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% MATLAB code for create a figure

fig = uifigure('Position', [100 100 300 275]);

% create a label

label = uilabel(fig, 'Position', [100 120, 120 40],...

'FontSize', 30,...

'FontWeight', 'bold');

% create a dropdownObject and pass the figure as parent

dropdownObject = uidropdown(fig,...

'Items', {'Mango','Guava','Orange','Apple'},...

'Value', 'Apple',...

'Editable', 'on',...

'Position', [84 204 100 20],...

'ValueChangedFcn', @(dd, event) fruitSelected(dd, label));

% function to call when option is selected (callback)

function fruitSelected(dd, label)

% read the value from the dropdown

val = dd.Value;

% set the text property of label

label.Text = val;


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