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Six Tissue Analysis is a new service at Qi-Optima

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With the help of the diseased tree, we understand that the disease is only a
symptom and not the real cause of disease!

Here are the basics of what information about the body is needed if we want to
understand our body on an energy level and thus provide a solution to the problem.

Body Systems:
Just like the diseased tree we use in modern medical school. A tree has only one
stem, just as a disease has only one true biological terrain. The biological
terrain is also called the internal environment of the body. In the past, according
to Chinese medicine, we analyzed the body's biological terrain through four
different elements:

Angle, hot, dry, and moist.

Although this analysis method worked well, we knew that something was missing in
order to fully describe what is happening in the body. Then Matherw Wood (a great
herbalist) introduced the concept of six biological states of tissues. (six tissue

1. First, we look at the body's metabolism, and how fast or slow they work. tissues
can therefore be overactive (hot) HOT (hyperactive or hyperactive), or they can be
passive (could) COLD (hypoactive or hypoactive).

We call the hyperactive state (irritation) IRRITATED and the hypoactive state
(depression) DEPRESSED.

2. Next, we look at the physiological state of firmness. This describes the state
of solids and liquids in the body. When there are too many liquids, we have a
STALLED state in the body (stagnation). Just like in the swamp. At the other
extreme, when the fluids are not balanced in the body, there is (atrophy) DRYING.

3. The third physiological state that was missing from the previous interpretation
is tension/firmness. Too much tension in the tissues leads to contraction. If we
lack tension, it causes the body to be in a relaxed state

Energy production: Irritated (too much) and Depressed (not enough), problems with
energy exchange. In an irritated state, the body has a strong oxidized state,
inflammation, and fever. This is exactly why we talk about heating up the body (in
traditional herbalism). Tissues that are irritated are hot and red and tender to
the touch. Irritability often has a sharp pain. A red tongue, fast pulse, red color
on the skin, and hyperactivity indicate heat or irritability.

Irritability is usually caused by chemical, inflammatory, or metabolic irritation.

In response to the irritation, the tissues increase their energy production to
remove the irritant. Irritation (swelling) is also a mechanism by which the body
initiates and accelerates healing.

One of the basic tasks of swelling is to remove dead cells and send the immune
system and stem cells to the area to repair the tissues. Acute swelling is not bad
when the swelling becomes chronic, then more problems arise. Irritability is
corrected with cooling and moisturizing herbs. Directly cooling herbs are often
antioxidant and/or also anti-edematous. usually, they are plants with a sour taste
like (berries).

Indirectly or slightly cooling and moisturizing herbs often have a slimy or

slightly sweet taste. In the list, our energetic properties lower irritability and
also cool down. Irritability is usually relieved by: Lemon, Lycium, peach peel, and
blueberry. DEPRESSION is the opposite of irritation.

Tissues that are pale and cold. Which are usually (in traditional herbalism) cold.
If there is pain (soreness). In general, tissue depression and a hypoactive state
include pallor, a pale tongue, and a slow heart rate.

Tissue depression is difficult to treat because it can present a false cold state
caused by low thyroid function and anemia. Inflammation in depressed tissues can
also allow a "false hot state" to arise in the body. The key here is to recognize a
general state of tissue depression. Pale tongue or dark purple and slow pulse.
Here, the Autonomic Nervous System response testing known through Psychokinesiogy,
i.e. muscle testing, is an effective tool to help us find the true state of the
body. Read more about this topic on these blogs:

True tissue depression is treated with herbal warming herbs. These healing herbs
generally stimulate blood circulation and/or metabolism. They are typically
aromatic and/or spicy, which can be found in kitchen spices. We want herbs that
fight against tissue depression as well as warming.
Our list was made because of the energetic properties of herbs.
It is very important to understand that you cannot balance the condition of the
body if it is hot (irritated) with warming herbs. Like you can't treat a cold
(depressed) tissue with cooling herbs. So be careful and take into account the
energetic state of the body when you treat so that you get good final results.
Herbs that remove tissue depression are paprika, ginger, rosemary, thyme, and
horseradish. Some herbs are balancing herbs because they neither heat nor cool, so
we call them Neutral.

Minerals and fluids

Stagnation and atrophy In these states we talk about the balance of solid (mineral)
components in the body and fluid (water and fat) components in the body. Stagnation
is too much fluid and too few minerals for the body to move fluids. In atrophy, the
mineral level of the tissue is too high, so there is not enough fluid to keep
everything in the fluid in balance. In stagnation (stagnation) you can notice how
the fluids stop in the tissue. This can take the form of swelling in the body.
Swollen lymph nodes and sluggish movement of body fluids. In traditional herbalism,
stagnation is called “dampness”. Tissues with stagnation are either soft and spongy
or hard and hard to the touch. The tongue is pale and the moist pulse feels blocked
or slippery.

