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Диалог №1.

1. So, have you ever heard the phrases of the famous German writer Goethe? I recently read one of them in the
newspaper and it made me think a little.
2. Don’t lay on the back, what are these words? Tell me!
1. "The history of mankind is its character". I think that this phrase, it's very interesting! Isn’t it?
2. Hmmm… "the history of mankind is its character". Really I don't understand very well this phrase…
1. Why? It's very easy! What can not you understand?
2. I think it says about that the character of the good men makes the history or that the character of these men is
the real history .
1. First of all, we know about history because of its characters, for example, Napoleon Bonaparte, Christopher
Columbus, Galileo Galilei, among others; what do they do, in which period of the history they took part, and all
that kind of stuff.
2. The character is more important, like actions, and relations, the good things were doing by the men in the past,
this is the real history of men, their character. Did you mean it?
1. Society and its history constitute the most complex and multi-dimensional. Both the history of mankind and its
specific phenomena, such as culture and independent character. Yes of course. But this can be said differently.
2. Yes, because society and its history constitute the most complex and multi-dimensional. Both the history of
mankind and its specific phenomena, such as culture and independent character.
1. Yes, they are lifeless without man himself and his creative activity.
2. It also says about the life of people is like it is because of the form that the peoples is and if you want to
someone change you need to change first.
1. On the other hand, we all know that history is about that, years, dates, etc; so we have to get used to that!
2. Yes, I was very interested in this topic. Now I will spend the whole evening working on Goethe's works.
1. So come on together!

Диалог №2

1. The German philosopher Georg Hegel famously said, “The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn
nothing from history.” This is a worrying thought because there is so much that went wrong when we look at
world history.
2. As we are often told, history repeats itself. Is there a way that we can break that pattern?
1. Just think about the ten greatest challenges facing humanity today and you will realise that those challenges
have been sources of tremendous conflict and upheaval too.
2. What are they? Can you give examples, because nothing comes to my mind.
1. Ok, for example food - 33 countries already have extremely alarming levels of hunger.
2. Yes, unfortunately I know about this. History shows us that the Romans conquered ancient Egypt after the
death of Cleopatra. This conquest was for one reason alone: food.
1. During World War Two, three million Indians starved in Bengal because of scarcity created by colonialism. So,
we must prevent history from repeating itself through effective hunger prevention.
2. Yes, of course. But what do you think about environment? Pollution, global warming, climate change, rising sea
levels, deforestation and increasing ocean temperatures are issues that are regularly spoken about even if not
necessarily acted on.
1. Many species of animals, birds and flora have either gone extinct or will soon be. I shudder to think how our
children and grandchildren will live on earth.
2. History tells us that the dinosaurs and the Neanderthals, species that dominated Earth, eventually went extinct.
Our collective memories still remember the flood myths-Noah’s ark, Atlantis. Nature fighting back has been a
recurring theme.
1. Yes, we just must prevent history from repeating itself by managing our environment better.
2. So the question we must ask ourselves today is this: can we afford to learn nothing from history? That particular
choice becomes very clear when we remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr who said, “We are not
makers of history. We are made by history.”
1. Today we must decide how history will make and remake us, how history will shape and reshape our world, and
how history will see and remember us.

Диалог №3

1. Hello, how are you?

2. Hi, nice. Recently, the Greenpeace team and I carried out an action to protect nature, or rather raised the issue
of its pollution.
1. And what was your goal? For some reason, I hardly understand this.
2. We wanted to prove to people that by their actions they pollute everything in the world.
1. For example, they drive cars and pollute the air, extract minerals, while not thinking about the consequences in
the future.
2. But still it is necessary for people, at least in order for them to survive.
1. I certainly understand pollution and all that. But people should take everything from nature, because they are a
part of nature.
2. I disagree with you, because a person should behave carefully with nature. Yes, people need to survive, but at
the same time they kill everything around them, for example, they hunt animals and this is very bad.
1. They kill animals in order to eat and not starve to death.
2. Yes, but still some hunt animals for fun, or even for status, in order to wear a fur coat or shoes made from real
wool or leather. And at the moment it is no longer fashionable, but still some continue to do it.
1. You may be right, but what can you say to justify global warming?
2. To this I can give a very simple answer. I believe that people have achieved global warming themselves, they did
everything against nature and now nature thanks them in this way. They do not understand how they put
themselves into danger. If global warming intensifies, then drought will come and then humanity will be
responsible for its actions. Is not it?
1. You say scary words, I never thought about it. I always believed that nature should give me everything, but now
I have changed my thoughts.
2. Can you sort out all these problems in detail and be able to join Greenpeace? Do you have such a desire?
1. Maybe I will agree, but before that I’ll go through all this in detail, and then I’ll think about cooperation with
your company.
2. Thank you, I will wait for your answer.

