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Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment

2008, iFirst Article, 1–6

Food habits of the Broad-snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris: Crocodylia, Alligatoridae) in
northwestern Uruguay
C. Borteiroa*, F. Gutiérreza, M. Tedrosa and F. Kolencb
Departamento de Fisiologı́a, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República, Lasplaces 1550, Montevideo 11600,
Uruguay; bCátedra de Bioquı́mica y Bı́ofı́sica, Facultad de Odontologı́a, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
(Received 13 June 2007; accepted 26 September 2008)

The food habits of the Broad-snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris) were studied in northwestern Uruguay. The
most common prey were insects, the shrimp Pseudopalaemon bouvieri, the snail Pomacea canaliculata, fish and
birds. Spiders, crabs, amphibians, snakes, turtles and mammals were consumed less frequently. Arthropods were
the most frequent prey for juvenile caiman. Fish and snails were consumed by all size classes. The proportion of
stomach contents with invertebrates decreased with increasing caiman size, and that with vertebrates was greater
in the diet of larger caiman. Diet composition and ontogenetic shift are similar to that of other crocodilians
considered as opportunistic generalist predators.
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Se estudiaron los hábitos alimenticios del Yacaré (Caiman latirostris) en el noroeste de Uruguay. Las presas más
comunes fueron insectos, el camarón Pseudopalaemon bouvieri, el caracol Pomacea canaliculata, peces y aves.
Arañas, cangrejos, anfibios, serpientes, tortugas y mamı́feros fueron consumidos menos frecuentemente. Los
artrópodos fueron las presas más frecuentes de juveniles. Peces y aves fueron consumidos por todos los tamaños.
La proporción de contenidos estomacales con invertebrados disminuyó al aumentar el tamaño de los caimanes, y
la de vertebrados fue mayor en los individuos de mayor tamaño. La composición y cambio ontogenético en la
dieta resultan similares a los de crocodilianos considerados predadores generalistas oportunistas.
Keywords: Caiman latirostris; diet; ontogenetic shift; Uruguay

Introduction Alternatively, Magnusson et al. (1987) stated that the

Crocodilians are top predators of many aquatic wide range of head shape variation in crocodilians is
ecosystems that prey on a wide variety of taxa related to habitat instead of diet: wide flat heads in
(Pooley 1992). Resource use by different species swamp-dwelling species and long thin snouts in those
varies considerably according to habitat, season, prey of riverine habitats.
availability, age and size of individuals (Delany & In contrast to longirostrine crocodilians, the
Abercombie 1986; Hutton 1987; Magnusson et al. Broad-snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris Daudin)
1987; Thorbjarnarson 1993; Delany et al. 1999; Elsey exhibits the shortest snout relative to cranial length
et al. 2004). An ontogenetic shift in diet is well among extant species (Medem & Marx 1955). This
documented for some species. Juveniles eat mainly fact has led to speculations on possible ecological
invertebrates, principally insects, and the relative implications, such as a diet based on crustaceans and
importance of vertebrate prey increases with size turtles (Brazaitis 1973) or a decreased ability to prey
(Magnusson et al. 1987; Thorbjarnarson 1993; on fish (Diefenbach 1979). It was also suggested that
Tucker et al. 1996). this species feeds mainly on Pomacea snails
It has been proposed that differences in skull and (Diefenbach 1979) but the majority of published
snout morphology indicate the occurrence of distinct reports about the food habits of C. latirostris consist
ecological types of crocodilians (Brochu 2001). For of qualitative and non-systematic observations (see
example, a slender snout relative to cranial length Yanosky 1990).
has been considered an adaptation to piscivory The only previous study of the diet of C.
(Iordansky 1973; Diefenbach 1979; Thorbjarnarson latirostris is the work of Melo (2002) in southern
1990; Pooley 1992). However, dietary studies on the Brazil, based on stomach flushing of 44 specimens.
slender-snouted species Crocodylus johnstoni showed She found that caimans fed mainly on insects, snails,
that trophic niche was not as narrow as expected birds and mammals, and secondarily on crustaceans,
(Webb et al. 1982; Lang 1987; Tucker et al. 1996). amphibians, reptiles and fish, characterizing C.

