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Four types of Verb group

Ⅰ - Verb to Do ( စိတ်အခြေအနေ < သို့ > ကို ယ်အမူ အရာလှုပ်ရှ ားမှုကို ပြ )

Eg. Think, hope, forget, visit, play, go, eat ….

Ⅱ – Verb to Be ( အခြေအနေတစ်ခု ဖြစ်ပျက်တည်ရှိနေမှု၊ လူ ပု ဂ္ဂိုလ်၏နာမည်အလု ပ်အကို င်များ၊

စိတ်အခြေအနေများကို ဖော်ပြ )

Eg. Am, Is, Are, Was, Were, Be, Been, Being ….

Ⅲ – Verb to Have ( ပို င်ဆို င်ခြင်းပြ )

Eg. Has, Have, Had ….

Ⅳ – Helping Verbs ( အထက်အု ပ်စု Verb များနှ င့်တွဲသုံ းသော Auxiliary Verb နှ င့်
Special Verb များ )

Eg. Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, May, Might,

Be able to, Has, Have, Had ….

Note - Ⅳ အု ပ်စု မှ Has, Have, Had နှ င့် Ⅲ အု ပ်စု မှ Has, Have, Had များ Function မတူ ပါ။

Eg. -He has a green car. (Ⅲ ပို င်ဆို င်မှုကို ပြသော has )

-He has bought a green car. (Ⅳ အု ပ်စု ဝင် has )

Ⅰ - Verb to Do


Does + S + V1 ……….? ……. သလား။ ……. ခဲ့ သလား။


Eg. - Do you know her phone number? ( Do = V to do, you = S, know = V1 )

-Do the children go to school? ( Do= V to do, the children = S, go = V1 )

-Does this bus get to Yangon? ( Does = V to do, this bus = S, get = V1 )

-Did he tell you about it? ( Did = V to do, he = S, tell = V1 )

Note - to form negative questions, just add not to V to do.

Eg. -Don’t you know her phone number? ( or ) Do you not know ……?

-Don’t the children go to school? ( or ) Do the children not go to …….?

-Doesn’t this bus get to Yangon? ( or ) Does this bus not get to …….?

-Didn’t he tell you about me? ( or ) Did he not tell you …….?

Ⅱ – Verb to Be

Are + S + Complement ……..? ရှိသလား။ ဖြစ်သလား။ ဟု တ်လား။
Was ညံ့ လား။ ကောင်းလား။ ပျော်လား။

There are 6 kinds of compliment which go after Verb to Be.

1. Noun
2. Adjective
3. Past Participle ( V3 ) or ( Passive Type )
4. Present Participle ( V4 ) or (Continuous Action )
5. Phrase
6. Noun Clause

Eg. 1. Am I a teacher? ( Am = V to be, I = S, a teacher = Noun )

Is she a nurse? ( Is = V to be, she = S, a nurse = Noun )


Are they workers? ( Are = V to be, they = S, workers = Noun )

Was he a judge then? ( Was = V to be, he = S, a judge = Noun )

Were they prisoners in 1945? ( Were = V to be, they = S, prisoners = Noun )

2. Am I beautiful? ( Am = V to be, I = S, beautiful = Adj )

Is he angry with me? ( Is = V to be, he = S, angry = Adj )

Are you happy? ( Are = V to be, you = S, happy = Adj )

Was she nice to you? ( Was = V to be, she = S, nice = Adj )

Were they upset? ( Were = V to be, they = S, upset = Adj )

3. Am I misled by my lover? ( Am = V to be, I = S, misled = V3 )

Is he fired now? ( Is = V to be, he = S, fired = V3 )

Are you surprised to see me? ( Are = V to be, you = S, surprised = V3 )

Was he found guilty? ( Was = V to be, he = S, found = V3 )

Were you awaken by the noise? ( Were = V to be, you = S, awaken = V3 )

4. Am I writing correctly? ( Am = V to be, I = S, writing = V4 )

Is he coming? ( Is = V to be, he = S, coming = V4 )

Are you leaving now? ( Are = V to be, you = S, leaving = V4 )

Are the babies sleeping? ( Are = V to be, the babies = S, sleeping = V4 )

Was she crying when I phoned? ( Was = V to be, she = S, crying = V4 )

Were they singing when the fire broke out? ( Were = V to be, they = S, singing )

5. Am I in the right direction? ( Am = V to be, I = S, in …= Phr )

Is he at home? ( Is = V to be, he = S, at home = Phr )

Are they under the water now? ( Are = V to be, they = S, under …water = Phr )

Are you in a hurry? ( Are = V to be, you = S, in a hurry = Phr )

Was the train on time? ( Was = V to be, the train = S, on time = Phr )

Were they on cloud nine? ( Were = V to be, they = S, on …nine = Phr )

