Bond of High-Strength Concrete Under

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Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No.

9, November, 545–557

Bond of high-strength concrete under

monotonic pull-out loading
M. Alavi-Fard* and H. Marzouk†

Grand Canada Engineering; Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

An experimental investigation was conducted on high-strength concrete specimens to examine the bond strength
characteristics under monotonic loading. The range of compressive strengths tested was between 70 and 95 MPa.
The influences of load history, confining reinforcement, bar diameter, concrete strength, reinforcement spacing and
rate of pull out were investigated experimentally. The internal concrete strains close to the contact surface and also
the steel strain were measured. The test set-up, load application, instrumentation and measurement, and test
procedure were designed to measure strains and deformations. Several specimens with reinforcement bar diameters
of 20, 25 and 35 mm were tested. The test results revealed that the bond strength of high-strength concrete is higher
than the corresponding normal strength concrete. However, the bond behaviour of high-strength concrete is more
brittle in comparison with normal strength concrete. The concrete strains were measured around the steel reinforce-
ment. Concrete strain measurements are useful to identify the internal crack pattern and to predict possible failure
modes. The area under the curve of the bond stress–slip curve can define the bond energy. The bond energy is
related to ductility and can be used along with the bond strength in evaluating the bond behaviour of high-strength

vations of secondary cracks are reported, as well as the

distribution of strain in concrete in the vicinity of the
High-strength concrete is used mostly in the con- reinforcing bar. Darwin et al. studied development
struction of bridges, high-rise buildings, marine and length criteria for conventional and high relative rib
offshore structures. Bond strength between high- area of reinforcement. On the basis of a statistically
strength concrete and reinforcement is an important based expression, the development reinforcement
factor in designing any reinforced concrete structure length and splice strength of reinforcement for concrete
under various kinds of loading. Therefore, this study with strengths between 17 and 110 MPa, with and with-
was conducted to investigate bond behaviour between out confining reinforcement, was investigated. The
high-strength concrete and steel reinforcement, and to effects of cover, spacing, development/splice length,
determine the internal stress and strain along the rein- geometric properties of the development and spliced
forcement interface with high-strength concrete. The reinforcement were incorporated into their design equa-
experimental data are valuable to understand the bond tion.
behaviour of high-strength concrete. Azizinamini et al. examined bond performance of
Several experimental and theoretical investigations reinforcing bars and tension development length of
were conducted by Somayaji and Shah and Jiang et reinforcing bars embedded in high-strength concrete.
al., on the behaviour of bond for normal strength con- The effects of concrete compressive strength, splice
crete. Improved tools for measurement of local bond length, and casting position on the bond strength of
and local slip were introduced and applied. The obser- reinforcing bars have been studied. It was concluded
that in the case of high-strength concrete, increasing
the tension development length (or equivalent tension
* President, Grand Canada Engineering, Ottawa, Canada K1P 5G4. splices) was not an efficient way of increasing the bond
† Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University capacity of deformed reinforcing bars, especially when
of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NF, Canada A1B 3X5. 6
the concrete cover is small. Azizinamini et al. indi-
(MCR1185) Paper received 26 September 2003; last revised 21 May cated that when calculating the tension development
2004; accepted 9 August 2004 length of high-strength concrete and tension splice, a

0024-9831 # 2004 Thomas Telford Ltd

Alavi-Fard and Marzouk

minimum number of stirrups should be provided over

Experimental investigation
the splice region. Based on the 70-beam specimens an
expression is recommended to calculate the extra num- This investigation was designed to test the confined
ber of stirrups required. De Larrard et al. have investi- region of a joint in a high-strength concrete structure in
gated the effect of bar diameter on bond strength in order to study the behaviour of the bond between re-
high-performance concrete. It was concluded that bond inforcement and high-strength concrete. The load his-
capacity increases with the tensile strength of the con- tory, confining reinforcement, bar diameter, concrete
crete and it is at a higher rate with smaller reinforce- strength, bar spacing, and rate of pull out were consid-
ment. It was also found that the bond is greater for ered as the main study parameters. The study para-
smaller bar diameters than for larger bar diameters. meters were evaluated under monotonic loading in
Eligehausen et al. conducted one of the main com- tension and compression. The internal strain in concrete
prehensive investigations on the effect of the bar dia- close to the contact surface area was measured using
meter embedded in normal-strength concrete. It was strain gauges.
concluded that the maximum bond capacity decreased A summary of the test programme is presented in
slightly with the increasing bar diameter. The frictional Tables 1 to 3. The test results are subdivided into six
bond resistance was not influenced significantly by the series (M1–M6) as shown in Tables 4 to 6. Only one
different bar diameter, lug spacing, or the relative rib parameter was changed at a time, and all other para-
area. meters were kept constant. The influence of each study

