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Received: 30 January 2019 Revised: 19 March 2019 Accepted: 11 April 2019

DOI: 10.1002/pbc.27776 Pediatric

Blood &
The American Society of

Cancer Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

An upfront immunomodulatory therapy protocol for pediatric

opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome

Colin Wilbur1,2 Carmen Yea3 Christoph Licht4 Meredith S. Irwin5

E. Ann Yeh1,3

1 Division of Neurology, Department of

Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, Abstract

Toronto, Canada Background: Treatment of opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) has historically involved cor-
2 Division of Neurology, Department of
ticosteroids and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) for a duration of 6-12 months or longer. This
Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, study evaluated whether a brief upfront immunomodulatory therapy protocol with rituximab
Women and Children’s Health Research
Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
reduces the duration of OMS therapy without adversely affecting OMS outcomes.
Procedure: Retrospective chart review was performed for consecutive children diagnosed with
3 Department of Neurosciences and Mental
OMS from 2006 to 2019 at The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Canada). Children treated
Health, SickKids Research Institute, Toronto,
Canada within 3 months of diagnosis with a treatment protocol involving pulse methylprednisolone (3-5
4 Division of Nephrology, Department of days, followed by an oral steroid taper), IVIG and/or plasma exchange, and rituximab (protocol
Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, group, n = 7) were compared to a historical group treated primarily with prednisone and IVIG
Toronto, Canada
(n = 8).
5 Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department

of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, Results: The duration of corticosteroid treatment was shorter in the protocol (median 4.5 [range
Toronto, Canada 3-12] months) compared to that in the historical group (median 21.5 [range 6-70] months,
P = .005), and subjects in the protocol group received fewer cycles of IVIG (median 1 [range 0-
E. Ann Yeh, Division of Neurology, Department 7] cycle vs 7 [range 1-70] cycles, P = .01). The proportion of children with OMS relapse was similar
of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, 555 between the protocol and historic groups (2/6 vs 5/8, P = .59). OMS symptom rating scales at 12-
University Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5G 1 X 8.
month follow-up were similar in the protocol group (median 2.5, range 0-3) compared to that in
the historical group (median 1, range 0-7; P = .66).
This work was presented as a poster at the Amer-
Conclusions: An upfront immunomodulatory therapy protocol with rituximab permits reduction
ican Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting
(April 2018). Abstract citation: Wilbur C, Yea in the duration of corticosteroid and IVIG therapy without a detrimental effect on OMS outcomes.
C, Licht C, Irwin MS, Yeh EA. Acute induction Future studies with longer follow-up will have to determine whether neurocognitive and psy-
immunotherapy plus rituximab for the treatment chosocial outcomes are improved by this approach.
of pediatric opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome.
Neurology. 2018;90(Suppl 15):P2.311.
neuroblastoma, opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome, paraneoplastic, rituximab, therapeutic plasma

1 INTRODUCTION long-term neurologic outcomes; ongoing motor symptoms, speech

abnormalities, and/or cognitive deficits may be seen in more than
Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) is a rare neuroinflammatory half of the affected children.3,4 Notably, the neuroblastoma tumors
disorder, having an estimated incidence of 0.18 per million total pop- detected in patients with OMS are usually biologically and clinically
ulation in the United Kingdom.1 OMS typically presents in early child- favorable and often do not require adjuvant chemotherapy.5 Although
hood and occurs as a paraneoplastic phenomenon in association with a single pathogenic autoantibody has not been identified in individu-
neuroblastoma in approximately half of the pediatric cases.2 Chil- als with OMS,6 the presence of oligoclonal bands and expanded cere-
dren with OMS experience a high rate of symptom relapse and poor brospinal fluid (CSF) B-cell populations in untreated children support
an underlying autoimmune etiology and the importance of B cells in
Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; IV, intravenous; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; OMS pathophysiology.7,8
OMS, opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome; TPE, therapeutic plasma exchange.

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2019;66:e27776. 

c 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1 of 7
2 of 7 WILBUR ET AL .

