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NAMA : Novi Hasniyanti

NIM : F1D222027

JURUSAN : Bioteknologi

MATKUL : Bahasa Inggris

Introduce my name is Novi Hasinianti,

I want to tell my experience on vacation at my grandmother’s family house.

On Sunday morning where the sunny day was still included in the 3rd day of Eid, my extended family
and I went on vacation to my grandmother’s family house in Ondoliang village.

That day we went by car, the trip to Ondoliang village took up to 3-4 hours because of the damaged
roads. Along the way we told stories and joked with each other laughing while looking at the very
green scenery, many animals such as birds, cows, chickens, and others. The trip was very enjoyable.
After going through a very pleasant journey, we finally arrived at Ondoliang village. Seen a beautiful
view where there is a very calming white sand beach.

After arriving at the house of our grandmother’s family, we shook hands after that we hugged each
other. After that we ate together and then we relaxed in the gazebo behind the house directly
facing the beach. The very pleasant day ended when it was late afternoon, we said goodbye and
went home.

That is all and thank you

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