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 0165-0521 print/ISSN 1744-5140 online
# 2008 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/01650520802507572
2 C. Borteiro et al.

latirostris as a generalist predator. Given the scarcity and snake scales, turtle scutes, snail opercula, and
of data about the trophic ecology of C. latirostris, we exoskeletons of arthropods.
studied its food habits in northwestern Uruguay. Our As the majority of prey were obtained in small
objective was to assess whether this extremely blunt- remains it was not possible to accurately determine
snouted caiman is a specialized or generalized prey number, volume or mass. Alternatively, we
predator, and to determine whether an ontogenetic analyzed the proportion of stomachs that presented
shift in diet occurs as the caimans grow. each food item partially digested. Ontogenetic and
sexual differences were analyzed with the Chi square
test with as many prey categories as possible without
Material and methods exceeding 20% of expected frequencies (5 (Siegel
Study area 1956). In the first case we considered four caiman size
classes (17.8–29.9; 30.0–49.9; 50.0–69.9; >70.0 cm
The study area comprises about 500 km2 of the SVL), and 13 samples obtained in recapture episodes
Uruguay River basin in the Department of Artigas, were excluded to preserve independence of the data.
northwestern Uruguay (30u209–30u409S, 57u509– In the second case, also data obtained from 19 small
57u259W). Annual mean temperature in this area is individuals that were not confidently sexed were
25uC, and accumulated precipitation is about excluded from the analysis. The statistical analysis of
1453 mm (available at prey frequency data rely on several assumptions that
uy/estadistica_climat.htm#). The landscape is highly according to Magnusson et al. (1987) are: (1) prey of
modified because of agricultural activities, mainly
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different categories and volumes remain in the

rice and sugar cane production. stomach for similar amounts of time during the
digestive process, regardless of caiman size; (2)
Surveys and capture techniques caimans of all size classes had equal access to
different prey types; and (3) prey abundance did not
Field surveys were done in impoundments used for
change greatly over the study period.
agriculture and cattle ranching over a four-year
To avoid the bias given by the different digestion
period during the austral summer: January to
rates of prey categories, we separately analyzed the
March 2001, December 2001 to March 2002,
association of caiman size with each type of prey
January to February 2003, and January to
(Magnusson et al. 1987). For this analysis, we used
February 2004. Caimans were located at night by
the Spearman r statistic (rs, Siegel 1956), with seven
spotlighting from a 4.5 m canoe, and captured by a
size classes (17.8–29.9; 30.0–39.9; 40.0–49.9; 50.0–
combination of methods. Small and medium-sized
59.9; 60.0–69.9; 70.0–79.9; >80.0 cm SVL) and the
individuals were caught by hand or with a 4 m
fraction of individuals in each size class that had
metallic clamp. Adults were noosed.
consumed the prey. Prey fragments were excluded
from statistical analysis as they are known to remain
Dietary analysis for long periods in crocodilian stomachs (Garnett
1985). Statistical significance was considered when
We studied 126 samples obtained by stomach
flushing following the technique described by
Taylor et al. (1978). Caiman snout–vent lengths
(SVL) were measured to the posterior border of the
cloaca. The size range included post-hatchlings to
adults, from 17 to 114 cm of SVL (37–216 cm total Prey diversity
length). After processing, caimans were returned to Most stomachs had partially digested prey (122/126,
their capture location. 97%), and most had more than one prey category
Stomach contents were fixed in 10% formalin, (74%). Insects were the most frequent, followed by
filtered to discard mucus, and examined under a freshwater snails, fish, crustaceans, spiders and birds.
stereoscopic microscope at 10-fold magnification. Except for fish, fragments were present in a higher
Prey items were grouped in the following categories: proportion of stomachs than partially digested items.
insects, crustaceans, spiders, snails, fish, amphibians, This was most evident in the case of insects, snails,
reptiles, birds and mammals. They were identified to spiders, birds, reptiles and mammals (Table 1).
the lowest taxonomic level possible and classified Among identified partially digested insects, the most
either as partially digested (under digestive process), common were adult Hemiptera (32%), Orthoptera
or as non-digestible prey fragments (remains of (26%), Coleoptera (19%) and immature Odonata
already digested prey) such as hair, feathers, fish (15%); a few samples had specimens of Diptera (7%)
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 3

Table 1. Taxonomic list of prey identified in stomach Table 1. Continued.

contents of Caiman latirostris (n5122), and proportion of
stomachs with prey remains that were partially digested Taxon PD (%) F (%)
(PD, under digestive process) and prey fragments (F).
Values are given only for those taxa for which digestion did Leiuperidae 0.8 –
not prevent identification. Reptiles 0.8 13.1
Chelonia – 1.6
Taxon PD (%) F (%) Squamata
Colubridae 0.8 11.5
Insects 82.0 99.2 Birds 9.8 50.8
Coleoptera 19.0 76.2 Mammals 0.0 6.6
Dytiscidae Unidentified Tetrapoda 12.3 –
Megadytes sp. – – Total invertebrates 91.0 100.0
Hydrophilidae Total vertebrates 46.7 65.6
Dibolocelus sp. – –
Hydrobiomorpha – –
Scarabaeidae – –
Diptera 7.0 – and Ephemeroptera (1%). Snails were represented
Calliphoridae mainly by Pomacea canaliculata, and small specimens
Cochliomyia sp. (larvae) 4.9 0.0 of Biomphalaria straminea were found in two
Muscidae 0.8 –
Nematocera 4.9 –
stomachs. The most common crustacean prey was
Ephemeroptera 1.0 0.0 the small shrimp Pseudopalaemon bouvieri. Only four
Downloaded By: [Borteiro, C.] At: 20:45 7 November 2008

