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Simple Novel Manager

Engine: NEO / PlayHome Studio / KK CharaStudio

Required VN Game Engine: 9.0+
Genre: util

A FAR simplified util, that allows you to make visual kinetic novels even without code
(I've made this because a lot of users say that Python is too complicated).

How to use:
- Download and install
- Find Simple Novel Manager in All games
- Choose novel

Novel is just a folder inside your scene folder/simple_novels

You must place and adjust several simple! text! files! (use school_demo as example


1. Config placed in _sn_config.txt. Please, keep it.

"name": "Base school demo",
"description": "Simple example game novel by @keitaro1978",
"characters": [
["me", "aa5555", "John-kun"],
["main", "55aa55", "Morito-chan"],
["teacher", "5555aa", "Teacher"],
Please, adjust name and description.
Characters is characters in your novel.
If you doesn't understand characters (they have format <charid>,<rrggbb color of
char>,<charname>) - you can just skip this.

2. There are files in folder:

1.png and 1.txt
2.png and 2.txt
They will be played one-by-one.
In 1.png is your scene. Do it what you like )
In 1.txt is text script. If in 1.txt is VNSceneScript file already, then no txt file will be
It has structure:
txtf:me::Hi! It's me. So, as you can see, I do nothing in the college.
txtf:me::Hey, what's going on?....
txtf:teacher::Is everybody here?\nI want to introduce our new transfer

Logic is simple: (the same as in VNSceneScript fast tutorial)

- next split one state from another.
- txtf show text. Format txtf:<who say>::<what say> (only one per state!) (If whosay
= "s", so it will be system message without header)
- cam move from one cam to another Format: cam:<camnumber>
- camanim animated move from one cam to another Format: camanim:<camnumber>
(example: camanim:1)

(If you are super cool developer, I can say, that you can use anything from
VNSceneScript. Even vnframe functions is already attached)


I hope it's easy. I can't imagine more easy and flexible system at all.

(For NEO users - if you want load scene with Advanced IK, please, just use in
filename string "neoadvik". Example is included)

Non-trivial additional features:

- If you start folder with _ - it will not appear in novel list.

- If you start scene with _ - it will not be processed in novel.
- You can skip TXT file - only scene will be loaded.
- You can place in novel VNSceneScript scene (instead of usual) - it will be played. No
txt file be applied in this case. This is a round way to place UTF-8 (Jap chars etc) texts
in scenes in entire novel.

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