Диалог № 4

1. Hi, how are you? Oh, why do you look so worried?

2. Yeah, I'm a little worried about pollution.
1. I know, Earth is suffering. Pollution is terrible!
2. Not only is environmental pollution dangerous for Earth, but dangerous for us, too!
1. What do you think is going to happen next?
2. Pollution is a serious problem. It causes imbalances in different ecosystems.
1. I think some plants and animals are likely to become extinct. Extinction will further upset the balance!
2. Absolutely! Besides, problems around climate change are made worse by environment pollution.
1. Yeah, now ice is melting and the water level of the sea is rising.
2. Pollution can cause the spread of various kinds of diseases, too.
1. We need to make everyone aware of the harmful effects!
2. Once more people are aware of the dangers and we work together, we can think of solutions.
1. So, what should we do? Let me give you a couple of tips on how to protect nature and you to me?
2. Ok, you should keep your garden or greenspace chemical free.
1. It is my turn now. Don’t buy single-use plastics.
2. I agree, also I advise to record the wildlife near you.
1. Yes, that’s right. Recording the wildlife where you live provides vital information which helps conservationists
protect the environment.
2. Reducing the amount of “stuff” you consume has the greatest benefits for the planet. It’s best to avoid waste in
the first place, so think more carefully about your purchases.

1. We should take care of our environment. It’s true that we cannot stop pollution for good. But we can lessen it.

2. I agree with you. My friend, I have to go now. Ok, see you later.

1. Bye.

Диалог № 5

1. Hi, recently I heard the words of Robert Fuoss «It would be nice if the Food and Drug Administration stopped
issuing warnings about toxic substances and just gave me the names of one or two things still safe to eat. » I am
so interested in this quote. What can you say about this?
2. There have been many health studies on the connection between our health and the foods we eat and, and no
matter how you slice the research, fruits and veggies make the cut.
1. Yes, eating lots of fresh produce can lower your blood pressure, help you maintain a healthy weight, lower your
risk of several types of cancer, and reduce your risk of heart disease.
2. Of course, they provide numerous phytonutrients and antioxidants which help prevent cellular damage
throughout the body. Even with all of these great reasons to eat our fruits and veggies, the majority of adults
and kids aren’t eating enough. They’re colorful, crunchy, pretty, tasty and healthy — what’s not to love?
1. So, stealing a few sneaky tricks from our parents out there is one way to get our kids to eat the “good stuff” —
making faces out of our food, providing lots of dipping options (ranch, caramel, honey, cream cheese…whatever
it takes!), blending them into oblivion so they are undetectable in pizza sauce.
2. Another tactic many parents use is growing them yourself. Kids are way more likely to eat them if they’ve
contributed to growing them…the cool factor. So why not plant your own garden?
1. It is good idea! Grow your own healthy food, and get some exercise in the garden while you’re at it!
2. That is nice, because you can grow in your own garden:
• Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower)
• Dark leafy greens (collards, kale, spinach)
• Carrots and tomatoes
1. Growing a garden may seem like a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be – maybe start small!
2. Maybe I do it for a couple of days. Thank you for your advise.

Диалог №6

1. So, would you like to be a centenarian?

2. Of course, yes, but how I can do it. Actually I don’t know. Can you give me some advices, because I know that
your grandmother is a centenarian now. Maybe she has a secret? Can you tell me?
1. Yes, but in order to become a centenarian, you should love herself, first of all. For me, it is very difficult, just
because I don’t think about this. But I can give you some ordinary rules that remember from my grandmother.
2. Please, It is so interesting for me.
1. So, manage your salt intake. Especially with the high hidden sodium content in highly processed foods.
2. Yes, I heard about this a few days ago.
1. Take cold showers. Especially in the morning for alertness. It supports your circulation, immune system, mood,
invigorate, skin strength. Look into the Wim Hof Method. For beginners, a warm to a cold approach is called the
Scottish shower. If you prefer the outdoors, Misogi is the Shinto meditative practice of standing under cold
2. This sounds very interesting. I must to try it.
1. Eating dirt. This is the process of allowing some negative microbes to enter your system in order to build
immunity. It’s like eating a carrot without washing it or with the skin on. Think of it as similar to a vaccination —
a small amount of a virus helps you produce the antibodies to it.
2. Oh, I never heard about this. This is a strange idea, as for me.
1. Make friends. This naturally increases your longevity and reduces heart disease, anxiety, and depression. You
are also the average of your circle. If you are around happier people then you will be happier. Ask good
questions and be a good listener. Read: Just Listen, How to Win Friends and Influence People, and other books
that support your emotional intelligence.
2. It is not problem for me, I have a lot of friends and love them. So, I think it is cool.
1. Breathing. Breathing methods like Wim Hof’s have been shown to support a calmer system and alkaline the
body. There’s also been a video going around of a nurse’s approach to COVID-19 where she recommends taking
five deep breaths, holding each time for five seconds, and then coughing at the end of the cycle. Then doing it
2. Now this is very relevant, thanks.
1. Sorry, but this is all that I remember from the rules of my grandmother, if you are very interested in learning
more, then I can give you her nickname on Instagram. She is just blogging about this, there you can find a lot of
useful things for yourself.
2. Of course that would be great.