Based on the presumed immune basis of this disorder, corticos-

teroids alone or in combination with intravenous immunoglobulin
(IVIG) are frequently used for treatment, to which cyclophosphamide
or rituximab may be added. The treatment regimens are similar for
patients with or without neuroblastoma. Many treatment protocols
for pediatric OMS routinely continue with corticosteroids and regu-
lar IVIG for an initial duration of 6-12 months or longer.3,9–11 How-
ever, the optimal combination and duration of immunomodulatory
therapy remains unknown. Nonrandomized studies suggest improved
motor and developmental outcomes along with reductions in mark-
ers of CSF B-cell expansion following multimodal immunomodulatory
therapy.9,12–14 A recent phase 3 trial in children with OMS and neurob-
lastoma also demonstrated an improved OMS symptom response with
the addition of IVIG to prednisone and cyclophosphamide.11 While the
evidence for therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) in pediatric OMS is F I G U R E 1 Induction immunomodulatory therapy protocol; all
limited to case reports,15–17 studies of its use in other neuroinflamma- patients also had screening for neuroblastoma and treatment of
tory conditions suggest efficacy in cases refractory to corticosteroid tumor, if found (surgical resection +/- chemotherapy). IVIG,
treatment.18,19 intravenous immunoglobulin

Our aim was to evaluate the use of a brief upfront standardized

treatment protocol including high-dose corticosteroids, IVIG and/or immunomodulatory therapy was administered and the number of out-
TPE, and rituximab in children with OMS in comparison to a historical patient medical day unit visits attributable to immunomodulatory ther-
control group. We hypothesized that early aggressive therapy would apy were counted. Potential adverse events related to OMS therapy
lead to reduced duration of corticosteroid treatment and fewer med- were identified in the protocol group and scored according to the
ical visits related to immunomodulatory therapy administration, with- National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse
out having a detrimental effect on OMS outcomes. Events version 5.0.20 Adverse events of moderate severity or worse
(grades 2-5) were recorded.
A standardized protocol for the initial treatment of OMS was insti-
tuted in 2015 (Figure 1). Initial treatment consisted of pulse intra-
venous (IV) methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg/day for 3-5 days), followed
by a course of oral prednisone weaned over approximately 3-4 months
2.1 Study population and design
(extended for OMS relapse or poor treatment response). Children hav-
This was a retrospective study of children diagnosed with OMS and ing a poor clinical response to pulse steroid therapy, defined by a lack of
evaluated at The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Canada) between clinical improvement in ataxia and ongoing functional deficits, received
2006 and 2019. Children <18 years of age diagnosed with OMS during IVIG 2 g/kg, divided over 2 days, and/or TPE. TPE was administered
the study period (with or without a diagnosis of neuroblastoma) were in children with severe symptoms despite pulse steroid therapy or
identified through neuroblastoma and neuroinflammatory registries those with ongoing disabling symptoms following treatment with pulse
maintained prospectively through the oncology and neurology clinics, steroids and IVIG. TPE was administered through a double-lumen cen-
respectively. Additional cases were ascertained by screening the hos- tral venous line and cycles consisted of either 1× or 1.5× plasma vol-
pital records of children having International Classification of Diseases ume exchanges administered approximately daily or every other day,
10th Revision diagnostic codes corresponding to ataxia (unspecified, with the number of cycles titrated to treatment response (5-10 cycles
R27.0), myoclonus (G25.3), or nystagmus and other irregular eye move- total).
ments (H55). The diagnosis of OMS was considered confirmed retro- All children then received rituximab administered as two
spectively in all cases by documenting the presence of at least two 500 mg/m2 doses 14 days apart, with the initial dose administered as
of the following three criteria: (1) opsoclonus, (2) myoclonus and/or an inpatient, and the second dose administered through the outpatient
ataxia, and (3) neuroblastoma. Children were excluded if they had neu- medical day unit. Due to the potential for TPE to increase rituximab
rological abnormalities due to a diagnosis other than OMS or if there clearance if performed within 72 h of infusion21 —and the theoretical
were insufficient data available to report OMS therapy and neurologi- risk of a resultant decrease in rituximab efficacy—the protocol dic-
cal outcome. This study was approved by the SickKids Research Ethics tated rituximab be administered following the completion of acute
Board. therapies. Standard premedication with acetaminophen, diphenhy-
dramine, and methylprednisolone was administered. Children whose
initial OMS therapy included IV pulse methylprednisolone and who
2.2 Clinical data and treatment groups
received rituximab within 6 months of diagnosis were analyzed as
Clinical data were collected using standardized case report forms. the “protocol group.” Children first receiving any other therapy were
The duration of inpatient hospital days during admissions in which analyzed as the “historic group.”
WILBUR ET AL . 3 of 7

TA B L E 1 Participant demographic information

Protocol group (n = 7) Historic group (n = 8) P-value

Female, n (%) 5 (71.4) 6 (75.0) >.9
Age at diagnosis, median (range) 22 (13-57) months 21.5 (12-48) months >.9
Neuroblastoma, n (%) 4 (57.1) 6 (75.0) .61
Time to diagnosis, median (range) 19 (5-100) days 29 (3-180) days .49
OMS severity score at onset, median (range) 10 (3-16) 10 (5-13) .80

Abbreviation: OMS, opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome.

