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Human Resources

Assignment (1)

HR 2025: Human Resources

Management In the Future
Book 1- Work, People and HR in 2025
By Perry Timms

Prepared by: -
Marwa Ahmed Mohamed Hasaballah
I apply rephrasing
Pages 37-38-39

Performance management: Come on in your time is up…
After concluding first team meeting, logging on to project space, updating responsibilities in the team
hub and accepting work from this hub, he finds two new people one from Tokyo and the other from
Mexico City, he never met them before but they check out their video logs and exchange the 1 to 5
ways to work in a few minutes. Day 1 is productive and all things about the way this company works
around people centric technology- enabled and trusted ways of working are like a hit. This company
is the owner of the world’s best HR team award.
Finally, this is idealistic and possible model for work that enables people connecting and working with
each other. Light touch management and a set of HR practices that are both human and resourceful
that transpose this to manufacturing, technology, customer service, contact centers and building work.
The way the work is done may be different but this way can set out expectation between organization
and individual, manager and job holder, team and team member, and also among colleagues.
Technology may be different but the principle is the same, technology enables us so there is a low
intensity but it is a formalized way to do things.
It isn’t called performance management any more, it’s called my Role and it is driven by people not
by managers or HR. There may be times when things don’t go as planned and HR is often involved
coaching, mediating and working out routes to resolution. Employment law hasn’t changed much but
people’s approaches to resolving work place issues have changed even lawyers have become
conciliators and advisors in more complex circumstances.
Now the level of commitment and engagement is on the rise, people are able to restore their sense of
ownership and delivery compared to those who think inside the box in the past. People are feeling part
of something bigger and more meaningful at work and HRs move to enable and rescue the profession
from regulators to enablers and performance enhancers and inspirers now work has more vibrancy.

Learning: you couldn’t avoid it if you wanted to

It is clear that learning is an important thing in our life. If I haven’t learned something new a day, it is
a wasted day. Whatever your view on human spirit, there is no doubt that learning, curiosity, obtaining
of information, realization, and deduction enable us to move through history from primitive ways to a
deeper understanding and impact on ourselves.
Cultural traditions, techniques, creation and exploration all these amazing things we learned from
those before us and around us. We built civilization through learning. Learning is a fundamental right
as freedom. In 20 th century and into 21 st we learned so much and also damaged so much.
Reading Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book David and Goliath refers to the smaller class size obsession
in the US education system. We learn and we use learning to applied practice. Anyway let’s start by
looking at learning in 2013 for what professor Gary Hamel called “a busted flush” management.
Starting with idiom “A labor of love” Two words: labor is the act of work, effort and employment
while love is the emotion of strong attraction and personal attachment to something or someone.

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