Table 1. Experimental programme for monotonic test (M1)

Series Investigation Loading history Specimen notation Rebar Concrete strength: Vertical confining Slip rate: Type of
parameter diameter: f9c rebar: mm/min deformation
mm MPa mm pattern
M1 Load history Monotonic in 1HNM-19-1 35 85.00 10 1.51 Canadian
tension 1HNM-19-1A 35 81.00 10 1.51 standard
1HNM-19-1B 35 81.00 10 1.51
1HNM-19-1C 35 81.00 10 1.51
Monotonic in 1HNM-19-2A 35 81.00 10 1.51 Canadian
compression 1HNM-19-2B 35 85.12 10 1.51 standard
1HNM-19-2C 35 83.16 10 1.51
Monotonic in 1HNM-19-1 25 81.70 10 1.51 Canadian
tension 1HNM-19-1A 25 86.00 10 1.51 standard
1HNM-19-1B 25 85.12 10 1.51
1HNM-19-1C 25 85.12 10 1.51
Monotonic in 1HNM-19-2 25 83.60 10 1.51 Canadian
compression 1HNM-19-2A 25 83.67 10 1.51 standard
1HNM-19-2B 25 83.67 10 1.51
1HNM-19-2C 25 83.67 10 1.51

Table 2. Experimental programme for monotonic test (M2 and M3)

Series Investigation Loading history Specimen notation Rebar Concrete strength Vertical confining Slip rate: Type of
parameter diameter: f9c : rebar: mm/min deformation
mm MPa mm pattern
M2 Confining Monotonic in 2HNM-8-1 35 85.00 No conf. 1.51 Canadian
reinforcement tension 2HNM-8-2 35 85.00 10 1.51 standard
2HNM-8-3 35 85.00 20 1.51
2HNM-8-4 35 85.00 25 1.51
Monotonic in 2HNM-8-1 25 81.70 No conf. 1.51 Canadian
tension 2HNM-8-2 25 81.70 10 1.51 standard
2HNM-8-3 25 85.00 20 1.51
2HNM-8-4 25 85.00 25 1.51
Monotonic in 2HNM-8-1 25 81.70 No conf. 1.51 Canadian
compression 2HNM-8-2 25 81.70 10 1.51 standard
2HNM-8-3 25 85.00 20 1.51
2HNM-8-4 25 85.00 25 1.51
M3 Rebar Monotonic in 3HNM-12-1 20 78.00 10 1.51 Canadian
diameter tension 3HNM-12-2 25 90.30 10 1.51 standard
3HNM-12-3 35 87.45 10 1.51

546 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9

Bond of high-strength concrete under monotonic pull-out loading

Table 3. Experimental programme for monotonic test (M4 and M6)

Series Investigation Loading history Specimen notation Rebar Concrete strength Vertical confining Slip rate: Type of
parameter diameter: f9c : rebar: mm/min deformation
mm MPa mm pattern
M4 Concrete Monotonic in 4HNM-12-1 35 50.61 10 1.51 Canadian
strength tension 4HNM-12-2 35 87.45 10 1.51 standard
4HNM-12-3 35 91.45 10 1.51
4HNM-12-4 35 92.70 10 1.51
4HNM-12-1 25 50.61 10 1.51 Canadian
4HNM-12-2 25 86.00 10 1.51 standard
4HNM-12-3 25 92.61 10 1.51
4HNM-12-4 25 94.96 10 1.51
M5 Bar spacing: Monotonic in
1db tension 5HNM-4-1 35 86.59 10 1.51 Canadian
2db 5HNM-4-2 35 94.64 10 1.51 standard
1db 5HNM-4-1 25 90.30 10 1.51
2db 5HNM-4-2 25 92.61 10 1.51
M6 Rate of Monotonic in 6HNM-6-1 35 89.00 10 1.5100 Canadian
loading tension 6HNM-6-2 35 87.45 10 0.0151 standard
6HNM-6-3 35 78.00 10 75.0000
6HNM-6-1 25 83.30 10 1.5100 Canadian
6HNM-6-2 25 83.67 10 0.0151 standard
6HNM-6-3 25 83.30 10 75.0000

