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Ant Colony Optimization for Solving a Bi-Criteria

Hybrid Flow Shop Problem

Safa Khalouli, Fatima Ghedjati and Abdelaziz Hamzaoui
UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 Reims cedex 2, France
{fatima.ghedjati, abdelaziz.hamzaoui}

Abstract—In this paper we address a bi-criteria hybrid flow duction concept. In fact, in a JIT environment, minimizing
shop scheduling problem consisting in the earliness and tardiness earliness would reduce inventory costs and/or deterioration of
penalties with different job due dates. This problem is proven
product while minimizing tardiness would reduce a late cost
to be NP-hard, and consequently the development of heuristic
and meta-heuristic approaches to solve it is well justified. So, or the loss of customers. In this scenario both early and tardy
we propose an ant colony optimization method based on the ant completion of jobs is disadvantageous to manufacturers and
colony system (ACS) to deal with this problem. Our proposed customers. Each job has a distinct earliness or tardiness penalty
method has several features, including some heuristics that specif- weight, which represents the importance of a job production
ically take into account both earliness and tardiness penalties
systems. It is shown that the two-stage HFS problem, with
to compute the heuristic values. The performance of our ACS
algorithm is tested by numerical experiments on a large number only one stage consisting of more than one identical parallel
of randomly generated problems. A Comparison with solution machines, is NP-hard [4] in the strong sense with the makespan
performance obtained by some constructive heuristics based on criterion. Earliness and tardiness criteria with distinct due dates
some dispatching rules are presented. The results show that our usually induce NP-complete problems [5]. So, our considered
proposed method performs better than the constructive heuristics.
problem is NP-hard. Therefore, the development of heuristics
Index Terms—ant colony optimization, ant colony system, that can give optimal or near optimal solutions is well justified.
scheduling, hybrid flow shop, bi-criteria, earliness/tardiness. For solving scheduling problem, various intelligent heuristics
and meta-heuristics have become popular such as simulated
I. I NTRODUCTION annealing (SA), tabu search (TS), multi-agent system (MAS),
In the last decade, scheduling in a hybrid or multi-processor genetic algorithm (GA) and ant colony optimization algorithm
flow shop (HFS) has received attention because of its impor- (ACO). The literature for HFS problem has adopt regular
tance from both theoretical and practical points of view. This measures of performance, mainly the makespan, the sum of
problem has been showed as an adequate model for the study completion time, the tardiness. However, most of the articles
of a great number of production systems. Thus, it is widely that tackle ET problems deal with single machine [6]–[8] and
used in process industries. The manufacturing environment of a parallel machine scheduling problems [9]. Some other schedul-
HFS is considered as an extension of the classical flow shop. ing problems with ET costs have been studied in the literature.
In fact, it presents a multistage production process with the Rajendran and Alicke [10] developed some dispatching rules
property that all the jobs have to pass through a number of to solve the flow shop ET problem with bottleneck machines.
stages in the same order with several parallel machines at In [11] the authors proposed a MAS approach to solve the
each stage. The duplication of the number of machines in job shop ET problem with common due date. For the job
some stages introduces additional flexibility to the production shop ET with time windows an ACO algorithm is presented
process. HFS models differ in the type of machines at the by Huang and Yang [12]. To deal with the flexible job shop
stage: they can be identical, uniform or unrelated [1]. In this ET problem, Wu and Weng [13] proposed a MAS scheduling
paper, parallel machines are assumed to be identical. As a method. To our knowledge, there is a limited literature focused
consequence, the HFS problem results in two subproblem: the on the ET criterion for solving HFS scheduling problems.
routing problem (ie., the assignment of operations to machines) In [14] three meta-heuristic approaches based on the SA,
and the scheduling problem (ie., sequencing the operations on TS and a hybrid SA/TS have been used to solve the HFS
the machines). problem which minimizes the cost criterion consisting of the
total weighted earliness, the total weighted tardiness and the
This paper addresses a bi-criteria HFS scheduling problem
total weighted waiting time. Some existing heuristic solution
which is the earliness/tardiness penalties (ET) [2]. The ET
approaches for the classical permutation flow shop problem
problem encompasses a category of problem with the objective
have been generalized for the HFS problem with controllable
to complete each job as close to its due date possible. It
jobs and assignable due dates with the sum of earliness and
represents a non-regular optimization criterion based on due
tardiness penalties, weighted completion time of jobs and the
dates [3]. This objective represents just in time (JIT) pro-


