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International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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A comparison of strategic mine planning approaches for in-pit crushing

and conveying, and truck/shovel systems
M. Nehring ⇑, P.F. Knights, M.S. Kizil, E. Hay
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In a global environment where energy and labor are becoming increasingly expensive, continuous mining
Received 28 November 2016 systems such as In-Pit Crushing and Conveying (IPCC) systems have been advanced as offering a real
Received in revised form 19 June 2017 alternative to conventional truck haulage systems. The implementation of IPCC systems in hard rock
Accepted 25 December 2017
operations in open pit mines however requires different and more comprehensive planning approaches
Available online xxxx
in order to adequately reflect the practical aspects associated with these. This paper investigates the
impact that these approaches may have on the implementation of IPCC systems on a basic metalliferous
deposit amenable to open pit exploitation. A strategic life of mine plan to provide numerous economic
In pit crusher conveyor systems
Strategic mine planning
indicators for each approach is analyzed and compared to traditional truck haulage systems. The mine
Resource recovery planning and evaluation process highlights the increased overall resource recovery that may accompany
Surface metalliferous mining the use of IPCC systems. This investigation also provides insights into the issues associated with IPCC and
Mine optimization the scale and type of operation and orebody that is likely to provide a feasible alternative to truck
Truck and shovel haulage.
Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction of providing the large scale productivity improvements that are

so desperately needed. Continuous In-Pit Crushing and Conveying
The prolonged downturn in international commodity prices has (IPCC) systems are gaining increasing attention in the recognition
forced major changes in the resources sector. Cost reductions for that these have the ability to offer numerous advantages over tra-
the purpose of improving productivity have become a central focus ditional truck haulage systems.
for most resource producers in order to remain competitive. In As the remaining ‘easy’ to reach near surface mineral deposits
looking beyond current cost cutting initiatives, the next phase in are exhausted and the approvals and financing process for new
the push to improve productivity will come from new innovations operations become increasingly difficult, mines of the future will
that transform the way traditional processes are carried out. Sur- become deeper, more remote, and more hostile. This will result
face mining operations have historically been able to rely on in an increasing trend toward larger, higher capacity, bulk move-
increasing economies of scale using traditional discontinuous truck ment operations that will have to include material well outside
and shovel techniques. However, the scope to continue introducing previous breakeven economic cut-off grade boundaries. As such,
larger and higher capacity trucks and equipment into mining oper- overall resource recovery will need to significantly improve. Some
ations in order to improve productivity is limited. Truck haulage is countries, such as Russia, have legislative incentives that oblige
a highly energy, labor and water intensive operation. It is also asso- companies to demonstrate maximum resource utilization. Future
ciated with significant occupational health and safety risks, as well mining operations will have to deal with less favorable ground
as impacting the environment through the production of dust and conditions with a drive toward consuming less energy while gen-
noise. erating fewer greenhouse gas emissions. While these conditions
Mining operations are thus increasingly looking to more effi- present huge challenges in themselves, all this will be against a
cient, less energy and labor intensive, and safer methods to carry backdrop of more intensive public scrutiny over environmental
out the daily operations of a mine. Adopting continuous mining awareness and community relations.
systems into the mining industry has been heralded as a means The aim of this paper is to highlight the fundamental mine plan-
ning aspects for the implementation of two main types of IPCC sys-
tems and how these differ from traditional truck and shovel
⇑ Corresponding author.
operations. In doing so, a conceptual two dimensional metallifer-
E-mail address: (M. Nehring).
2095-2686/Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: Nehring M et al. A comparison of strategic mine planning approaches for in-pit crushing and conveying, and truck/shovel
systems. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
2 M. Nehring et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

