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The Full Title

of the Internship Report or Thesis

Should Appear Here

A Thesis / An Internship report

submitted in partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA)
in Tourism and Hospitality Management

Supervised by
Dr. Muhammad Shoeb-Ur-Rahman
Associate Professor

Submitted by
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx
Student Id: xxxx

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

University of Dhaka
20 October 2019
The Full Title of the Thesis/Internship Report Should Appear Here



Enter an abstract of your Report/Thesis, of no more than 250 words, replacing this paragraph. Enter
one space between sentences. You do not need to leave a blank line after each paragraph, as
paragraphs use the ‘Body Text’ style. The ‘Body Text’ style has 1.5 line spacing, and extra vertical
space at the end of each paragraph. The keyboard shortcut for ‘Body Text’ is Alt+B. One method of
applying the ‘Body Text’ style to your paragraph is to place the cursor somewhere on the paragraph,
and press Alt+B. Another method of applying the ‘Body Text’ style to your paragraph is to place the
cursor somewhere on the paragraph, and click on the ‘Body Text’ button in the Styles Group of the
Home ribbon.

Keywords: Enter your list of up to 07 keywords here, separated by commas.

Table of Contents

Once you have edited this document you will need to update the Table of Contents to reflect the
changes, and to remove any error messages. To update the Table of Contents, right-click anywhere
on the grey area below, select ‘Update Field’ (and select ‘Update Entire Table’ if prompted). Delete
this note when you are familiar with how to update this table of contents.

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................
List of Tables.....................................................................................................................................
List of Figures...................................................................................................................................

Chapter 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................
1.0 A sample second-level heading....................................................................................................

Chapter 2 Enter Your Chapter Title Here...........................................................................................

2.0 A sample second-level heading....................................................................................................
2.0.1 A sample third-level heading...........................................................................................
2.1 This second-level heading has a really really really really really really long title that extends
onto two lines...............................................................................................................................

Chapter 3 Enter Your Chapter Title Here...........................................................................................

Chapter 4 Enter Your Chapter Title Here...........................................................................................

Chapter 5 Enter Your Chapter Title Here...........................................................................................

Chapter 6 Enter Your Chapter Title Here...........................................................................................

Appendix A Enter Appendix Name Here............................................................................................

A.1 A sample second-level appendix heading.....................................................................................
A.2 A sample second-level appendix heading.....................................................................................

Appendix B Enter Appendix Name Here............................................................................................

B.1 A sample second-level appendix heading.....................................................................................
B.2 A sample second-level appendix heading.....................................................................................

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Captions for tables appear above the table.......................................................................

Table 1.2 This is some caption text for another sample table...........................................................

Ignore the errors that will display in this list after you delete the sample tables from this document. I
suggest you leave this sample List of Tables in the document, and then once you enter your own
tables with captions into the document you can then update this list. To update this List of Tables,
right-click on the grey area, select ‘Update Field’, and select ‘Update Entire Table’. Delete this note
when you are familiar with updating this list.

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Captions for figures appear below the figure.....................................................................

Ignore the error that will display in this list after you delete the sample figure from this document.
Once you enter your own figures with captions into the document you can then update this list. To
update this list of figures, right-click on the grey area, select ‘Update Field’, and select ‘Update Entire

Note the Section Break at the end of this page (press the ¶ button to view), rather than a Page Break.
This is to cater for Roman page numbering in the section prior to the first chapter.

Delete these notes once you are familiar with updating your list of figures.

Chapter 1

Replace these words with your own.

The chapter heading uses the ‘Heading 1’ style. To apply the ‘Heading 1’ style to your text, select the
text, and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+1 (or click on the ‘Heading 1’ button in the Styles
Group of the Home ribbon). If you create your own chapter heading elsewhere in this document,
press Shift+Enter after the automatically generated chapter number to force the text of your heading
onto a separate line from the chapter number. (When the ¶ button is pressed, you will see a curved-
arrow symbol where you pressed Shift+Enter.)

Paragraphs in the chapters use the ‘Body Text’ style. To apply the ‘Body Text’ style to your text, select
the text, and press the keyboard shortcut Alt+B (or click on the ‘Body Text’ button in the Styles Group
of the Home ribbon).

1.0 A sample second-level heading

A second-level heading uses the ‘Heading 2’ style. To create your own second-level heading
elsewhere in this document, type in the heading, press Enter, then select the line containing the
heading, and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+2 (or click on the ‘Heading 2’ button in the Styles
Group of the Home ribbon).

Chapter 2
Enter Your Chapter Title Here

2.0 A sample second-level heading

Replace the content of this page with your own content.

