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Scientific Thinking (02)

Types of Thinking

- Different problems require different types of thinking.

- We face a variety of problems daily and deal with them in a
variety of ways.

1- Mythical thinking
- Mythical thinking is a thinking that is based on denying science
and rejecting its methods, or resorting - in the age of science- to
methods that precede this age.
- Examples of Mythological thinking include the following:
• inverted shoes ‫حذاء مقلوب‬
• cutting hair at night causes problems
• do not play scissors ‫ال تلعب بالمقص‬
• black cat
• associate certain clothes ‫ربط مالبس معينة بالحظ‬

2- Scientific thinking
- what is meant by scientific thinking is not Scientists' thinking in a
specialized matter with familiar terms and symbols. Rather, it is
the kind of organized thinking that we can use in our everyday

Scientific Thinking (02)

3- Critical thinking
- Critical thinking involves the careful examination and evaluation
of beliefs and actions. It requires paying attention to the process
of reasoning, not just the product.
- Critical thinking involves the use of standards such as clarity,
accuracy, relevance, and completeness. It requires evaluating
evidence, considering alternative views, and being genuinely
fair-minded in accurately presenting opposing views.
- Thinking is defined as a purpose-built mental activity, governed
by rules of logic, and leads to predictable results, aimed at
verifying something and evaluating it based on acceptable
- The goal of critical thinking, then, is to analyze and evaluate
beliefs to distinguish what is acceptable and what is
unacceptable according to purely mental standards.

4- Creative Thinking
- Creative thinking means looking at something in a new way. It is
the very definition of “thinking outside the box”.
- Creative thinking is this kind of thinking that has raised man
from his pristine, sub savage ignorance and squalor to the
degree of knowledge and comfort which he now possesses.
- Creative thinking is this kind of meditation begets knowledge,
and knowledge is really creative inasmuch as it makes things
look different from what they seemed before.
‫ وتكون المعرفة‬،‫التفكير االبتكاري هو ذلك النمط من التأمل الذي ينتج عنه معرفة‬
.‫ابتكارية بقدر ما تجعل األشياء تبدو مختلفة عما كانت من قبل‬
Scientific Thinking (02)

5- Logical Thinking
- This kind of thinking is based on logic, based on the idea
inferring the validity of a specific judgement from other
‫االستدالل على صالحية حكم محدد من أحكام أخرى‬
- There are two paths of Logical Thinking: Inductive reasoning and
deductive reasoning.
- Deduction means using a general rule by applying it to particular
cases. It is thus the reverse process to Induction; Induction
moves from a number of particulars to a generalization.
- Finally, Inductive reasoning has its place in the scientific method.
Scientists use it to form hypotheses and theories.
‫يستخدمه العلماء في صياغة الفروض والنظريات‬
- Deductive reasoning allows them to apply the theories to
specific situations.
‫يسمح لهم بتطبيق النظريات على المواقف الجزئية‬

:‫** أهم الكلمات‬

Eng. Ar.
Mythical thinking ‫ الخرافي‬/ ‫التفكير األسطوري‬
denying science ‫إنكار العلم‬
rejecting ‫رفض‬
resorting ‫العودة‬

Scientific Thinking (02)

methods that precede this age ‫األساليب التي تسبق هذا العصر‬
Scientific thinking ‫التفكير العلمي‬
terms and symbols ‫مصطلحات ورموز‬
Critical thinking ‫التفكير الناقد‬
examination ‫فحص‬
evaluation ‫تقييم‬
requires paying attention ‫يتطلب االنتباه‬
standards ‫معايير‬
clarity, accuracy, relevance, and ‫ واالكتمال‬،‫ والداللة‬،‫ والدقة‬،‫الوضوح‬

fair-minded ‫الحياد العقلي‬

presenting opposing views ‫عرض اآلراء المتعارضة‬
acceptable criteria ‫معايير مقبولة‬
Distinguish ‫يميز‬

Creative Thinking ‫التفكير االبتكاري‬

thinking outside the box ‫التفكير خارج الصندوق‬

this kind of thinking that has ‫ذلك النمط من التفكير الذي ارتقى باإلنسان‬
raised man

pristine, sub savage ignorance ‫الحالة البدائية لإلنسان‬

and squalor

Logical Thinking ‫التفكير المنطقي‬

Scientific Thinking (02)

Inductive reasoning = Induction ‫االستقراء‬

Deductive reasoning = Deduction ‫االستنباط‬

general rule ‫قاعدة عامة‬

particular cases = particulars ‫حاالت جزئية‬

generalization ‫تعميم‬

hypotheses ‫فروض‬

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