c 2008 IEEE
costs of due date assignments [3]. III. C ONSTRUCTIVE HEURISTIC METHODS
In this paper, a meta-heuristic algorithm based on the ant In this section, we present four constructive heuristics based
colony system (ACS) is used to solve the HFS problem with on some static dispatching rules used for solving the classical
ET penalties. The remainder of this paper is organized as flow shop scheduling problem with ET costs [10]:
follows. The HFS problem is described in section 2. Section 1) EDD (earliest due date): in each center, arrange the
3 presents some constructive heuristics based on some priority operations according to increasing values dj ,
rules for solving the considered problem. In section 4, we 2) ODD (operation due date): in each center, arrange the
describe our proposed ACS approach. The choice of the operations according to increasing values of the priority index
parameters values of our ACS algorithm, the test instances dij ,
and the computational results are provided in section 5. In  i    S 
section 6, some final concluding remarks and future research dij = dj × pj pj
directions are given. =1 =1

3) DD/BJ [10]: in this case the dispatching decision con-

II. S CHEDULING PROBLEM FORMULATION cerning a job j is made with respect to the due date computed
The following notations are used throughout this paper: depending upon the position of the stage i, on which it is
executed, relatively to the bottleneck stage q. The priority index
O : set of operations, (denoted Zj ) for the DD/BJ rule is defined by:
i : index of stages (i = 1, 2, . . . , S),

dqj , if j ≤ q
j : index of jobs (j = 1, 2, . . . , n), Zj =
dj , if j > q
Oij : operation of jobs j on stage i,
pij : processing time of job j on stage i, The objective of this rule is to render the jobs adhere to their
Cj : completion time of job j, operation due dates focused on either the bottleneck stage
dj : due date of job j, or the job due date. Then in each stage, the operations are
Ej : earliness of job j, arranged on the increasing values of Zj ,
Tj : tardiness of job j, 4) TPTDD/BJ [10]: this rule consider in addition to the
hj : earliness penalty weight of job j, properties of the DD/BJ rule, the total processing time. The
wj : tardiness penalty weight of job j, priority index for job j (denoted by Zj ) is determined by the
D : the scheduling objective. following relations:
⎧ i

The hybrid or flexible flow shop is a generalization of the ⎪ dqj +
⎪ pj , if j ≤ q

traditional flow shop defined by a set of processing stages. Zj = =1
⎪  S
Each stage i consists of a given number mi (mi ≥ 1) of ⎪

⎩ d j + pj , if j > q
identical parallel machines, denoted by Mi = (Mi1 , Mi2 , . . . ,
Mimi ). The machines are assumed available from time zero.
A set of n jobs has to be processed consecutively on the S Then in each stage, the operations are arranged on the
machine centers M1 , M2 , . . . , MS in that order. Thus, each job increasing values of Zj .
j needs several operations (O1j , O2j , . . . , OSj ), where Oij can
be processed on one of the machines at the ith stage during Each of the proposed constructive heuristics arranges the
an uninterrupted pij time units. An operation Oij can start operations on each stage in a list by using one of the above
only after the completion of the (i − 1) previous operations. priority rules. For the assignment problem, we use the first
We assume that a machine can only perform one operation at available machine rule (FAM).
a time. The objective is to jointly minimize the sum of the IV. P ROPOSED META - HEURISTIC
earliness and tardiness costs by finding an optimal or a near
optimal schedule: The ant colony optimization algorithms form a class of
⎛ ⎞ meta-heuristic based on a natural phenomenon: the behavior
 n of ants in their cohabitation in colonies. In fact, the real ants
D = min ⎝ (hj Ej + wj Tj )⎠ (1) can find the shortest path from their nest to a food source
j=1 without visual cue by using a chemical volatile substance
called pheromone. This latter represents the mechanism of their
where Ej = max {0, dj − Cj } and Tj = max {Cj − dj , 0}. communication and cooperation. So, the basic idea of ACO is
to model the problem to solve as the search for the minimum
Using the standard notation in the scheduling literature cost path in a graph. It has been introduced for the first time by
( [15], [16]) this problem is denoted by : [17] to solve the traveling salesman problem. It uses a multi-
 agent system formed by several artificial ants. An artificial
F HS, (P Mi )Si=1 |dj | (hj Ej + wj Tj ). ant is different from a natural counterpart by the following
j=1 characteristics:

2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2008) 1441
• it has a visual cue (not completely blind as a real ant). the precedence constraints of the problem at each construction
Indeed, it uses a value called visibility or heuristic value step. This is ensured by using a restricted list (called candidate
which finds information about the specific problem. This list) of all the operations that can be selected at each time. In
value can influence the choice of the ant and guided it what follows, we expose these components in details.
differently; 1) Representation of the problem by a disjunctive graph:
• it has a memory which is used to store the search history;
To apply the ACS approach, we represent the problem by a
• it can manage the deposited quantity of pheromone ac-
disjunctive graph. In [23], the authors proposed a disjunctive
cording to the quality of the solution; moreover it is graph G = {A, C, U } for the HFS problem. A is the node
possible to have various types of pheromone. set, consisting of all the operations and two fictive nodes
The ACO meta-heuristics are evolutionary methods. They marking the beginning and the end of each job j. C is the
have the feature to seek solutions basing on the totality of set of conjunctive (directed) arcs representing the precedence
the population. Thus, each ant uses the collective experience relationships between the operations of the same job and
to find a solution to the problem. A solution is built step by U is the set of disjunctive (undirected) edges. Each pair of
step and the choice made by an ant depends on the quantity operations in a stage i is related by an edge. Then, a feasible
of pheromone and the heuristic value. ACO algorithms have schedule for the problem is obtained by turning the edges of
been successfully used for solving a range of combinatorial mutually disjoint cliques into arcs.
optimization problems such as, traveling salesman problem,
2) Pheromone model: Many pheromone models, for
the vehicle routing problem, the quadratic assignment problem
scheduling problem, are based on assigning a pheromone
and the scheduling problem. The first ACO algorithm is called
value τ (Oij , Ohl ) on every pair of operations Oij , Ohl ∈ O
ant system (AS) [17]. Then, AS was improved and extended.
as shown in [24]. In this last representation, the pheromone
The improved versions include the ant colony system (ACS)
value bias the choosing of an ant traversing two sequenced
[18] and the MAX-MIN ant system (MMAS) [19], etc.
operations Oij and Ohl regardless the machines to which
Our suggested method consists on solving the problem in
they are assigned. Other pheromone representations have been
two phases. The first phase consists in some static heuristics
presented in literature [22]. In the relation-learning model
to deal with the assignment problem. The second phase is
representation [22], pheromone values are assigned to pairs of
dedicated to the sequencing problem. This latter sub-problem
related operations: in this case two operations Oij , Ohl ∈ O
is solved by adapting the ACS algorithm [20].
are related if they have to be processed on the same machine
A. Assignment problem resource. Thus, pheromone influences the relative order of
operations requiring the same machine.
To each repartition of the operations on the machines set,
we associate an assignment. Then, each operation has to be As the aim of our problem is to sequencing a set of
assigned to a machine according to a specific technique of operations through a set of machines, we try to influence
the scheduling generator. Indeed, if there are multiple choices ants building a solution in ordering operations treated on
of machines, the assignment of the operations can be done a same machine by combining the two models exposed
by static or dynamic rules [21]. In case of static rules, the above. The proposed pheromone model consists on assigning
assignment is realized before the scheduling process and thus a pheromone value τ (Oij , Ohl ) on every pair of operations,
remains invariant along the process. In the other case, the but these values are different according to the machines to
rules use an instantaneous knowledge of the system. As a which they are assigned. In fact, in our representation, the
consequence, they determine the operations priorities during quantity of pheromone assigned to pairs of related operations
the process of scheduling. is set more important than those not related. An initial quantity
To solve the assignment problem, we propose the static of pheromone is assigned to every arc connecting a pair of
dispatching rules presented in section 3. The obtained best operations. This initial pheromone τ0 level is assumed to be
solution of these latter is chosen for the affectation of the more important if operations are related.
operations on the different machines. 3) Heuristic value: The heuristic value η(Oij , Ohl ) finds
information about the specific problem. It is used to estimate
B. Scheduling Problem the desirability of transition from an operation Oij to another
There are a number of design decisions to make when devel- operation Ohl . In case of scheduling problem, the heuristic
oping an ACO algorithm to tackle a combinatorial optimization value is different to the reciprocal distance from a node to
problem [22]. The first issue is to represent this problem another as proposed in the ACS algorithm for the TSP problem
with a graph model solvable by the ACS approach. We have [18]. It can be used to represent information related to the
also to choose an adequate pheromone model representation partial sequencing at a time. In order to bias the transition
and an heuristic value which can find information about the probabilities, we propose to adopt an heuristic that specifically
specific problem. They are two primordial components, which takes into account both the earliness and the tardiness costs to
guide move selection and, as a consequence they influence compute the heuristic value. The proposed heuristic has been
system performance. Another important point for the ACO used essentially for solving the single machine ET problem [6],
algorithm, in order to achieve feasible solutions, is to respect [8]. The heuristic value η(Oij , Ohl ) is computed according to