parameter on the bond behaviour under monotonic short-bonded length was used. Three concrete strain
loading was examined. gauges were used to measure the concrete strain at the
middle and edge of the specimen. In each testing series
a minimum of three specimens were fully instrumented
to measure steel and concrete strain gauges. The posi-
Test specimens
tion of the concrete strain gauges is shown schemati-
The test specimen represented the confined region of cally in Fig. 2 for a typical test specimen that was
a joint in high-strength concrete structures. The test considered in this investigation.
set-up, specimen size, number of specimens and testing
parameters were similar to that conducted on normal- Concrete mix design
strength concrete by Eligehausen et al. The reinforced The high-strength concrete mixture contained a nor-
high-strength concrete specimen was confined by extra mal Portland cement, type 10 in accordance with Cana-
reinforcement representing the joint reinforcement. The dian Standards Association CSA, and 10% of silica
confinement index is calculated as defined by the fume used on the basis of weight as detailed in Alavi-
9 10
Canadian Building Code CSA. Fard. The cement content ranged between 450 and
The confinement index for the tested specimen was 470 kg/m3 and a water : cement ratio of 0.29 was used.
greater than 2.5 without the contribution of the extra A non-chloride water-reducing agent, retarder and
steel confining reinforcement. Extra top and bottom superplasticiser were used in the mix. The target com-
10 mm stirrups were added to the specimens to ensure pressive strengths for the high-strength concrete speci-
good confinement of reinforcement. The dimensions of mens ranged between 70 and 95 MPa.
tested specimen were 250 mm in length, 15db (tested Local aggregates were used for the concrete mix
bar diameter) in width and 5db to 7db in thickness as design. The coarse aggregate was mostly crushed quart-
shown in Fig. 1. The bond length is located at the zite sandstone with a maximum nominal size of
middle of the specimen and the rest of the specimen is 20 mm. The fine aggregate was identical in composi-
de-bonded by the use of two small PVC pipes at the tion to the coarse aggregate with a minor percentage of
end of each specimen. The embedded length of rebar sandstone and shale. The tested specimens were cured
diameters of 25 and 35 mm in the high-strength con- for 28 days at the concrete laboratory, and then were
crete block were taken as 75 and 100 mm, respectively, transferred for the structural laboratory for testing.
as well as extra reinforcement provided with top and
bottom stirrups. These embedment lengths were short Steel reinforcement
enough to result in a fairly uniform bond stress when The reinforcing bars were steel conforming to Cana-
the rebar is pulled out, but not long enough to reduce dian Standard Association CSA-G40.20-M94. Two
the scatter usually observed in test results when a very samples of each bar size with diameter of 10, 25 and
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9 547

Alavi-Fard and Marzouk

Table 4. Test results (M1)
Group Investigation Loading history Specimen notation Embedded length: Slip at peak S: Peak load Pmax Bond stress ìt : Normalised test Bond stress CSA94 ìCSA /(f9c )1=3
parameter mm mm KN MPa result* ìt /(f9c )1=3 ìCSA
M1 Load history Monotonic in 1HNM-19-1 100 7.71 278.00 24.800 5.458 5.126 1.100
tension 1HNM-19-1A 100 6.53 218.00 19.470 4.499 5.004 0.899
1HNM-19-1B 100 5.24 167.80 14.980 3.462 5.004 0.692
1HNM-19-1C 100 6.06 210.35 18.780 4.341 5.004 0.868
Monotonic in 1HNM-19-2A 100 6.71 218.65 19.520 4.511 5.004 0.901
compression 1HNM-19-2B 100 6.69 217.54 19.420 4.415 5.129 0.861
1HNM-19-2C 100 5.72 191.08 17.060 3.908 5.129 0.762
Monotonic in 1HNM-19-1 73 8.19 180.14 30.190 6.958 5.025 1.385
tension 1HNM-19-1A 73 9.67 157.65 27.340 6.194 5.126 1.201
1HNM-19-1B 73 5.92 137.43 23.820 5.415 5.129 1.056
1HNM-19-1C 73 5.08 146.23 25.350 5.763 5.129 1.124
Monotonic in 1HNM-19-2 73 5.52 135.91 23.420 5.356 5.086 1.053
compression 1HNM-19-2A 73 5.12 139.08 24.050 5.498 5.086 1.081
1HNM-19-2B 73 3.86 150.67 25.890 5.919 5.086 1.164
1HNM-19-2C 73 5.29 178.38 30.930 7.072 5.086 1.390
* ìt ¼ peak load/(ðdL); d ¼ rebar diameter; L ¼ bond length.

Table 5. Test results (M2 to M3)

Group Investigation Loading history Specimen notation Embedded length: Slip at peak S: Peak load Pmax Bond stress ìt : Normalised test Bond stress CSA94 ìCSA /(f9c )1=3
parameter mm mm KN MPa result* ìt /(f9c )1=3 ìCSA
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9

