Hard Questions - 5

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October 20, 2018

1 Beginning in January of last year, Carl made deposits of Data

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-126406.html Sufficiency
Tags: Word Problems | Difficulty: 700-Level | Statistics and Sets Problems

Beginning in January of last year, Carl made deposits of $120 into his account on the 15th of each month for
several consecutive months and then made withdrawals of $50 from the account on the 15th of each of the
remaining months of last year. There were no other transactions in the account last year. If the closing balance
of Carl's account for May of last year was $2,600, what was the range of the monthly closing balances of Carl's
account last year?

(1) Last year the closing balance of Carl's account for April was less than $2,625.
(2) Last year the closing balance of Carl's account for June was less than $2,675.

2 Are all of the numbers in a certain list of 15 numbers equal Data

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-144144.html Sufficiency
Tags: Difficulty: 600-700 Level | Word Problems

Are all of the numbers in a certain list of 15 numbers equal?

(1) The sum of all the numbers in the list is 60.

(2) The sum of any 3 numbers in the list is 12.

3 In a certain business, production index p is directly proportional to Data

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-63570.html Sufficiency
Tags: Word Problems | Difficulty: 600-700 Level

In a certain business, production index p is directly proportional to efficiency index e, which is in turn directly
proportional to investment i. What is p if i = 70?

(1) e = 0.5 whenever i = 60

(2) p = 2.0 whenever i = 50

4 If n is a positive integer, what is the tens digit of n ? Data

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-144725.html Sufficiency
Tags: Difficulty: 600-700 Level | Fractions/Ratios/Decimals

If n is a positive integer, what is the tens digit of n ?

(1) The hundreds digit of 10n is 6.

(2) The tens digit of n + 1 is 7.

5 If X is the hundredths digit in the decimal 0.1X and if Y is the thous

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-242780.html Solving (PS)

Tags: Fractions/Ratios/Decimals | Difficulty: 700-Level

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Username: Date: October 20,

Email: behbudovn@gmail.com IP Address: Page 2
nijatbehbudov 2018
October 20, 2018

If X is the hundredths digit in the decimal 0.1X and if Y is the thousandths digit in the decimal 0.02Y ,where X
and Y are nonzero digits,which of the following is closest to the greatest possible value of ?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 9
E. 10

6 For each student in a certain class, a teacher adjusted the student’s

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-242454.html Solving (PS)

Tags: Difficulty: 600-700 Level | Statistics and Sets Problems

For each student in a certain class, a teacher adjusted the student’s test score using the formula y = 0.8x + 20,
where x is the student’s original test score and y is the student’s adjusted test score. If the standard deviation
of the original test scores of the students in the class was 20, what was the standard deviation of the adjusted
test scores of the students in the class?

A. 12
B. 16
C. 28
D. 36
E. 40

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018

Practice Question
Problem Solving
Question No.: 151

7 Last year 26 members of a certain club traveled to England, 26 members

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-220312.html Solving (PS)

Tags: Difficulty: 600-700 Level | Overlapping Sets

Last year 26 members of a certain club traveled to England, 26 members traveled to France, and 32 members
traveled to Italy. Last year no members of the club traveled to both England and France, 6 members traveled to
both England and Italy, and 11 members traveled to both France and Italy. How many members of the club
traveled to at least one of these three countries last year?

A) 52
B) 67
C) 71
D) 73
E) 79

8 Figures X and Y above show how eight identical triangular pieces of ca

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-207393.html Solving (PS)

Tags: Geometry | Difficulty: 700-Level

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Username: Date: October 20,

Email: behbudovn@gmail.com IP Address: Page 3
nijatbehbudov 2018
October 20, 2018

Figures X and Y above show how eight identical triangular pieces of cardboard were used to form a square and
a rectangle, respectively. What is the ratio of the perimeter of X to the perimeter of Y?

(A) 2:3
(D) 1:1

Kudos for a correct solution.

Spoiler: ::

2015-10-20_1410.png [ 11.87 KiB | Viewed 25500 times ]

9 A certain experimental mathematics program was tried out in 2 classes

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-220314.html Solving (PS)

Tags: Min/Max Problems | Word Problems | Difficulty: 700-Level

A certain experimental mathematics program was tried out in 2 classes in each of 32 elementary schools and
involved 37 teachers. Each of the classes had 1 teacher and each of the teachers taught at least 1, but not more
than 3, of the classes. If the number of teachers who taught 3 classes is n, then the least and greatest possible
values of n, respectively, are

A) 0 and 13
B) 0 and 14
C) 1 and 10
D) 1 and 9
E) 2 and 8

10 The interior of a rectangular carton is designed by a certain

http://gmatclub.com/forum/topic-110002.html Solving (PS)

Tags: Geometry | Difficulty: 700-Level

The interior of a rectangular carton is designed by a certain manufacturer to have a volume of x cubic feet and
a ratio of length to width to height of 3:2:2. In terms of x, which of the following equals the height of the carton,
in feet?






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Username: Date: October 20,

Email: behbudovn@gmail.com IP Address: Page 4
nijatbehbudov 2018
October 20, 2018

The list of ANSWERS:

# Answer

1 C

2 B

3 B

4 A

5 D

6 B

7 B

8 C

9 A

10 B

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Username: Date: October 20,

Email: behbudovn@gmail.com IP Address: Page 5
nijatbehbudov 2018

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