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Article ea Seer Synchronized switch damping on inductor and negative capacitance Bilal Mokrar Andre Preumont! Abstract ote mee Nas pe 234 2065-2075 Theor 201 (SSAGE Gongalo Rodrigues', Burda loan”, Renaud Bastaits' and ‘This article presents a strategy for enhancing the performance of the synchronized switeh damping on inductor tech- hique used for the semiactive control of structural vibrations. This enhancement is achieved by adding a negative capaci- tance to the resonant circuit that dissipates che energy converted by a piezoelectric transducer embedded in the structure. A unidimensional spring-mass system shunted synchronously to a resonant circuit is studied analytically, and the main parameters governing the performances of the system are highlighted. Experimental results obtained with a synthetic negative capacitance demonstrate the enhancement of the performance of synchronized switch damping on inductor and confirm the parametric dependencies identified analytically. Keywords piezoelectric transducers, semiactive damping, synchronized switch damping, negative capacitance Introduction ‘The search for higher comfort, enhanced performance, and longer fatigue life have driven research on vibration control of aerospace and automotive structures, with the privileged solutions being lightweight, compact, and autonomous. One effective way that has been pursued during the last two decades consists of integrating piezoelectric transducers on the vibrating structures for shunting the vibration energy into electrical current and dissipating it through electrical circuits (Davis and Lesieutre, 1995; Forward, 1979; Hagood and Von Flotow, 1991). The simplest dissipative circuit consisted of a single resistor. However, resonant circuits formed ofa resistor and of an inductor (RL. shunt) can be tuned to the reso- nant frequency of the target modes to be damped, enhancing the extraction and dissipation of energy from the transducer (Dell'Isola, 2004; Hollkamp, 1994; Moheimani, 2003). Despite offering a high damping, implementations of RL shunt require massive inductors when applied to low-frequency modes and show a sharp decline in effectiveness when the frequency of resonance of the structure detunes from that of the cit= cuit, which can be due to aging, environmental changes, or different operation modes. The loss of performance due to this mistuning moti- vated the quest for more robust passive techniques. Clark (2000) proposed “state switch damping.” Based oon the fact that a piezoelectric transducer is stiffer in open circuit than it isin closed circuit, damping can be induced by closing the electrodes when the structure starts moving away from its equilibrium position (x=0) and opening them when the structure starts moving in the opposite sense (&=0), in an effect similar to R shunt. Alternatively, Richard et al. (1998) proposed to close the electrodes during a very short period of time, when velocity changes sign, in what became known as synchronized switch damping (SSD). The principle of SSD consists of keeping the sign of the electric charge in the piezoelectric transducer opposed to the sign of velocity, producing an effect equivalent to dry friction. Despite a higher robustness, SSD showed a lower performance than RL shunt. This led the same authors to propose to close the circuit on an inductor, which Jed to @ new technique known as synchronized switch damping on inductor (SSDI; Richard et al., 2000). The presence of the inductor amplifies the electric charge in the piezoclectric transducer leading the way to an "active Structures Laboratory, Universit Libre de Bros, Brussels Begum phys Department Baber oly! Universi, Cli. Napoce, Romania Corresponding author: Bia Mokran, Université Libre de Bruns 50, Av. Roosevelt Bruttel 1050, Balun, Erait bmokran@ulbaclbe 2066 Journal of Ineligent Material Systems ond Structures 23(18) eversincreasing charge being stored in the transducer and therefore higher forees opposing the motion. SSDI requires inductors that can be orders of magnitude smaller than those of shunt and i essentially insensitive to the changes of the resonant frequency of the struc- ture. The challenge of synchronization is tackled by compact and autonomous logic circuits based on solid- state switches, that is, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs), in such a way that it remains globally @ passive technique, and some energy harvesting is performed to power the switch (e.g. see the study by Niederberger (2005) on SSD). ‘The principle that the higher the electrical charge that is stored in the piezoelectric transducer, the higher is the resulting damping, led to several semiactive tech- niques being proposed. Switching the electrodes on to a voltage source (Lefeuvre et a, 2006) allows the piczo- clectric transducer to be charged with a sign opposed to velocity and with an amplitude depending on the inten- sity of the souree, The technique became known as syn- chronized switch damping on voltage (SSDY) source, and when the mechanical energy is dissipated, the trans- ducer continues to recharge and inject energy into the system. An improvement to SSDV was proposed by Badel et al. (2006), which consisted of adapting the vol- tage source to the amplitude of vibration, However, this, technique is rather complex because of the algorithm used to adapt the voltage source. More recent works on this technique were proposed by Ji etal. 200a, 2009). Jietal. 2011) proposed to replace the voltage source by a negative capacitor, which was called synchronized switch damping on negative capacitance (S8D-NC). In this technique, when the circuit is closed, the negative capacitance supplies an electric charge to the transducer and increases the quantity that is stored. However, in the absence of an inductor, the high current resulting from closing the switch produces saturations ofthe syn- thetic negative capacitor. In this article, we propose to add a negative capaci- tor to the resonant circuit being switched, ina new tech- nigue called synchronized switch damping on inductor with negative capacitance (SSDI-NC). The resonant characteristic ofthe dissipative circuit allows the imita- tion of the current that is supplied by the negative capa citance, providing an improvement with relation to SSD-NC. Negative capacitance inereases artificially the clectromechanical coupling factor (De Marneffe and Preumont, 2008; Forward, 1979). This article starts by an analytical description of the SSDI technique, which is based on a I-degree-offree- dom system, and emphasizes the importance of the clectromechanical coupling factor K. Despite the fact that the damping mechanism of SSDI consists of a dry friction, an equivaient damping ratio € is then derived, and its very compact dependence on the eleetromecha- nical coupling factor and the electrical damping of the shunt circuit is pointed out. Ths relation can be used as 4 design chart for predicting the damping ratio achieved by SSDI in terms of the electromechanical coupling fac- tor of the piezoelectric transducer and the connected electrical network parameters. Its extrapolation to mul- timode structures can be implemented through the ‘modal electromechanical coupling factor K?. The analytical formulation followed makes explicit the increase of damping that can be achieved by cancel- ing the inherent capacitance of the piezoelectric trans- ducer through a synthesized negative capacitor. Since negative capacitors do not exist as passive components, they must be implemented with active circuits employ- ing operational amplifiers. Resorting to energy harvest- ing will allow the recovery of an autonomous semiactive system, Finally, the article presents the setup and the respee- tive experimental results that demonstrate the inerease of damping performance offered by SSDI-NC with relation to SSDI and the consistency observed with the predicted parametric dependence. Electromechanical coupling factor Let us consider the unidimensional spring-mass system of Figure I(a), where the mass M is supported by a lin- ear piezoelectric actuator consisting of a stacking of identical piezoelectric elements polarized through their thickness ‘The constitutive equations of the piezoelectric trans- ducer of Figure 1(b) are VL KP 1/Ky nds (2) ay fS> CUB [nds |e ) where ¥ is the electrical tension between its electrodes, is the electrical charge stored, x is its elongation, f is the force applied at its tips, Ky is the stiffness of the transducer in short circuit (ie. 7=0), Cis the electrical capacitance when no forces are applied (ie. f=0), and dhs is the piezoelectric constant. o | M f | — Transducer f (a) 3) Figure 1. (a) Unidimensionalspring-mass system. (6) Plezoelectric linear transducer made of n identical elements ‘Mokrani et ol 2067 ‘The electromechanical coupling coefficient & mea- sures the capability of the transducer for converting: ‘mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa, and it can be expressed as e @ am GisKa oe kis also a measure of how the stifness and