M2 Confining Monotonic 2HNM-8-1 100 7.01 270.64 23.84 5.422 5.126 1.058
reinforcement in tension 2HNM-8-2 100 6.43 253.23 22.61 5.142 5.126 1.003
2HNM-8-3 100 17.54 272.54 24.34 5.536 5.126 1.080
2HNM-8-4 100 5.14 190.16 16.98 3.862 5.126 0.753
2HNM-8-1 73 8.71 168.79 29.14 6.716 5.025 1.337
2HNM-8-2 73 8.41 171.23 29.65 6.833 5.025 1.360
2HNM-8-3 73 8.48 168.23 29.14 6.628 5.126 1.293
2HNM-8-4 73 - - - - - -
Monotonic in 2HNM-8-1 73 6.83 193.84 33.45 7.709 5.025 1.534
compression 2HNM-8-2 73 3.23 185.54 32.05 7.386 5.025 1.470
. 2HNM-8-3 73 5.94 186.37 31.93 7.261 5.126 1.417
2HNM-8-4 73 2.32 115.29 19.91 4.528 5.126 0.883
M3 Rebar Monotonic in 3HNM-12-1 73 7.29 112.67 24.89 5.825 4.909 1.187
diameter tension 3HNM-12-2 73 6.84 143.55 24.84 5.537 5.283 1.048
3HNM-12-3 100 6.82 220.66 19.69 4.436 5.198 0.853
* ìt ¼ peak load/(ðdL); d ¼ rebar diameter; L ¼ bond length.
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9

Table 6. Test results (M4 to M6)

Group Investigation Loading history Specimen notation Embedded length: Slip at peak S: Peak load Pmax Bond stress ìt : Normalised test Bond stress CSA94 ìCSA /(f9c )1=3
parameter mm mm KN MPa result* ìt /(f9c )1=3 ìCSA
M4 Concrete Monotonic in 4HNM-12-1 100 6.89 68.53 6.12 4.069 3.954 1.029
strength tension 4HNM-12-2 100 6.95 248.95 22.23 5.008 5.198 0.963
4HNM-12-3 100 6.38 248.85 22.22 4.934 5.316 0.928
4HNM-12-4 100 8.06 273.18 24.39 5.389 5.352 1.007

Bond of high-strength concrete under monotonic pull-out loading

4HNM-12-1 73 6.72 141.19 24.45 6.609 3.954 1.671
4HNM-12-2 73 9.38 157.65 27.34 6.194 5.156 1.201
4HNM-12-3 73 6.92 167.24 28.96 6.401 5.351 1.196
4HNM-12-4 73 8.83 141.21 24.45 5.359 5.418 0.989
M5 Bar spacing Monotonic in 5HNM-4-1 100 5.80 203.650 18.180 4.109 5.174 0.794
tension 5HNM-4-2 100 8.78 244.810 21.856 4.796 5.408 0.887
5HNM-4-1 73 6.83 143.540 24.850 5.539 5.283 1.048
5HNM-4-2 73 7.19 167.240 28.960 6.401 5.351 1.196
M6 Rate of Monotonic in 6HNM-6-1 100 6.85 236.730 21.030 4.711 5.244 0.898
pull-out tension 6HNM-6-2 100 6.96 248.950 22.230 5.008 5.198 0.963
6HNM-6-3 100 5.98 227.670 20.320 4.756 4.909 0.969
6HNM-6-1 73 5.54 28.250 4.880 1.117 5.074 0.220
6HNM-6-2 73 5.29 150.360 25.890 5.919 5.085 1.164
6HNM-6-3 73 7.19 106.890 18.530 4.243 5.074 0.836
* ìt ¼ peak load/(ðdL); d ¼ rebar diameter; L ¼ bond length.
Alavi-Fard and Marzouk
Direction of casting


120 mm
250 mm
250 mm

120 mm
Test bar (d  10 mm)

5db 5db 5db 5db–7db

Elevation Side view
Vertical bars

PVC pipe
Bond free length


Bonded length of the test bar

4·25db 6·5db 4·25db

15 db

Fig. 1. Dimensions of bond test specimen

used to apply monotonic tensile and compression load.

Typical concrete strain gauge
A load cell was attached to the actuator to measure the
load. The load cell was connected to an internal ampli-
35 mm
100 mm fier via the controller. The output voltage from the
controller was fed into the input channel of the data
250 mm
acquisition system. All tests were run under displace-
ment control. The displacement was measured at the
525 mm 175 mm
end of the loaded steel bar by the use of the built in
linear variable differential transducer (LVDT) in the
Fig. 2. Typical test specimen including concrete strain gauges actuator and confirmed by the external linear potential
differential transducer (LPDT) at the unloaded end of
the bar. The typical displacement rate was at 1.51 mm/
min for the steel bar. The slip is the relative displace-
35 mm were tested for tensile strength. A hydraulic ment between the steel bar and the high-strength con-
machine was used to apply load and electrical resis- crete block. The slip is calculated as the difference
tance strain gauges were used to measure the strain up between the LVDT reading minus the elongation of the
to yield. The recorded yield stress of the steel bars was steel bar outside of the concrete block. Therefore, the
found between 450 and 475 MPa. maximum measured slip represents the maximum local
slip at the middle of the embedded length with a
relatively acceptable accuracy. Since the bond location
is situated at the middle of the specimen, the bond
Test set-up
length is short compared to the specimen size, there-
A test frame was designed to carry out the experi- fore, it can be assumed that the stress distribution is
mental programme. Some additional accessory parts uniform along the tested bond length. The main objec-
were designed and fitted to facilitate the examination tive was to record the bond stress versus the slip dis-
of bond strength investigation. Fig. 3 shows the test set- placement during the duration of the test. The area
up with a specimen mounted. The vertical loading under the bond stress–slip displacement curve is de-
frame consisted of two main vertical W-shape columns fined as the bond energy. The specimens were tested
connected by two horizontal cross channels as detailed over a three-month testing period at the structural
by Alavi-Fard and Marzouk. An electro-hydraulically laboratory of Memorial University of Newfoundland.
controlled testing actuator with capacity 700 kN was Fig. 4 shows a tested specimen after failure.
550 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9
Bond of high-strength concrete under monotonic pull-out loading