ous case study will illustrate the economic differences resulting Fig. 1 shows that although the IPCC system has a larger initial
from the unique strategic mine planning and sequencing require- CAPEX, due to the reduced OPEX, after six years the mine breaks
ments of each system in comparison to truck and shovel. This even, and the NPV of the IPCC case becomes significantly higher
paper highlights the resource recovery associated with each than the trucking case.
scenario. An additional benefit of lower diesel consumption is a reduction
in CO2 emissions. The 60 MLpa reduction in diesel consumption
previously mentioned equates to a reduction of approximately
2. IPCC opportunity 130,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of CO2 emissions [5]. This is
approximately equivalent to the removal of 36,000 average pas-
Future resource extraction will inevitably be deeper and at senger vehicles off the road each year [9]. In addition to the reduc-
lower grades compared to standard practice today. In order for this tion of emissions, the reduced reliance on diesel fuel also means
to occur under present circumstances, truck fleet numbers will that less fuel trucks will be on the roads, reducing logistical
need to significantly increase due to the longer haulage distances demand on local road networks.
and consequently higher cycle times associated with deeper pits. IPCC operations can also reduce the amount of dust that is
With this increase in truck numbers, there is an associated increase released as an airborne contaminant. As there is less traffic on haul
in the workforce required to operate, and an increase in fuel con- roads, due to the reduced truck fleet, less dust will be generated by
sumption. These factors contribute to higher Operating Expendi- the operations and less need for spraying haul roads, which will
ture (OPEX) for mines utilizing truck haulage. These negative result in a saving of water consumption. Some water will still be
effects are further exaggerated by increased noise, dust and CO2 required in conveyer systems for suppressing dust at transfer loca-
emission levels generated by additional trucks, leading to a larger tions. Conveyors not only reduce the number of trucks required,
environmental footprint. IPCC systems offer several opportunities but have also been stated as reducing overall auxiliary equipment
to substantially reduce the impacts of expanded truck fleets. requirements by 25–30% [10].
According to McCarthy and Turnbull, in order for IPCC systems IPCC systems can also reduce noise pollution as a result of con-
to be an appropriate alternative haulage system, some key design veyors operating at a lower decibel level than haul trucks. Typi-
parameters must be considered [1,2]. These parameters range from cally, haul trucks emit at a volume of 90 dB at a distance of 10 m,
fundamental requirements, to practicalities, and preferences, whereas conveyors emit at a volume of 70 dB at a distance of 5
including: m. For comparison, a conversation between two people 2 m apart
requires a volume of approximately 60 dB [11]. This noise reduc-
(1) Material movement of over 4 Mtpa is desirable in order to tion can make them a useful system in areas where mines are
justify the initial CAPEX, though upwards of 10 Mtpa is located close to townships, or in areas where neighbouring proper-
better. ties are noise sensitive.
(2) A mine life greater than 10 years in order for the lower OPEX The combination of each of these financial, environmental and
to pay back the higher initial CAPEX. social advantages provides a clear justification for the more exten-
(3) Electricity costs ($/kWh) less than 25% of diesel cost ($/L). sive use of IPCC systems now.
Though there are many manufacturers of the equipment associ-
Depending on the type of IPCC system used, labor requirements ated with IPCC systems, there are no off the shelf solutions as each
can be as low as 80 people, including operators and maintenance site will require a system that is uniquely tailored for its specific
personnel [3]. Exact numbers will vary depending on the selected requirements. As such there is a range of available options regard-
system, and the number and length of installed conveyors. It is ing IPCC systems. Broadly speaking, there are three types of IPCC
estimated that one truck requires staffing of approximately seven systems, with each setup having its own set of advantages and dis-
people to operate. In a two 12-h-shift-day roster, this consists of advantages for specific operating conditions and deposit type. The
4.4 operators (0.4 to account for covering vacations and absences), three broad categories are: Fixed, Semi-mobile, and Fully-mobile
and 2.7 maintenance workers [4]. From a labor and safety perspec- systems.
tive, if an IPCC system is able to replace enough trucks to reduce Fixed In-Pit Crushing and Conveying (FIPCC) systems are char-
the total number of workers, they become a more attractive option. acterized by the crushing unit being situated in one location for
IPCC systems are typically run on electrical power, which an extended period of time. This location is usually located at some
reduces a mine’s dependency on diesel fuel. Diesel fuel is a major point near the crest of the pit, near the haul road exit point. Con-
contributor to the cost of truck haulage. If the volume of fuel con- ventional truck haulage is used within the pit to move material
sumption can thus be reduced, operating expenses of a mine will from the working face to the crushing unit. Once the material
also be reduced. An example of this in practice is an iron ore mine has been crushed, it is fed onto a conveying network which trans-
in Brazil with two installed Fully Mobile IPCC systems with a com- ports it to either a spreader (waste) or stacker (mineralized mate-
bined capacity of 7800 t/h, resulting in an estimated reduction in
diesel consumption of 60 Million litres per annum (MLpa) [5].
With savings opportunities arising from reduced labor require-
ments and reduced diesel consumption, IPCC OPEX can be signifi-
cantly reduced when compared to truck haulage OPEX [6]. In
addition, conveyor haulage is inherently more weight effective
than trucks, requiring less energy per unit weight of material
transported. Another important aspect is that, conveyors use more
(81%) of the consumed energy for transportation of the payload in
comparison to trucks (39%) [7]. It is estimated that OPEX of con-
veyor haulage can be as low as one-third of a comparable truck
haulage system [4].
Though the OPEX of IPCC systems can be reduced significantly
below that of a truck haulage method, the Capital Expenditure
(CAPEX) required in order to use an IPCC system is often higher. Fig. 1. Cumulative NPV comparing IPCC and truck haulage [8].

