the MALAYSIA
PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT party under the name PERIKATAN NASIONAL. As we know that
PAS is the party that governs 3 main states namely Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah. There
are also parts of the states of Perak and Sabah. The ideology highlighted by PAS is Islam
which uses the Al-Quran and AS-Sunnah as a guideline. Besides that, Ijmak and Qiyas are
also used as a rule. Among the purposes of Pas was created is to create a society and
government that have Islamic values of life, as well as to defend the purity of Islam. Among
the things PAS is fighting for is to compile the Hudud law. This matter has been fought for
since the late Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Mat ruled. This matter is still being fought for until
now. Some say that one of the purposes of the establishment of PAS is to fill the political
space only, but the main thing is as stated in the PAS Constitution, Chapter Two Clause 5
which is to fight for the formation of a society and a government in which the values of
Islamic life and its laws lead to satisfaction Allah SWT in this country. In addition, to support
and defend the purity of Islam as well as the independence and sovereignty of the country.


Among the hot issues that have been the talk of the community from the past to the present
that smell of criticism is the water issue in Kelantan. This issue has still not been successfully
resolved by this organizational movement. This issue has long been debated and proposed to
PAS. The problem of water supply in Kelantan continues as if there is no end. This issue got
many complaints from the residents and made the residents have to find other alternatives to
get a continuous water supply. There is no denying that Kelantan is called a backward and
non-modern state. Furthermore, residents still use traditional methods such as still using wells
as a source of water. This method also has an obstacle, which is that it is necessary to follow
the suitability of the excavated soil. In addition, water quality is also a matter that still cannot
be resolved. Kelantan is facing water quality problems so much so that it is labeled as 'rusty
water'. This affects the cleanliness and life of the people of Kelantan. This issue is said to be
caused by the use of old pipes by Air Kelantan Sdn Bhd (AKSB) as the main operator to
supply water to the user's premises, which are old pipes. Among the frequent causes of water
supply disruption in Kelantan is also due to damage to the main plant, whether the main
pipeline breaks or other technical problems. A politician responded to this issue by stating that
this water issue does not apply to the entire state of Kelantan. He said the Kelantan
government needs almost 7 billion to solve this problem. He also said that Kelantan has
excess water but does not have a storage place. That caused this politician to make a decision
to issue a statement that the government needs 7 billion to build a new water treatment plant
(LRA), a reservoir as well as the conversion of old pipes to new ones around 5,000
Previously, the Kelantan government had applied for a grant worth 1.3 billion to solve the
problem of replacing old pipes. But until now there is no news from Putrajaya about the grant.
In dealing with the issue of missing water supply and low-pressure water supply, AKSB or
the state government changed new pipes in 2018 but only repaired and still left a
balance of 3000km. A statement given by a politician who is Dato Haji Mohd Amar bin
Abdullah or known as Dato Nik Amar who is a member of the Panchor Kelantan State
Legislative Assembly and holds the position of Pas Vice President said that the history of this
water problem began when a project was carried out between Pas ruled by the late Dato Haji
Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Mat who is more affectionately known as TOk Guru with a central
government organization that canceled projects costing millions of ringgit immediately
without reason. Tok Guru decided to meet with Mahathir bin Mohamad to discuss this matter.
But found that Mahathir said that the matter had been approved by him but the cause of the
problem was his subordinates. This issue becomes a complicated matter to solve because it
involves many parties. In the end, this issue ended up being something that the government
and the parties involved kept quiet about.


Among the solutions to the issue of clean water supply is to strengthen AKSB's financial
position for the adjustment of water tariffs. In addition, the implementation of water treatment
plants and pipe replacement programs are his main focus. In addition, with an estimate of
RM207.2 million through a loan to Pengurusan Aset Air Berhad (PAAB) to increase the level
of quality service of the LRA which is expected to be completed in 2025. Tuan Ibrahim who
is the Minister of Water and Environment added that the construction of a water treatment
plant with a capacity of 2 million liters per day has completed last August. Among other
initiatives, the state government's efforts are to reduce the loss of the NOn Revenue Water
rate of non-produced water and increase clean water from 75% to 95%. Among the efforts of
the state government through the AKSB master plan is to reduce NRW from 70% to 30%
which requires a cost of 1.7 billion. Furthermore, the government also increased the capacity
of the AKSB Water treatment plant. In addition, developing TAPS Riverside Reservoir worth
1.7 billion.
Giving clean water is one of the forms of preaching. In the Prophet's Hadith it is mentioned

ِ َّ‫ َوالن‬، ‫ فِي ْال َما ِء َو ْال َكِأَل‬:‫ث‬

‫ار‬ ٍ ‫ْال ُم ْسلِ ُمونَ فِي ثَاَل‬

Meaning: The Muslims are partners in three things: water, pasture, and fire.