Диалог № 7

1. The major stages of the human lifecycle include pregnancy, infancy, the toddler years, childhood,adolescence,
adulthood, middle age, and the senior years. Which stage of life is the most unforgettable for you?
2. For me, the most unforgettable stage is childhood. And what about you?
1. I think so, for me this stage is very interesting.
2. Also, for me, the happiest days in life are those memorized with happy events not specified to specific age.
1. Early years in life and school days are the best years, in the majority of people lives if they could entertain it's
gifts. Childhood is usually memorized by playing and laughing the most of the time, being unaware of others
2. Of course, and the whole ones responsibility is on his parents. Equally, school days remain unforgettable funny
days, although the presence of some duties; home work and studying.
1. This was for the presence of school activities. In sum, having a great fun and low responsibility are the two
major characteristics of these beloved years.
2. But there are people whose childhood was not as good and happy as our, for them, those were miserable days.
For orphans who were deprived from parents care who had to face the cruel days, children born to poor
families and ought to work instead of playing.
1. Yes, it is very sad, but still there are people who, despite the poverty in childhood, the absence of parents and
even the support of any other people, have achieved a lot in adulthood.
2. Yes, and this is good, because now the they can provide a carefree and happy life for their children, who will not
even know what their parents had to go through. As they say, each has its pros and cons.
1. In my childhood, everything was great and I spend a great eight years. I was a good student in all of my natural
science classes, . especially in Biology and Math classes. I was in contact with many of my school friends and
teachers in every of our school activities.
2. I still remember playing football for our school team when I was thirteen-years-old. Actually, I still play football
and I play awesome, but I don’t want to be a player.
1. In addition, our elementary school life was great and successful eight years for me.
Our childhood memories were the sweetest period of my life and I won’t forget my childhood memories. Don’t
you think so?
2. Yes, this period was amazing!

Диалог №8
1. Oh, you watch TV every day. You are in danger of becoming a coach potato. Isn’t it?
2. I don’t think so. I just have to relax after a busy day.
1. After a busy day watching soup operas, yes?
2. What do you want to say with these words? What, I'm very lazy.
1. No, but I'm afraid for you. We all know exercise is good for us. Regular physical activity, according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, can lower people's risk of a heart attack, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood
pressure, as well as help with weight control, relieve arthritis pain and even reduce symptoms of depression. It can also
cut down on visits to the hospital and doctor's office, as well as the need for medications.
2. I think that this is fiction, in my opinion you need to take care of yourself and not strain unnecessarily. You just need
to enjoy life and then all troubles will disappear.
1. You don't even want to play sports ...
2. Because I have no time for sports.
1. For some people, the idea of going to the gym and figuring out how to use the array of equipment is terrifying. Others
don't like the idea of huffing and puffing in their sweats in front of a crowd. If gyms intimidate you, consider joining a
specialty club, such as Curves - a fitness and weight-loss facility for women - or the boomer-friendly chain Nifty After
2. I'm not saying this for me, I don't even want to think about it.
1. Ok, but another thing - you eat so much sweets!If you've spent the day trying to pass up office sweets, you may not
have the stamina to hit your evening gym class.
2. Ok, but only This will make me think about my lifestyle.
1. I remember a film that was dedicated specifically to people with a problem like yours. I assure you that you need to
reconsider your lifestyle. And then you will understand what I told you about.
2. Okay, give me a name and maybe I'll watch it to reflect on my life. It seems now I realized that I was wasting my time
with TV. Thank you.