Please cite this article in press as: Nehring M et al. A comparison of strategic mine planning approaches for in-pit crushing and conveying, and truck/shovel
systems. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
M. Nehring et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

rial). Fixed systems have their best application in deep, pre- reflective of the various haulage methods, thus making it useful for
existing pits, with low vertical advance rates, where a single investigation purposes. Since the case study is two dimensional,
crusher location can service the operation for an extended period some aspects that are three dimensional in nature are not possible
of time, usually greater than five years. to incorporate. However, all main sequencing issues (which is the
Semi-Mobile In-Pit Crushing and Conveying (SMIPCC) systems focus in this case study) of each haulage scenarios are able to be
are similar to fixed systems in that the crushing unit remains in adequately reflected. The setting of this mine is a typical remote
one location for a period of time with conventional truck haulage mining region within Australia. As such, all figures are quoted in
feeding it. The differences occur in the length of time in which Australian Dollars (AUD).
the crusher remains in each location, and the locations that the The orebody is contained within a two dimensional vertical
crusher is situated. As the mine deepens, the crusher is relocated cross-section, 25 blocks wide and 8 blocks deep, of equal size con-
deeper into the pit which typically occurs every two to five taining 5 Mt of material each (250 m  250 m  30 m mining
benches (depending on the vertical advance rate) to maintain a blocks). As shown in Fig. 2, a total of 140 blocks contain copper
short haul for the truck portion of the system, and maximize the mineralization ranging in grade from 0.08% Cu to 0.64% Cu for a
use of conveying that can be reasonably used. SMIPCC systems total resource of 700 Mt at an average grade of 0.33% Cu for 2.34
are the most flexible, and most readily adaptable to existing oper- Mt Cu. Copper mineralization (indicated by shaded blocks) starts
ations due to their continued use of trucks and the ability to install in the second level with the first level consisting of waste that
the crusher at suitable locations. would need to be removed before accessing the mineralized mate-
Fully-Mobile In-Pit Crushing and Conveying (FMIPCC) systems rial below. While mineralization extends to the eighth level, the
remove the requirement for truck haulage during steady state orebody can be considered as being horizontally extensive with
operation. It is suggested by Dean et al. that truck haulage may still the highest grade material located on its eastern side (right-hand
be required during each sinking phase of a mine, though haul dis- side). Grades tend to gradually diminish when moving in a west-
tance may be minimized by using the trucks to dump into the erly direction (from right to left) through the orebody.
fully-mobile crusher near the sinking activity [4]. These systems Planning will take place using open pit mining at a pit wall
are characterized by the loading unit dumping directly into the slope angle of 45°. Typical open pit mining constraints are there-
hopper of a fully-mobile crushing unit that follows it. Once fore applicable with the main constraint being that each block
crushed, the material is passed onto a network of conveyors to can be mined only once the three blocks above have been removed.
be hauled to its final destination. Due to the significant difference No other geotechnical issues are assumed to be present to thus
in mine design and layout of FMIPCC systems, they are best suited allow a fully open sequencing scheme to be used across all haulage
to greenfield operations. For many decades the flexibility of truck systems.
and shovel mining systems allowed the mining system to be suited A metallurgical recovery of 90%, process plant capacity of 15
to the pit, however, as FMIPCC is significantly less flexible, the Mtpa (3 blocks per year), processing cost of $10.00/t of ore, copper
mine design must cater to the requirements of the system. As such, price of $5000 t and a discount rate of 5% are applicable. After
one research area requiring significant further attention is that of treating all blocks within the dataset that are below breakeven
ultimate pit limit (UPL) optimization taking into account the geo- processing cut-off grade ($10.00/t/($5000/t  0.9) = 0.22% Cu) as
metric requirements associated with the installation of FMIPCC waste, this reduces the resource to a total of 119 blocks containing
systems. Hay et al. extensively discuss these requirements and also copper mineralization ranging in grade from 0.25% Cu to 0.74% Cu
propose a new first step to solving this problem [12]. As pointed for a total resource of 595 Mt grading 0.37% Cu for 2.175 Mt Cu.
out by various authors, existing open pit optimization algorithms The initial CAPEX of constructing the process plant is $350 M
including the Floating Cone Algorithm [13] together with the which is incurred in the year prior to the commencement of pro-
improved versions by Koenigsberg [14], Hochbaum [15] and Elahi cessing. Once ore processing has commenced the processing rate
Zenyi [16], and the Lerchs-Grossman Algorithm [17] generate UPLs must be maintained at 15 Mtpa (with the exception of the first
that align to the shape of the orebody (which is fine for traditional and final year). Ore blocks must be mined and processed in the
truck and shovel mining) but are completely inappropriate for same year. No stockpiling is to take place.
FMIPCC. This aspect is also highlighted as part of the case study While it is commonly acknowledged that IPCC systems gener-
contained in this paper. In looking at the next step down the min- ally require a higher upfront capital expenditure, total CAPEX
ing value chain, the open pit production scheduling problem requirements across mine life often work out to be similar for tra-
remains one of the largest and most complex industrial scheduling ditional truck haulage for a given scale of operation. For the pur-
problems in existence today and has been the research topic of pose of comparing all three scenarios on a similar basis, total
numerous authors including Boland et al. [18], Chicoisne et al. CAPEX, processing capacity and mining capacity will be the same
[19], Lambert and Newman [20] and Samavati et al. [21]. The open across each case. Mining capacity across the three systems will
pit scheduling problem that caters for FMIPCC is another area be limited to 20 Mtpa (4 blocks per year). A total CAPEX of $200
requiring significantly more attention if FMIPCC is to be become M is required to implement each of the three haulage systems;
a mainstream option. however, the timing of this expenditure varies. For the SMIPCC
and the FMIPCC systems the full $200 M CAPEX will be incurred
in the year that mining activities commence. For Truck haulage
3. Case study system, $90 M will be incurred in the year that mining commences.
This will be followed by a further $45 M and $65 M in the third and
A two dimensional case study of a copper bearing orebody seventh year of mining respectively, as additional trucking capacity
amenable to open pit exploitation is used for the purpose of com- is brought online to cater for longer haul distances. This reflects the
paring Truck, SMIPCC and FMIPCC haulage systems against various high up-front CAPEX associated with IPCC systems and the more
financial metrics as well as overall resource recovery. As FIPCC staggered capital requirements for truck haulage system, which
haulage is essentially truck haulage in the pit, there would be min- generally require additional trucking capacity as the operation
imal difference to the sequencing, and has thus been left out of the deepens and cycle times increase. The OPEX of each system for this
case study. While data for this particular case study is conceptual case study is shown in Table 1. These costs are assumed to remain
in nature, it is, however, based on real operational scenarios with constant over the life of the operation and include all items
tonnages, grades, resource limitations and sequencing interactions required in carrying out mining activities across each of the three

