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1. Write a paragraph (120 — 150 words) about one of your family routines.

Use the following

questions as cues for your writing.
1. What is the routine?
2. How often / When do you do it?
3. What are the activities? What does each family member do?
4. How do you feel about the routine?
In my family, we have a few routines to follow, one of which is having breakfast together. Every morning,
we get up at 6:00. My sister and I help my mum prepare breakfast. My mum often cooks rice, meat or fish
and vegetables for breakfast. Sometimes, we have bread, eggs, and butter for a change. She says a big
in the early morning will help us work or study better during the day My dad gets up a bit later and helps
with laying the table. At about 6:45, we all sit down and have the meal together. During breakfast, we talk
about what each of us is going to do during the day. My parents sometimes give us some advice about
what we should do at school. At 7:30, we all leave home for work or school. Having breakfast with my
family every morning makes me feel closer to my parents and sister and helps me more prepared for the

2. Write a paragraph (120 - 150 words) about ways to reduce your carbon footprint.
There are several things that I can do to reduce my carbon footprint. Firstly, I should try to save energy. I can
do this by turning off all the electrical appliances when they are not in use and taking shorter showers. This will
help me not to waste electricity and water. Secondly, I should start using public transport like buses or trains
instead of asking my dad to drive me. This will reduce the harmful gases in the air, therefore making it cleaner.
Finally, I can reduce the amount of air travel I take because planes use more energy than other means of
transport. I should avoid flying as much as possible and only fly when the distance is long. By saving energy
and water, using public transport and avoiding air travel, I can effectively reduce the amount of carbon footprint
that I produce.

3. Write about these topics (120 -150 words). Use the suggested questions below to help you.

Write about an invention which could be useful for everyone in your family. The
invention could be imaginary.

✓ What is the invention?

✓ What are its benefits? Give some explanation and / or examples.

✓ How important / useful is the invention / will the invention be for your family?

SAMPLE ANSWER: One of the inventions which may be helpful for everyone in my family is a robot maid. A
robot maid could be useful in three main ways. First, it is useful for household chores. A robot maid can help
my parents clean the house, cook meals, wash dishes, and do many other daily routines so that we could have
more free time for one another. Second, one of the benefits of having a robot maid can be for entertainment,
because a robot maid can also play music, sing songs, or play with children in the house. Finally, a robot maid
can also be useful for people who just want to have a chat with someone. Al can enable the robot maid to talk
and listen to us, and make people less stressed or lonely. In conclusion, a robot maid will make our life at home
less tiring, more entertaining, and less stressful.

Write a about a famous inventor that you admire a lot.

You can use the following questions as cues:
• Who is she/ he?
• What did she/ he invent?

SAMPLE ANSWER: Albert Einstein is a great inventor who I admire a lot. He was born in 1879 in Germany.
He is perhaps the most famous and influential inventors of all time.
Albert Einstein had many discoveries as a scientist, but is most known for his Theory of Relativity. This theory
set the foundation for many modem inventions, including the nuclear bomb and nuclear energy. His most
famous work, was the invention of the formula E = mc2, relating mass and energy, which later on formed much
of the basis for nuclear energy.
His inventions are important and will remain so for a long time. The global positioning system, which we use
today in our mobile applications, wouldn’t function without special and general relativity. Besides, solar panels
which convert the sun’s energy into electricity, and the photocell eyes installed on the sides of the automatic
doors, rely on the photoelectric effect explained by Einstein. In addition, the electricity, that we use, is the
result of nuclear energy, derived from his famous formula E = mc2.
There are a lot of interesting facts about him. Although, he was good at Maths, he failed the entrance exam to
the university. Einstein renounced his German citizenship when he was just 16. In addition, he was offered the
presidency of Israel, but he refused. Besides, Einstein began to have a passion for science since he was 5 years
old thanks to a simple compass

Talk about why children should or should not do housework.
I think children should do housework for a number of reasons. First, doing housework helps children
develop some important life skills such as doing the laundry, cleaning the house or taking care of others
They will certainly need those skills in their lives later, when they start their own families. Second,
children can learn to take responsibility when they do housework. They know that they have to do
something even though they don't like to do it. So doing housework is really good for children and I
believe that they should do it.

Talk about things you should do to make the environment better. You may use the suggested ideas in the
box. You can start talk with the sentence below:

You can make the environment better by:

- Reducing the amount of energy, you use in home
- Using organic food
- Avoiding products that are made from plastic

SAMPLE ANSWER : There are several things I should do to make the environment better. First, I should
reduce the amount of energy I use in the home. For example, I have to turn off all the electrical appliances
when they are not in use. Second, I should use organic products because they are not only good for my
health but also good for the environment, Last, I should avoid using products that are made from plastic. As
it takes plastic a long time to break down, we should reduce the use of plastic as much as possible.

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