F I G U R E 2 Course of immunomodulatory therapy administered to children in the protocol group (N = 7) based on the time (months) from
diagnosis of OMS; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; OMS, opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome; TPE, therapeutic plasma exchange

2.3 Neurological outcomes 3 RESULTS

OMS symptoms at presentation, hospital discharge, and clinical follow-
up visits were scored retrospectively utilizing an OMS rating scale,12
3.1 Study population
which scores the following symptom domains on a scale from 0 (nor- Fifteen children meeting study criteria were identified, seven of whom
mal for age) to 3 (severe symptoms): stance, gait, arm/hand function, entered the treatment protocol and were compared to eight children in
opsoclonus, mood/behavior, and speech (maximum score = 18). Ambu- the historical cohort. Baseline clinical and demographic characteristics,
lation status (classified as independent, ambulating with assistance, including initial OMS severity scores, were similar between the treat-
or nonambulatory) was reported for the protocol group at the time ment groups (Table 1). One child in the protocol group was followed for
of protocol initiation and upon completion of acute therapy (ie, pulse less than 6 months from diagnosis and is only included in the analysis of
steroids, IVIG, and/or TPE). Long-term outcomes were then compared acute treatment.
between the protocol and historic groups at clinical follow-up closest The majority of children in our cohort were diagnosed with neu-
to 12 months following initiation of treatment and at last follow-up. roblastoma, including 4/7 in the protocol group and 6/8 in the historic
Relapses occurring >3 months after initiation of OMS therapy were group. All tumors were surgically resected within 4 weeks of diagnosis.
documented and defined as new or worsened OMS symptoms last- The majority (9/10) were categorized as low-risk neuroblastoma and
ing >24 h and requiring an escalation in immunomodulatory therapy. did not receive any additional neuroblastoma-directed therapy. One
Children having clinical follow-up of less than 6 months’ duration from patient in the historic group received seven cycles of chemotherapy
the diagnosis of OMS were excluded from the analysis of long-term with vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and carboplatin for International
outcomes. Neuroblastoma Staging System stage 3 intermediate-risk neuroblas-
toma. No recurrence of neuroblastoma was documented in any child.

2.4 Statistical analysis 3.2 Acute OMS treatment

Continuous variables were summarized as median (range), while cate- Two children received immunomodulatory therapy prior to the diag-
gorical variables were categorized as frequency (%). Clinical variables nosis of OMS—one of whom received both pulse methylprednisolone
and outcomes were compared between the protocol group and historic and IVIG and one who received pulse methylprednisolone alone
group using Mann-Whitney U-test or Fisher’s exact test, as appropri- (Figure 2). In the acute phase after OMS diagnosis, all children in
ate. Analysis was performed using R version 3.3.2 (R Core Team, 2016). the protocol group initially received pulse methylprednisolone for
A P-value of <.05 was considered significant. 3-7 days. Two received a second cycle of pulse methylprednisolone
4 of 7 WILBUR ET AL .

TA B L E 2 Clinical features, acute therapies, and response to acute therapy in the protocol group (N = 7)

Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Age at diagnosis 18/F 22/F 13/M 57/F 27/F 17/M 30/F
Neuroblastoma No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
OMS severity 14 8 14 7 15 16 3
of protocol
Ambulation With With Nonambulatory With Nonambulatory Nonambulatory Independent
status—initiation assistance assistance assistance
of protocol
immunomodulatory IVIG TPE IVIG IVIG TPE IVIG
therapies received TPE TPE TPE
Time from symptom 15 6 1 4 3 3 4
onset to initiation
of protocol (weeks)
Time from initiation of 2 1 2 2 2 N/A N/A
protocol to initiation
of TPE (weeks)
Volume per exchange 1.5× plasma 1.5× plasma 1× plasma 1× plasma 1.5× plasma volume N/A N/A
volume volume volume volume (3 exchanges),
then 1× plasma
volume (2
Number of exchanges 7 exchanges 7 exchanges 10 exchanges in 5 exchanges 5 exchanges in 8 N/A N/A
in 10 days in 24 days 21 days in 9 days days
OMS severity 11 4 15 5 9 13 3
of acute therapy
Ambulation With Independent Nonambulatory Independent With assistance Nonambulatory Independent
status—end of acute assistance
OMS severity 3 3 2 1 N/A 3 0
Ambulation Independent Independent Independent Independent N/A Independent Independent
Abbreviations: F, female; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; IVMP, intravenous methylprednisolone; M, male; OMS, opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome; TPE,
therapeutic plasma exchange.