Please cite this article in press as: Nehring M et al. A comparison of strategic mine planning approaches for in-pit crushing and conveying, and truck/shovel
systems. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
4 M. Nehring et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. 2D block model of copper bearing orebody.

Table 1 cost (waste stripping) as possible. As such, a typical pushback

OPEX of each haulage system. sequence will see the surface footprint of the pit expand in all
System OPEX ($/t) directions as progressive extraction of each pushback takes place
Truck $3.00/t level 1 + $0.45/t (15% increase) for each
and the pit progressively deepens to access the next subsequent
lower level parcel of ore. Depending on the dip and horizontal extensiveness
Semi-Mobile IPCC $2.50/t level 1 + $0.25/t (10% increase) for each of the orebody, progressive pushback extraction may result in
lower level the pit expanding in only one direction as the sequence follows
Fully-Mobile IPCC $2.00/t level 1 + $0.10/t (5% increase) for each lower
the orebody down-dip. In such cases, where geotechnical circum-
stances permit, major haul roads maybe placed into the fixed pit
wall in a switchback arrangement to keep haul roads from imped-
ing on main production areas. In cases where the pit expands in all
systems (including but not limited to labor, maintenance, energy,
directions a more constrained extraction sequence on the bench is
parts, consumables, etc.). The operating costs used in this case
required in order to re-route haul roads to maintain access and
study are based on the author’s understanding that Semi-Mobile
cause least disruption.
IPCC and Fully-Mobile IPCC are about 15–20% and 30–35% lower
Fig. 3 illustrates the sequence that would be adopted if a tradi-
than that of Truck and Shovel.
tional truck haulage system is to be used. As shown, mining would
It is assumed that each system will be used to haul both ore and
start on the eastern side (right-hand side) of the orebody and
waste. As such, there will be no change in the equipment when
sequentially move toward the west (left-hand side) in following
mining and hauling ore or waste. While shovels will be used for
the highest value and easiest to reach ore. The footprint of the
digging and loading into trucks or the crusher for all three cases,
pit in this case would expand in only a single direction allowing
the way in which the material is mined requires a unique extrac-
major haul roads to switchback in the eastern pit wall.
tion sequence. Recent work by Dzakpata et al. suggests that the
As shown, a total of 23 phases (pushbacks) are required to
productivity of shovels operating in conjunction with FMIPCC sys-
achieve full extraction of the orebody using a traditional truck
tems can be significantly enhanced [22], however for the purposes
haulage system. In commencing with the first pushback, each sub-
of this study no shovel productivity difference is assumed between
sequent pushback deepens the pit until the full depth of the ore-
the three methods under investigation.
body is reached on the eighth level. While pit depth is
maintained from the 13th pushback onwards, the orebody’s hori-
3.1. Truck haulage system sequence zontal extensiveness requires a further 10 pushbacks of equal size
to achieve full extraction to the final (twenty-third) pushback.
Truck haulage is the most common method for bring material
out of an open pit mine and to the process plant, stockpile or waste 3.2. SMIPCC sequence
dump. As the mine life matures, the pit becomes deeper and waste
dumps become bigger, resulting in increased truck haul cycles SMIPCC systems rely on a crusher being located at some point
which requires additional trucks to maintain production rates. within the pit. Instead of hauling material all the way out of the
Depending on distance and elevation, truck haulage is typically pit, trucks dump into the crusher and are thereby able to signifi-
considered to be costlier in comparison to IPCC systems. However, cantly reduce their travel distance and thus overall cycle time.
it is often favored due to being the most flexible of the three haul- The crusher is typically modular in design and able to be relocated
age methods in terms of maneuverability, scalability (ability to add
or subtract mining capacity) as well as being more resilient to com-
plete system failure as individual trucks are replaceable. Further-
more, truck haulage does not require extensive conveyor
networks within the pit. The flexibility associated with truck
maneuverability is able to be carried through the sequencing and
scheduling process whereby the highest grade ore is highly amen-
able to be accessed and mined as soon as traditional open pit min-
ing will allow. In developing a pushback sequence for an open pit
mining operation, the aim is to allow the operation to gain access
to the next available highest value parcel of material for as little Fig. 3. Truck haulage system sequence for exploiting orebody.