Fig. 3. Specimen during testing: (a) test set-up; (b) specimen close-up

Test results diameter of 35 and 25 mm each are plotted in Figs 6

and 7, respectively. The bond stress and slip curve for
Loading history push-in tests have been plotted on the graphs (Fig. 8).
The details of the test specimen under monotonic The comparison between the pull-out test of Fig. 7 and
loading can be found in Tables 1 to 3. The maximum the push-in test of Fig. 8 indicates that there was no
magnitudes of slip, load and bond strength for each major difference between the two types of loading. In
specimen are shown in Tables 4 to 6. A typical bond all of the tested specimens, the main cracks developed
stress–slip curve for high-strength concrete specimen is in the longitudinal direction, while some minor cracks
shown in Fig. 5. The comparison of results for four also developed in the transverse direction. The test
specimens under pull-out test with an embedded bar results indicated a nonlinearity of the bond stress–slip
behaviour in the ascending portion of the curve, espe-
cially close to maximum stress. All results confirmed

Bond stress



Fig. 5. Typical bond stress–displacement for high-strength

Fig. 4. Specimen after testing concrete
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9 551
Alavi-Fard and Marzouk
1HNM-19-1 (fc′ 85 MPa)

1HNM-19-1A (fc′ 81 MPa)

1HNM-19-1B (fc′ 81 MPa)

1HNM-19-1C (fc′ 81 MPa)


Normalised bond stress




0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1 1·2

Normalised displacement

Fig. 6. Bond stress–displacement for 35 mm bar (pull-out) test

1HNM-19-1 (fc′  81·70 MPa pull-out)
1HNM-19-1A (fc′  86·00 MPa pull-out)
1 1HNM-19-1B (fc′  85·12 MPa pull-out)
1 1HNM-19-1C (fc′  85·12 MPa pull-out)
Normalised bond stress

0·8 1A




0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1 1·2

Normalised displacement

Fig. 7. Bond stress–displacement for 25 mm bar (pull-out) test

the sudden drop of the stress level at the beginning of the result of the value of tested bond stress divided by
the descending section of the curve followed by the cube root of compression strength of concrete.
gradual decrease of stress. The slope of the curves in
the ascending section in case of the push-in was higher Concrete and steel strains
than that of the pull-out test. Hence, the total bond The steel strain and internal concrete strain for a
energy in compression is slightly higher than expected typical specimen with embedded bar diameter 35 mm
for the pull-out test. However, this difference is not is plotted in Figs 9 and 10. The specimen is tested
large enough to provide a distinct difference between under push-in load. The two strain gauges STC1 and
the two behaviours. STC2 are installed in the bond area and the strain
The average equivalent bond stress for experimental gauge STC3 is far from the bond area, as shown sche-
phase of this investigation is calculated as the result of matically in Fig. 2. There are differences between the
tension or compression force divided by contact surface magnitudes of concrete strain reading of STC1 and
area (bond area). The curves are normalised based on STC2 due to the location of the strain gauges and the
552 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9
Bond of high-strength concrete under monotonic pull-out loading
1HNM-19-2A (fc′  83·67 MPa push-in)
1HNM-19-2B (fc′  83·67 MPa push-in)
1 1HNM-19-2C (fc′  85·12 MPa push-in)
Normalised bond stress





0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1 1·2

Normalised displacement

Fig. 8. Bond stress–displacement for 25 mm bar (push-in) test

250 indicated that when secondary cracks started to open,

the concrete strain gauges were damaged. Fig. 10
200 shows the measured steel strain for a typical bond
Compression load: kN

specimen. The steel strain gauge was glued to the steel

150 bar at the middle of the specimen. The steel stress–
strain curve demonstrates the increase of steel strain
100 proportional to the load and the decrease of the strain
Concrete strain gauge (STC1) at the beginning of the descending portion of the bond
50 Concrete strain gauge (STC2) stress–slip curve.
Concrete strain gauge (STC3)