2.0.1 A sample third-level heading

A third level heading uses the ‘Heading 3’ style. To create your own third-level heading elsewhere in
this document, type in the heading, press Enter, then select the line containing the heading, and
press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+3 (or click on the ‘Heading 3’ button in the Styles Group of the
Home ribbon).

The paragraphs use the ‘Body Text’ style.

A sample fourth-level heading

A fourth level heading uses the ‘Heading 4’ style. To create your own fourth-level heading elsewhere
in this document, type in the heading, press Enter, then select the line containing the heading, and
press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+4 (or click on the ‘Heading 4’ button in the Styles Group of the
Home ribbon).

Automatic-numbering is turned off in this template for the ‘Heading 4’ style, and the headings do not
appear in the Table of Contents by default. Both of these settings can be changed if your Supervisor

A sample fifth-level heading

A fifth level heading uses the ‘Heading 5’ style. The keyboard shortcut for ‘Heading 5’ is Ctrl+Alt+5.
This style in included for convenience, but is rarely used at Lincoln University.

2.1 This second-level heading has a really really really really really really long
title that extends onto two lines
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah.

Table 2.1 Captions for tables appear above the table.

Species A Species B
Measurement 1 23 34

Measurement 2 Fine Rough

Before you type in your table, change the style from ‘Body Text’ to ‘Normal’ (by clicking on the
‘Normal’ button in the Styles Group of the Home ribbon). ‘Normal’ text is single-spaced, and is more
appropriate for tables. Following the table, go back to the ‘Body Text’ style (Alt+B).

Table 2.2 This is some caption text for another sample table.

Species C Species D
Measurement 1 66 54
Measurement 2 Rough Fine

Chapter 3
Enter Your Chapter Title Here

Replace the content of this page with your own words.

A quote is formatted using the ‘Quote’ style. To apply the ‘Quote’ style to
your text, select the text, and click on the ‘Quote’ button in the Styles Group
of the Home ribbon. Remember, you can Modify any style to your own
formatting by right-clicking on the style’s button (in the Styles Group of the
Home ribbon), and selecting ‘Modify’.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Chart Title



Number of Births

8 Species 1
6 Species 2

2006 2007 2008

Figure 3.1 Captions for figures appear below the figure.

Chapter 4
Enter Your Chapter Title Here

Chapter 5
Enter Your Chapter Title Here

Chapter 6
Enter Your Chapter Title Here

You may have more than six chapters.


Follow APA 6th or 7th referencing congruently throughout your report/thesis.

Use Endnote/ Alternately do it manually to insert your citations within the text, and create your
bibliography. The reference list appears last in the document (in case you use the software), because
Endnote insists on this. Delete this paragraph.

Ahmed, F. (2010). Factors affecting the selection of tour destination in Bangladesh: An empirical
analysis, International Journal of Business and Management, 5(3), 52-61.
Ataur, M. C. (2013). Investigation on erosion of Kuakata sea beach and its protection design by
artificial beach nourishment, Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(1), 1-12.
Cai, L. A., Feng, P. and Breiter, D. (2004). Tourist purchase decision involvement and information
preferences, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 10 (2), 138–148.
MacDonald, S. (1997). Transformations of Travel and Theory, London: Routledge.

Appendix A
Enter Appendix Name Here

Replace the content of this page with your own content. The appendix heading uses the ‘App1’ style.

A.1 A sample second-level appendix heading

The second-level heading in your appendices uses the ‘App2’ style. The paragraphs use the ‘Body
Text’ style.

A.2 A sample second-level appendix heading

If you want to insert a table or figure in your appendices, you can create a new Caption label, eg
‘Table A.’, or ‘Figure A.’ by going to the References tab, and selecting Insert Caption, and clicking on
New Label. (Unfortunately, I could not create these new labels in the Dissertation template, because
Microsoft Word only stores caption labels in the global template, normal.dotm.) If you do create a
new label, you need to manually delete the space immediately following the “A.” in each caption in
your appendices.

Table A. 1 This is a sample caption for a table appearing in appendix A

To add the tables from your appendices to your List of Tables, go to the bottom of your List of Tables
and press Enter a couple of times to give you a blank line between. Then go to the References ribbon
| click on ‘Insert Table of Figures’ | select the caption label ‘Table A.’ (for tables in appendix A) | click
Ok. If it asks you ‘do you want to replace the current list’, answer ‘No’, and a list of tables (that occur
in Appendix A) will appear. Press Enter for a blank line, and create another list for tables that appear
in appendix B, etc. I suggest you leave the blank line between each list. Do the same for figures.

Appendix B
Enter Appendix Name Here

Replace the content of this page with your own content.

B.1 A sample second-level appendix heading

B.2 A sample second-level appendix heading

B.2.1 A sample third-level appendix heading


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