(between 7 and 8 weeks after initiation of the protocol) due to persis- rituximab—one as part of initial therapy and two at a later point (12
tent or intercurrent worsening of OMS symptoms. Three subsequently months and 3 years following initial therapy).
received a single cycle of IVIG. Five children underwent TPE following
a lack of response to initial therapy (two of whom previously received 3.3 OMS relapses
IVIG as part of the protocol and one of whom received IVIG prior to
Two of six children in the protocol group relapsed after receiving ritux-
diagnosis), totaling 5-10 exchanges over 8-21 days. Four of five chil-
imab, at 14 and 17 weeks following initiation of therapy (each 6 weeks
dren undergoing TPE had an improved OMS severity score (range in
following completion of rituximab), in the context of weaning pred-
improvement of 2-6 points) at the completion of TPE compared to
nisone. Relapses in both children were treated with increased corti-
that at initiation of the protocol, including three who demonstrated
costeroid dosing, while one additionally received six cycles of monthly
improvement in ambulation status (Table 2). All children in the proto-
IVIG due to persistent OMS symptoms. Five of eight children in the his-
col group received rituximab within 2-9 weeks of OMS diagnosis. All
toric group relapsed, most commonly reported in the context of wean-
began a tapering course of oral prednisone following the last cycle of
ing prednisone or intercurrent illness, with the time to first relapse
ranging from 17 weeks to 15 months following initial treatment.
All children in the historic group were initially treated with corti-
costeroids, seven of whom received oral prednisone (initial dose 1-
2 mg/kg/day) and one of whom received adrenocorticotropic hormone.
3.4 Treatment duration
All children in the historic group also received IVIG for a median of Excluding the one child in the protocol group with short duration
seven cycles (range 1-70 cycles). Three children in this group received follow-up, all children in both treatment groups had discontinued
WILBUR ET AL . 5 of 7

TA B L E 3 Clinical outcomes and duration of therapy in the treatment groups; only those children having follow-up at least 6 months from the
time of OMS diagnosis are included

Protocol group (n = 6) Historical group (n = 8) P-value

Duration of follow-up, median (range) 15.5 (12-34) months 87 (13-120) months .04
Corticosteroid duration, median (range) 4.5 (3-12) months 21.5 (6-70) months .005
Cycles of IVIG, median (range) 1 (0-7) 7 (1-70) .01
Subjects having relapse, n (%) 2 (33.3) 5 (62.6) .59
OMS severity score at 12-month follow-up, median (range) 2.5 (0-3) 1 (0-7) .66
OMS severity score at last follow-up, median (range) 1.5 (0-3) 0 (0-6) .34
Inpatient hospital days (first year of treatment), median (range) 19.5 (12-38) 23 (5-27) .39
Outpatient medical day unit treatment days (first year of treatment), median (range) 3.5 (1-8) 9 (4-14) .03

Abbreviations: IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; OMS, opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome.