1442 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2008)
the following equation: pheromone level of the visited edges by an ant k. Thus, these
⎧ edges become less attractive for the other ants. Indeed, this
⎨ Wl , if sl ≤ 0
rule is used to shuffle the tour of the other ants and avoid local
η(Oij , Ohl ) = Wl − (sl × K), if 0 < sl < 1/K . (2)
⎩ optima. When an ant k selects an operation, a local updating
Hl , otherwise
rule is made to modify the quantity of pheromone to its visited
where: edges according to equation
Wl = wl /phl ,
τ (Oij , Ohl ) = (1 − ρ ) τ (Oij , Ohl ) + ρ τ0 . (5)
Hl = hl /phl ,
sl = dl − t − phl is the slack of job l at time t, where τ0 is the initial pheromone level and ρ (0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1)
K = (Hl + Wl ) max{0, p − phl }, is the pheromone evaporating parameter.
p is the average processing time of all the jobs. • Global pheromone updating rule: the pheromone trail is
also updated at the end of each iteration. Only the best solution
This dispatching rule uses a priority function reflecting is globally updating. The pheromone global updating rule is
the tardiness cost as its slack sl becomes small, while the defined as follow:
earliness cost dominates when the slack is large [8].
4) Construction procedure: To construct a feasible solu- τ (Oij , Ohl ) = (1 − ρg ) τ (Oij , Ohl ) + ρg  τ (Oij , Ohl ) . (6)
tion, each ant builds independently a sequence of operations by where

performing the construction step. From an existing operation 1/Dgb , if (Oij , Ohl ) ∈ best solution
τ (Oij , Ohl ) =
sequence, an ant k positioned on node Oij must choose from 0, otherwise
the candidate list Lk (which is the set of feasible successor
In the above equation, Dgb is the best total deviation of the
operations that remain to be visited by ant k), the next
schedules and ρg (0 ≤ ρg ≤ 1) is the pheromone evaporating
operation y to append by using a pseudo-random rule, based
parameter of the global updating rule. According to these equa-
on the pheromone trails and the heuristic value. This rule is
tions, global updating rule is applied to intensify pheromone
formally given by the following two equations [18]:
levels on the edges belonging to the best tour.

⎨ arg Omax [τ (Oij , Ohl )] · [η(Oij , Ohl )] , V. E XPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND C OMPUTATIONAL
hl ∈Lk
y= if q ≤ q0 . (3) RESULTS

Y, if q > q0 In this section, we present the results of a series of
computational experiments conducted to test the effectiveness
where β is a parameter which determines the relative
of the proposed approach. Henceforth, we call our algorithm
importance between τ and η. q is a random number uniformly
ACS-HFSET. For each combination of n = (25, 50, 100) and
distributed in [0, 1] and q0 a parameter that determines the
S = (2, 5, 8, 10), we generate 10 random instances with the
relative importance between exploitation and exploration (0 ≤
following parameters uniformly distributed in the following
q0 ≤ 1). Indeed, the system tends to carry out an intensification
if q ≤ q0 , and consequently the algorithm exploits more
information, collected by the system. Otherwise, the system • the number of machines mi ∈ [1, 5];

tends towards a diversification. Y is a random variable selected • the operation processing times pij ∈ [1, 100];

according to the random-proportional rule [18]: • the due date dj of each job j is determined by the equation
proposed in [10]:
[τ (Oij , Y )] · [η(Oij , Y )] S
pk (Oij , Y ) =  β
. (4) 
[τ (Oij , Ohl )] · [η(Oij , Ohl )] dj = pij + u × (n − 1) × 50 . (7)
Ohl ∈Lk i=1