Диалог № 9
1. So what do you think about cyber -classes?
2. I think this is a very good adaptation for modern teaching people, but only abroad. I do not believe such classes are
equipped in Ukraine. For me, this is just a myth.
1. But why? I believe that anything is possible, if you only want to. In my opinion, if Ukrainian children want to study,
then everything will become possible.
2. I don’t believe in it anyway, because most of the majority do not care about the state of schools in Ukraine.
1. In our school, many children studied very well and the more their number was, the more sponsors approved our
school, which is the first step in equipping such classes.
2. I finished school a long time ago, and I don’t remember any encouragement at all. Although, maybe because I studied
1. Ok, look if you had such classes in school, would you have more motivation to study?
2. Maybe yes. I think that studying in a cyber class would be more interesting than reading unnecessary textbooks and
scientific articles.
1. You see! I still think that cyber classes are a reality for Ukraine, perhaps even in the near future, since today everyone
is striving to improve education in our country.
2. Perhaps yes, you convinced me. And then I remembered that I once knew an investor who would be glad to invest in
such a cyber class now. If I find his number, I will definitely inform him of a new idea for his own interest.
1. Yes, that would be wonderful. We have to help our country grow in education, so you are a very smart person.
2. I think that this is not a myth, as I thought a couple of minutes ago, because we have to believe in it and let it all go
down. And the children of ukraine will be able to study no worse than foreigners.
1. Yes, so don't wait, but look for ways to accomplish our ideas, good luck! Call when something is clear.

Диалог № 10

1. Distance education is a concept that has gained significant popularity over the past few years. Distance learning
programs have helped many students who are unable to attend campus-based or full-time courses to realize their
educational aspirations. What do you think about this?
2. I think distance learning might not be the best choice for every student seeking to pursue a college degree or
university program.
1. Yes. And thus understanding its advantages and drawbacks can help one decide on whether or not it is the right
program to pursue. As for me. The main disadvantage is Significant Cost Savings/
2. I think so. The cost of online-based education programs is generally lower compared to those offered in brick-and-
mortar institutions. Undertaking an online course or program also eliminates the costs associated with commuting,
renting an apartment and/or getting meal plans.
1. Absolutely right. But one of the disadvantage is Lack of Social Interaction. Learning in a brick-and-mortar institution
presents students with the opportunity to meet and interact with people from different locations on a personal level.
Distance learning only limits students to classes and learning materials that are based online.
2. Though students can interact through chat rooms, discussion boards, emails and/or video conferencing software, the
experience cannot be compared to that of a traditional campus. But what about Convenient Learning?
1. For most of the working class students, going back to the classroom is rather intimidating. Asking questions about a
hard concept about a given topic can also be embarrassing for shy students. But that's not the case with distance
learning. A disciplined and self-motivated student can learn at his or her own pace.
2. Yes, online education combines the use of tutorials, eLearning materials and video conference class sessions to
deliver knowledge to students. That means learners with different abilities can have the opportunity to understand the
course in much detail.
1. Of course, that is cool. But Complicated Technology….
2. Any student seeking to enroll for a distance learning program needs to invest in a range of equipment including
computer, webcam and stable internet connection. There is absolutely no physical contact between students and
instructors as instruction is delivered over the internet. This overdependence on technology is a major drawback to
distance learning.
1. Despite its numerous drawbacks, distance learning still provides better learning options for students wishing to enjoy
greater convenience and flexibility in pursuing a course. The greatest benefits of distance education is that it allows
students to access numerous learning tools using minimum financial resources. Studying online is even made more
interactive with the use of video conferencing software. That improves the ability to acquire and retain knowledge on a
given subject.
2. I totally agree with you.

Диалог № 11
1. What do you think why is it important to learn about the past?
2. Because history gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in the past, it positions us to see patterns that
might otherwise be invisible in the present – thus providing a crucial perspective for understanding (and solving!)
current and future problems.
1. Yes, as for me studying history allows us to observe and understand how people and societies behaved. For example,
we are able to evaluate war, even when a nation is at peace, by looking back at previous events. History provides us
with the data that is used to create laws, or theories about various aspects of society.
2. When I was a student, I enjoyed studying history. I like learning about things that had happened in the past and
discovering why certain events happened.
1. I also like visiting museums and historical places. ... By studying history, we can learn the lessong of our past and
prevent ourselves from making the same mistakes
2. I think history learning is very important for us. It helps us develop a better understanding of the world.
1. Of course, also history helps us understand ourselves. And it helps us learn to understand other people.
2. Yes, history teaches a working understanding of change. And I think the main reason is that history gives us the tools
we need to be decent citizens.
1. Knowledge of our past helps us to see how humans react and deal with situations. ... Just as a person learns from
their mistakes, knowledge of our history helps us to learn from our mistakes giving us insight into the future.
2. I totally agree with you. Many events that have happened in our past no longer plague the world today.
1. But my sister is not very fond of history, unlike me. I do not understand why!
2. I think the easiest way to enjoy learning about history is to figure out how historical events have impacted you
personally. Think about world events that have happened in your life and how they have impacted you.
1. Yes, when you start researching, you may be surprised how quickly you start learning about the recent past. But she
doesn’t understand it!
2. Maybe she has not yet understood the essence of science as history.
1. Maybe yes, but I think that everyone should be interested in history!
2. Yes, you are absolutely right.

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