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Human Resource Management

Assignment -1
HR2025- Human Resource Management in the Future (1)
work, people and HR in 2025

Prepared by
Eman Mansour Abas Ali.
Perry is a regular speaker across the UK and internationally and has featured as a speaker, chair and
blogger at the last 10 consecutive CIPD Annual ,can be seen speaking on YouTube and via recorded
Webinars. Perry is known for his energy, passion and insight around the world of people and work. He is
a Chartered Member of the CIPD; and Visiting Fellow at Sheffield Hallam Business School.

Perry’s values are Respect; Autonomy; Growth, Hope and Happiness.

Perry is a social HR Practitioner as he tweets, blogs and is active on LinkedIn and was voted 7th in People
Management magazine’s Top 20 HR power-tweeters for 2012 and one of top the top 10 HR Bloggers in
the 2013 update.

Perry has set up his own enterprise - PTHR (People & Transformational HR) delivering Perry’s aiming to
transform learning & work through use of social technologies; hackathons for inclusive innovation; new
models of working and leading and bringing the soul back into our working lives.

hr2025-human-resource-management-in-the-future (1) work, people and HR in 2025

in 2025 work as we know it will change EVEN MORE than it has in the previous 12 years. Those
responsible for people powered performance in working life are Human Resource (HR) professionals. In
order to create a better future for work and our working lives, HR needs to modernise and radicalise.
The revolution will be digitised. Workplace technology, science and behaviours are changing and this
book and accompanying series will attempt to set out what those changes might be and what HR needs
to take account of to create that better future in work

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