Water is a bridge to continue a harmonious and comfortable life. So, this issue should be
resolved as soon as possible to ensure a comfortable life for the community.
Netizens also associate this issue with the issue of rusty water during floods. Also related to
the issue of logging in Kelantan. Netizens question the color of the water in Kelantan which
looks dirty. Furthermore, netizens linked the water issue with logging in Kelantan. A public
figure brought this up by saying that Kelantan logging does not follow SOP. He said,
Kelantan is the largest state that opened a forest reserve for logging activities. And the reason
always used by the Kelantan government is that Kelantan has no other way to get state
revenue. She strengthened his statement by taking the article that took action against the
Kelantan government for logging corruption for not following the SOP. Among the SOPs that
are violated is logging without a buffer zone. This is the main cause of dirty water in
Kelantan. In addition, SIRIM and several other bodies have terminated the license to
Kelantan. This indicates that Kelantan violates any guideline in logging. It is true that in the
Qur'an it is mentioned in Surah Ar Rum verse 41:
۟ ُ‫ْض ٱلَّ ِذى َع ِمل‬
َ‫وا لَ َعلَّهُ ْم يَرْ ِجعُون‬ ِ َّ‫ت َأ ْي ِدى ٱلن‬
َ ‫اس لِيُ ِذيقَهُم بَع‬ ْ َ‫ظَهَ َر ْٱلفَ َسا ُد فِى ْٱلبَ ِّر َو ْٱلبَحْ ِر بِ َما َك َسب‬

Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people
have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that
perhaps they will return [to righteousness].
ISMA sentiasa berusaha untuk memperkukuhkan doktrin Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan
sebagaimana termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Justeru ISMA terkehadapan dalam
membangkitkan kesedaran masyarakat terhadap anasir-anasir yang mengancam identiti dan
aqidah mereka seperti ideologi serta gerakan kristianisasi, liberalisme, sekularisme,
pluralisme, syiah dan LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender).

ISMA juga lantang dalam mempertahankan hak dan kepentingan umat Islam di
Malaysia serta menolak campur tangan asing dalam menentukan masa depan negara. Atas
dasar ini, ISMA menolak sekeras-kerasnya tuntutan Gabungan NGO Hak Asasi Manusia
(Comango) kepada kerajaan agar menghapuskan keistimewaan orang Melayu yang memberi
hak kepada orang Islam sama ada untuk murtad atau mengiktiraf hak golongan minoriti
LGBT untuk mengamalkan orientasi seksual songsang mereka. Menerusi kempen besar-
besaran di seluruh negara, ISMA berjaya mengajak sejumlah 740,000 rakyat Malaysia
menandatangani petisyen anti-Comango dalam tempoh yang singkat.

Selain itu, keluarga merupakan unit asas di dalam masyarakat. ISMA memberi
tumpuan membangunkan wanita dan keluarga bagi melahirkan masyarakat berilmu dan
bertaqwa yang seterusnya mampu mengatasi pelbagai masalah sosial yang dihadapi pada hari
ISMA mementingkan penerapan budaya ilmu di kalangan keluarga Muslim. ISMA juga
berjuang untuk membentuk minda bangsa Melayu dengan merujuk kepada Al-Qur’an, As-
Sunnah, sejarah dan berdasarkan realiti semasa umat Islam. ISMA komited untuk melakukan
segala usaha ke arah menyuburkan dan memperkasakan keperibadian dan jatidiri keislaman
bangsa Melayu,
Pada pendapat saya perbahasan Malaysia sebagai negara islam telah menjadi
perbincangan sejak lama lagi. Umat islam yang merupakan penduduk majoriti asal negara ini
pastinya ingin berpegang kepada identity ini yang merupakan hakikat berdasarkan bukti
sejarah dan pembentukan negara Malaysia itu sendiri. ISMA merupakan satu NGO yang amat
penting di malaysia. Hal ini kerana dengan adanya petubuhan ini agama lain tidak dapat
sewenang wenangnya untuk merendahkan atau menolak ajaran yang dibawa oleh agama islam
kerana islam satu agama yang terbuka. Islam merupakan satu agama yang adil dalam setiap
aspek sama ada beragama islam ataupun tidak.