The procedure is repeated until all the operations are where u ∈ [0, 1]; According to [10], with this setting of
selected. The selected operations are successively stored into the job due dates about 50 % of the jobs would be tardy.
a tabu list which is used to record the visited nodes of the • the earliness weights hj ∈ [1, 5];
current schedule. It is noted that the tabu list is different from • the tardiness weights wj ∈ [1, 10];
the tabu search method and its goal is to avoid an operation In order to test these problems, we have to determine all the
to be visited twice. parameters of our proposed ACS-HFSET algorithm. Indeed,
5) Pheromone updating mechanism: The mechanism of these parameters have a great impact in the quality of the
updating pheromone is used to simulate the changes in the solution [18]. Some preliminary tests have been conducted to
amount of pheromone. In fact, this latter is augmented due to find these parameters: q0 = 0.8, β = 3, ρ = 0.1, ρg = 0.1,
the new pheromone deposit by ants and diminished according the number of ants is assumed to be equal to 20, and the
to the pheromone evaporation. Two kinds of pheromone up- number of iterations is assumed to be equal to 500. The initial
dating strategies are proposed in [18]: pheromone level τ0 is set equal to 0.1 for all arcs connecting
• Local pheromone updating rule: in order not to influence two operations, except those connecting related operations to
the choice of the other ants, the local updating rule reduces the the same machine. For these latter, we assume that the initial

2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2008) 1443

Average percentage deviation


25 2 5.54 16.21 4.56 8.73 0 0.02

5 15.69 74.79 34.25 52.99 0 0.08
8 0.46 176.51 75.66 144.34 0 0.19
10 4.59 254.15 110.92 242.56 0 0.28
average 6.57 130.42 56.35 112.16 0 0.14
50 2 12.85 2.95 7.44 7.44 0 0.1
5 8.63 192.28 57.86 95.58 0 0.41
8 9.35 201.15 80.98 125.83 0 1.16
10 0 377.74 101.15 192.08 0 1.75
average 7.71 193.71 61.91 105.23 0 0.86
100 2 5.69 14.14 15.9 15.91 0 0.49
5 4.46 356.83 190.91 210.86 0 2.58
average 5.08 185,50 103,41 113,39 0 1,54

*The CPU for the constructive heuristics are less than 1 second.
** Average computation time per iteration for the ACS-HFSET algorithm in seconds.

pheromone level is equal to (5 × τ0 ). For each problem, 10 ventories and delivering goods at time. In fact, this production
replicates are done and the best objective value of these 10 environment is benefic to both manufacturers and customers.
replications is kept. The association of ET performance with the hybrid flow shop
We test both of the four constructive heuristics ( EDD, scheduling problem represents a practical production model
ODD, DD/BJ, TPTDD/BJ ) and the ACS-HFSET meta- used in real-life industries. The production goal is achieved by
heuristic performance by using the average percentage devi- minimizing the early and tardy costs and completing each job
ation (APD): as close to its due date.
D − Dbest
AP D = 100 × . (8) In this work, we propose an adaptation of the ACS algo-
Dbest rithm to solve the HFS problem with ET penalties and distinct
where D represents the sum of earliness and tardiness of jobs deterministic job due dates. To compare our proposed algo-
given by one of the above constructive heuristics or the ASC- rithm, we develop four constructive heuristics based on some
HFSET meta-heuristic. Dbest is the best found solution. dispatching rules used in the literature for solving the flow shop
The platform of our experiments is a personal computer scheduling problem with ET penalties. Some large randomly
with a Pentium (R) 4, 2.93 GHz, and 1 Gb of RAM. Our generated instances have been used to test the effectiveness of
algorithms are coded in Java. According to the computational our approach. The results presented in this paper show that
results presented in Table 1, we can say that the ACS-HFSET the proposed method outperforms the considered constructive
algorithm performs with respect to minimization of the sum heuristics.
of earliness and tardiness of jobs, comparing to the four pro-
posed constructive heuristics. On the average, the constructive Due to the lack of research considering this type of problem,
heuristic based on the EDD rule is significantly best than the further work needs to be focused on solving the proposed
other considered constructive heuristics. problem with other meta-heuristics in order to compare them
The computation times (CPU) for the constructive heuristics with our proposed ACS-HFSET approach. The addition of local
based on the proposed dispatching rules are less than 1 second. search strategies to the ACS algorithm have been proven to be
Concerning the computation time spent for our ACS-HFSET very efficient. So, to improve the effectiveness of our proposed
algorithm, we remarque that it is longer than the constructive method the hybridization with local search or an other meta-
heuristics. However, we can note that Our proposed ACS- heuristic could be an other direction for our works.
HFSET approach provides solutions with reasonable time. We
can also observe the increasing of the CPU when the problem In this paper we have considered a bi-criteria HFS schedul-
size increases. ing problem. Our proposed ACS-HFSET approach has com-
bined the earliness and tardiness criteria into a weighted sum.
VI. C ONCLUSION A promising future research issue could be to propose an ACO
The increase of competitive has motivate the implementing algorithm to search for Pareto-optimal schedules of such a
of JIT production on scheduling problem to reduce process in- problem.

1444 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2008)
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