Please cite this article in press as: Nehring M et al. A comparison of strategic mine planning approaches for in-pit crushing and conveying, and truck/shovel
systems. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
M. Nehring et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

closer to the main production area every 2–5 years. From the tem requires extensive conveyor networks. Once a conveyor has
crusher, material is then hauled via a conveyor belt out of the pit been established and configured on a bench it is most productive
to the process plant, stockpile or waste dump. Since high capacity to keep until the full length of the pit has been removed before pro-
troughed conveyors are generally operated at angles up to 18° in gressing deeper. The bench conveyor, which may source ore or
order to prevent material roll-back [23], sequencing and schedul- waste material from up to three working benches/faces, will feed
ing within the pit therefore need to take into consideration the a main trunk conveyor. The trunk conveyor is ideally one continu-
need for a fixed conveyor slot or a conveyor line that can be stag- ous conveyor line that takes material out of the pit to the process
gered up the side of a fixed pit wall. The requirement for a fixed pit plant, stockpile or waste dump. As such, a fixed conveyor slot or a
conveyor wall or slot means that pit expansion cannot take place conveyor line up the side of a fixed pit wall is required. Due to
where these are installed. As such, a typical pushback sequence extensive conveyor networks the sequencing for FMIPCC is very
for a SMIPCC system will see the surface footprint of the pit expand rigid with expansion limited to a single direction with little or no
in only one direction. flexibility and limited ability to access deeper high grade material
The main advantage of SMIPCC systems is that they still main- sooner. FMIPCC systems tend to have the lowest OPEX when com-
tain some of the flexibility and maneuverability of truck haulage pared to truck haulage and SMIPCC systems.
with reduced cycle times while benefiting from the reduced costs Fig. 5 illustrates the sequence that would be adopted if a
associated with conveyor haulage. The system however is slightly FMIPCC system is to be used for the orebody under consideration.
more restrictive due to the conveyor requirement and unlike truck Mining would start on the eastern side of the orebody and sequen-
haulage it is not as amenable to gaining access to the next available tially move toward the west initially following the highest value
highest value parcel of material for as little cost (waste stripping) and easiest to reach ore. Due to the efficiencies that are derived
as possible. OPEX for a SMIPCC system is typically between truck from long horizontal production sequences, the initial depth is
and FMIPCC haulage. again limited. A series of 23 pushbacks to level three across the
Fig. 4 illustrates the sequence that would be adopted if a entire length of the orebody are extracted (Group 1 series of push-
SMIPCC system is to be used for the orebody under consideration. backs) from three working benches feeding into a bench conveyor.
Mining would again start on the eastern side of the orebody and This encompasses the extraction of high grade ore through to the
sequentially move toward the west in initially following the high- lowest grade ore present within the orebody and exposes the
est value and easiest to reach ore. However, in maintaining a lim- entire surface footprint of the final pit. Once this has been com-
ited truck haulage distance to an in-pit crusher, the initial pit depth pleted no further waste removal is required for the case study
is limited. The first 13 pushbacks (Group 1 series of pushbacks) to under consideration. A new bench conveyor is than established
level 4 are extracted and hauled to a crusher which is likely to be to extract material from the lower three benches (levels 4–6)
external to the pit at this stage. The first crusher relocation would across the length of the orebody (Group 2 series of pushbacks com-
then take place to some point toward the deeper part of the void prising of pushbacks 24–40). Material within the final two levels
left by the extraction of the Group 1 series of pushbacks to enable (7–8) are then sequentially extracted (Group 3 series of pushbacks
the removal of pushbacks 14–18 (Group 2 series of pushbacks) in comprising of pushbacks 41–51) using the FMIPCC system.
order to complete extraction of moderate-high grade ore to full
depth. Due to the horizontally extensive nature of the orebody, 4. Results
pushbacks 19–22 (Group 3 series of pushbacks) expand out the
surface footprint of the pit to extract moderate grade ore, which It is evident that even though the same orebody using the same
again corresponds to another crusher relocation (to the closest total CAPEX and mining and processing capacities, significant
possible point to this series of pushbacks to accommodate mainly sequencing implications yield vastly different mine plans which
downhill truck haulage). The next crusher relocation revolves is reflected in the financial metrics of each haulage scenario.
around the removal of pushbacks 23–26 at depth (Group 4 series
of pushbacks). The crusher in this case would again be positioned
4.1. Truck haulage
so as to minimize a mainly downhill haulage distance. This follows
another expansion of the surface footprint of the pit and subse-
From the pushback sequence presented in Fig. 3 for the truck
quent crusher relocation by the removal of low grade pushbacks
haulage scenario it is now possible to determine the breakeven
27–32 (Group 5 series of pushbacks). The final crusher relocation
pit limit by analyzing the value of each pushback for an uncon-
in the sequence completes the extraction of the remaining low
strained mining and milling capacity. In order to do this an eco-
grade pushbacks (33–38) at depth (Group 6 series of pushbacks).
nomic block model based on the block grades shown in Fig. 2
together with the cost data and market parameters presented ear-
3.3. FMIPCC sequence lier, an economic block model was generated as shown in Fig. 6.
Block values ($M) are computed by subtracting the mining and
FMIPCC systems remove the need for truck haulage completely processing cost from the revenue obtained from selling the metal
as the digging unit dumps directly into a mobile crusher that fol- contained within each block (eg. block #R008: 5.0Mt  0.369%Cu
lows the working face, making this a continuous system. This sys-

