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Phase 01 - Game Sprint Part 2 (Develop & Deliver)

Increased point allocation of red plates to 2 pts
Increased point allocation to angled tiles to 4 pts
Implemented rock-​paper-​scissors to determine who 
launches first
Improved durability of catapult design
Implemented specific instructions on how to properly 
load and launch the catapult
Phase 01 - Game Sprint Part 2 (Develop & Deliver)

Updated Instructions
1. Distribute two clear red plates, one clear yellow tile, and two angled tiles of the respective 
color to each player. (Clear red plates are 2 points, angled tiles are 4 points, and clear yellow 
tiles are 5 points.)
2. Players start with rock-​paper-​scissors: the winner gets to launch first.
3. Load up your ammo of choice anywhere on the curved brick with the numbered sticker 
and launch the piece by snapping down the launcher; opponent follows suit with the same 
type of piece. Where you position the launched piece on the curved brick will partially 
determine the trajectory of the launched piece's flight.
4. Whoever launches the piece the furthest receives the points and gets to launch first next 
round with the piece of their choice.
5. Player with the most total points at the end wins.
Phase 01 - Game Sprint Part 2 (Develop & Deliver)


Play-​tested with my two younger cousins

Jason is 17 years old
Hudson is 12 years old
Phase 01 - Game Sprint Part 2 (Develop & Deliver)

Updated Gamification analysis

Phase 01 - Game Sprint Part 2 (Develop & Deliver)
Updated Game Map
Phase 01 - Game Sprint Part 2 (Develop & Deliver)

Since the dawn of humans, wars have been waged over 
whether ketchup or mustard pairs perfectly with a good ol'
backyard BBQ hot dog. A dark twist of fate has led us to a 
cursed reality where condiment crusaders forge weapons of 
war and battle it out to see which condiment is the crown 
jewel of the land. Man the Condiment Catapult and get lost in 
the sauce.

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