the elec- trical capacitance of the transducer are affected by the changes in the mechanical and electrical boundary conditions: © The stiffness of the piezoelectric transducer in ‘open circuit (Q=) is related to that in short cit- cuit (Y= 0) by FO" Ty 8) + The capacitance of a blocked piezoelectric trans- ducer (= 0) is related to that of a free transducer Finally, the governing equations of the system are obtained by substituting f= — Mz in the cons equations of the transducer v Ky _[/K, -ndy {hee} cael eh E'S} ‘The dynamic capacitance of the piezoelectric trans- ducer is given by Figure 2) Oo py Mot Ku/( = 2) C0 TRre Bp sorrow a ie & | nn ee Frequncy (2) Figure 2. Dynamic capacitance Q/V. From the resonance frequency and the antireso- nance frequency Q of Q/V, one can compute the elec- tromechanical coupling factor as i oe e 1 (6) Note that @ is the natural frequency of the mechani- cal system with open clectrodes transducer, and @ is that with short-circuited electrodes, this is true only for I-degree-ol-freedom system; for _ multidegree-of- freedom system, the modal electromechanical coupling, factor K; should be used instead of &, such that 2 el o In this case, Q, is the natural frequency of mode é with open electrodes transducer, and «, corresponds to short-circuited electrodes. In practice, the electromechanical coupling factor can be estimated from the measurement of the piezo- electric transducer impedance (¥/7) or from the mea- surement of the mechanical compliance X/F when the electrodes are open and when short-circuited. SSDI Let us now consider the piezoelectric transducer con- nected to a resonant circuit RL equipped with a switch (Figure 3). When the switch is closed, the voltage V and the charge Q are related through the impedance of the RL cireuit, V= — (Ls+R) = ~ (Ls +R)sQ, leading to O+RCU— R)Q+LCU—B) endsKyx (8) and, using the definitions of electrical frequency and damping, such that 1 = TERT tm He one gets +2 Oe Iti assumed thatthe electrical circuit is such tht the electrical resonance frequency i significantly larger than the mechanical resonance,’ typically ,>200, (Neubauer and Wallaschek, 2008), in such a way that the displacement may be regarded as constant over one half period z7/w,, when the switch is closed, and the charge 0 essentially evolves a the step response of « second-order system (Figure 4). The overshoot a is felted to ibe eleciial ‘damping according 1 epee eee * ‘The control strategy is the following: When the velo city is zero: =0, that is, the deformation is maximal, 2068, M “t Switch Journal of Ineligent Material Systems ond Structures 23(18) fa) Figure 3. Piezoelectric linear transducer with a switched RL shune ‘mic igure 4. Overshoot afer closing the RL shunt ase t'VE, The switch remains closed exactly one-half of| ‘the electrical period and then opens agin. the switch is closed, and remains closed exactly one-half ‘of the electrical period, r= m/o,, and then opens again, ‘Assuming that the piezoelectric transducer is initially rot charged and that it starts from nonzero inital con- ditions, the electric charge after the first switch is (Figure 5) Qo= (1 +aandss Keto When the switch is open, the charge remains the ‘same until the next extremum, at x; = —xp, Repeating ‘the switching sequence Q1=ndrsKxy +alndaxKyx; ~ Qo) ‘The first contribution in the right-hand side is the forcing term of the charge equation (9), and the second (b) Figure 5. Impulse response of che system of Figure 3. (2) The displacement x and electric charge Q and (b) the voltage V (=0.03). For lowk x. = =x. one is the overshoot associated with the difference with respect to the previous value. Combining with the pre- vious equation and taking into account that x; ~ —o, Q1 = ndyK_(1+a)(1 +a} Similarly Qr=nds3Koxr +a(ndss Kerr OQ, ~ ndssKg(l +02 on ndsKo(1 +0) (1 ax Or © ndssKg(1 +e)x3{1 +a(1 +4] Oy ~ ndyyKy(1+axy(l tata? + +0") Bernat (22) ‘Thus, the ratio between the electric charge and the vibration amplitude tends to stabilize to a constant ‘Mokrani et ol 2069 Figure 6. Impulse response of the piezoelectric transducer for ‘wo values of che electrical damping £, (k=0.1). For small values of fy beat is observed in the damped response. Figure 7. Limit value ofthe electrical damping &, under which ‘the beat occurs (log-log seal) value that corresponds to the static response of equa- tion (9) amplified by (1+a)/(1—a), where @ is the overshoot in the electric charge following the closure of the switch. Note that Q, has always a sign opposed to that of the velocity in the