Fig. 5. FMIPCC sequence for exploiting orebody (Major vertical belt moves
Fig. 4. SMIPCC sequence for exploiting orebody (crusher relocations corresponding corresponding to each main group of pushbacks are represented by the large bold
to each main group of pushbacks are represented by the large bold numbers). numbers).

Please cite this article in press as: Nehring M et al. A comparison of strategic mine planning approaches for in-pit crushing and conveying, and truck/shovel
systems. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
6 M. Nehring et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 6. Economic block model for truck haulage scenario ($M) (Note: blocks below breakeven cut-off treated as waste).

 0.90%  $5,000/tCu - 5.0Mt  $6.15/t - 5.0Mt  $10.0/t = $2.3 are mined must be processed in the same year. As such, any ore
M). blocks (shaded grey) containing a number corresponding to the
The value of each block is then used to compute the value of year that it is mined is also processed in that year.
each pushback (eg. pushback 1: $15.0 M - $15.0 M - $15.0 M + Using the discount rate of 5%, a discounted value for the mine
$77.0 M = $32.0 M). As shown in Fig. 7, the highest cumulative plan is computed as shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 9 also contains the dis-
undiscounted pushback value of $1,058.3 M is generated at push- counted capital costs for both process plant and mine infrastruc-
back 13. If open pit mining continued to include pushback 14 this ture ($350 M + $90 M in year 0, $45 M in year 3 and $65 M in
would destroy total value since the cost of accessing pushback 14 year 7) required for the truck haulage scenario. The discounted
exceeds the revenue that would be obtained from processing and value for pushback 1 is calculated as follows:
selling the copper contained within its ore. The undiscounted
breakeven pit limit will therefore occur at pushback 13 for the $15M $15M $15M $77M
Pushback 1 : þ þ þ ¼ $28:3M ð1Þ
truck haulage scenario. After taking into account the total CAPEX 1:050 1:050 1:050 1:051
requirement of $550 M, this produces a final undiscounted value As shown, the discounted value for an open pit operation using
for the operation of $508.3 M. truck haulage based on the mine plan contained in Fig. 6 would
Based on the capacity constraints outlined earlier (maximum yield an NPV of $293.9 M. A further investigation to eliminate
mining and processing of 20 Mtpa and 15 Mtpa respectively), a late-stage pushbacks (reduce pit size) in order to re-prioritize
yearly production and processing schedule which follows the waste removal does not add an additional value in this case. As
pre-determined pushback sequence for the truck haulage scenario, such, it can thus be determined that a mine plan with a pit limit
as illustrated in Fig. 2, for all material contained within the break- to pushback 13 generates the highest cumulative discounted value.
even pit limit (to pushback 13), can be generated. The objective in As indicated by the mine plan contained in Fig. 8, mining for the
this case is to maintain maximum mill feed in each year. This truck haulage scenario occurs across 18 years (including one year
results in the schedule as illustrated in Fig. 8. The number within of pre-stripping in year 0) moving a total of 320 Mt of material,
each block represents the year in which the block has been sched- comprising 75 Mt of waste and 245 Mt of ore. The final ore block
uled for mining. Since no stockpiling is available, ore blocks that will be processed in year 17 for a total processing life of 17 years.
Throughout the 17 year processing life, an average ore grade of
0.47% Cu produces a total of 1.043 Mt Cu (after accounting for a
metallurgical recovery of 90%).

4.2. SMIPCC haulage

A similar process to the truck haulage scenario is used to finding

and evaluating the value of the optimal mine plan for the SMIPCC
system haulage scenario. The first step again was to generate an
economic block model as shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 7. Unscheduled pushback values for truck haulage scenario.

