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To my dearest friend: Naila.

Hello there, lovely Naila. I want to bring you to see the 'you's' which can only be seen
by my not-so-healthy eyes, but before that let me ask how's your day going? Is it good
or is it the otherwise answer instead? Though whatever happened to you, you're still the
Naila I adore a lot.
This year is about to end, have you thought about what you want to do in 2023, Nai?
When I said you're good at everything, I really meant it. Your writings, the way you
poured your feelings into those words, it is just... beautiful, even beyond the word
beautiful itself. Meeting you felt like something that I didn't know I needed in my life. Tentang
impression aku ke kamu, dari awal aku ngeliat kamu dengan penuh binar di mata. Yes, I
do like you that Much with capital M. Dan pandangan pertamaku itu gak cuma berakhir
pas aku akhirnya kenal sama kamu—malah semakin jauh aku kenal kamu, semakin
besar rasa kagumku ke kamu. Aku gak akan pernah bisa lupain hal-hal yang terjadi di
antara kita berdua because those things are so memorable for me, and I want it to ends
Naila, if I have to choose one word to describe you, I will give you the word kindness.
Bukan tanpa alasan, tapi karena menurutku kata kindness itu luas banget, and it will fit
you so much. Kebaikan yang kamu beri aku dan orang lain di sekitarmu tanpa batas.
Aku gak tau pernah bilang ini atau nggak, but the thought of you still giving them those
spreading arms even though they had ever hurt you in some way made me believe that
you're the loveliest person I've ever met. You're so full of love.

Naila, makasih banyak ya... thank you for noticing me back then, thank you for
accepting me to be your friend and know I'm one of your close friends.
Thank you for always checking up on me when I was in my unstable state, thank you for those
words and things you gave to me. Thank you for everything, or simply thank you for existing.
existence means the world to me. I've come to know better kata terimakasih aja udah gak
cukup buat
ngebayar apa yang udah kamu kasih ke aku.
Semoga di penghujung tahun ini kamu bisa rayain with your loved ones, dan sama aku
juga. Lakuin apapun yang kamu mau sebelum akhirnya berpindah ke tahun selanjutnya.
And I hope next year you will become a better person, bukan karena aku bilang gini
kamu belum cukup baik, tapi karena aku yakin kamu bisa lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
Semoga tahun depan udah gak ada lagi yang namanya tangisan walaupun mustahil
rasanya. Aku mau kamu lebih berwarna lagi just like the way you did to me, to my life. I
hope your favorite drink tastes like magic, you can eat your favorite food that you made
by yourself, your playlists makes you dance and able to distract you from the sadness,
the silence of the night touches your soul, the sunset hugs you by its warm, the birds
sing you a song by its chirping in the morning, the stars accompanies your loneliness. I
hope you find a new person who will give you the love you need most. I want you to feel
more alive in 2023.

29 Desember 2021,

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