following half-cycle, which means that it works as a dry friction. According to ‘equation (10), the friction force is maximized when a is, close to 1; however, small values of electrical damping £, lead to beat (Figure 6). Figure 7 shows the lower limit of the electrical damp- ing asa function of the electromechanical coupling factor. Equivalent damping ratio ‘The dynamics of the mass M is governed by the second ‘equation (5) ) where the force in the right-hand side is opposing the velocity and has a constant value during every half- eyele separating two extrema (where the switeh occurs); 0 is given by equation (10). The equivalent damping ratio may be evaluated by eomparing the energy loss in cone cycle to that of an equivalent linear viscous dam- per. The free response of a linear viscous damper is, x=xye-f#", In one eyele, the amplitude is reduced by x) =39e°2* and the strain energy loss is AV Yea) VO) oy see ane (12) Vea) Veo) " a Similarly, the energy loss in one cycle associated with the friction damping is the work of the (constant) fric- tion force Fo ; itis obtained from equations (10) and ay —taghy -altdoKel® (1 ee > Ka [tte aa =) after using equation (2) AY gp(e via (5) Comparing with equation (12), one ges the equiva lent vivous damping sone 2 (222) This result must be compared with £,=12/4 for a purely resistive shunting and &,, =k/2 for a tuned RL. shunt (Figure 8; Preumont, 2006). One observes that the performance of the SSDI depends on the electrical damping &, ; smaller values of é, lead to larger equiva- lent mechanical damping, buta lower limit exists, corre- sponding to the appearance of beat, which is indicated bya triangle in Figure & (3) (4) Enhancement of k” We have just seen that the damping ratio ¢ added by SSID increases linearly with 4? (equation (14)) and, as a result of equation (2), it therefore increases for lower values of the capacitance C. In this way, the damping performance of a SSDI circuit can be enhanced by reducing the equivalent capacitance of the piezoelectric transducer, which can be achieved by adding a negative capacitor in series or in parallel with the transducer as is illustrated in Figure 9 (Forward, 1979a, 19796). Negative capacitors do not exist as passive compo- nents; however, they can be synthesized by an active cir- cuit employing operational amplifiers as the one shown in Figure 10 (Philbrick Researches, Ine., 1965). 2070 Journal of Ineligent Material Systems ond Structures 23(18) Figure 8. Equivalent damping ratio £25 a function ofthe ‘electromechanical coupling factor , Comparison of the resistive shuncng (R), inductive shunting (RL), and synchronized switch shunting SSDI for various values of the electrical darmping &,. The triangle indicates the limit value before best. ‘8D: synchronized switch damping on inductor Piezoelectric, stack transducer < @ ) Figure 9. (a) Negative capacitance in parallel and (b) negative ‘capacitance in series,’ is obtained using the circuit shown in| Figure 10, Porallel negative copacitance The equivalent piezoelectric transducer obtained by adding a capacitor in parallel as illustrated in Figure 11 preserves the piezoclectric coefficient of the original transducer dss as well as the short-circuited stiffness Ky (De Mameffe and Preumont, 2008). However, the gov- cerning equations of the new system must now be writ: ten in terms of the total capacitance C*=C ~ C’ and the total charge Q* ry _k {ve} aces ‘The equivalent electromechanical coupling factor &* ccan now be expressed in terms of that of the original system as i ale) ° (1s) (16) c v “ona Ry Ry C=-#C Figure 10. Parallel negative capacitance (From Philbrick Researches, Inc, 1965). Figure I. (2) Piezoolectric transducer connected to a parallel negative capacitance ~C’ and (b) equivalent transducer This shows that by making the value of the negative capacitance C’ approach that of the free piezoelectric transducer, the electromechanical coupling factor can be increased and with it the damping provided by the SSDI cireuit However, there is a maximum limit to which C’ can be increased. For £°?