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"Micro" refers to tiny, "scope" refers to view or look at. Microscopes are tools used to enlarge images of small objects so as they
can be studied. The compound light microscope is an instrument containing two lenses, which magnifies, and a variety of knobs to resolve
(focus) the picture. Because it uses more than one lens, it is sometimes called the compound microscope in addition to being referred to
as being a light microscope. In this lab, we will learn about the proper use and handling of the microscope.

• Demonstrate the proper procedures used in correctly using the compound light microscope.
• Prepare and use a wet mount.
• Determine the total magnification of the microscope.
• Explain how to properly handle the microscope.
• Describe changes in the field of view and available light when going from low to high power using the compound light
• Explain why objects must be centered in the field of view before going from low to high power using the compound light
• Explain how to increase the amount of light when going from low to high power using the compound light microscope.
• Explain the proper procedure for focusing under low and high power using the compound light microscope.
• Compound Microscope
• Newspaper
• Microscope slides and cover slips
• Water
• Scissors
• Pencil and coloring materials

Preparing a wet mount of the letter “e”
1. In a newspaper, cut-out a letter “e”.
2. Place the cutout at the center of a microscope slide, then place a drop of water in the cutout.
3. Cover the sample with a cover slip.
Preparing the microscope setup
1. To carry the microscope, grasp the microscope’s arm with one hand. Place your other hand under the base.
2. Place the microscope on a table with the arm toward you.
3. Turn the coarse adjustment knob to raise the body tube.
4. Place the sample slide on the stage and secure with the stage clip.
5. Revolve the nosepiece until the low-power objective lens clicks into place.
6. Adjust the diaphragm. While looking through the eyepiece, also adjust the mirror until you see a bright white circle of light.
CAUTION: Never use direct sunlight as a light source.
7. Look at the stage from the side. Carefully turn the coarse adjustment knob to lower the body tube until the low-power objective
almost touches the slide.
8. Looking through the eyepiece, very slowly turn the fine adjustment knob until the specimen comes into focus.
9. To switch to the high-power objective lens, look at the microscope from the side. Carefully revolve the nosepiece until the
high-power objective lens clicks into place. Make sure the lens does not hit the slide.
10. Looking through the eyepiece, turn the fine adjustment knob until the specimen comes into focus.

Draw, label, and define each part of the microscope. Include the following components: (a) eyepiece (ocular), (b) base, (c)
pillar, (d) arm, (e) stage, (f) inclination joint, (g) stage clips, (h) diaphragm, (i) revolving nose piece, (j) body tube, (k) draw tube, (l) fine
adjustment knob, (m) coarse adjustment knob, (n) mirror, and (o) objectives.
Draw the image you saw after focusing the slide under LPO and HPO.

Low Power Objective High Power Objective

Locate the numbers on the eyepiece and the low power objective and fill in the blanks below.
Eyepiece magnification ______________ (X) Objective magnification ______________ = Total Magnification _____________X

Do the same for the high power objective.

Eyepiece magnification ______________ (X) Objective magnification ______________ = Total Magnification _____________X

Guide Questions
1. The parts of the compound microscope can be categorized into three. Distinguish the three categories and discuss the parts of the
microscope that fall into each. Include the following components in your discussion: (a) eyepiece (ocular), (b) base, (c) pillar, (d)
arm, (e) stage, (f) inclination joint, (g) stage clips, (h) diaphragm, (i) revolving nose piece, (j) body tube, (k) draw tube, (l) fine
adjustment knob, (m) coarse adjustment knob, (n) mirror, and (o) objectives.
2. Write out the rule for determining the total magnification of a compound microscope.
3. Typically, standard eyepieces have a magnifying power of 10x. Calculate the total magnification if the magnification power of the
objective lens is (a) 4X? (b) 10X? (c) 20? (d) 40?

A. C.

B. D.

4. In relation to the discussion, we already had in our lecture, discuss the importance of a microscope in Biology.

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