immunomodulatory therapy at the time of last follow-up and those that reactions were seen in two children during each of rituximab and IVIG
had received rituximab demonstrated evidence of B-cell reconstitution infusions and in one child during TPE. Transient neutropenia during the
(CD19 count >0). The median duration of corticosteroid exposure in period of B-cell suppression was seen after rituximab in 4/6 children
the protocol group (4.5 [range 3-12] months) was significantly shorter (grade 3 in two children, grade 4 in one), while transient lymphope-
than that in the historic group (21.5 [range 6-70] months, P = .005). nia (grade 3) was also seen in one child. Two children receiving TPE
The protocol group also received fewer cycles of IVIG than the historic removed their central venous line, but this did not result in any further
group did (P = .01, Table 3). complications or need for intervention.
The protocol group had a similar number of inpatient hospital days
in the first year of treatment compared to the historic group (Table 3).
However, the protocol group required fewer outpatient medical vis- 4 DISCUSSION
its related to immunomodulatory therapy administration in compari-
son to the historic group (median 3.5 [range 1-8] days vs 9 [range 4-14] In this study, we evaluated a brief upfront immunomodulatory ther-
days, P = .03). apy protocol for the treatment of OMS, consisting of pulse methylpred-
nisolone followed by a short prednisone taper, IVIG and/or TPE, and rit-
uximab. The treatment was well tolerated and facilitated a significantly
3.5 Neurologic outcomes
shorter duration of corticosteroid exposure and fewer return out-
Follow-up data 12 months from treatment initiation (median 339 patient visits for immunomodulatory therapy (specifically IVIG) com-
[range 238-429] days) were available for all participants except for pared to a historical cohort.
one child in each group. OMS symptom rating scores were similar at Long-term corticosteroid exposure is associated with adverse phys-
this time point in the protocol group (median 2.5 [range 0-3]) and ical and behavioral effects and reduced quality of life in children.22,23
the historic group (median 1 [range 0-7], P = .66; Table 3). Further- Many of the common toxicities, such as growth impairment, may be
more, the improvement in OMS symptom rating scores from base- of particular concern in patients with OMS who are usually diagnosed
line to 12-month follow-up was similar between the protocol group as older infants or toddlers. Thus, the reduced exposure to corticos-
(median improvement 5 [range 3-13] points) and the historic group teroids, which was on average 1 year less in children who received this
(median improvement 7 [range 4-11] points, P = .83). OMS symptom upfront therapy protocol, may reduce the risk for these adverse events.
rating scores at last follow-up were also similar between the protocol Similarly, increased hospital visits may disrupt child and family func-
group (median 1.5 [range 0-3]) and the historic group (median 0 [range tioning and impair quality of life.24,25 The reduction in outpatient vis-
0-6], P = .34). Expressive language was the domain most commonly its for immunomodulatory therapy—largely driven by reduced use of
affected at last follow-up in both groups, with impairments noted in 4/6 IVIG in the protocol group—has the potential to reduce disruptions and
children in the protocol group and 3/8 children in the historic group. Six caregiver burden, although quality of life measures were not formally
of eight children in the historic group underwent formal neuropsycho- assessed in the current study.
logical evaluation prior to the last follow-up, three of whom were clas- Despite the shorter duration of immunomodulatory therapy, only
sified as having intellectual disability or global developmental delay. one-third of children in the protocol group (2/6) experienced OMS
Given their young age, no children in the protocol group had formal relapse, which is consistent with the relapse rate reported in previ-
neuropsychological testing performed by the time of last follow-up. ous studies of rituximab-containing OMS treatment protocols.10,13,26
While all the children included in the analysis of long-term outcomes
were followed for at least 12 months, the duration of follow-up
3.6 Tolerability of treatment protocol
was shorter in the protocol group; therefore, the occurrence of late
Overall, the treatment protocol was well tolerated, and all children relapses may not have been identified. However, the period of wean-
were able to complete the assigned treatment. Mild (grade 2) infusion ing immunomodulatory therapy was associated with the majority of
6 of 7 WILBUR ET AL .

relapses in both treatment groups and all children in the protocol group ment protocol for pediatric OMS that includes pulse steroids, with the
included in this analysis had successfully discontinued immunomodu- addition of IVIG and/or TPE in cases unresponsive to steroids, in com-
latory therapy at the time of last follow-up. This suggests that a shift bination with rituximab was associated with a shorter duration of corti-
away from treatment strategies involving long-term corticosteroids costeroid therapy and fewer total cycles of IVIG without a detrimental
towards upfront, multimodal immunomodulatory therapy including effect on OMS symptom outcomes or relapse rate. Further studies are
TPE may be achieved without a detrimental effect on relapse rate. needed to examine whether such a treatment protocol may improve
Due to the nature of the study, the effect of individual components the rate of OMS symptom improvement, alter long-term neurocogni-
of the protocol cannot be evaluated. Previous nonrandomized studies tive outcomes, or improve child and family quality of life.
have demonstrated improvement in clinical outcomes and markers of
neuroinflammation with the use of rituximab-containing treatment CONFLICT OF INTEREST
protocols.9,10,12,13,26 A recent randomized-controlled trial reported
improved OMS symptom response with the addition of IVIG— The authors have no conflict of interest relevant to this article to dis-
administered monthly for the first 6 months and every 2 months for close.
months 6-12—to prednisone and cyclophosphamide in children with
associated neuroblastoma.11 However, the optimal number of IVIG ORCID
cycles has not been established and the role of IVIG within rituximab-
Colin Wilbur
based protocols has not been similarly studied. Furthermore, although
Meredith S. Irwin
TPE is used as a component of first- or second-line acute therapy for
various neuroinflammatory disorders, such as N-methyl D-aspartate
receptor encephalitis and severe demyelinating disease,27 only case REFERENCES
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