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Human Resource Management

Assignment By:
Dina Salah Ahmed Monir

HR2025-the rise of the HR Futurologist
We must look to the future without losing sight of the present.
Through predicting the future the companies can set out the
employee value proposition. What we predict cannot be treated
as a fact, as it cannot be guaranteed that it will happen because it
is subject to many changes, such as social, economic and
medical changes.

The HR professional of 2025 will be the skill of futurology,

through deductive analysis of trends; commentaries;
developments; research and innovation.

in 2025 there is a new version of the Customer Service "NPS"

called " NPPS" the Net People (Potential) Score ,that give us
data about how much people are “into” their company; their
managers; their colleagues and overall, how much extra they
will give the organization. Through it we can make a
performance dashboard for individuals .those performing well
will welcome a more data-driven performance and rewards
system not based on Manager Bias.

Rephrasing was applied

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