>I, the open-circuit stiffness of the equivalent transducer K,/(1— &°) becomes nega tive, and the system becomes unstable. This occurs when the absolute value of the negative capacitance reaches the blocked capacitance of the original piezo- lectrie transducer such that C’=C3=C(1 — #) defines the threshold of stability Serial negative capacitance Alternatively, the negative capacitance can be inte grated in series with the piezoelectric transducer as is illustrated in Figure 12, ‘The governing equations can now be written as (De ‘Marneffe and Preumont, 2008) ‘Mokrani et ol 2071 Figure 12. (@) Piezoelectric transducer connected to a series negative capacitance ~C’ and (b) equbalent transducer. {Tie} ores |e Ale} 7) In this configuration, the capacitance of the equiva lent piezoelectric transducer is reduced to 1=c/c" c (18) asis the piezoclectrc coefficient & (19) (20) ‘The threshold of stability is now attained when the value of negative capacitance equals that of the original piezoelectric transducer C’ = C ‘The equivalent parameters for the negative capaci- tance in parallel and in series are shown in Table 1 SSDENC AAs discussed previously, the integration of a negative capacitor in the shunt circuit allows the enhancement of the damping performance of the classical SSI with & new technique herein called SSDI-NC. Expressing the absolute value of the negative capaci- tor in terms of that of the stand-alone piezoelectric transducer as C’=8CS when in parallel, and C'=C/B. when in series, with B<1 (to keep the system stable), leads to an equivalent electromechanical coupling fac tor in both configurations as eB ORB Which can be approximated for small &2 as ea) ‘Table 1. Equivalent properties of the piezoelectric transducer connected toa parallel or series negative capacitance. Equivalent parameter Original Parallel Series system NC(-C)_NC(-C’) e c c-e c ce tn tn & & T=e7e 0C sttness ia K Te TK SC stiffness kK Ke Stabiliy condition — ext C=c{t —) isthe Blocked capactance INC: negative capactance: OC: open crus SC: short eu The equivalent damping coefficient that can be achieved with SSDI-NC in both configurations is given by Lee 2 for se-2( wo This result is compared with the classical R and RL shunt and the classical SSDI in Figure 13. 1t is clear that the curve of the damping coefficient when a serial negative tance is used ss)_ne consists of the curve of spy shifted up by 1/(1—B). Note that the same result is obtained when a parallel negative capaci tance is connected such that C’ = 0.91C°. 1k must be noted that when setting the resonance fre quency and the quality factor of the shunt cireuit, the values of the inductance and resistance must be tuned according to the value of the equivalent piezocletrie transducer C® that are shown in Table 1 Experimental validation Experimental setup ‘The proposed damping technique SSDI-NC was vali- dated experimentally, with a negative capacitor in par- allel with the piezoelectric transducer. TThe experimental setup is schematized in Figure 14, The structure consisted of a lightly damped cantilever aluminum beam, with the piezoelectric transducer inte- grated close to clamping for maximizing its authority over the first flexural mode, The excitation consisted of a force applied by a voice coil at the beam tip, being collocated with the velocity measurement with a laser vibrometer. The excitation was applied below 200 Hz, with a constant spectrum, which allowed the response to be dominated by the first flexural mode (; = 109 H7) 2072 Figure 13. Equivalent damping ratio £ as a function of the ‘lectromechanical coupling factor K?, Comparison of the resistive shunting (R), inductive shunting (RL), $SD1 shunting and SSDLNC in series (C' =C/0.91, i. 8=091), for various values of che electrical damping 6, The same curve ls applied to a negative capaciance C’=0.91 C*in parallel. SSDINC: yneonizedewlch drping on inductor wih negative ‘eapaciance DsP Electronic sswiteh Cantleverbeam Fourier analyzer oJ Lou Figure 14. Experimental setup. ‘The switch algorithm was implemented with a digital signal processor (DSP) and consisted of closing the cir cuit when ¢=0 and keeping it closed during half of the loctrical period += 7/0 In the synchronized switch implementation, the period of the electrical circuit, r=2x/we, must be an integer multiple of the sampling frequency period of ‘the digital controller (DSP), in this case 10s. The Journal of Ineligent Material Systems ond Structures 23(18) +) «@ Figure 15. Voltage and current of the SSDI in response to a sinusoidal excitation force: (a) electrical voltage inthe transducer and velocy measured atthe bear tip and (b) electrical current in the circu SSDI: synchronized switch damping on inductor value of the inductance L must be sclected accord- ingly. This is facilitated by the use of @ variable inductor. The voltage of the piczoclectric transducer (without negative capacitance) and the current in the circuit are shown in Figure 15 when SSDI technique is used. The velocity