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1 Scavenger Hunt

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Please download and complete the OBA course familiarization scavenger hunt.

The scavenger hunt will help you become familiar with the OBA learning
management system and where to find information on the site. 

Submit the completed document in the Add Submission area at the bottom of
this page.

Note: If you are unable to access the links for calendar events, leave the
calendar response blank. Thank you.

Happy Hunting!

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Please make sure you have access to the following:

1. Video viewer installed on your computer
See the video below to ensure that videos work on your system. If you cannot see
this video, please contact tech support (bottom left corner of screen).

2. Software programs and other tech components

a. Hardware

Laptop or PC

Smartphone or Tablet – You should be able to login to our site but note the
responsive design format. All features are fully functional. 

For the basic information, view this video (and ignore the promotional comment at the
end): What is Responsive Design and Why Is It Important?

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Headset and microphone (for recording, videoconferencing etc.– optional but


b. File saving and sharing

Storage device or place to save files (see some options)

Memory stick/flash drive

Writable CD/DVD

Online document sharing/curation program that allows you to deposit files

(Google Drive, Dropbox, Livebinders – see course materials)

Folder on your desktop for course documents (optional but helpful)

c. Web

Internet access to web-based materials (websites, multimedia, etc) – This

includes access through firewalls.

Web browser running the most current version (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari)

Adobe reader,

d. Software/Downloads

Word processing program (MSWord, OpenOffice, Pages for MAC)

Apps as needed

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1.4 Objectives / Assignments
Week 1 


In Week 1 you will become familiar with the online learning environment and
investigate online learning management systems. Other topics include
technology support for best practices in online teaching and an overview of the
Capstone course of the Developing an Online Teaching Program.

Participants will

 become familiar with the course learning management system used in all courses of the
program (OBA); 

 understand, compare, and contrast online, mobile, and blended learning environments
including features, applications, and options for language teaching;

 identify best practices in managing learning in online, blended, and mobile learning

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 identify characteristics of successful online learners and best practices to promote

 identify and apply best practices associated with the role of an online

 discover social and academic issues and considerations for online, blended, and mobile
learning environments, including rules of netiquette, copyright issues, cheating, and


Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

Please complete all activities/assignments by Sunday. Make sure you post a

response for each discussion topic for Week 1.

Please note that the reflection thread will not be accessible until Thursday so
it is a true reflection of the week. Thank you.  

Graded Assignments
1. Scavenger Hunt
2. Discussion – Welcome and Introductions
3. Discussion – Reflection

There is also an optional discussion:  Technology support for best practices

in teaching online

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  A friendly reminder for posting to discussion forums:

     a. Create an original post, including all information outlined in the


        b. Read posts from others in the group

        c. Respond to at least one other participants post (more is

better   )

You will find that there is a wealth of information to learn from input of others
when lively discussions ensue. We encourage you to respond to as many
posts as your busy schedules allow.

Click on this link to access the rubric for assignments. 

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1.5 Discussion: Welcome and Introductions

Welcome to our course!

Welcome Committee" is licensed under the Creative Commons  Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International   

A good place to start is with introductions so we can all get to know colleagues
we will be working with and create a collegial community of learners.

1. Please Introduce yourself and include the following information and any other
information, personal or professional, you would like to share.

 your name
 where you live
 institution 
 educational background
 experience with online learning
 goals and expectations for this course

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 two favorite best practices you currently use in your
teaching/training – one that begins with the first letter of your first name
and one that begins with the first letter of your last name (get creative)

2. Please also make sure to read introductions from others and post a reply (100-
150 words).

And, you have options for posting (a benefit of using online delivery systems). You
can write your intro in the text editor and /or record your intro using the tool in
the top toolbar. This way we can read and listen at the same time. The choice is
yours. If you'd like a few tips on posting pictures with this Learning Management
System, Oba,  please click here. 

Directions for Posting

To create an initial post, click on the big pink/red pen icon. In the subject line,
enter ______________(your name)'s Introduction (Dawn's  Introduction, for
example). Write your response in the message box and when finished, click "Post
to Forum."

To reply to a post, click on the post you want to read. At the bottom right of the
page, click "Reply," and add your response in the message box. When finished,
click "Post to Forum."

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1.6 Lesson: Technology Support for Best
Practices for Teaching Online
Lesson: Technology's Support for Best Practices for
Teaching Online

"Word cloud bird" by Sandy Wagner is licensed under CC0

In the lesson for Week 1, you will gain new insights and information on best
practices for teaching English online and how the use of technology offers
support for the development of important English language skills.  While there are
recommended best practices for both the pedagogy and mechanics of online
course design, the focus for Week 1 is on pedagogical practices supported by
features of technology learning environments.  We address in greater depth
design considerations, specifically Universal Design for Learning, in subsequent

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courses of the program.

Click on the grey box at the bottom of each page to advance to the next activity in
the lesson.  Make sure to complete all activities.

Lesson Topics

       1. Contextualizing the lesson (Quizlet)

        2. Test your knowledge

        3. Technology transformations (video)

        4. Test your knowledge

        5. Readings

Part 1: Contextualizing the Lesson

To get started with this lesson, see what you

already know about best practices for teaching English online by taking the
Quizlet Challenge.

Go to Quizlet (see link below) and flip through the flashcard set (click on
"Flashcard" and then test your knowledge with with some of the quizzes to see

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what you have learned.   Then take the Test Your Knowledge quiz on the next part
of this lesson. 

