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I would like to thank our respected principle

Polytechnic (govt-aided) TUMKUR for his support and
encouragement. We express our deep sense of gratitude
and indebtedness to our institute HMS Polytechnic,

We wish to extend sincere thanks to


Department of E & E for his support.
Our sincere thanks to our beloved guide

MOHAN KUMAR SIR, dept. of E & E for providing

the necessary guidance and inspiration in preparing this
1 Introduction to fire extinguisher
2 Types of fire extinguisher
3 How to operate fire extinguisher
4 Fire Triangle
5 Components of fire extinguisher
6 Conclusion
Introduction to FIRE extinguisher
A fire extinguisher is a handheld active fire
protection device usually filled with a dry or wet
chemical used to extinguish or control small fires,
often in emergencies. It is not intended for use on
an out-of-control fire, such as one which has
reached the ceiling, endangers the user (i.e., no
escape route, smoke, explosion hazard, etc.), or
otherwise requires the equipment, personnel,
resources, and/or expertise of a fire brigade.
Typically, a fire extinguisher consists of a hand-
held cylindrical pressure vessel containing
an agent that can be discharged to extinguish
a fire. Fire extinguishers manufactured with non-
cylindrical pressure vessels also exist but are less
01. Class A Fire Extinguishers
Class A fire extinguishers are safe for use on
ordinary combustible fires, like those fueled by paper
or wood. There are a number of safe ways to
extinguish a Class A fire, so you’ll find a variety of
Class A fire extinguisher options available. Some
may use a clean agent, while others may use water
mist to suffocate and cool a Class A fire. 
02. Class B Fire Extinguishers
Class B fire extinguishers are rated for use on
flammable liquids like grease, gasoline, and oil, and
most often use C02 or clean agents to safely
suppress fires. Both clean agents and CO2 work to
remove the oxygen from a fire, suffocating it and
eventually extinguishing it. Clean agent Class B fire
extinguishers are also a preferred option because
they leave no residue and don’t require any
03. Class C Fire Extinguishers
Class C fire extinguishers are safe for use on fires
that are electrically energized. Most class C fire
extinguishers use CO2 or another clean agent to
suffocate the fire without adding any conductive
materials to the flames. 
04. Class D Fire Extinguishers
Class D fire extinguishers are used on combustible
metals like magnesium and titanium. These types of
fires require an extinguishing agent that will not react
with the burning metal. Most Class D fire
extinguishers use a dry powder agent to smother the
fire and absorb heat, suppressing the fire. 
05. Class K Fire Extinguishers
Class K fire extinguishers are made to combat
kitchen fires. Used on cooking fat, grease, and oil
fires, these fire extinguishers usually employ a wet
chemical agent composed of potassium to
simultaneously cool and suppress the fire.
How to operate a fire extinguisher
There are a number of different types of portable fire
extinguishers, each can be identified by the colour
coding and labelling. Check that the extinguisher
you intend to use is suitable for the type of fire
encountered. ex:- a water extinguisher must never
be used on any fire involving electrical equipment.
There are four (4) basic steps for using modern
portable fire extinguishers.
The acronym PASS is used to describe these four
basic steps.
1.Pull (Pin)
Pull pin at the top of the extinguisher, breaking
the seal. When in place, the pin keeps the
handle from being pressed and accidentally
operating the extinguisher. Immediately test the
extinguisher. (Aiming away from the operator)
This is to ensure the extinguisher works and
also shows the operator how far the stream
Approach the fire standing at a safe distance.
Aim the nozzle or outlet towards the base of the
Squeeze the handles together to discharge the
extinguishing agent inside. To stop discharge,
release the handles.
Sweep the nozzle from side to side as you
approach the fire, directing the extinguishing
agent at the base of the flames. After an A Class
fire is extinguished, probe for smouldering hot
spots that could reignite the fuel.
Fire Triangle

 A fire needs three elements to

survive: oxygen, heat and fuel. This is known as
the fire triangle. Fires are extinguished by removing
one of the three elements of the triangle.

Oxygen Makes up about 21% if the air that we

breathe. To sustain a fire, a ratio of 16% oxygen or
greater is needed

Fuel Can be combustible or flammable material,

and may be solid, a liquid or a gas

Heat Is needed both to initially ignite the fire and

also to sustain the fire.
Components of a Fire Extinguisher
Cylinder - Holds extinguishing agent and expelling

 Handle - Used to carry and hold extinguisher

 Trigger - When pressed, releases extinguishing
agent through hose and nozzle
 Nozzle or Horn - Agent expelled through these
 Pressure Gauge - Shows pressure of the
extinguishing agent being stored in the cylinder. The
indicator should be in the green area. CO2
extinguishers do not have a pressure gauge.
We learnt how to properly use fire extinguisher in
the event of fire and there are different types of fire
extinguishers designed for different types of fires,
and it is essential to choose the appropriate fire
extinguisher for specific type of fire. The P.A.S.S
technique (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) should be
followed when using a fire extinguisher , and it is
important to remember to evacuate the area if the
fire is too long large or if the extinguisher is not
effective in extinguishing the fire We very Thankful
To our Cohort Owners Mr. MOHAN KUMAR MR and
KHAN to gain us a such opportunities to setup LAN
And We are Very thankful Mr. MAJID to Give a such
Practical Guide to Us.

 We learnt how to properly use a fire extinguisher in
the event of a fire and There are different types of
fire extinguishers designed for different types of
fires, and it is essential to choose the appropriate
extinguisher for the specific type of fire. The P.A.S.S.
technique (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) should be
followed when using a fire extinguisher, and it is
important to remember to evacuate the area if the
fire is too large or if the extinguisher is not effective
in extinguishing the fire.


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