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How to Make

Full Size Print-at-Home

Patterns in Adobe Illustrator
Working from a scaled/gridded pattern

Open the scaled or gridded pattern in illustrator.

Draw a square box the same size as the grid or scale bar - single square. If the scale bar is
rectangles, use the height scale indicated and draw the box square, not rectangular.

With the square selected, in the Transform box (lower right w/ the Align and Pathfinder tools),
copy the W (width) number (make sure it’s in inches). Enter this number into a ratio calculator
matching “1” as the ratio. Example”

X (0.25) : Y (1)

Select the entire pattern image. Copy the W (width) number in the Transform box and enter this
number into a ratio calculator. Now the equation will look like this:

X (0.25) : Y (1) as A (7.5) : B

Calculate for B

Returning to the selected pattern image, enter the B number into the W (width) box in the
Transform tool and hit enter. This should scale the pattern image up to full size. Check the
square to make sure they’re 1 x 1 inches.

Trace the pattern in vectors. To add seam allowance, select the piece, then select Object >
Path > Offset Path. Enter the seam allowance width (0.5”) in to the Offset box and hit OK.

Label each piece, then group each piece and all its marking together. (Ctrl-G)

*To measure line lengths for sizing

Window > Document Info > choose “Objects” from the stack options

To Lay Out on the Full Size artboards

Open the tile PDF pattern 7x10 layout file. Place each piece on the layout and arrange as
needed to fit.
If the layout needs to be larger, click the page-looking took in the Layers/Artboards box (middle
right). Additional artboards will appear, but won’t be on the grid.

In the Artboards box, select the upper right menu and click Rearrange Artboards. Select the
number of columns you want, then click OK.

You will need to continue the numbering, dotted lines, and circles onto the additional pages.

To Export the Pages

File > Save As

In the Save as Type dropdown select Adobe PDF (*.PDF) and make sure “Use Artboards” is
selected. Name, then click Save.

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