Fig. 8. Optimum yearly production schedule (mine plan) for truck haulage scenario. Fig. 9. Scheduled pushback values for truck haulage scenario.

Please cite this article in press as: Nehring M et al. A comparison of strategic mine planning approaches for in-pit crushing and conveying, and truck/shovel
systems. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
M. Nehring et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 10. Economic block model for SMIPCC haulage scenario ($M).

The economic block model made it possible to determine the ital costs for both process plant and mine infrastructure ($200 M +
breakeven pit limit for the pushback sequence presented in Fig. 4 $350 M in year 0) required for the SMIPCC haulage scenario.
by analyzing the value of each pushback for an unconstrained min- As shown in Fig. 13, the discounted value for an open pit oper-
ing and milling capacity. As shown in Fig. 11, the highest cumula- ation using SMIPCC haulage based on the mine plan contained in
tive pushback value of $1380.3 M is generated at pushback 26. Fig. 12 would yield an NPV of $453.1 M. Further investigations to
Since no further value can be added by enlarging the pit the undis- eliminate late-stage pushbacks (reduce pit size) in order to re-
counted breakeven pit limit will therefore occur at pushback 26 for prioritize waste removal also does not add an additional value in
the SMIPCC haulage scenario. After taking into account the total this case. As such, it can thus be determined that a mine plan with
capital expenditure requirement of $550 M, this produces a final a pit limit to pushback 26 generates the highest cumulative dis-
undiscounted value for the operation of $830.3 M. counted value.
The same capacity constraints (maximum mining and process- As indicated by the mine plan contained in Fig. 12, mining for
ing of 2075 Mt of waste Mtpa and 1575 Mt of waste Mtpa respec- the SMIPCC haulage scenario occurs across 27 years (including
tively) apply to the SMIPCC haulage scenario for the purpose of one year of pre-stripping in year 0) moving a total of 480Mt of
production scheduling. A yearly production schedule which fol- material, comprising 95Mt of waste and 385Mt of ore. The final
lows the pre-determined pushback sequence for the SMIPCC sce- ore blocks are processed in year 26 for a total processing life of
nario illustrated in Fig. 4 for all material contained within the 26 years. Throughout the 26 year processing life, an average ore
breakeven pit limit (to pushback 26) is generated. The objective grade of 0.42% Cu produces a total of 1.445Mt Cu (after accounting
once again is to maintain maximum mill feed in each year. This for a metallurgical recovery of 90%).
results in the schedule illustrated in Fig. 12. The number within
each block once again represents the year in which the block has 4.3. FMIPCC haulage
been scheduled for mining/processing.
Using the discount rate of 5%, a discounted value for the mine An economic block model for the FMIPCC haulage scenario
plan is computed as shown in Fig. 13, which also includes the cap- based on block grades contained in Fig. 2 as well as market param-
eters and cost data presented earlier was again generated as shown
in Fig. 14.
Based on the pushback sequence presented in Fig. 5 and the
FMIPCC block values shown in Fig. 14, a pushback analysis for an
unconstrained mining and milling capacity can take place. As
shown in Fig. 15, the highest cumulative pushback value of
$2011.8 M is generated at pushback 51. This represents the final
pushback for this sequence and thus indicates that the entire
resource should be recovered. After taking into account the total
capital expenditure requirement of $550 M, this produces a final
undiscounted value for the operation of $1461.8 M.

Fig. 11. Unscheduled pushback values for SMIPCC haulage scenario.

Fig. 12. Optimum yearly production schedule (mine plan) for SMIPCC haulage
scenario. Fig. 13. Scheduled pushback values for SMIPCC haulage scenario.

Please cite this article in press as: Nehring M et al. A comparison of strategic mine planning approaches for in-pit crushing and conveying, and truck/shovel
systems. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
8 M. Nehring et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 14. Economic block model for FMIPCC haulage scenario ($M).

Fig. 15. Unscheduled pushback values for FMIPCC haulage scenario.