Hemiptera 31.9 79.5 stomachs had remains of crabs of the genus

Belostomatidae Trichodactylus. A total of 57 stomach contents
Belostoma sp. 31.1 79.5
contained partially digested vertebrate prey, 39 of
Notonecta sp. 0.8 0.8 which had fish (68%) and 12 of them had birds (21%).
Odonata 15.0 63.1 A small proportion of stomach contents had remains
Corduliidae (larvae) – – of snakes (14, only in one case partially digested),
Libellulidae (larvae) – – hair (eight), turtle scutes (two), and a recently
Orthoptera 26.0 52.5
ingested amphibian (one). From some individuals
Coryacris angustipennis – – we obtained partially digested viscera and muscle
Acrididae tissue of unidentified tetrapoda that most likely
Marellia remipes – – belonged to birds, as most of these prey remains
Gryllidae 10.7 –
were found along with feathers (11/15). A taxonomic
Snails 59.8 73.0
Architaenioglossa list of prey is summarized in Table 1.
Pomacea canaliculata 59.0 73.0
Basommatophora Sexual and ontogenetic variation
Planorbidae No significant differences were found between sexes in
Biomphalaria straminea 1.6 0.0
the proportion of stomachs with partially digested
Crustaceans 25.4 27.9
Decapoda main prey categories: insects, snails, crustaceans,
Palaemonidae spiders, fish, birds and other tetrapoda, x259.7, df 6,
Pseudopalaemon bouvieri 24.6 25.4 P.0.05 (Table 2). However, the proportion of stomach
Trichodactylidae contents with partially digested insects, snails, crusta-
Trichodactylus sp. 0.8 2.5
Spiders 13.1 24.6
ceans and vertebrates (Table 3) differed with caiman
Araneae size (x2544.7, df 12, P,0.005). As caiman size
Diapontia sp. – –
Fish 32.0 26.2 Table 2. Number of stomach contents of Caiman latirostris
Characiformes with partially digested prey discriminated by sex.
Serrasalmus sp. – – Prey Male (n549) Female (n541)
Insects 44 29
Snails 26 29
Cnesterodon decemmaculatus 4.9 –
Crustaceans 14 10
Spiders 12 3
Cichlidae – –
Fish 14 19
Birds 4 6
Loricariidae – –
Unidentified Tetrapoda 5 7
Amphibians 0.8 –
4 C. Borteiro et al.

Table 3. Number of stomach contents of Caiman latirostris with partially digested prey, according to snout–vent length

SVL (cm)

17.8–29.9 (n533) 30.0–49.9 (n538) 50.0–69.9 (n522) >70.0 (n516)

Insects 31 35 15 8
Snails 7 25 20 10
Crustaceans 8 12 6 1
Spiders 8 6 1 0
Vertebrates 9 13 18 19

