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STUDENT ID: 2022608166








2 Table of content

3 Objective

3 Introduction

3 Chemical and Apparatus

4 Procedure

5 Data / Result

6 Discussion

7 Conclusion

7 Questions

8 References

 To identify a compound on the basic of its chemical properties.
 To determine the identify of given unknown compounds based on their chemical

The experiment conducted to identify a given compound by observing chemical reactions.
Such chemical reactions are usually accompanied by chemical changes which may involve
one or more of the following:
a) A gas involved and this evolution may be rapid or show with a “frizzing” sound.
b) Heat may be involved or absorbed. An exothermic reaction gives off heat while an
endothermic reaction absorbs heat. The reaction vessel with feel warm for an
exothermic reaction and cool to the touch for an endothermic reaction.
c) A precipitate may appear. It is useful to observe the texture and colour of the
d) Odour may be detected. There could also be a change in odour for example more
intense, less intense or different colour.
e) A change in colour of the solution may occur.


Known solutions: Unknown solutions: Test Reagents

0.2 M NaCl Solution 1 0.2 M AgNO3 (aq)
0.2 M Na2CO3 Solution 2 0.2 M NaOH (aq)

0.2 M MgSO4 Solution 3 0.2 M HCl (aq)


A. Observations of Chemical Properties of Known Compounds

I. Observations with silver nitrate test reagent.

1. Four small clean test tubes are labelled.

2. 5 – 10 drops of each of the five ‘known’ solutions is placed into the labelled test
3. A dropper pin is used to deliver several drops of silver nitrate test reagent to
each labelled test tubes.
4. Observations made is recorded in Table 1.
5. If chemical change is observed after adding several drops of silver nitrate test
reagent, 5 – 10 more drops is added to see additional changes. Observation
made is recorded.
6. The test tube solution is saved as reference for Part B.
7. Chemical equations for the reactions are written to show chemical changes.

II. Observations with sodium hydroxide test reagent.

1. Four small clean test tubes are labelled.

2. 5 – 10 drops of each of the five ‘known’ solutions is placed into the labelled test
3. Several drops of sodium hydroxide test reagent. Observations is recorded in
Table 1.
4. The test tube solution is saved as reference for Part B.
5. Chemical equations for the reactions is written to show chemical change.

III. Observations with hydrochloric acid test reagent.

1. Four small clean test tubes are labelled.

2. 5 – 10 drops of each of the five ‘known’ solutions is placed into the labelled test
3. Several drops of sodium hydroxide test reagent.
4. The test tube solution is saved as reference for Part B.
5. Chemical equations for the reactions is written to show chemical change.

B. Chemical Properties of Unknown Compounds.

1. Four ‘unknown’ solutions labelled 1 – 4 is given.

2. Experiments is performed using the given reagents to determine the identity of
the unknowns.
3. Observations is recorded in Table 2.
4. Each of the four ‘unknown’ solutions is identified.


NaCl Na2CO3 MgSO4

AgNO3 White precipitate White precipitate No changes

NaOH No changes No changes No changes

HCl No changes No changes No changes

Table 1 : Observations for Known Solutions.

Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3

AgNO3 No changes White precipitate White precipitate

NaOH Cloudy solutions No changes No changes

HCl No changes No changes No changes

Table 2 : Observations for Unknown Solutions.

Identification of unknown solutions.
Solution 1 is MgSO4
Solution 2 is Na2CO3

Solution 3 is NaCl

In the table 1, The reaction occurs is the double replacement reaction which produce the
white precipitate in the reaction between AgNO3 and NaCl and the reaction between AgNO3
and Na2CO3 while remain colourless and no changes is produced is reaction between AgNO3
and MgSO4. In this reaction at least one reaction in insoluble in water. An insoluble product
is in solid state, and it’s called a precipitate. The chemical reaction that occurs in this
reaction is :
AgNO3 + NaCI % AgCl + NaNO3
AgNO3 + Na2CO3 % AgCO3 + Na2NO3
AgNO3 + MgSO4 % no reaction
The reaction between MgSO4 and NaOH and reaction between NaOH and NH4Cl is also
double replacement reaction. In this reaction, no change in the solution colour. The reaction
between Na2CO3 and NaOH and the reaction between NaCl and NaOH produce to change in
the solution after the experiment. The chemical equation that occurs in the experiment is:
MgSO4 + NaOH % no reaction
NaOH + Na2CO3 % no reaction
NaOH + MgSO4 % no reaction
Based on the table 2, in this experiment , the reaction between AgNO3 with the three
“unknown” solution which labelled as solution 1, solution 2 and solution 3 produced white
precipitate when react with solution 2 and solution 3. While no change in colour solution
when reaction occurs between AgNO3 and solution 1. The believed NaCl is to be the
unknown solution 3 were reacted with AgNO3, which produced white precipitate because it
was a double displacement that produced AgCl which is insoluble in water.
In second experiment, the reaction between NaOH and the three “unknown” solution
produced cloudy solutions when react with solution 1 and produced no change in the
solution 2 and solution 3 when the solution occurs . Then the solution 1 is MgSO4 when
reacted with NaOH, which produced a cloudy solution because it was a double displacement
that produced Na2SO4 which is insoluble in water.
Third, the reaction between “unknown” solutions with HCl also produced no change in the
solution colour when HCl react with all the “unknown” solutions.
Thus, we can conclude that the solution 1 is MgSO4, solution 2 is Na2CO3, and solution 3 is


- The result in table 1 is used to identify the unknown solution in table 2.

- The “unknown” solution is identify based on the chemical properties.
- The unknown solution is identified as :
Solution 1 is MgSO4
Solution 2 is Na2CO3
Solution 3 is NaCl

Three colourless solutions are placed in test tubes with no labels. Lying beside the test tubes
are three labels. 0.10 M K2CO3 , 0.10 M H2SO4 , and 0.10 M NaOH. You are to place the labels
on the test tubes using only the three solutions. Here your test:
Test 1: A few drops of solution from test tube 1 added to similar volume of the solution in
test tube 2 produces no visible reaction but the solution become warm.
Test 2: A few drops of the solution from test tube 1 added to similar volume of solution in
test tube 3 produces carbon dioxide gas.
Based on your observation, how would you label the three test tubes?
By using the information from the observations in test tube 2, the reaction occurs between
test tube 1 and test tube 3 produce CO2 gas which means the reaction that occurs is:
K2CO3 + H2SO4 % K2SO4 + CO2 +H2 So, we can conclude that test tube 3 is H2SO4.
While by using the information in test 1, the observation is no visible reaction, but the
solution become warm. The reaction which produces no visible but produce warm solution
called ionic exchange. In this reaction, the heat is produced to break the bonding a
compound. So, the results produce warm solution. The reaction occurs is:
K2CO3 + NaOH % KOH + Na2CO3
So, we can conclude that test tube 1 is K2CO3, test tube 2 is NaOH and test tube 3 is H2SO4.

 MINDAPPZ, Exploring Chemistry Laboratory Experiments for General Chemistry
Second Edition.
 Essays, UK. (November 2018). Lab Experiment to Identify Unknown Compound.
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