Fig. 17. Scheduled pushback values for FMIPCC haulage scenario.
A yearly production schedule which follows the pre-determined
pushback sequence for the FMIPCC haulage scenario for all mate-
5. Discussion
rial contained within the breakeven pit limit using the mine and
process capacity constraints is generated. Maintaining maximum
It is evident that substantially more of the resource is able to be
mill feed in each year was again the main objective. This results
economically recovered using the IPCC haulage systems. A total of
in the schedule illustrated in Fig. 16. The number within each block
245 Mt of ore is mined and processed when using truck haulage
once again represents the year in which the block has been sched-
while the SMIPCC and FMIPCC systems mine and process 385 Mt
uled for mining/processing.
and 720 Mt of ore respectively. This is no doubt significantly influ-
Using the discount rate of 5%, a discounted value for the mine
enced by the grade distribution of the orebody used in this case
plan is computed as shown in Fig. 17, which also includes the cap-
study. The reason more ore is able to be economically exploited
ital costs for both process plant and mine infrastructure ($200 M in
is due to the lower OPEX of the IPCC systems (in particular the
year 0 and $350 M in year 1) required for the FMIPCC haulage
FMIPCC system).
For the orebody being exploited, there exists 390 Mt of miner-
As shown in Fig. 17, the discounted value for an open pit oper-
alized material that is economical exploitable when using the
ation using FMIPCC haulage based on the mine plan contained in
FMIPCC system and its associated OPEX in comparison to the truck
Fig. 16 would yield an NPV of $467.2 M. As indicated by the mine
haulage system with its associated OPEX. This 390 Mt of mineral-
plan contained in Fig. 16, mining for the FMIPCC haulage scenario
ized material equates to 65.50% of the 595Mt of total mineralized
occurs across 43 years (including two years of pre-stripping in
material within the deposit. Large halos of mineralization that
years 0 and 1) moving a total of 720 Mt of material, comprising
decrease in grade from a central zone are common in large por-
125 Mt of waste and 595 Mt of ore. The final ore blocks are pro-
phyry type deposits, indicating that even a slight reduction in
cessed in year 42 for a total processing life of 41 years. Throughout
OPEX may render large sections of the deposit economically
the 41 year processing life, an average ore grade of 0.36% Cu pro-
exploitable that were not previously, thus significantly lifting the
duces a total of 1.957 Mt Cu (after accounting for a metallurgical
overall resource recovery.
recovery of 90%).
Some of the key metrics that are commonly used to compare
resource projects are summarized in Fig. 18 and Table 2. From this
it is evident that the time value of money aspect plays a significant
role in determining overall value, particularly the longer the mine
life. In this case, the truck haulage scenario yields an NPV of $293.9
M over an 18 year operating life whereas the FMIPCC haulage sce-
nario yields an NPV of $467.2 M over a 43 year operating life for
the same orebody using the same total CAPEX and mining and pro-
cessing capacities. While ore grades and sequencing constraints
also have a large impact, the NPV of the FMIPCC haulage scenario
Fig. 16. Optimum yearly production schedule (mine plan) for FMIPCC haulage is 58.90% greater than the NPV of the truck haulage scenario, while
scenario. the operating life is 138.90% greater. For this reason, the IRR pro-

Please cite this article in press as: Nehring M et al. A comparison of strategic mine planning approaches for in-pit crushing and conveying, and truck/shovel
systems. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
M. Nehring et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 9

requirement of a fixed pit wall to accommodate a conveyor is just

one example of this. A secondary effect of replacing truck haulage
with conveyor haulage is the loss flexibility affecting maneuver-
ability, scalability and resilience to system failure. As a result of
this, sound operational performance can often hide the detrimental
effects of a bad mine plan in truck and shovel mining. However, a
bad mine plan when using IPCC systems will become apparent
very quickly with relatively little ability to being able to change
and modify the plan once its execution has been set in motion.
While low operating costs may be attractive for IPCC systems,
the unique sequencing restrictions associated with them must be
meticulously planned and designed for.
The flexibility associated with truck and shovel mining gener-
Fig. 18. Production and financial metrics for haulage scenarios.
ally allows a plan and schedule that will give the operation access
to the next available highest value parcel of material for as little
cost (waste stripping) as possible in a relatively straightforward
Table 2 manner. Depending on orebody shape and grade distribution, the
Production and financial metrics for haulage scenarios. unique restrictions associated with IPCC systems, are such that it
Metrics Truck SMIPCC FMIPCC is often not conducive to accessing the highest value material
Mining capacity 20 Mtpa 20 Mtpa 20 Mtpa
up-front. The highest productivities with FMIPCC are achieved
Processing capacity 15 Mtpa 15 Mtpa 15 Mtpa when mining across large horizontal horizons. As such, mining
CAPEX $550 M $550 M $550 M reduced high value material is often substituted for mining larger
Material moved 320 Mt 480 Mt 720 Mt volumes of waste, particularly in the earlier years of an operation.
Ore processed 245 Mt 385 Mt 595 Mt
This significantly affects cash flows and thus works against maxi-
LOM average grade 0.47% Cu 0.42% Cu 0.37% Cu
mization of NPV. As the mine life matures and the operation deep-
ens, the pit floor generally narrows which in turn reduces the high
productivities experienced by FMIPCC systems due to the
increased frequency of conveyor moves.
Not only is the horizontal extensiveness of the orebody an
important factor in the success of IPCC systems, so too is the grade
distribution. The reduced OPEX generally associated with IPCC sys-
tems, will often render larger volumes of material to be economical
to mine in comparison to the truck haulage system. What may
seem like a small reduction in OPEX can often significantly add
to the amount of material moved. For the case study investigated,
a 65.5% increase in exploitable mineralized material results in a
significantly longer mine life and greater resource recovery. This
is an important consideration to bear in mind as each orebody
and its respective grade distribution will differ.


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systems. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),

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