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Muhammad Ashraf Bin Nor Hisam


1. Justify the different meaning of Association and Corporate planning.

- Association The act of being associated for certain common purposes, whether for
professional, industry, educational, scientific, or social reasons.
- Gathering such as annual conventions, topical conferences, world congresses, and
topical who workshops and seminars are held for the benefit of the association’s
- Other gatherings need to be held for the betterment of the organization.
- Corporate planning.
- Refer to legally chartered enterprises that conduct business on behalf of their
owners with the purpose of making a profit and increasing its value.
- These include public corporations that sell stock on the open market and have
board of directors oversee the affairs of the corporation on behalf of the
stakeholders (or owner) who elected them.
- Private corporations have the same fundamental purposes as public corporations,
but their stock is not - sold on the open market.
2. State 5 types of events organized under Corporate planning.
I. Stockholders Meeting
II. Board Meetings
III. Management Meetings
IV. Training Meetings
V. Public Shows
3. Determine the characteristic of Association planning.
- Gathering such as annual conventions, topical conferences, world congresses, and
topical who workshops and seminars are held for the benefit of the association’s
- Example: board of director meetings, committee meetings, and leadership
development workshops
4. Based on your knowledge, discuss the best way to create a successful event in
Association planning.

Define the purpose and format

Pay sufficient attention to planning
Draft your budget taking into account unforeseeable situations
Check the location and have a plan B
Allocate responsibilities


1. Based on ADME, define the DMCs.

Association Destination Management Executives (ADME) defines destination
Management Company as: A professional management company specializing in the
design and implementation of events, activities, tours, staffing, and transportation
utilizing extensive local knowledge, expertise, and resources. • Accept Practices
Exchange (APEX) defines destination Management Company as: A company or
professional individual engaged in organizing tours, meeting of all types and their
related activities. Same as: Professional congress organizer (PCO) • DMCs work
cooperatively with airlines, hotels, resorts, convention centers, alternative venues,
and transportation companies. • DMCs are hired by meeting planners to provide local
knowledge, experience and resources to important corporate and association
gathering. • Planner usually rely on DMCs to provide a unique and creative event
concepts that will accomplish specific goals within the client budget and other
organizational limitation
2. List out service offered by the DMCs if the organizer wants to launch a new
product in one establish hotel.
1. Hotel and event venue selection
2. Transportation planning and delivery
3. Special event and creative
4. Event production
5. Team building activities
6. theme concepts
7. Meeting support services
8. Staffing services
9. Creative itineraries
10. Dining programs
11. Entertainers
12. VIP services
13. Event production
14. Sight-seeing options
15. Speakers
16. Budgeting & resource management
3. Determine sample program from special event that have been held in your
country on previous year.

The Federal Territory Parliamentary Games (SUKPAR) was first held in October
2019 in conjunction with the National Sports Day celebration. The Federal Territory
Sports Council (MSWP) has taken steps to enliven the celebration that year by
holding SUKPAR to support and enliven the celebration and provide space and
opportunities for the local community to practice the culture of sports life. In 2020,
SUKPAR will not be feasible due to the covid19 pandemic. Therefore, MSWP will
continue SUKPAR for the year 2021 to promote sports programs or activities among
the Federal Territory community. Taking into account the current situation of the
National pandemic, MSWP proposes that the Parliament Games be implemented
physically to virtually. This is the first time a virtual run has been organized in
SUKPAR. Taking into account the latest trends, Malaysians generally now practice
healthy activities and running is one of the preferred activities. With the latest
technology, where the runs made can be recorded using various applications,
especially for runs, making the virtual run among the sports listed in SUKPAR in
2021. Registration Period: 16 November 2021 - 15 December 2021 Run Period: 16
December 2021 - 31 December 2021 Run Proof Upload Period: Until 4 January
2022 Run Kit Post Preparation: 3 Weeks After the Run Proof Upload Closing Date

4. Explain the important of basic business requirement for DMCs.

Customer contact
Licences and insurance
5. Explain THREE stages in sales process.
1. Identification of new business opportunities:
• Industry trade show attendance • Community sales efforts and networking
industry events • Utilization of representation firms • Newsletters, brochures,
and collateral materials • Partnerships and memberships in DMC industry
2. Proposal stage : • Project Specifications • Budgets • Research and • Response
Time Development • Pricing • Creativity and Innovation • Competition •
Project Specification:  Group size  Choice of hotel/resort type  Meeting
space allotments  Dates of service  Types of service required 
Demographic information about the attendees  Management’s goals for the
meeting/event  Approximate budget available for the meting/event 
History regarding the group’s past successes and challenges  Various other
“include” and/or “do not include” items  Deadlines for completion and
proposal submission. 
3. Site inspection:
i. A physical review of proposed venues, services tours,and/or activities prior to
the actual program
ii. Contracts of service
• Necessary in all aspects of meetings and event industry including:
• Hotels
• Convention Centers
• Cruise Ships
• Airlines
• Spell out exactly what is being purchased and the details
Program preparation
• Move from active selling to program operations
• Confirm with suppliers
• Response to client changes and requests
• Project manager is assigned
• Staff, supervisors, tour guides, escorts hired and briefed
Program operations and production
• Transportation management
• Event production
• Tour and activity management
• Support staff supervision
• Supplier/vendor management
• Meeting support • Customer relations On-site changes, challenges,
contingencies • Troubleshooting • Community liaison • Information source
Billing and follow – up
• Final invoice reflects the contractual agreements • Additions or deletions
indicated • Try to get planners approval of billing on site • Follow-up
evaluations of DMC services by client • Debriefing of staff

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