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BRB Stygian 7 PAL Conquest 4 NOBLE - KNIGHT SUAW

Ciarko Brunka graf von Nein, Zimny



If you do me an injury, I will crush you, ruin your name,

and salt your fields.
3 40
(17)23 17,20t

_ +10
Responsibility. It is my duty to respect the authority of
+3A those above me, just as those below me must respect
mine. (Lawful)
16 _ +8


I am in love with the heir of a family that my family
+3 despises.


+3 6K12+4K10 I too often hear veiled insults and threats in every word
addressed to me, and I’m quick to anger.
+4 _ 10 K12+4,K10+4
_ +7


(8)16 +1
DZIEDZICTWO STYGII. You know the ray of frost cantrip.
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the armor of
DWURAK 2x+7 2k6+3 (2k6+5) Agathys spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and
+3 regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When
_ +5 +7 you reach 5th level, you can cast the darkness spell once
RAY OF FROST 2k8 zimno, -10ruch
with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish
_ +7 a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
KRÓTKI ŁUK 2x+7 1K6+3 spells.
12 +3
OSZCZEP 2x+8, 1K6+3 You have the service of two retainers loyal to your family.
+3 BUZDYGAN 2x+8, 1K6+3 These retainers can be attendants or messengers, and one
CYMRYCH 2x+10, d8+6 might be a majordomo. Your retainers are commoners who
+3 can perform mundane tasks for you, but they do not fight
+1 for you, will not follow you into obviously dangerous areas
+1 cymrych normalnie 2x+13, d8+11(13 rage)
(such as dungeons), and will leave if they are frequently
+3 endangered or abused. additionally a noble serves as your
squire, aiding you in exchange for training on his or her own
+3 path to knighthood.
+3 Darkvision. Thanks to your infernal heritage, you
have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You
+3 can see in dim light within 60 feet o f you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
+3 +3 can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Hellish Resistance. You have resistance

to fire damage.
Condition immunity. Disease (Paladyn) Blindness,
Deafness, Stunned, Petrification (Cymrych)
15 A set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a scroll
of pedigree, a purse containing 40 gp Extra Attack
Explorer’s Pack: Includes a backpack, a Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
torches, 10 days of rations, and a
Biegłość: Karty do gry waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of Fast Movement
Języki: Common, Infernal, Dwarven hempen rope strapped to the side of it. Starting at 5th level, your speed increases by 10 feet
Diplomat's Pack: Includes a chest, 2 cases while you aren’t w earing heavy armor
for maps and scrolls, a set of fine clothes,
a bottle of ink, an ink pen, a lamp, 2 flasks Fighting Style
of oil, 5 sheets of paper, a vial of perfume,
sealing wax, and soap. Advantage on initiative rolls.
milJon 2 sets of common clothes
If you are surprised at the beginning of
dwurak, krótki łuk, 4 oszczepy, buzdygan, combat and aren’t incapacitated, you can act normally
tarcza +1 on your first turn, but only if you enter your rage before
doing anything else on that turn.!
Stygian Protector Gwido+, Dilanna+: rodzice, ludzie
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, spectral Hasja: macocha, człowiek
nine-headed fiendish snake appear when you enter your Oskar: brat młodszy, człowiek
rage. While you’re raging, the first creature you hit with an Kalia: przyrodnia siostra, człowiek
attack on your turn becomes the target of the snake heads, Keniri z Ornegów Brunka von Nein+: żona, człowiek
which hinder its attacks. Until the start of your next turn, that
target has disadvantage on any attack roll that isn't against
you, and when the target hits a creature other than you with
an attack, that creature has resistance to the damage of the
target’s attacks.

Bone Devil Shield

Beginning at 6th level, the fiends that aid you can provide
supernatural protection to those you defend. If you are
raging and a creature you can see within 30 feet of you
takes damage, you can use your reaction to block it with
ethereal icy shield, reducing that damage by 2d6.
When you reach certain levels in this class, you can reduce
the damage by more: by 3d6 at 10th level and by 4d6 at
14th level.

Stygian Wrath (Rage x4)

In battle, you fight with fiendish ferocity. On your turn, you can enter a rage as a bonus action. While raging, you gain the
1sze diabelstwo od 9 pokoleń, ale do tej pory były tylko following benefits if you aren’t wearing heavy armor:
kobiety. 81 pokolenie w linii prostej od Levistusa, władcy • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
Stygii. • When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you gain levels
Marchia Nein, Kasztel Nein, na północ od Darkhold, nad as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column o f the Barbarian table.
Kanionem rzeki Reaching, zwanym Przełomem Czaszki, • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
nieopodal Gór Zachodzącego Słońca. Wasal Darkhold, If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging.
aktualnie obrona przed nieumarłymi z Bitwy Kości. Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile
Mam przeznaczenie (za to Mortimer nie ma) creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action.
ojciec uwiódł moją żonę - zabiłem w szale oboje Once you have raged the number o f times shown for your barbarian level in the Rages column o f the Barbarian table, you must
jestem seniorem rodu, ale nie jestem w stanie przebywać finish a long rest before you can rage again.
we własnym kasztelu - zbyt wiele bolesnych wspomnień,
obowiązki przekazałem bratu, sam ruszyłem jak najdalej Unarmored Defense
While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can
use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Reckless Attack
Starting at 2nd level, you can throw aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. When you make your first
attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using
Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.