0 Confining reinforcement
1500 1000 500 0 500 1000 1500
Concrete strain: micro strain The influence of different confinement bar diameters
on local bond behaviour of deformed bars was investi-
Fig. 9. Concrete strains (gauges 1 and 2 at bond area and 3 gated in series M2 of Tables 2 and 5. The vertical and
at the edge) horizontal steel reinforcement shown in Fig.1 repre-
sents the extra confining reinforcement for tested speci-
men. The selected different vertical bar diameters were
250 ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 of the tested bar diameter. Table
5 presents the measured values of slip, load and bond
200 strength at maximum load. All of the tested concrete
Compression load: kN

specimens have adequate concrete cover, edge distance

f c′  85·12 MPa
and bar spacing requirement. The normalised bond-
stress–displacement curves for different size of confin-
100 ing reinforcement for a 35 mm diameter bar with re-
spect to the maximum load and maximum deflection
50 are presented in Fig. 11.
STS1 When no extra reinforcement was provided as con-
0 finement, the bond stresses vanished as soon as the
50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
longitudinal crack developed through the cover. The
Steel strain: micro strain
failure mode was of a sudden splitting type. In addition,
Fig. 10. Steel strains a large amount of energy was released due to sudden
splitting of the specimen. However, when extra con-
finement was provided the total area of the bond en-
ergy curve for specimens with different confinement
distance from the bond surface. The concrete strain bars of 10 and 20 mm diameters was higher than that
reading of STC3 is not very significant, since it is very for a confinement bar diameter of 25 mm. A
far from the location of the bond failure. The result 10 mm diameter stirrup was used for confinement of
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9 553
Alavi-Fard and Marzouk
2HNM-8-1 (without Confinement)
2HNM-8-2 (with Confinement, bar dia.  10 mm)
2HNM-8-3 (with Confinement, bar dia.  20 mm)
2HNM-8-4 (with Confinement, bar dia.  25 mm)

Normalised bond stress


f′c  85 MPa


0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1 1·2
Normalised displacement

Fig. 11. Bond stress–displacement for different confining bars

25 and 35 mm diameter bars efficiently. In addition, the bar. The bond strength of the 20 mm diameter bar is
failure mode for specimens with extra confinement was greater than the tensile capacity of the bar cross-section
characterised by pulling out the bar from concrete area. Therefore, the bar is broken during testing and
rather than the sudden splitting behaviour for speci- this curve does not demonstrate the entire bond behav-
mens with no confinement. Therefore, high-strength iour. The ascending slope of the curve for a 20 mm
concrete needs extra steel to reach an adequate level of diameter bar is much steeper than for the 25 and
bond energy and ductility. The confinement reinforce- 35 mm diameter bars. Further comparison between the
ment of high-strength concrete is considered adequate, area under the curve shows that the area under the
when the diameter of the confinement bar is from 0.3 curve for the bar with a diameter of 35 mm is less than
to 0.6 of the tested bar. for the bar diameter of 25 mm. Hence, the experiment
results show that the bond resistance for the smaller
Bar diameter diameter is higher than that for the larger diameter bar.
The bond test results of the 20, 25 and 35 mm In general, the results of this series agree with the find-
diameter bars are shown in series M3 of Tables 2 and ings of Eligehausen et al. , using a similar test set-up for
5. The effect of varying bar diameter on the bond normal-strength concrete. However, the bond strength
strength is illustrated in Fig. 12. All curves in this values are different for each concrete strength level. The
figure are normalised with respect to maximum bond sudden drop of the stress level at the beginning of the
stress and maximum displacement of a 25 mm diameter descending section of the bond stress–displacement

Bar dia. 20 mm 3HNM-12-3 (Bar dia. 35 mm, f′c  87·45 MPa

3HNM-12-2 (Bar dia. 25 mm, f′c  90·30 MPa

3HNM-12-1 (Bar dia. 20 mm, f′c  78·00 MPa
Normalised bond stress


Bar dia. 25 mm

Bar dia. 35 mm


0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1 1·2
Normalised displacement

