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College of Teacher Education

Name: Abadilla, Harold Elijah, R.

Degree/Course & Major: BSE English

Year & Section: 4B


Below are the topics included in Episode 6:

A. The Teacher as a Person and as a Professional

B. A 21st Century Teacher

C. Teacher’s Philosophy of Education

Be guided by the task below as you do your physical classroom observation. Then accomplish the
matrix data below.
Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Personal Qualities of the teacher A. ▪ Outside of the classroom, as well as

A. Teacher Personal Qualities, Competence inside, our resource teacher is friendly
a.1. Describe the personal qualities of your and considerate. She is approachable but
Resource teacher. can also be demanding, especially when
a.2. Describe the professional competence of it comes to deliverables. Although she
your Resource Teacher always sets boundaries, she is pleasant
with her students.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

▪ She clearly understood the lesson well.

He has no trouble drawing his pupils'
attention, maintaining their
concentration, and making the lesson as
engaging as possible.

2. Describe your Resource Teacher’s major ▪ The primary duty of the resource teacher
responsibility is to educate her students. This includes
fostering positive teacher-student
relationships by creating a suitable
learning environment.
3. Describe how your Resource Teacher relates ▪ Because of the methods he uses in all of
to every learner and how s/he proceeds with his lessons, she is renowned for having a
his/her teaching. welcoming atmosphere in her classes. As
a result, the pupils participate more and
Describe what philosophies were manifested in are more willing to work together.
a class by observing what and how teacher Progressivism was one of the ideologies
teaches and relates to learners. ▪
that was presented in his classes. I have
observed my resource teacher's lessons,
and exploration is a common theme. The
pupils were able to investigate the
subject by using technology. This
encourages development of the body,
mind, morals, and society.
▪ The resource instructor used a
constructivist methodology as well.
Classes were primarily student-centered,
and learning was largely based on what
the students already knew. The instructor
acts as a facilitator to help the students
build their own knowledge.
▪ Her classes exhibit humanism as well. The
resource teacher helps students discover
how to learn and cultivates their desire to
do so. She also makes sure that pupils
want to learn on their own and are
encouraged to study on their own.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

Based on your observations, answer the given questions clearly and concisely below.

1. What do you consider as the three most outstanding significant personal qualities of your
Resource teacher? Why do you consider these as outstanding?

My resource teacher's three standout and important personal traits are her thoughtfulness,
intelligence, and organization. Given that they are all essential to developing an environment that
is conducive to learning, I believe these attributes to be the most outstanding and important. These
characteristics allowed my resource teacher to conduct his lesson with ease and let the pupils study
at their own pace and with fun. The opportunity to improve oneself is provided by her being
considerate, and the fairness he applies to every part of his teaching is truly admirable since it allows
him to offer everyone an equal shot.

2. Which demonstrated behavior, do you find in the teacher that is worthy of emulation when you
become a teacher. Describe.

My resource teacher's kindness and fairness to his students are qualities that are admirable in
others. I want to be a nice and compassionate teacher because I understand what it's like to be a
student and I want to be sensitive enough to understand how they're feeling. I'll be able to adapt
my strategies, ideas, and procedures to my students in this way.

3. Which philosophies of education are dominant in the Philippine basic school? Why do you say so?

The primary schooling concept in the Philippines is one that emphasizes memory. Nevertheless,
some educators have disputed these theories over the years. conventional methods and have
developed more cutting-edge teaching techniques. One of them is a pedagogy that emphasizes the
importance of teachers engaging in critical reflection in order to collaborate with their students.
Most people refer to this as progressivism.

4) If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to, what should
that be and why?

Schools and educators should focus more on behaviorism. Although many modern students
are intelligent, they are not always well-behaved. because a student's environment might affect their
attitude. Thinking along these lines might help make the classroom a safe place for students to learn.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If yes, why? If no, why not?

