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Societal IMPACTS

Part i

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Digital Footprint: A digital footprint is a trail of data you create while using the Internet. It
includes the websites you visit, emails you send, and information you submit
to online services.

Types of Digital Footprints

Digital Footprints can be mainly classified into two.

* Active Digital FootPrint

* Passive Digital Footprint

Active Digital FootPrint: An "active digital footprint" includes data that you intentionally
submit online.

Examples of Active Digital FootPrint

* Posting on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and other social media

* Filling out online forms

Passive Digital FootPrint: A "passive digital footprint" is a data trail you unintentionally
leave online.

Examples of passive Digital FootPrint

 An Example of passive digital footprint is your search history, which is saved by

some search engines while you are logged in.
 When you visit a website, the web server may log your IP address, which
identifies your Internet service provider and your approximate location.
Internet Etiquette or Netiquette
It refers to a code of good behavior on the internet. By internet we refer to various aspects
of the internet like email, social media online chats, web forums, website comments etc,

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Rules to follow for good netiquette
 Avoid posting offensive comments online.
 Respect others privacy by not sharing personal information, photos or vidoes
that another person does not want.
 Don’t troll people in web forums
 Don’t use offensive languages
 Stick to the topic when posting in online forums.
Data protection : It is the process of safeguarding important information from corruption,
compromise or loss. The importance of data protection increases as the amount
of data created and stored continues to grow at unprecedented rates.

Computer Ethics : It is a set of principles that governs the behavior of a group or individual
over the use of computers

Information is the means to acquire knowledge. Information created by a person becomes the
intellectual property of that person.

There are some ethical issues involved with the usage of information

1. Intellectual Property Right

2. Plagiarism
3. Digital Property Right

Intellectual Property Right

Information created by a person becomes the intellectual property of a person. Any

information created by him requires a lot of effort and time and money. Once an information
is created, it can be easily duplicated by others. The creator /producer is the actual owner of
the information and has the full right to protect his information by getting a copyright or
patent or using a trademark.

Intellectual Property Rights are the rights given to a person over his information. It is the right
of the owner to decide how much information is to be exchanged or shared .It also gives the
right to decide the price of the information.

[IPR is simple terms can be referred as a copyright]

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There are 2 types of rights under copyright

1. Economic Right:- It allows the owner to derive financial right from the user using
his information.
2. Moral Right:- It allows the owner to take some action while the user uses his
information. He can prevent the user from
i. Reproduction of the information in various forms
ii. Distribution of copies
iii. Translation to other languages


Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s intellectual work and representing as your own work.
It also includes

i. Using someone else’s words without using quotation marks

ii. using someone else’s idea without giving an illustration

Why Plagiarism?

1. Lack of planning
2. Fear of failure
3. To influence others
4. Lack of knowledge
5. Laziness

How to avoid Plagiarism

1. Reading and putting data in your own words

2. Use quotation marks when we are using others words
3. Summarize what comes next is someone else’s idea

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Digital Property Right

Digital Property or Asset refers to any information of you or created by you that exist in
digital form either online or on an electronic storage device. All your digital property is
called as digital estate. Digital asset includes any online accounts like email, social media
accounts, shopping accounts, and blogs.

DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT (DRM) is the system developed to protect and

control distribution of digital property.

DRM is also referred as Electronic Rights Management System(ERMS) or Right

Management Information System(RMIS) or Copyright Management System(CMS)

Digital Management right enables publisher to control who receives the content and also
what they can do with it.


Licensing means granting permission to someone to use the intellectual property right such
as trademarks, patent, logo, or design in exchange of fees or under some defined conditions.

Most popular Licenses are:

1. Creative Common(CC)- It is an internationally active non-profit organization that

provides free license for creators to use when their work is available for the public
The purpose is to allow the creator to make it clear which rights they can reserve and
which one they can waive for the benefit of the user.
A CC license is used when the creator wants to give the users the right to share and
edit the information. CC license allows the works to be used for educational purpose
2. GPL/GNU(General Public License)- It is the first free license software that is
used across the world. It is the firstcopy left license which was created for use by
public. It allows users to freely distribute copies of modified work but maintains
original copyright conditions. Software released under GPL license must be released
as an open source.

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With GPL license software, the user can:
i. copy the software
ii. distribute the software by charging a fee
iii. make modification to the software
3. Apache License- It is a free open source software (FOSS) licensing agreement
under Apache Software Foundation(ASF). It allows you to freely use , modify and
distribute any Apache license product.
The Apache license offers:
i. Rights once granted can be used forever
ii. Rights are granted for no fee
iii. Rights are non-exclusive(you are not the sole licensee, others can also use it)
iv. Rights cannot be taken away once they are granted
FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) OR FLOSS (Free Livre/Libre Open Source
A software which is free as well as open is known as Free and Open Source Software.It
grants users substantial rights and freedom to use a software.
Free Software: A free software is a software which can be used, modified, improved,
copied and distributed without any fees ie they are free of cost.
Examples of free software are browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.
Open Source Software(OSS):It refers to a software whose source code is available to
customers and it and be modified and distributed without any limitation. It may come free of
cost or with a payment of nominal charges that the developers may charge.
Examples of Open Source software are Python, C, C++, MySql etc
Proprietary software: It refers to a software that is neither open nor freely available. Source
code of this software is not available.
Examples of Proprietary Software are Windows, Adobe Flash Player, Skype etc

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