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In the article, it states that, While both velocity and acceleration are used to describe
motion, there is a significant distinction between the two. Understanding velocity
facilitates comprehension of acceleration because, in contrast to acceleration, which is
the rate of change of velocity, velocity is the rate of change of position. In the article it
states, “Velocity is a “vector” quantity, so it has both a magnitude (the speed) and a
direction.” If your speed is constant while you're moving, you have velocity but no
acceleration; but, if your pace is changing while you're moving, you have both velocity
and acceleration. TL;DR. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, whereas velocity
is the rate of change of location with respect to time. The rate at which velocity changes
over time is known as acceleration. In the article it states, “An increase in velocity is
commonly called acceleration while a decrease in velocity is sometimes termed
deceleration.” Acceleration is the phrase used to describe an increase in velocity, while
deceleration is occasionally used to describe an increase in velocity. This is determined
by taking the derivative of the expression for velocity with respect to time since, in
calculus, this is more clearly defined as the rate of change of velocity with respect to
B. Yes, I do agree with this article. This article properly defines and explains the difference
between velocity and acceleration. As well as, providing examples to the reader on how
these two concepts are different yet similar. I found this article interesting because within
the past few weeks I’ve been struggling with the concept of acceleration and velocity.
These concepts have been confusing during class and it has been hard to identify them
both. This article taught me the difference and how the different formulas to find
acceleration or velocity. The article was also interesting because it gave me a couple of
examples of acceleration and velocity. The article also taught me the types of velocity
and acceleration. Such as, constant velocity which I found was a very interesting topic.
In my opinion, the article was very well written and got straight to the topic on velocity
and acceleration.

Scalar -(of a quantity) having only magnitude, not direction.
Vector-a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, especially as determining the
position of one point in space relative to another.
Derivative- a function of a real variable measures the sensitivity to change of the function
value with respect to a change in its argument.
Speedometer-an instrument on a vehicle's dashboard indicating its speed.

D. This article can have a great impact on society as velocity and acceleration are used
everyday. The river is moving at different speeds. The speed at which water leaves a tap. The
velocity at which a bat strikes a ball. These everyday things affect us on a daily basis. The
capacity to accelerate demonstrates how quickly an athlete can increase or decrease their
velocity over a specific period of time or over a specific distance after starting off at rest. For
sprinters and in all ball games, it is a crucial skill. All in all, everyone needs a basic education of
physics to have a better understanding of what we do everyday and how it affects us.

Which is more important to describe our daily lives? Velocity or Acceleration?

Do athletes use Velocity or Acceleration more to measure speed?
How can acceleration and velocity help create different inventions in the future?

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