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There are many reasons why ICTs are important tools.

There are many reasons why ICTs are important tools. First of all,
its use makes life easier in different areas. Secondly, its use in
academics makes classes more interesting and appealing. ICTs also
help students develop transversal skills, such as interpersonal
communication, collaborative work, or creativity, which boosts their
participation in class and eliminates potential barriers to integration.
Likewise, thirdly, it makes work such as conferences and
presentations much more functional, it is in this context of
hyperconnectivity, and a wide promise of highly favorable
technological services in all sectors, that network and
communications administration professionals are extremely valued
and well paid by modern companies. also, in entertainment
activities with friends such as videos to present or movies are also
very useful. without a doubt ICT's have an impact on all aspects of
human life due to the characteristics they contribute to the
knowledge society, and for all the possibilities they offer to the
development of new ways of organizing, communicating, educating,
teaching and learning and with this the transformation and evolution
of society itself. For these reasons, ICTs are very important.

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