increased, there was a decrease in the proportion of for C. latirostris in northwestern Uruguay were
stomachs with partially digested insects (rs520.96, insects, snails, shrimp, fish and birds (Delany &
P,0.001) and partially digested spiders (rs520.96, Abercombie 1986; Magnusson et al. 1987; Pooley
P,0.001). Partially digested birds (rs50.90, P,0.01) 1992; Thorbjarnarson 1993; Santos et al. 1996; Da
and other tetrapods (rs50.86, P,0.05) were found Silveira & Magnusson 1999). The stomach flushing
more frequently in larger individuals; they were found method likely revealed a true picture of caiman diet
in the stomach content of 33% of caimans >70 cm SVL although it is claimed to be biased against bigger and
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(6/18). The percentage of stomachs with partially recently ingested prey (Jackson et al. 1974; Fitzgerald
digested snails and fish did not change significantly 1989). So, evidence from stomach flushing supports
with caiman size (rs50.18, P50.70, and rs50.57, the view that the trophic niche of C. latirostris is
P50.18, respectively). Crustaceans were encountered broader than previously thought (Brazaitis 1973;
only in stomach contents of individuals up to 67 cm Diefenbach 1979). In fact, food items identified by us
SVL, and the percentage tended to decline with were similar to those reported for this species in
increasing caiman size (rs520.61, P50.15). There Brazil (Melo 2002) and Uruguay (Orejas-Miranda
was no significant association of caiman size categories 1969; Achaval 1980). However, our results did not
with the consumption of aquatic and terrestrial prey confirm the finding that snails (P. canaliculata) are
that would require different foraging modes (aquatic the most important resource for C. latirostris as
insects, shrimp, snails and fishes versus terrestrial suggested by Achaval (1980) and Diefenbach (1979,
insects, spiders and non-fish vertebrates) (x253.0, df 1981) for Rio Grande do Sul (30uS, 50uW). Also, in
3, P.0.05). contrast to previous studies by Diefenbach (1979)
and Melo (2002) fish were a common prey for C.
Other stomach contents latirostris in Uruguay. The occurrence of fish in 32%
Variable amounts of plant material were present in all of stomachs with partially digested prey in this study
but one stomach. In about 71% of them we identified might even be an underestimation of its true
rests of the sub-aquatic Ceratophyllum sp., 49% had frequency, because of their rapid digestion (Delany
grasses (Poaceae), and 18% the floating species Azolla & Abercombie 1986). For the same reason, amphi-
filiculoides and/or Ricciocarpus natans. Small pieces bians may be underrepresented in the stomach
of wood were obtained from some individuals, and contents analyzed, a finding reported by Melo
gastroliths were found in the stomach of seven (2002) as well. However, many anuran amphibians
medium to large-sized individuals. Gastric parasites are common in the shoreline and shallow areas of
of the genus Brevimulticaecum (Nematoda) and/or studied agriculture impoundments.
trematodes were obtained from 41% of stomachs. The larvae of the dipteran genus Cochliomyia
Small planorbid snails (,5 mm), Acari, Diptera, found in a few stomachs in this study probably
Hymenoptera, copepods, free-living nematodes, and indicate the ingestion of carrion, as they are usually
parasitic Phthiraptera (bird lice) were considered as found in dead vertebrates. The plant material in
secondarily ingested. stomach contents is assumed to be secondarily
ingested by crocodilians during foraging (Webb
et al. 1982; Palis 1989), and in our case it indicates
Discussion that C. latirostris forages in vegetated areas. The
Prey diversity small pieces of wood could have the same effect as
Similar to what was reported in other dietary studies gastroliths and non-digestible chitinous fragments,
on crocodilians, we found the principal types of prey aiding in the mechanical disaggregation of prey
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 5

(Garnett 1985). The detection of parasites in a high Acknowledgements

percentage of individuals is a common feature in
The authors wish to thank S. Ripoll and M. Silva for
crocodilian dietary studies (Magnusson 1985; Delany
their invaluable help during field work, and
& Abercombie 1986; Thorbjarnarson 1993).
Cooperativa Azucarea del Litoral Norte Uruguayo
(CALNU), landowners and landworkers of Bella
Ontogenetic variation in the diet of C. latirostris Unión for their hospitality. Marı́a C. Machado, J.C.
The ontogenetic shift from a diet composed pre- Borteiro and H. Etcheverry gave logistic support, G.
Speranza, S. Borteiro, M. Letamendı́a, F. Gagliardi,
dominantly of small invertebrates to one dominated
M. Borteiro, J.M. Venzal, L.A. Chaves and G. de
by vertebrates agrees with the results obtained by
Souza assisted in the field. The suggestions made by
Melo (2002) and appears to be a generalized pattern
W. Magnusson, A. Zillikens and two anonymous
among crocodilians (Webb et al. 1982; Delany &
referees greatly improved the manuscript. We are
Abercombie 1986; Hutton 1987; Magnusson et al.
grateful to C. Piña, L.M. Verdade, L. Lavarello, A.
1987; Delany 1990; Thorbjarnarson 1993; Tucker
Ferreira, F. Scarabino and A. Larriera for their
et al. 1996; Da Silveira & Magnusson 1999; Delany
comments, to L.M. Verdade, D. Baldo, A.L. Aquino-
et al. 1999). The greater relative importance of
Ortiz, G.J.W. Webb and A. Corrent for sharing
vertebrates for larger individuals was due to the
bibliography, and to O. Castro, E. Morelli, E. Lorier,
feeding on tetrapods, mostly birds. For example,
A. Verdi and M. Simó for the identification of
water birds from the families Rallidae and Ardeidae
invertebrates. This work was partially funded by
Downloaded By: [Borteiro, C.] At: 20:45 7 November 2008

were abundant at the study sites. Thus, although we

CIDEC, Facultad de Veterinaria, and CSIC,
did not estimate prey volume or mass it was evident
Universidad de la República. Caimans were captured
that as caimans grow they consumed larger prey.
under authorization of División Fauna-MGAP,
Nevertheless, large C. latirostris (.70 cm SVL) also
continued to eat small invertebrates such as insects
and snails. Small invertebrates were also frequent in
the diet of adult Paleosuchus trigonatus, P. palpebro- References
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