Selain itu, umat islam perlulah bersatu hati atas banyak perkara yang sama dan
mengetepikan perbezaan yang sedikit itu kerana umat Islam hanya akan terselamat dari
bahaya melalui penyatuan dengan bimbingan golongan ilmuan dan pemikir Islam yang
memahami tuntutan dan hakikat ini, bukan berasaskan semangat orang awam semata-mata.
Tetapi tidak dinafikan bahawa dengan tubuhnya NGO seperti ISMA ini dapat membantu lagi
umat islam untuk bersatu melalui program program yang dilaksanakan seperti sumbangan
sebanyak RM30000 kepada anak yatim mangsa COVID-19 pada September 2022. Dengan
sumbangan sumbangan yang diberikan, umat islam akan lebih peka terhadap kesusahan yang
dihadapi oleh orang orang di Malaysia ini. Ini akan merapatkan lagi hubungan silaturrahim
antara umat islam.

Sebagai sebuah NGO yang mempunyai nama besar di dunia, ISMA perlu bijak
mengambil hati umat islam terutamanya anak muda untuk bangkit melawan segala perkara
yang dibangkitkan lagi lagi orang yang menghina agama islam. Hal ini kerana remaja yang
mempunyai tenaga rohani dan jasmani yang kuat untuk memastikan agama islam tetap
dipandang tinggi di malaysia dan mempertahankan maruah agama islam. ISMA perlu bijak
mengambil hati anak muda untuk menjadi tonggak utama untuk menegakkan lagi agama
islam di malaysia.
Kesimpulannya, kita sebagai umat islam perlu mempertahankan identiti malaysia sebagai
negara islam. Hal ini kerana, agama islam merupakan agama yang syumul dan adil yang
berlandaskan Alquran dan sunnah berbanding agama lain. Oleh sebab itu tubuhnya pelbagai
organisasi seperti ISMA untuk membela nasib agama islam di malaysia. Ini selaras dengan
visi dan misi ISMA iaitu “menjadi gerakan islam yang kuat dan berpengaruh” dan “
memimpin ummah mengembalikan dominasi kuasa Melayu Islam
Bismillah..... my name is (no metrik)... today i want to present about how isma will defending
silam as a nation identity.
Now I'll go through ISMA in more detail. Isma's full name is malaysian muslim solidarity.
ISMA is a non-governmental organisation that was founded in 1997 as Ikatan Siswazah
Muslim Malaysia and renamed Ikatan Muslim Malaysia in 2005. ISMA is involved in Islamic
propagation operations in Malaysia, with a focus on the Malay and Muslim populations. The
NGO now has 35 branches across the country and 9 abroad branches
• Nowdays, ISMA has raised several issues, one of which being Defending Islam as A
Nation Identity. But the essential question is whether it really matters whether this
country is an Islamic state or not. Is the name as important as the content?
• Whether Malaysia is referred to as an Islamic state, a secular state, or a mixed state,
the most pressing issue is how the state governs its population.
• improve the public's perception of Islam by demonstrating that Islam in Malaysia is
open and caring for all individuals regardless of colour or ethnicity
ISMA is continually working to strengthen the doctrine of Islam as the Federal Religion, as
established by the Federal Constitution. As a result, ISMA is at the forefront of raising public
awareness of aspects that challenge their identity and beliefs, such as Christianization
ideology and movements, liberalism, secularism, pluralism, shia, and LGBT

ISMA is also outspoken in supporting the rights and interests of Malaysian Muslims and
opposing foreign meddling in the country's destiny. On this premise, ISMA firmly opposes
the Human Rights NGO Coalition's (Comango) demands that the government eliminate
Malay privileges that allow Muslims to apostatize or acknowledge the rights of LGBT
minorities to pursue their aberrant sexual orientation.
Furthermore, the family is the fundamental social unit. ISMA focuses on developing women
and families in order to create a learned and religious society capable of overcoming today's
societal difficulties. ISMA places a premium on the application of knowledge culture among
Muslim households.

5. Islam is an open religion, other religions cannot arbitrarily downgrade or reject the
teachings brought by Islam as long as this organisation exists.
• Muslims must be united on many issues and set aside minor differences, because
Muslims will only be spared from danger via unity under the guidance of Islamic
scholars and intellectuals who comprehend these needs and truths, rather than relying
just on the spirit of the citizen.
• must wisely take the hearts of Muslims, particularly young people, and stand up
against all of the things that individuals who disrespect Islam bring up time and again.
Finally, as Muslims, we must safeguard Malaysia's status as an Islamic country. In
comparison to other religions, Islam is a comprehensive and just religion based on the Qur'an
and Sunnah. As a result, organisations such as ISMA have been founded to defend the fate of
Islam in Malaysia. This is consistent with ISMA's vision and mission, which are "to be a
strong and prominent Islamic movement" and "to lead the ummah in restoring Malay Muslim

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