Danger Sense
At 2nd level, you gain an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren’t as they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge
away from danger. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells.
To gain this benefit, you can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Stat Increase. BRB 4th lvl +2 Con, PAL 4th lvl +2 Cha

An indecipherable treasure map

List do żony wciąż pisany pomimo jej śmierci - rozrósł się do rozmiaru pamiętnika
Cymrych Hugh, longsword +3
Headband of intellect (Int 16)
Pas siły giganta lodowego (str 23)
tarcza +1

Rękawice ogrzej siły (Str 19)
Pas siły giganta wzgórzowego (str 21)
Robe of Scintillating Colors
ring of protection +1
Paladin 4 Mądrość (+1) 13 +5

3 5 zaklęć - long rest Oath

of conquest

MROŹNY PROMIEŃ (RAY OF FROST) [x]Armor of Agathys Douse the Flame of Hope. It is not enough to merely
Evocation cantrip [ ]Bless defeat an enemy in battle. Your victory must be so
Casting Time: 1 action [ ]Ceremony overwhelming that your enemies’ will to fight is shattered
Range: 60 feet [x]Command forever. A blade can end a life. Fear can end an empire.
Components: V, S [ ]Compelled Duel
Duration: Instantaneous [ ]Cure Wounds Rule with an Iron Fist. Once you have conquered, tolerate
A frigid beam o f blue-white light streaks toward a [o]Detect Evil and Good no dissent. Your word is law. Those who obey it shall be
creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack [o]Detect Magic favored. Those who defy it shall be punished as an
against the target. On a hit, it takes 1d8 cold damage, [o]Detect Poison and Disease example to all who might follow.
and its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of [ ]Divine Favor
your next turn. [o]Heroism Strength Above All. You shall rule until a stronger one
The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach [o]Protection from Evil and Good arises. Then you must grow mightier and meet the
5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). [ ]Purify Food and Drink challenge, or fall to your own ruin.
[ ]Searing Smite
[ ]Shield of Faith
[ ]Thunderous Smite
[ ]Wrathful Smite

0 4 long rest

Divine Sense
STYGIJSKI PANCERZ (Armor of Agathys)
The presence of strong evil registers on your Senses like
1st-level abjuration
a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly
Casting Time: 1 action
music in your ears. As an action, you can open your
Range: Self 1 Channel divinity (short rest) awareness to detect such forces. Until the end of your
Components: V, S, M (a cup of water)
next turn, you know the location of any Celestial, fiend, or
Duration: 1 hour
Undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total
A protective magical force surrounds you, manifesting
cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of
as a spectral frost that covers you and your gear. Conquering Presence. You can use your Channel Divinity any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity
You gain 10 temporary hit points for the duration. If a to exude a terrifying presence. As an action, you force (the Vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance).
creature hits you with a melee attack while you have each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of
these hit points, the creature takes 10 cold damage. feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed any place or object that has been consecrated or
save, a creature becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. desecrated, as with the Hallow spell.
The frightened creature can repeat this saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a

Guided Strike. You can use your Channel Divinity to strike

with supernatural accuracy. When you make an attack
roll, you can use your Channel Divinity to gain a +10
bonus to the roll. You make this choice after you see the
roll, but before the DM says whether the attack hits or

Divine Smite
Starting at 2nd Level, when you hit a creature with a
melee weapon Attack, you can expend one spell slot to
deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the
0 weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a
1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each Spell Level higher
than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by
1d8 if the target is an Undead or a fiend.
2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, M (bat fur and a drop of pitch or 20 long rest
piece of coal)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose
within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the Lay on Hands
duration. The darkness spreads around corners. Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of
A creature with darkvision can’t see through this Healing power that replenishes when you take a Long
darkness, and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. Rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of Hit
If the point you choose is on an object you are holding Points equal to your 20.
or one that isn’t being w orn or carried, the darkness As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power
emanates from the object and moves with it. Completely from the pool to restore a number of Hit Points to that
covering the source o f the darkness with an opaque creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your
object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the darkness. pool.
If any of this spell’s area overlaps with an area of light Alternatively, you can expend 5 Hit Points from your pool
created by a spell o f 2nd level or lower, the spell that of Healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize
created the light is dispelled. one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple Diseases
and neutralize multiple Poisons with a single use of Lay on
Hands, expending Hit Points separately for each one.
This feature has no Effect on Undead and Constructs.

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