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D and f block elements target 90 for 2021 -22 batch

General electronic configuration of d block elements : ns (1-2) n-1 d (1-10)

General electronic configuration of f block elements : ns 2 n-1 d (0-1) n-2 f (1-14)
General electronic configuration of lanthanides : 6s 2 5 d (0-1) 4 f (1-14)
General electronic configuration of actinides 7s 2 6 d (0-1) 5 f (1-14)

Element Electronic Number of unpaired electrons in d

configuration orbital
Sc (21) [Ar] 4s2 3d1 1
Ti (22) [Ar] 4s2 3d2 2
V (23) [Ar] 4s2 3d3 3
Cr (24) [Ar] 4s1 3d5 5 [half filled stability of 3 d orbital ]
Mn(25) [Ar] 4s2 3d5 5
Fe(26) [Ar] 4s2 3d6 4
Co(27) [Ar] 4s2 3d7 3
Ni(28) [Ar] 4s2 3d8 2
Cu(29) [Ar] 4s1 3d10 0 [full filed stability of 3 d orbital ]
Zn(30) [Ar] 4s2 3d10 0

Lanthanides : atomic number 58 (cerium) to atomic number 71 (lutetium) placed in group III and
period 6

actinides: elements from atomic number 90 (thorium) to atomic number 103 (lawrencium). Placed in
group III and period 7.

the common oxidation state of lanthanides and actinides is +3 and most of them are paramagnetic
by nature.

Similarity between lanthanides and actinides

➢ Both have common oxidation number as + 3
➢ Both show lanthanoid and actinoid contraction

Difference between lamthanoids and actinoids

Lanthanoid Actanoid
Maximum oxidation state is +4 Maximum oxidation state is +7
Placed in period 6 Placed in period 7
Except promethium lanthanoids are non All actinoids are radioactive
Their compounds are less basic Their compounds are more basic.

Uses: 1. In pure state lanthanoids do not find any significant use, but are quite useful in the form of
their alloys and compounds.
1. Thorium and its compounds are used in nuclear chemistry.
2. U and Pu are used as fuels in atomic reactors.
3. Thorium salts are used in medicine in the treatment of cancer.


D and f block elements target 90 for 2021 -22 batch

Give reason based questions

1. Zn, Cd and Hg are not considered as d block element :. Zn (at number 30) :[Ar] 4s2 ,3d10 or
Zn2+ : [Ar] 3d10 does not contain incompletely filled d orbitals. Similary Cd [Kr] 5s2, 4d10 and Hg [Xe]

In transition elements,metal atoms are held together by strong metallic bonding. This metallic
bonding is due to unpaired d orbital electron

2. Zn, Cd and Hg have less melting point as compared to other metals:Zn,Cd and Hg have
completely filled up d orbitals, no unpaired electrons, hence absence of metallic bonding. Therefore
they have less melting point

3. Hg is a liquid at room temperature: Hg does not have unpaired electrons in d orbital. Hence
metallic bonding are very weak. Hence liquid

4. Cr has highest melting point in first transition series : Cr (at.number is 24) : [Ar] 4s1,3d5.
Hence it has 5 unpaired electrons in the d orbital. Hence very strong metallic bonding.

5. Transition elements show variable oxidation state : the energies ns orbitals and (n-1) d
orbitals (e.g 4s and 3d orbitals) are very close. Hence both ns and (n-1) d orbitals are available for
bond formation.

Electrons are first removed from 4s followed by 3d

6. Ti 3+ is coloured, where as Ti4+ is colourless :Ti : At no 22 . E.C [Ar] 4s2,3d2 ; Ti 3+ : [Ar] 3d1 :
1 unpaired electron, hence colour due to d-d transition. Ti4+ : [Ar] : no unpaired electron , hence no
d-d transition

7. Cu2+ is coloured ion, where as Cu+ is colourless :Cu: At no 29. E.C [Ar] 4s1,3d10 ; Cu 2+ : [Ar]
3d9 : 1 unpaired electron, hence colour due to d-d transition. Cu+ : [Ar] 3d10 : no unpaired electron

8. Zn2+ is colourless salt : Zn : at no 30 E.C [Ar] 4s2,3d10 ; Zn 2+ : [Ar] 3d10 : no unpaired electron,
hence no colour

9. Transition elements can form complex salts : because transition elements have (i) small size
(ii) high nuclear charge (iii) vacant d orbitals to accommodate lone pairs of electrons donated by

10. Transition elements can show catalytic properties: because transition elements have (i)
vacant d orbitals (ii) ability to exhibit variable oxidation state (iii) tendency to form complex

11. Mn2+ shows more magnetic property can Cr2+ :Mn : at no 25. E.C [Ar] 4s2,3d5 , Mn2+ [Ar] 3d5
(5 unpaired electrons ) Cr : at no 24 E.C [Ar] 4s 1,3d5, Cr2+ : [Ar] 3d4 (4 unpaired electrons) more the
number of unpaired electron. More is the magnetic behavior


D and f block elements target 90 for 2021 -22 batch

12. Zn2+ is diamagnetic by nature : Zn : at no 30 E.C [Ar] 4s2,3d10 ; Zn 2+ : [Ar] 3d10 : no unpaired
electron, hence diamagnetic

13. Transition elements can form alloys within themselves: atomic size are almost similar.
Hence one metal can easily replace other metal atom from its lattice to form alloy.

14. In a given transition series, there is no significant changes in the atomic radii of elements
with increase in atomic number. Explain why?

Poor shielding effect of d and f orbital in transition series. lanthanoid and actinoid contraction in
case of f block elements

15. In a given transition series – the atomic size does not change much with increasing
atomic number

Poor shielding effect of d and f orbital in transition series. lanthanoid and actinoid contraction in
case of f block elements

16. Iron is ferromagnetic in nature. Explain why? : more number of unpaired electrons

17. The paramagnetic character in 3 d transition series elements increases upto Mn and than

Number of umpaired electrons increase from Sc to Mn , hence paramagnetic character increases

and after Mn, following hund’s rule – electrons starts pairing itself and hence the paramagnetic
character decreases.

18. Mn2+ is more stable than Fe2+ towards + 3 oxidation state [atomic number of Mn = 25 , Fe
= 26]
Mn2+ is 3d5 , hence half filled stability of d orbitals

19. Zr and Hf exhibit similar properties : lanthanoid contraction

20. Define lanthanoid contraction

Steady decrease in atomic size due to poor shielding effect of f orbital due to its peculiar shape is
lanthanoid contraction

21. All lanthanides have similar atomic size : lanthanoid contraction


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