Quizlet Best Practices

Please complete the quiz that is part of this lesson online.

Part 2: Technology Transformations

A Brief History of Technology in Education

Watch the video, and as you watch, consider the best practices
highlighted as technology has transformed our teaching and learning.
Then answer the Test Your Knowledge questions.

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Part 3: Readings

Image by Pixaline from Pixabay
Now that you have had a sampling of some best practices
(new, evolving, and transformative) for teaching English
online, let's discover even more and discuss how technology
supports these best practices.  I hope you enjoyed the Quizlet
Challenge activity and the video.  These are two examples of
how technology can support teaching.

The readings for week 1 will provide insights and information

on best practices for teaching English online.  You will use
this information to inform your Technology Support for Best
Practices discussion forum post.
The end result of this discussion will be a list of best practices
to incorporate as you begin to develop your own online
learning environment, incorporating features and
functionalities  to best meet your learner's needs and the
design of  your course lessons and activities.

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Of particular interest are new theories, best practices, and
pedagogies that technology has brought to teaching and
learning a second language.  Technology has also enhanced
and provided new forms of interaction that promote the
development of language proficiency.  What works in the
face-to-face classroom may take on a new dimension in
technology-supported learning environments, as you will
discover and apply in your own course design.
So, read on and I look forward to your th oughts, perspectives, and
the connections we will make.

1. TESOL Technology Standards , chapter 8: Online

Teaching and Learning with the Technology Standards

Helpful guidelines/best practices for setting up the learning

environment, teacher/learner presence, and specific
Pay special attention to pg 170, table 8.2 for this week's final
project component.

2. Supporting English Language Learners Through

Technology and/or The Pedagogy of Technology

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3. Pedagogy specific readings (if you want to delve
deeper-this is optional)
Learner Engagement
Teacher Presence - Establishing an Online Teaching Presence

Teacher Presence - Teacher Presence:  Invaluable or

Overrated (applies to both face-to-face and online

More on Constructivism

Peer-to-Peer Interactions  

Your Choice (search on Google or other search engine for

more information)

Next Step

When you have completed all readings, go to the discussion

forum "Technology Support for Best Practices" and post your
response to the discussion prompt.  I look forward to our

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Post Guidance

Based on information provided in the lesson for Week 1 and

the video/readings, create an original post and include the
1. Technology's importance in language education: How can
technology support the language learning process?
2. Best practices Recommendation: Discuss one or two best
practices you would recommend as best supported by
technology and specifically for teaching online?

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Optional 1.7 Discussion: Technology's Support
for Best Practices

"Language teaching can be enhanced by effective uses of

educational technology. Based on research findings in
language acquisition and computer-assisted language
learning, best practices take into account effective language
pedagogy, and appropriate roles of technology. "
~Hoopingarner, D., 2009


Post Guidance
Based on information provided in the lesson for Week 1 and the video/readings,
create an original post and include the following:

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1. Technology's importance in language education: How can technology support
the language learning process?

2. Best practices recommendation: Discuss one or two best practices you would
recommend as best supported by technology and specifically for teaching online?

Please click on my post titled Opening Comments to get started and then create
your own post by hitting the big pink/red pen icon.  

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Let's learn about using LMSs!

Please do the following:

1. Watch the video produced by an LMS software developer to learn more about LMSs.  

Learning Management Systems

2. Now, watch two videos by former participants from this certificate program, showing what
they created. This is for for a Reading & Writing Course (Indiana University—thank you, Jordan
Gusich!). This is the type of course that you will create for our certificate program. You'll plan a
course in Course #2,  develop and pilot it in Course #3, and teach it in the Capstone (Course #4).

Here is another video walk-through of a Canvas course by a past participant--this time by

Jacqueline Vulcano, for ESL 1&2. Thanks, Jacqueline!

3. Download the attached Learning Management System Evaluation Rubric (see below) or click
on the link: Link to Evaluation Rubric  (this may seem redundant, but provides examples of two
ways to provide documents on an LMS).  You can use this to learn about the LMS you'll use.

4. Identify your LMS to evaluate.  Your choices are

 an LMS you have access to for course development at your Institution, or 
 Canvas (free version) 

You can find information about Canvas here--you don't have to learn it all today! But you
should start to explore:

 Canvas Online Community

 Canvas Instructional Designer page  (click on Get Started) 
 Canvas Instructor page (click on Get Started) 
 Canvas for Beginners Intro video

Think about how you can build your course! You can reflect on that and this week's learning
in the Reflection discussion, coming up next.

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Copyright 2020 TESOL International Association, all rights reserved, not for distribution
1.9 Discussion: Reflection

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

It is always a good idea to reflect on the week and consider what went well, what
could be improved, and what you  still want to know. Please take a few moments
to reflect on Week 1.   

Remember: You have choices for posting your response: text, audio recording
(you can create using Quicktime, Audacity (free) or your favorite recording
program), PowerPoint (if you want to use visuals and the option to record on
each slide), or Video (Adobe Spark is a good one to try or iMovie or Quicktime).

So, consider trying something new—and have some fun at the same time —with

one of our many tech resources. The choice is yours. 

Reflection guidance—Please share with us some of the following (150-250

words or similar in video/audio):

 What did you already know? 

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 What new learning have you gained?
 What do you still want to know more about?
 What was most beneficial?

And, of course, post any additional information you wish to share.

Also be sure to post a reply to at least one course mate (100-150 words).

Thanks for your input! Click on the large red/pink pen

in the bottom right corner to get started!

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