Fig. 12. Bond stress–displacement for different bar diameters

554 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9
Bond of high-strength concrete under monotonic pull-out loading

curve is attributed to the characteristics of the high- comparison of the normalised bond stress–displace-
strength concrete. ment response for the three specimens tested under
different rates of loading for a tested bar diameter of
Bar spacing 35 mm. Although at the initial stage of loading there
The influence of different lateral bar spacing on local was a noticeable difference for the specimen with rate
bond behaviour was investigated in series M5 of Tables of loading of 1.51 mm/min the bond–displacement
3 and 6. The lateral bar spacing was taken as 3.5 db for curves were similar. The result indicated that the bond
all the tested specimens as shown in the plan view of strength is approximately the same under different rates
Fig. 1. However, this spacing was changed in four of loading for a tested bar of 35 mm as presented in
specimens during this investigation to examine the ef- series M6 of Table 6.
fect of the lateral spacing on the bond behaviour. Two
specimens were tested with bar diameter of 25 mm and
lateral spacing of 25 and 50 mm and the other two Concrete strength
specimens were tested with bar diameter of 35 mm and The influence of the concrete compressive strength
bar spacing of 35 and 70 mm. on the bond behaviour was investigated in series M4 of
In the case of bar diameter of 25 mm there was no Tables 3 and 6. In principle, the results of this series of
significant difference between the two in the ascending tests agree with the previous study for normal concrete
portion, while in the descending portion there was a 8
strengths of 30 and 55 MPa. The main difference be-
small difference. The bond strength for specimen with tween high-strength concrete and normal-strength con-
bar spacing of 25 mm was about 20% less than for a crete is the instantaneous drop of the curve at the
specimen with 50 mm bar spacing. beginning of the descending branch of the curves, as a
The test results for the specimen with bar diameter result of losing adhesion. This brittle behaviour is well
of 35 mm show that the increase in bar spacing had illustrated in series M4 of tests especially for concrete
more influence on the bond resistance of the initial part with higher strength. The results of all tests in this
of the bond stress–slip relationship than on the bond series confirmed the nonlinear brittle behaviour of the
strength. The bond strength is improved with the in- bond for high-strength concrete. In the case of high-
crease of lateral bar spacing. The result of observation strength concrete the capacity of bond strength is high-
and comparison between bond strength for this series er than the normal; however, the impact of the instanta-
of tests showed a possible difference of 20% in the neous drop in the bond stress for high-strength concrete
bond strength due to the lateral bar spacing. must be recognised. The bond strength is strongly de-
pendent on concrete strength and this parameter has a
Rate of loading direct effect on bond behaviour. A comparison of nor-
This section presents the experimental results from malised bond stress with regard to the maximum load
the testing of three specimens tested under different of specimen with compressive strength of 94.96 MPa to
displacement rates of 75, 1.51 and 0.0151 mm/min as other specimens, with different concrete strengths for a
shown in series M6 of Tables 3 and 6. Fig. 13 shows a 25 mm diameter bar is shown in Fig. 14.

Curve 1: Specimen 6HNM-6-1 with rate of loading 75·0000 mm/min & f′c  89·00 MPa
Curve 2: Specimen 6HNM-6-2 with rate of loading 0·0151 mm/min & f′c  78·00 MPa
Curve 3: Specimen 6HNM-6-3 with rate of loading 1·5100 mm/min & f′c  87·45 MPa

3 2 1
Normalised bond stress





0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1 1·2
Normalised displacement

Fig. 13. Bond stress–displacement for different rate of loading

Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9 555
Alavi-Fard and Marzouk
f′c  94·96 MPa, Bar dia. 25 mm, pull-out
1 f′c  92·61 MPa, Bar dia. 25 mm, pull-out
3 f′c  86·00 MPa, Bar dia. 25 mm, pull-out

Normalised bond stress

0·8 f′c  50·61 MPa, Bar dia. 25 mm, pull-out

4HNM-12-1 (f′c  56·61 MPa, pull-out)

0·6 4HNM-12-2 (f′c  80·00 MPa, pull-out)
4HNM-12-3 (f′c  92·61 MPa, pull-out)
4HNM-12-4 (f′c  94·96 MPa, pull-out)
0·4 1

0·2 2

0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1 1·2
Normalised displacement

