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Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys.

58 (2013) 486

Estimation of neutron emission branching ratios in heavy

ion reactions using Poisson random processes
Devendra P. Singh1 , Vijay R. Sharma1 , Abhishek Yadav1 , Prabhat
Kumar1 , Anubhav Raghav1 , P. P. Singh2 , Unnati Gupta1 ,
M. K. Sharma3 , R. Kumar4 , B. P. Singh1 , and R. Prasad1
Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (UP)-202 002, INDIA
GSI-Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research GmbH, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Department of Physics, S.V. College, Aligarh (U.P.) INDIA and
Inter-University Accelerator Center, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110 067, INDIA

In heavy ion (HI) reactions, even at low probability of decay via neutron evaporation
excitation energies, several (HI, xn) channels at a given excitation energy. In the present
are populated simultaneously. It is because approach of calculating cross-sections assum-
at low and moderate excitations, the emission ing Poission random decay, the ǫ and C are the
of charged particles is considerably suppressed important parameters which may be varied to
due to the Coulomb barrier. As such, study of reproduce the data. Further, the average ex-
excitation functions for (HI, xn) channels and citation energy ǫ may be determined from the
their satisfactory reproduction by some theo- peak position of the excitation function using
retical code, using the same set of parameters dσxn /dE ∗ = 0, which gives;
for all evaporation channels, provides a criti-
cal tool for testing the codes. The knowledge
of cross-sections for neutron emission from dif- Vc (Ei − Vc )
ǫx = (Ei − Vc )[ + x{ ∗ }]−1 (1)
ferent targets and at different excitation ener- Ei (Ep − ΣBn )
gies is very important from the point of view
of producing isotopes for medical and agricul- Using the above formulation, the mean
ture applications on one hand and for the de- value of ǫ for different values of x, may be
sign of reactors on the other. These cross- estimated. The normalization factor may be
sections are urgently required for the design used for the approximate extimation of neu-
of recently proposed sub-critical accelerator tron emission branching ratios. If the neutron
driven energy amplifiers. Though, it is de- emission is the only channel open for the de-
sirable to have cross-section data for all tar- excitation of
the compound nucleus, then for

gets, but it is not possible. Therefore, it is re- C as unity; x=1 σxn = σc . It may be pointed
quired to have a simple theoretical code, with out that on the basis of energy consideration,
minimal free parameters, that may predict the the sum of the binding energies of all the evap-
neutron emission cross-sections. One such at- orated neutrons must not exceed the excita-
tempt has been made by Simbel[1] where neu- tion energy of the compound nucleus. Here
tron emission from an excited nucleus is as- the summation over x varies from 1 to xmax ,
sumed to follow Poisson random distribution then the constant C may be given by;
characterized by the average number of emit-
ted neutrons per unit excitation energy ǫ−1 . x
According to the compound reaction mecha- (E ∗ − ΣBn ) x 1 −(E ∗ − ΣBn ) −1
C=[ { } ·exp{ }]
nism, the total cross section for all neutron x=1
ǫ x! ǫ
emission channels σxn may be given by; σxn (2)
= C·σc ·P(E ∗ , x), where, C is a constant speci- If the other channels are open, then one
fied by normalizing the peaks of the excitation may estimate the competition between neu-
function, σc is the cross-section for the com- tron emission and other decay modes of the
pound neucleus formation and P(E ∗ ,x) is the compound nucleus[2]. In the absence of other

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Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 58 (2013) 487

to calculate the ratio of the level width for

neutron emission to the total level width. In
16 181
the present work, an attempt has been made
O + Ta
to obtain the branching ratios for neutron
; Tl(4n)

2 Th
; = 3.1
emission in the reactions induced by 16 O
C = 1.05
on 181 T a, 169 T m, 159 T b. The experimental
data has been taken from[3, 4]. In order to

1 determine the above branching ratios, the
experimental data has been fitted using the
prescription of neutron emission to follow
0 Exp
; Tl(3n)
Poisson random distribution. The best fit
; = 3.1

C = 0.9
values of the normalization constant and
the average excitation energies were deduced
to estimate the neutron emision branching
42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69
ratios. As a representative case, Fig. 1 shows
E* (MeV)
the comparison between the experimentally
measured and theoretically calculated cross-
sections using Poission random distribution
FIG. 1: Excitation functions for the reactions
T a(16 O, xn)197−x T l with x = 3-4. for 181 T a(16 O, xn)197−x T l reactions with x =
3 & 4 with the parameter ǫ = 3.1 MeV. As
can be seen that there is a satisfactory agree-
TABLE I: Parameters used in fitting the cross- ment between the theory and the measured
sections of 181 T a(16 O, xn)197−x T l reactions and data in the entire studied energy range, in
corresponding neutron emission branching ratios; general. For the various Thallium nuclides
 populated by neutron evaporation (x = 3-5)
x ǫ (MeV) C (Γn / Γi )
3 2.29 0.9 1.52
from 197 T l compound nuclei in 16 O + 181 T a
4 3.17 1.05 1.11 system, the values of ǫ, fitting parameter C
5 3.95 2.0 0.75 and the deduced neutron emission branching
ratios are given in the TableI. Details on the
significance of these values and further results
opened channels, the cross-section for x neu- will be presented.
tron emission may be related to the observed
values by multiplying the former by a product We thank to the Chairman, Department
of the branching ratios of the emission of of Physics, AMU, Aligarh and the Director,
first-, second-, third- and so on till the xth IUAC, New Delhi for extending the necessary
neutron, and may be represented as facilities. DPS, BPS and RP thank to the
 Gn1 Gn2
Gn3 ,........Gnx , where, Gn = Γn / Γi is the DST and UGC for providing financial support.
ratio of the level width for neutron emission
to the total level width. The quantities Gni References
may be replaced by their geometrical average
G so that the cross-section of xn reaction is [1] M. H. Simbel, Z. Phys. A; Atoms and Nu-
proportional to (G)x . Then the normalization clei 307, 141(1982).
factor will be given by; [2] R. Vandenbosch et. al., Phys. Rev. 110,
 xmax (E ∗ −ΣBn ) x 1 507(1958).
C = (Γn / Γi ) · [ x=1 { ǫ
} x! · [3] D. P. Singh et. al., Phys. Rev. C 80,
−(E ∗ −ΣBn ) −1 014601(2009).
exp{ ǫ }] (3)
[4] M. K. Sharma et. al., Nucl. Phys. A
As such, the value of C obtained from 776, 83(2006) and Phys. Rev. C 70,
the normalization of the data, may be used 044606(2004).

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