6.Am I who she wants? ( Am = V to be, I = S, who … want = N.CL )

Is that what you bought? ( Is = V to be, that = S, what … bought = NCL )

Are these what you found? ( Are = V to be, these = S, what … found = NCL )

Was it that made him cry? ( Was = V to be, it = S, that … cry = NCL )

Were those what you auctioned? ( Were = V to be, theose = S, what …= NCL )

Ⅲ – Verb to Have

H Has
Have + S ( got ) + Noun ……? ….ရှိလား။ ပို င်လား။


Eg. Has Ni Ni a car? ( Has = V to H, Ni Ni = S, a car = N )

( or ) Has Ni Ni got a car? ( Has ( got ) = V to H, Ni Ni = S, a car = N )

Does Ni Ni have a car? ( Am.E )

Have you a TV set? ( Have = V to H, you = S, a car = N )

( or ) Have you got a TV set? ( Have ( got ) = V to H, you = S, a TV set = N )

Do they have a TV set? ( Am.E )

Had the man a house near the river? ( Had = V to H, the man = S, a house = N )

Had the man got a house ……? ( Had ( got ) = V to H, the man = S, a house = N )

Did the man have a house ……? ( Am.E )

Ⅳ – Helping Verbs

C Can, Could

Shall, Should, Ought to

Will, Would + S + V1 ……..?

May, Might

Must, be able to

Had better, Dare, Need not

Eg. Can you speak English? ( Can = H.V, you = S, speak = V1 ) ( Ability )
Can I use your phone? ( Can = H.V, I = S, use = V1 ) ( Permission )

Can smoking cause cancer? (Can=H.V, smoking = S, cause=V1)( Possibility)

Could you swim across Inya lake? ( Could=H.V, you=S, swim=V1) (Past Ability)

Could I leave early, please?( Could=H.V, I=S, leave=V1)(Permission)

Could he come? (Could=H.V, he = S, come = V1 ) ( Possibility )

Shall I answer it? ( Shall=H,V, I = S, answer = V1 ) ( Permission )

Will she come? ( Will = H.V, she = S, come = V1 ) ( Future Tense )

Will you sit down? ( Will = H.V, you = S, sit = V1 ) ( Invitation )

Should I go there? ( Should = H.V, I = S, go = V1 ) ( Advice )

Must you wait here? ( Must = H.V, you= S, wait = V1 ) ( Obligation )

These Helping Verbs or Special Verbs are used for: Permision, Ability, Obligation, Advice,

Possibility, Probability, Prohibition ….etc …

H Has
Have + S + V3 ……? လု ပ်ဖူ း … ဖြစ်ဖူ းလား။ ပြီးပြီလား။


H Has

Have + S + been + V3 ……? သူ့ကို … ပြီးပြီလား။ ( Passive )


H Has
Have + S + been + V4 ……? အခု ထိလု ပ်နေဆဲ။


Eg. ံ Has she cooked the rice? ( Has = H.V, she = S, cooked = V3 )
Have you seen a whale? ( Have = H.V, you = S, seen = V3 )

Had she believed you? ( Had = H.V, she = S, believed = V3 )

Has the man been killed? (Has ( been )= H.V, the man = S, killed = V3 )

Have you been told about that? (Have( been ) = H.V, you = S, told = V3 )

Had he been told when I arrived? (Had( been ) = H.V, he = S, told = V3 )

Has she been crying all morning? (Has ( been )= H.V, she = S, crying = V4 )

Have they been solving it since morning? (Have( been ) = H.V, they=S, solving= V4)

Had he been dancing when I phoned? (Had( been ) = H.V, he = S, dancing = V4 )


“ သလဲ “ “ မလဲ “ ေမးခြန္းပုံ စံ ။

( Wh-words = What, Where, When, Why, Who, Whom, Whose, Which, How … What + Noun,

Which + Noun, Whose + Noun, How much, How many, How much + U-Noun, How many + C-Noun,

How often, How old, How tall, How long, How far, How deep, How wide, How big, How good, How reliable )

တခ်ိဳ႕ေသာ “ သလား “ “ မလား “ ေမးခြန္းပုံ စံ ေရွ႕မွာ ( Yes or No ေမးခြန္းပုံ စံ ေရွ႕ ) Wh-Question Word တစ္ခုခု ထည့္ၿပီး၊
Wh- Word နဲ႕သက္ဆိုင္တဲ့ပု ဒ္စုကို ျဖဳတ္လိုက္ျခင္းအားျဖင့္ Wh-Question တစ္ခုအၾကမ္းဖ်င္း တည္ေဆာက္ႏို င္ပါတယ္။

1-WHAT / WHICH လူ ၊ အရာဝတၱဳစတဲ့ Noun ( Subject, Object, Compliment ) ပု ဒ္၊ ပု ဒ္စုကို ျဖဳတ္။

