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Gelf Kettlespoon (Druid – Sorcerer)

Gelf CR: ; Sz: Sm Hafling(Hairfoot) ; H: 3’2”, W: 39; Age: 21; HD: 1d6; Hp: 4; Init: +1; Spd: 20’; AC:
Kettlespoon 12; (Dex+1, Sz+1 T: 12, FF: 11; BaB: +0; Grap: ; Atk: +3Ranged(1d4, x2, 50’, Sling); Full Atk: ;
Spc/Rch: 5’/5’; SA: ; SQ: ; Lang: Common, Halfling; AL: ; Sv: F: +1, R: +2, W: +6; Abil: S:
Adept 1 10/0, D: 12/+1, C: 10/0, I: 10/0, W: 16/+3, Ch: 16/+3, Co: 17/+3 ; P: 11/0 ; Weapro: Sling;
Druid 1 Skills: (Lv+3 max) Pnts Skills: 4(2+I)8 Pnts Skills: Pnts
Climb{S}+2 Concentration{C} Craft~Cooking{I} 1
Craft~Cheesemaking{I} 1 Jump{S}+2 Handle Animal{Ch}+2 3
□□□□□ Heal{W} 1 Hide{D}+4 Knowledge~Geography{I} 1
Knowledge~Nature{I} 1 Knowledge~Religion{I} 1 Listen{P}+2
Mv Silently{D}+2 Profession{W} Spellcraft{I}
Survival{W} 1
Feats: Animal Affinity(1 ) ; Equip: ; Loot: 5d4; Possess: ; Holdings: ; Treas: ; Tactics: ; RPGL:

; Descrip: ; History: Gelf had just started learning from the village druid. He loves animals & is
vegetarian, but loves his cheese. He was fishing, & woke up on the boat. A follower of Yondalla; Envir: ;
Org: ; Adv: ; Lv Adj: ; Exp: ; In/Decr: (Race +2 Dex, –2 Str): ; Ecology: ;
Abilities +1 Sz AC & Atk, +4 Sz on Hide, + 2 on Climb, Jump, Listen & Mv Silently checks, +1 all Sv, +3 Vs Fear. +1 Thrown
weapons & Slings
Spells 3/1
0th Lv
Conjuration Create Water (PHB p215<0 Conj, VS, 1StdAct, Close, Instant>Creates 2 Gals/Lv of pure water

Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 1 Hp of Dam

Transmutation Purify Food & Drink (PH p267<0 Trans, VS, 1StdAct, 10’ , Instant> Purifies 13‘ cubic foot of food/water / Lv.

1 Lv

Comprehend Languages

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