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Lesson 1: The Self from Various

Philosophical Perspectives
Objectives: e se lf;
1. Explain w hy it is es se nt ial to un de rs ta nd th
Describe and di sc us s th e di ffer en t no tions of th e

self from th e po in ts '-o f- view of th e va rious

philosophers across time and place;

Compare an d co ntra st ho w th e se lf ha s be en

ffer en t ph ilo so ph ic al sc ho ol s; an d
represented in di
examine on se lf ag ai ns t th e di ffer en t vi ew s of se lf

that were discussed in class.
Our names
represent who we are.
si g n if y u s.
The self is something that a

person perenially molds,

shapes, and develops.

Socrates Plato Aquinas

Know Yourself
Descartes Hume Kant

Ryle Merleau-Ponty
Thank Y o u

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