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Docquin (2021) states that of the most common tasks assigned to a PMO include: coordinating Program

and Portfolio Management; facilitating and improving Strategic Project Management; optimizing
Resource Allocation and maximizing Resource Utilization; establishing and maintaining Collaboration-
Conducive Work Environments; and providing Information and Training for Insightful Decision Making.
Generally speaking, PMOs are the backbone of every organization's effective project management
strategy. They help with everything from information to making sure a project or program is a success.
According to ProjectManager (n.d.), the primary PMO functions are as follows:

Governance: They guarantee that the appropriate choices are being made by the right individuals using
accurate data. Other examples include conducting audits and peer reviews, establishing a solid
framework for the project, and ensuring that everyone is held accountable for their actions.

Transparency: You may rely on the reliable and up-to-date data they give to make sound judgments.

Reusability: They serve as a repository of lessons learned, providing examples of good practices and
templates from completed projects to avoid having to "reinvent the wheel."

Delivery Support: By reducing procedures and red tape, providing training and guidance, and
guaranteeing high standards of work, they make the lives of project teams easier and more productive.

Traceability: They keep track of records, the project's past, and institutional knowledge.

Question: In your research or professional opinion, what is the most successful function?

Docquin, C. (2021). What are the functions of a Project Management Office? Sciforma Blog. Retrieved
from https://www.sciforma.com/blog/what-are-the-functions-of-a-project-management-office/Links to
an external site.

ProjectManager (n.d.). Project Management Office (PMO). Retrieved on October 15 th, 2022
from https://www.projectmanager.com/guides/pmo Links to an external site. 

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