My observations make me feel a little worried about becoming a teacher. I came to understand
how challenging teaching is during my observation. You must have the fortitude and tenacity to
become a teacher since it is not an easy profession. It is nuanced and sensitive because what you
say to the students will stay in their brains for the rest of their life and has an impact on their
thinking. Instead of becoming discouraged, I would like to use these observations and realizations
as motivation to work harder and improve what I am doing in order to become the best teacher I
could possibly be.

2. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a quality teacher? Do you think
you will be ready to address these?

As a good teacher, I'm concerned about the rising number of students who commit themselves as a
result of academic pressure. I would like for this to be stopped as soon as possible. As educators, we
ought to be sympathetic, considerate, empathic, and kind. We ought to be able to empathize with the
pupils and, if necessary, provide them with the rest they require. I believe that I can address this issue
using all of my knowledge.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

I shall document my online observation and attach the required

evidence such as but not limited to accomplished “My
Observation”, “My Analysis”, “My Reflection”, My Artifacts” which
include (photographs, illustrations, organizers, songs, rhymes,
acronyms and the like) per episode to counter validate my
MY LEARNING experiences.

Together with our Resource teacher, and a lot of students we interacted with.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

I shall base my submitted e-portfolio in the presented analytic

scoring rubric for self-rating purposes upon completion of this



Work Task Evaluation for FS 1, Episode 6 - Teachers as Instructional Models

Learning Outcomes: At the end of episode I, you would be able to

1. describe the personal qualities and competencies of effective and global classroom teachers
of the 21st century;
2. enumerate the personal and professional characteristics of practicing teachers observed as
based on the professional standards and code of ethics for profession;
3. design a learner-centered classroom for the 21st century learners with learning spaces that
are safe, that follows creativity and use of ICT;
4. determine prevailing philosophies of education based on DepEd Vision and Mission
statements, core values and mandated, the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Guide and
RA 10533;
5. cite teacher’s teaching behaviors and philosophies of education on which these behaviors
are founded; and
6. articulate owns philosophy of teaching

Component Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Total

s (4) (3) (2) Improvement (1)
Three two (2) to 4
All observation tasks Four (4) or more
One (1) observation three (3)
were observation tasks
My task was not observation tasks
completely were not
Observation answered/ were not
answered/ answered/
accomplished answered/
accomplished accomplished
Score 4 3 2 1

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

Half or more than

All questions were
of the given
answered Questions were not
All questions were questions were not
completely; answered
answered answered; answers
answers are with completely;
completely; answers were not
My depth and are answers are not
are connected to connected to 4
Analysis thoroughly connected to
theories; grammar theories; most of
grounded on theories; one (1) to
and spelling are free the texts were
theories; grammar three (3) grammar
from errors. misspelled and
and spelling are free and spelling errors
from errors.
Score 4 3 2 1

Not so clear and Unclear and

Profound and clear
Clear but lacks shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
My supported by what
depth; supported by supported by what supported by what
Reflection were observed and
what were observed. were observed and were observed and
analyzed. analyzed. 4
Score 4 3 2 1

The portfolio is The portfolio is The portfolio is not 4

reflected in the reflected in the reflected in the The portfolio is not
context of the context of the context of the reflected in the
My learning outcomes; learning outcomes; learning outcomes; context of the
Learning Complete, Complete, Complete, not learning outcomes;
Artifacts wellorganized, wellorganized, organized, relevant not complete, not
highly relevant to relevant to the to the learning organized, not
the learning learning outcome. outcome. relevant
Score 4 3 2 1

Submitted Submitted two (2)

Submitted on Submitted a day
Submission before the days or more after 4
the deadline. after the deadline.
deadline. the deadline.
Score 4 3 2 1

COMMENT/s Over-all Score Rating:(Based on

the transmutation)

Proposed Transmutation Table

Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.00 4 5
Louie B. Villanueva _______________
Signature over printed name of the FS Teacher Date

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014

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