Fig. 14. Bond stress–displacement for different concrete strengths

Test results and code of practice Failure mechanism

The load required to pull a reinforcing bar out of a There are two types of failure mechanisms that are
concrete block will obviously increase as the length of known for the pull-out test. The first type is splitting of
the bar cast into the block increases. When the em- the concrete cover and the second type is pull-out of
bedded length becomes long enough, the bar will yield the bar. There are several parameters that govern the
in tension before it pulls out of the block. The mini- mode of failure such as: type of loading, rate of load-
mum embedded length required to develop the yield ing, thickness of the cover, bar diameter, confinement
force of the bar is called the minimum required reinforcement and bar deformation patterns. The test
development length. The development length require- results of the current investigation revealed that the
ments are used by all North American codes to indicate behaviour of the bond stress–slip response was brittle
the bond strength of concrete. Both of the Canadian and nonlinear for high-strength concrete. The magni-
9 12
Standard CSA and the American ACI-318, express tude of the maximum slip at failure was estimated to be
the bond strength of concrete as a function of the five times the slip at the maximum bond stress. There-
square root of concrete compressive strength. The test fore, the primary cracks will be developed and ob-
results of the current investigation indicated that the served before failure of the specimen. The longitudinal
bond strength of high-strength concrete, from 70 to crack at the surface of the specimen appeared approxi-
95 MPa is more appropriately proportional to the cube mately at the maximum load and the bar failed due to
root rather than the square root based on the statistical pull-out from the concrete block. The rib of the de-
sensitivity analysis conducted by Alavi-Fard. There- formed bar can be a major cause of longitudinal split-
fore, the test results were normalised with regard to the ting along the bar for a confined specimen. The face
cube root of the compressive strength as given in angle, height and spacing of the ribs of the deformed
Tables 4 to 6. The ratio between the normalised test bar have an important effect on the bond energy on
results versus the CSA Standard prediction is given in high-strength concrete.
Tables 4 to 6. This ratio indicates that the square root Splitting type failure occurred when the cracks flow-
of the compressive strength approach adopted by the ing from the contact area of the bar reached the surface
Canadian Standard does not provide a good prediction of the high-strength concrete prism. The splitting fail-
of the bond strength for the tested high-strength con- ure was initiated by the wedging action of the ribs as
crete specimens. The bond strength of concrete is pro- the reinforcement bar moved with respect to the con-
portional to the compressive strength, to the power of crete. Splitting was characterised by planar-like cracks
1/3 in the British Code, BS 8110, and to the power of in those planes radial to the axis of the rebar. In a
14 16
2/3 in both of the CEB-FIP and Norwegian NS- recent study by Alavi-Fard and Marzouk on five de-
3474 Codes. formation patterns of steel reinforcement for high-
More recently, Azizinamini et al. recommended a strength concrete, it was found that the Canadian Stan-
new expression for confinement of the tension develop- dard deformation is one of the most efficient patterns
ment length and lap splice for high-strength concrete to to be used for high-strength concrete reinforcement.
ensure adequate ductility. A modification to the ACI- Furthermore, the wedging action of the rib had a higher
318 expression has been recommended based on the percentage of failure to the bond specimens. In the case
assumption that the bond strength of high-strength con- of the unconfined specimens, failure occurred only due
crete of 69 MPa and over is proportional to the fourth to longitudinal splitting along the bar and at the same
root of the compressive strength. time it was accompanied with a large amount of energy.
556 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9
Bond of high-strength concrete under monotonic pull-out loading

like the American Code. On the basis of the limited test

Summary and conclusions
results, the bond strength is more appropriately propor-
The bond strength of high-strength concrete is sub- tional to the cube root rather than the current square
jected to the effects of several factors. In this investiga- root.
tion, the effect of the load history, confinement, bar
diameter, concrete strength, bar spacing and pulls out
rate were examined. The range of the tested concrete References
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10. Alavi-Fard M. Bond Characteristics of High Strength Con-
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strength could be improved by selecting a proper lateral John’s, NF, Canada, 1999.
bar spacing and adequate concrete cover. An investiga- 11. Alavi-Fard M. and Marzouk H. M. Bond behavior of high
tion into the bond strength subjected to the effect of the strength concrete under reversed pull-out cyclic loading. Cana-
concrete strength concluded that the bond strength for dian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2002, 29, 191–200.
12. ACI Committee 318. Building code requirements for structural
high-strength concrete is higher than the corresponding
concrete and commentary. American Concrete Institute, Farm-
one for normal-strength concrete. However, the behav- ington Hills, MI, 2002, pp. 369.
iour of high-strength concrete is more brittle and it 13. British Standards Institute BS 8110. Structural Use of
must be reflected in the bond model. Concrete: Part 1, Code of Practice for Design and Construction.
9 British Standard Institute, London, UK, 1985, 126 pp.
The current Canadian Standard CSA must be mod-
14. CEB-FIP. CEB-FIP model code for concrete structures. Gmi-
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te’Euro-International du Be’ton el Federation International de
for high-strength concrete of compressive strength al Pre-Contrainte, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1990.
70 MPa and over. The use of the square root of the 15. Norwegian Standard NS 3473.Concrete structures. Design
compressive strength to predict the bond strength will rules. Norwegian Council for Building Standardization [NBR],
lead to unsafe bond design. The use of the square root 1992, 4th edition.
16. Alavi-Fard M. and Marzouk H. M. Influence of concrete
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abandoned in the latest proposed revision of the ACI- Australia, 1998.
318. It is important at this point to publish all the
available test results to guide the Canadian Code com-
mittee to adopt the appropriate expression, whether it Discussion contributions on this paper should reach the editor by
uses cube root like the European codes or a fourth root 1 May 2005

Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004, 56, No. 9 557

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