is first filtered by a low-pass filter to remove the high-frequency modes contribution and then @ phase delay is introduced by the DSP to synchronize the switch exactly at <=0. ‘The negative capacitor was implemented following the schematic in Figure 10 using an operational ampli- fier OPA44S and variable capacitor and resistor for eas- ily changing the value of the negative capacitance C’ Estimation of i? The effect of the negative capacitance on the electrome- chanical coupling factor of the equivalent transducer can bbe observed on the frequency response function (FRF) between the beam tip displacement and the applied force X/E. For this purpose, measurements were made with different boundary conditions of the electrodes: © Short circuit © Open circuit, © Open circuit with a negative capacitor in parallel ‘Mokrani et ol pen ect cee \-~Paraliol negative ‘capacitance o Magnitude ($8) 7A Frequency (Hz) Figure 16. Frequency response function X/F with open circuit, losed circuit, and negative parallel shunt. Table 2. Measured parameters. Parameter Stand-alone transducer With parallel NC « 108.125 He 108.125 He a 103.64 109.094 ce SI nF 26.5 nF e 0.94% 18% INC negative capactance. apactance nF) “ Frequency(H2) Figure 17. Measured dynamic capacitance of the plezoelectrie sransducer ‘The FRFs are shown in Figure 16, and the respec- tive resonance frequencies are shown in Table 2, w for short-circuit electrodes and © for open circuit, ‘The clectromechanical coupling factor for mode 1 for the stand-alone transducer and for the equivalent transducer obtained by adding the negative capacitor in parallel can then be calculated from 2073 With parailel NC ‘ ° 007 0m 008 ts) Figure 18. Electrical vokage with and without parallel negative capacitance (NC), Magnitude (081 Qocto Frequency Hz) ‘ Figure 19. Frequency response function X/F with open electrodes, SD shunt, and SSDI + negative capacitance shune. ‘The negative capacitance is connected in paral SSDI synchronized ewich damping on inductor The capacitance of C=51nF of the stand-alone transducer corresponds to the static value of the mea~ sure of Q/¥, Figure 17, and the capacitance of the equivalent transducer with the negative capacitance in parallel was calculated at C* =26.5 nF. Reducing the equivalent capacitance to half resulted in doubling the equivalent # consistently with equation (2) The effect of the negative capacitance on the voltage of the piezoelectric transducer is shown in Figure 18, The voltage increases when the negative capacitor is ‘connected in parallel, this is because the apparent capa- citance is reduced consistently with equation (15) when the circuit is opened (Q* = C"). ‘One can observe also that higher frequency modes are more excited when the negative capacitance is used this is because these modes are the first to be destabi- lized when approaches 1 2074 Journal of nteligent Material Systems and Structures 23/18) Experimental results The FRF X/F are compared for open cireuit, SSDI, and SSDI with parallel negative capacitance enhance ‘ment as shown in Figure 19. The definition of the quality factor Ojos = 1/2 allows the determination of the corresponding damping ratios as 0.13% 37% © Esspi-ne=4.61% The doubling of the damping coefficient offered by SSDI-NC is consistent with equation (22) with a capa- citance of the equivalent transducer that is half of that of the stand-alone transducer. Conclusions ‘The SSDI technique provides structural damping with a high robustness with respect to a change of the natu- ral frequency of the system. Adding a synthetic negative capacitor that cancels the capacitance of the piczoclec~ tric transducer improves its damping performance. ‘The development of the proposed technique follows aan analytical formulation that compactly describes the parametric dependence of the performance of SSDI- based techniques, that is it predicts the damping coeffi- cient provided in terms of the electrical damping of the shunt cireuit and the ratio between the synthesized negative capacitance and the capacitance of the stand- alone piezoelectric transducer. An experimental implementation of the SSDI-NC technique has been demonstrated. The main parameters governing the performance of the system have been highlighted. The performance enhancement offered compared to the classical SSDI confirms the theoretical predictions. The proposed technique is a candidate to be used for the damping of lightly damped aerospace structures, Notes 1 of=K/Ma- 2) 2. 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