 Did Tom give you this box? ( What did Tom give you? ) { Tom gave you this box }
Obj Obj

 Did he give this to you? ( What did he give to you? ) ( Less natural )
Obj Obj

 Is his joke making you laugh? ( What is making you laugh? ) { His joke is making you … }
Sub Sub

 Is your name Tom? ( What is your name? ) { My name is Tom. }

Com Com

 Have you got a gun in it? ( What have you got in it? ) { You’ve got a gun in it. }
Obj Obj

 Did an accident happen?*** ( What happened? ) { An accident happened. }

Sub Sub

WHICH- ( To choose from a limited number )

 Do you prefer this car ? ( Which do you prefer? ) { You prefer this car. }
Obj Obj
 Is that your favorite colour? ( Which is your favorite colour? ) { That is your favorite … }
S.Pro S.Pro

 Did you come from Burma? ( Which country did you come from? ) { You came from Burma. }
Obj Obj of Prep

2 – WHERE ေနရာျပ Adv ပု ဒ္၊ ပု ဒ္စုကို ျဖဳတ္ Where ကို ထည့္။

 Does Tom live here ? ( Where does Tom live? ) { Tom lives here. }
Adv Adv

 Were you at the party last night? ( Where were you last night? ) { You were at the party …}
Adv.Phr Adv.Phr

 Shall we meet in the park ? ( Where shall we meet? ) { We shall meet in the park. }
Adv.Phr Adv.Phr
3 – WHEN အခ်ိန္ျပပု ဒ္၊ ပု ဒ္စုကို ျဖဳတ္ When ကို ထည့္။

 Did he die last year ? ( When did he die? ) { He died last year. }
Adv.Phr Adv.Phr

 Can you start next week ? ( When can you start? ) { You can start next week. }
Adv.Phr Adv.Phr
4 – WHO / WHOM / Whose ျပဳသူ ( သို ႔ ) ခံ ရသူ ကို ျဖဳတ္ Who / Whom ကို ထည့္။

 Did Tom give you this box? ( Who gave you this box? ) { Tom gave you this box. }
Sub Sub

 Did you meet the manager? ( [ Whom ] Who did you meet? ) { You met the manager. }
Obj Obj

 Is it his/ her/ mine/ yours ? ( Whose is it ? ) { It is his/ her/ mine/ yours. }

Possessive Pron P.P

 Was it my fault? ( Whose fault was it? ) { It was my fault. }

5 – WHY အေၾကာင္းျပ to နဲ႕စတဲ့ Adv ပု ဒ္စု ( သို ႔ ) because - Clause ကို ျဖဳတ္ Why ကို ထည့္။

 Did she come to meet you ? ( Why did she come? ) { She came to meet you. }
Adv.Pr Adv.Pr

 Was he upset because he lost his job ? ( Why was he upset? ) { He was upset because he … }
Because – Clause B–C
6 – HOW/ How much/ How many ဘယ္လိုအမူ အရာ၊ ဘယ္ပုံဘယ္နည္းျပ Adv ပု ဒ္၊ ပု ဒ္စုကို ျဖဳတ္ How ကို ထည့္။

 Did you come here by bus ? ( How did you come here? ) { You came here by bus. }
Adv Adv

 Did she welcome you nicely ? ( How did she welcome you? ) { She welcomed you nicely. }
Adv Adv
 Are these grapes $6 a kilo? ( How much are these grapes? ) { These grapes are … }
 Do you drink water 2 litre a day? ( How much water do you drink a day? ) { You drink water … }
 Do you have six girlfriends ? ( How many girlfriends do you have? ) { You have six … }
 Do you pray every night ? ( How often do you pray? ) { You pray every night. }
 Did it take 2 hours to finish it? ( How long did it take to finish it? ) { It took 2 hours … }
 Is the Ayeyarwady river 1350 miles long ? ( How long is the Ayeyarwady river? ){ The Ayeyarwady … }
 Is his home 2 kilometres away from here? ( How far is his home from here? ) { His home is … }
 Are you 20 years old ? ( How old are you? ) { You are 20 years old. }
 Is their house huge ? ( How big is their house? ) { Their house is huge. }
 Is Inle lake about 7 feet deep ? ( How deep is Inle lake? ) { Inle lake is about 7 feet deep. }
 Is that stream 2 metres wide ? ( How wide is that stream? ) { That stream is 2 metres wide. }
 Is he truthful ? ( How reliable is he? ) { He is truthful. }
 Are you 6 feet tall ? ( How tall are you? ) { You are 6 feet tall. }
 Is Mt.Everest about 30000 feet high? ( How high is Mt.Everest? ) { Mt.Everest is about 30000 high. }

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