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Once upon a Time Motorcycle Dude


1. Rescue To save from danger

‫ينقذ‬ The boy ------------- the drowning kids.

2. hideous Very ugly

This woman make up is -------------------

‫قبيح جدا‬

3. exploding Blowing up

‫انفجار‬ The bomb is ---------------------------.

4. battle Part of a war

The king won the ------------ .


5. wealthy rich

This man is -----------------. He’s got lots

of money.
‫ ثري‬- ‫غني‬
6. refused Said NO to

My mom ------------- to take me to the mall.


7. invisible Unable to be seen

The man is ----------------- . He is a magician .

‫غير مرئي‬

8. hired Paid to do a particular job

The boss ----------- - the man to work in his


9. immense huge

I’ve got an ---------------- prize .

‫ كبير– ضخم‬- ‫هائل‬

10. warrior fighter

The -------------------- is strong and

Vocabulary Quiz
1. a person with a lot of money...
❑ hired
❑ wealthy
❑ warrior
❑ rescue

2. the way a monster's face looks...

❑ invisible
❑ exploding
❑ hideous
❑ wealthy

3. what lifeguards do for drowning swimmers...

❑ rescue
❑ battle
❑ hired
❑ refused

4. not able to be seen...

❑ immense
❑ invisible
❑ exploding
❑ hideous

5. the size of Mount Everest...

❑ immense
❑ invisible
❑ wealthy
❑ rescue
Vocabulary Quiz

6. to fight...
❑ exploding
❑ battle
❑ rescue
❑ refused

7. will not do something...

❑ hideous
❑ hired
❑ battle
❑ refused

8. blowing up...
❑ immense
❑ invisible
❑ warrior
❑ exploding

9. a fighter...
❑ warrior
❑ battle
❑ exploding
❑ wealthy

10. chosen to do a job...

❑ refused
❑ warrior
❑ hired
❑ wealthy
Vocabulary Quiz
RC Quiz

1. At the beginning of the story, the children make up a fairy

tale because they
❑ want to impress their teacher
❑ want to entertain their classmates
❑ cannot agree on the best one to tell

2. How does the boy feel about the girl's story?

❑ He thinks her story is funny.
❑ He thinks her story is too violent.
❑ He thinks her story is too girly.

3. When does the boy start telling the story?

❑ After the girl introduces Princess Tenderhart.
❑ After the muscle dude arrives on his motorcycle.
❑ After the giant takes all of the ponies but Buttercup.

4. What is one way the boy's story is different from

the girl's?
❑ The princess helps herself.
❑ The dude goes to the gym.
❑ The king gives the dude gold thread.

5. How are the boy's and girl's giants alike?

❑ They ride motorcycles.
❑ They have four rotten teeth.
❑ They want the princess's horses.

6. The princess first begins to spin straw into gold thread

❑ the giant demands it
❑ the motorcycle dude wants it
❑ she is too sad to do anything else
RC Quiz

1. Who are the main characters in the story ?


2. What job where the princes hired and were they successful ?

3- How does the boy try to convince readers that the

Motorcycle Dude is the real hero of the fairy tale?

4-How does the girl try to persuade the reader that the
Princess is the real heroine?

5-How does the giant look like ?

How did the girl start the story?
❑ By describing the princess and her ponies
❑ By describing the Castle
❑ By describing the giant

Why do you think the boy doesn’t agree that the girl
calls the princess’s favourite pony Buttercup?
❑ Buttercup is related to girls . It’s too girly .
❑ Buttercup is ugly name .

What happened when the giant came to steal the

Tenderheart’s ponies ?


Who is the newly introduced Character ?

❑ The motorcycle dude .
❑ The princess .

How did the giant look like ?

❑ He was ugly .
❑ He was good looking.
❑ His teeth were white.
How many pones does the giant need to make a pony

How is the muscle dude like the giant ?

❑ They both are strong and fight well.
❑ They both are weak and can’t fight .
❑ They both are gentle and kind.

How did the princess become a warrior ?

What was the blanket made of ?
❑ Silver thread
❑ Cotton thread
❑ Gold thread

Who freed the ponies ?

❑ The giant
❑ The princess tenderheart and the motorcycle dude
❑ The king
7. How is the muscle dude like the giant?
❑ They both work for the king.
❑ They are both strong and fight.
❑ They both protect the princess.

8. How does the girl feel about the boy's story?

❑ She thinks it is too long.
❑ She likes the muscle dude.
❑ She does not like the ending.

9. Princess Warrior is
❑ able to defeat the motorcycle dude
❑ stronger than Princess Tenderheart
❑ the boy's name for the princess in the story

10. At the end of the story, the boy and the girl
❑ make up a new character for the fairy tale
❑ disagree about how the fairy tale should end
❑ have the same idea for the ending of the fairy tale

What is the setting of the story?

❑ jungle
❑ a mountain
❑ a castle
How many ponies did Princess Tenderheart have?
❑ 6
❑ 8
❑ 3

The boy and girl are getting along better at the end of the
story than they were at the beginning.
❑ true
❑ false
Why did the king hire princes?
❑ to make Princess Tenderheart smile
❑ to protect the ponies
❑ to protect the gold thread

How did Princess Tenderheart act after the ponies were

❑ She cried and refused to eat.
❑ She argued with her father, the king.
❑ She offered a reward to get them back.

Why are the boy and girl writing a fairy tale?

❑ They have a library project.
❑ They are in the school play.
❑ They thought it was a fun idea.

Why did the giant want the ponies?

❑ He wanted to make pony stew.
❑ He wanted them to be in his zoo.
❑ He wanted

After pumping iron in the gym, Princess Tenderheart

became ____.
❑ Princess Warrior
❑ Princess Bravehart
❑ Princess Giant Slayer

What did the motorcycle dude receive as payment for

fighting the giant?
❑ a million dollars
❑ a brand new motorcycle
❑ gold thread
What was special about the blanket that the dude made
out of the gold thread?
❑ It made everything sparkly.
❑ It turned people invisible.
❑ It protected the ponies.

What happened to the giant at the end of the story?

❑ He ran away from the castle.
❑ He ate the ponies in a stew and was happy.
❑ He jumped off a cliff.

Who was Princess Tenderheart's favourite pony?

❑ Nimble
❑ Buttercup
❑ Polly

What weapon did the motorcycle dude have?

❑ a sword
❑ a boomerang
❑ a bow and arrow

What word best describes how the giant looks?

❑ interesting
❑ hideous
❑ handsome

When the giant and the dude battled, what is one thing
that happened?
❑ A rainbow appeared.
❑ All the ponies came back.
❑ The earth was shaking.
Compare and Contrast Venn Diagram

a. Couldn’t agree on a fairy tale

b. Annoying
c. Pleasant , happy , smiling
d. Narrator of the story
e. They are about the same age

The boy The girl

Between their stories on each one point of view :

a. Setting : Castle on a hill
b. Main character : a Helpless Princess
c. Main character : a cool Motorcycle Dude
d. The story have a hideous giant
e. Turns invisible
f. Rescue the ponies
g. The king gives the dude a gold thread
h. So girly
i. There is a fight

The boy The girl

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