The standing position was called (numb) which was developed by an electrician
doctor in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Herbs that remove stagnation were called
alternative treatments, i.e. also blood purifiers.

In general, herbs with a bitter taste belong to this category. Herbs that belong to
this category are herbs that can be dried. Herbs that ease standing are Burdock,
sunshade, and red and yellow clover. These herbs have drying properties. Most are
also cooling.

Atrophy is seen when tissues become hard and brittle. when tissues lose good fats
and water tissues become hard and rigid or brittle. In traditional herbalism, the
state of this tissue is usually "dry". Many diseases associated with aging have
these characteristics, such as bone loss, blockage of blood vessels, stiffness of
rheumatism, and inflexibility of the lungs in emphysema. Dry wrinkled skin is
associated with aging and brittle bones in osteoporosis are a few examples of
atrophied tissue. The tongue is dry and withered and the pulse is thin and weak.

Herbs used to treat tissue atrophy are usually called "tonics" because they help to
energize a person when he is weak or sick. Herbs to treat the atrophied state of
the body include many herbs that usually have a sweet or mild taste, such as
ginseng. (demulcents) or mucilaginous herbs we call them (slow mucilaginous herbs)
These herbs are also useful in a state of Atrophy. These herbs are moisturizing.
Herbs that remove atrophy are Cordyceps, Korean ginseng, American ginseng, slippery
elm, marshmallow, and licorice root.

All these herbs moisturize dry tissues and nourish them and restore them to health.
Again, there is no benefit to using drying herbs with atrophy and stagnant
moisturizing herbs. In any case, there are herbs that balance body fluids and
solids in the tissues.

These can also be called neutrals, but don't confuse them with balancing herbs.

Tissue Tightness:
The final and final pair of opposites that manifest body imbalances relate to
muscle tension or relaxation. Muscles act like gates in the body, so they control
the movement of energy and fluids in the tissues. When the muscle is tense, the
movement is weakened or stopped. On the other hand, if, for example, the tissue is
damaged or the muscle stiffness becomes too relaxed, fluids can leak or flow out of
the tissue. (Constriction) contraction is the state of the tissue when it is over-
tensioned and (Relaxation) Relaxed when the muscles are too relaxed or the tissue
is damaged so that it leaks or drains fluids.

Contraction usually occurs in the tissue when the muscles get tired due to overuse.
A muscle consumes energy when it contracts and recharges energy when it relaxes.
When the muscles are tired due to excessive use or nutrient deficiencies, they
spasm. This not only causes sharp pain and limited movement, but it also affects
the movement of fluids. Examples of tissue spasms include high blood pressure,
tension headaches, asthma attacks, and spastic colon.

A state that includes contraction may lead to momentary moments of relaxation

caused by the breaking of the so-called "dam" and excessive fluids forcefully
flowing forward in the body. Alternating diarrhea and constipation, alternating
fever and chills, and wandering pains are examples of this.
Antispasmodic herbs usually have a bitter taste, although some nervines that are
aromatic or slightly pungent also have this property. We use the word relaxing to
describe these herbs.
Relaxing herbs are for example Kava kava, lobelia, lavender, and (wild yam). These
herbs relax and remove tension and tissue contraction.

Relaxation is when the tissues are unable to hold fluids due to destruction or
muscle weakness. Examples: diarrhea, leaky gut, excess mucus production, bleeding,
urinary incontinence, and excessive sweating. Herbs contain tannins that can firm
tissues and keep fluids from leaking. These herbs are called astringents, they have
a slightly pungent and dry taste. We talk about these herbs as tonics Examples of
herbs: Oak bark, lingonberry, yarrow, and blueberry.

There is one energetic herb that is in the center of the arrangement and it is a
nourishing herb. herbs that are ravishing due to their energetic properties can
restore the body to function in a normal way. This approach not only makes it
easier to learn herbal medicine but also makes it easier to select the right herbs
for the right situation that helps the body to function normally. here again for
the sake of repetition.

Cooling herbs reduce irritability and excessive heat. Warming herbs relieve
depression and coldness. Neutral herbs are neither warming nor cooling. Firming
herbs prevent the tissue from leaking by relaxing it. Relaxing herbs ease muscle
cramps and improve the movement of energy and fluids by facilitating contraction.
Nutritive herbs provide nutrients that help the body heal itself and restore normal

Sources: from Steven Horne's book Nature's Sunshine products - translated by Minja
Zeus Make sure that your treatments are carefully checked so that you don't confuse
your body's condition, even more, make an appointment for the New Six tissue
terrains analysis today We also recommend taking the External Analysis to get an
accurate mapping)

Here link for the service 6 tissue terrains analysis

Here link for the Exterior analysis:

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