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The usage of transportation begins from the

very early age of the human era.

Over time, it underwent a series of changes.

The human foot was the original mode of transportation.

Getting around back then required a lot of walking.

As a result, a first improvement was achieved

to this problem by modifying the varied surfaces,

whether by land or by water.

We human beings are always on the

lookout for methods to travel the world.

As a result, relocate new regions.

We've gone from basic boats to space.

Flight is a result of this progress in transportation.

Humans began domesticating animals about 40 BC and

began utilizing them for transportation and commerce.

Animals ability to travel great distances and

carry bigger burdens led to the development

of trails and tracks throughout the land.

This was a game changing

moment in transportation history.

The wheel, which was first made from

wood, was a basic but crucial innovation

in the development of transportation.

The wheel was invented in Iraq where

it was utilized to build horse drawn

vehicles such as the horse and carriage.

First ever means of transportation such as

the chariot built in 2000 BC, were

made possible by the wheels development.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the first riverboats

appeared in ancient Egypt about 3500 BC.

According to this theory, around three to 40

BC, traders in ancient Egypt, Sumer, the Indus

Valley and Mesopotamia started using riverboats made of

wood to transport their goods across the sea.

Later civilizations developed stronger boats that could

withstand harsher waves and travel more distances

than the early river boats.

The Romans built the first road network in Britain.

As the Romans expanded their Empire into

Britain, they needed highways and we still

use those same roads today.

The Romans were not the first to invent roads.

Roads in Mesopotamia, now known as a rock, have

been discovered that date back to around 40 BC.

There was a major shift in transportation

during the Industrial Revolution which occurred in

the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

When modern equipment and manufacturing were developed

in Britain, it transformed the way the

world produced and exchanged things.

New forms of transportation for the

emerging world were developed in parallel

to these industrial advancements.

Motorways and automobiles were developed during this time

period as a result of the Industrial Revolution.

It was only during the Industrial Revolution that the

first steamboats and motor engine powered ships were developed,

allowing people to travel across the oceans.

The first Steamboat was built in 1807 in America.

Having the ability to travel and trade

over wider distances was made possible due

to the invention of huge steampowered boats.

Ships powered by Motors were vital to global

commerce after their invention in the early nineties.

In 1908, the first Ford automobiles

were produced in the United States.

Cars continued to evolve across the world.

Currently, there are more than 70 million vehicles

on the road that operate on a variety

of fuels, including gasoline, battery and hydrogen.

However, the first steampowered railway

was invented in 1814.

Coal was first transported by rail after it was mined.

Modern trains with steam engines originally appeared in

the 18 Twentyties and quickly became a popular

means of transportation for many people.

In addition to allowing people and things to

move and be carried across longer distances, the

development of railway networks made this possible.

After a decade of research and innovation, the

Wright brothers created the Wright Flyer in 1903.

The Wright Brothers invention is known as one of

the most significant events in the history of transportation.

During World War II, aircraft manufacturing accelerated,

encouraged on by advances in technology.

Bomber aircraft like the Lancaster were developed

as a crucial aspect of military operations.

Civil aviation took off in a major way

after the end of World War II.

The de Havilland Comet made its first commercial flight

in it wasn't long after air travel became popular

that people began to seriously consider the potential of

traveling further higher in the sky.

In 1969 saw the first human mission to the

moon, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin being the

first humans to walk on the Moon's surface.

72 Many missions to the moon were carried successfully.

When satellites became commonplace in the 1970s, multinational

space stations were being built, the development of

spacecraft progressed, and the initial launch of the

space shuttle took place in 1981.

The development of passenger drones and regular

flying vehicles seems to be moving rapidly.

These car designs have been under development since

the 1980s, with several prototypes previously built.

Many businesses now concentrate on electric

or hybrid electric Ztol concepts.

A passenger drone is a vehicle that can carry two

to five people or the equivalent cargo weight and is

supposed to be much quieter than a standard helicopter.

Aerial photography and cinematography, land surveys,

infrastructure monitoring, construction, military mining, telecom,

crisis management, oil and gas exploration,

and monitoring sites, etc.

Are all examples of uses

for drones in these industries.

Drum facilitated last mile deliveries and other

assistance for retail, healthcare, and logistics will

soon become less futuristic as a result

of advances in technology and costefficiency.

Vehicle automation is increasing across all types

of transportation, both public and private, to

increase productivity, safety, and flexibility.

The concept of independent autonomous local units

is increasing importance as information density and

geographic division of labor increase.

Over the last decade, the global market for electric

cars has grown at a rate never before witnessed.

Fast charging, linked vehicles and smart charging

are just a few of the recent

developments in electric car use.

In the last 100 years, automobiles have

become safer and things moved more quickly.

Engines were first powered by steam and

coal, but later transitioned to diesel power.

Since people used to travel by horse and

carriage to get from one area to another.

In the 18th century,

transportation has evolved significantly.

By the year 1820, improvements had been

made in water transportation as well.

The River, Steamboat, canal, barge, and

flatboat were all excellent modes of

transportation for people and commerce.

The future of transportation is dependent on

the development of new, more intelligent energy

sources, modes of transportation and physical, physical

and technological infrastructure to allow these advancements

in the field of transportation smart technology.

Electrification and autonomous vehicles are all

recurring themes in transportation innovation.

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