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The Arab Academy For Management, Banking And Financial Sciences

Human Resource Management

Dr. Sausan El-Challah

Assignment #1 HR2025: Human Resource Management in

the Future by Perry Timms
page 44 to 46

Summarized & Rephrased by:

Wael Mohamed Sayed Younis

Working under a system that cannot be modified may be difficult in the coming years, but the
tendency will be to work under flexible systems, more streamlined towards the distribution of
roles and commitment to them, meaning the author expect in the coming few years that there
will be more specialists and less managers, will see more self-management and less forced
compliance, less leaders who have vision, knowledge and decision-making and they expect to
implement it literally from their people.
the author expects the absence of this role in the coming years, and consequently, the number
of leaders will decrease and their transition to the circle of specialists.
But to maintain the role of the leader, the factors of development of leaders and the basis of
their existence and development must be preserved. The leader who learns is the leader who
adapts, so the role of leaders in addition to creating more leaders along with other things is the
continuity of learning all the time.
So we learn and use that learning in practice and hope for better things. This is what it should
Sometimes we seem to know that we have to learn more, but we ignore it in favor of doing
tried and tested things
Continuous and continuous learning is the foundation of a good culture so leadership and
management are essential to organizational, societal and personal success

The most important factors of that:

 Continuous mutual learning through interaction and influence with internal and
external participants.
 Trust: by learning more; share more; Social networking with good faith will build trust.
 Culture: by creating and acquiring a good culture that comes from the interaction of
balanced and good behaviors.
 Social capital: It is social action through social learning, using social technologies and
being better collectively.

Summarized & Rephrased by:

Wael Mohamed Sayed Younis

Assignment # 1 … HRM Dr. Sausan El-Challah

The Arab Academy For Management, Banking And Financial Sciences (HR-G204-July,2021)

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