International Pepper Community: Report of The 42 Pepper Exporters' Meeting

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List of Delegates Annex 01


25th November 2011, Senggigi, Lombok Island, Indonesia

List of Delegates


1. M r . Joha nn e s B. Tor r e cilla s Tel : + 55- 91 37211925

President of ABEP Cell : + 55- 91- 88140800
Associat ion of Brazilian Pepper Producers & Export ers Em ail : esident @gm
Condom inio Crist alv illa Safira N.10 Web : w ww .br
CEP 66640- 590
Belém , Para St at e

2. M r . Joa o H on da
Direct or Tel : + 55- 91 37110259
Espam Com . de Especiar ias da Am azonia Lt da. Cell : + 55- 91- 9114- 5511
Av. Pres Vargas N. 3.666 Em ail : j
Cast anhal
Pará, CEP 68743- 000

3. M r s. Ka zuhisa Sh ir a ish i
Okaj im a Agroindust ria E. Com ercio Lt da. Tel : + 55- 91 37212538, 88021100
Rua Coronel Leal, Cell : + 55- 91 37212897
1097- Cent ro Em ail : okaj im a@linknet .com .br
Cast anhal 68743- 070
Belém , Para St at e

4. M r . Ak ir a Ok a j im a
Okaj im a Agroindust ria E. Com ercio Lt da. Tel : + 55- 91 37212538, 88021100
Rua Coronel Leal, Cell : + 55- 91 9114- 3374
1097- Cent ro, Cast anhal Em ail : okaj im a@linknet .com .br
Belém , Para St at e

5. M r . Te odor o N a ga n o
Execut ive Secret ary, ABEP Tel : + 55- 91 32542244, 32334185
Associat ion of Brazilian Pepper Producers & Export ers Cell : + 55- 91 99826079
Av. Pedro Miranda No.624 Em ail : .br
Sala 03, Edificio Piram ide
Pedreira,66085- 000
Belém , Para St at e

6. M r . H ir oshi Ok a j im a
Direct or Tel : + 55- 91 37212538, 88021100
Okaj im a Agroindust ria E. Com ercio Lt da. Cell : + 55- 91- 9114- 3374
Rua Coronel Leal Em ail : okaj im a@linknet .com .br
1097- Cent ro - Cast anhal
Belém , Para St at e

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 5

List of Delegates Annex 01

1. M r s. Vij a yla x m i Joshi
HOD / Addit ional Secret ary Tel : 91- 11- 23061377
Minist ry of Com m erce Cell :
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi Em ail : vl.j
I ndia

2. D r . An ir u dh a n Ja ya t h ila k
Chairm an Tel : + 91- 484- 2333304
Spices Board I ndia Cell : + 919446022644
NH Bye Pass, Palarivat t om P O Em ail : sbchairm an@gm
Cochin, Kerala Web :
I ndia

3. M r . P.M . Su r e sh Ku m a r
Direct or ( Mkt g) Tel : + 91- 484- 2333607
Spices Board I ndia Cell : + 919446478985
NH Bye Pass, Palarivat t om P.O. Em ail : dm spicesboard@gm
Cochin, Kerala Web :
I ndia

4. D r . M . Ta m il Se lva n
Direct or Tel : + 91- 495- 2765501
Direct orat e of Arecanut and Spices Dev elopm ent Cell : + 919447333909
Minist ry of Agricult ure Em ail : t selvan90@rediffm
Governm ent of I ndia Web : dacnet spices
West Hill, Kozhikode 673 005
I ndia

5. D r . Pr a t ha pa n, K.
Direct or, NHM- Kerala Tel : 0471- 2330856
Governm ent of Kerala Cell :
St at e Hort icult ure Mission- Kerala Em ail : kpradapan@gm
Sunny Dale, Universit y P.O. Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Palayam , Thiruvanant hapuram
I ndia

6. M r . Joj a n L M a la yil
CEO Tel : + 91 484 2247247
Bafna Ent erprises Cell : + 91 98 95 42 42 90
7/ 179, D S Road Em ail : j oj an@bafnaent
Cochin 682 002 Web : w ww .bafnaent
I ndia

7. M r . Gee m on Kor a h
C.E.O. Tel : + 91- 484- 3051100
Kancor I ngredient s Lt d. Cell :
814/ C, Seaport - Airport Road, Em ail :
Thrikkakara P.O. Web : w ww
Cochin 682 021
I ndia

8. M r . Bha r a t h R.Sh a h
Owner Tel : + 914842220896
Dhara Export s Cell : + 919447159504
8/ 2270, Lalan Road Em ail :
Cochin 682 002 Act ivit ies : Export er |
I ndia

9. M r . M a n ish J Ba fna
Direct or Tel : + 91 484 2247247
Bafna Ent erprises Cell : + 91 9895 112747
7/ 179 D S Road Em ail : m anish@bafnaebt
Cochin 682 002 Web : w ww .bafnaent
I ndia

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 6

List of Delegates Annex 01

10. M r . Sye d M oha m m e d Ra w t h e r

Managing Direct or Tel : + 91 80 23377527
SA Rawt her Spices ( P) Lt d Cell : + 91- 9448081867
17, Second Floor, 4t h Main Em ail : sarawt her@hot m
4t h Block, GG Palya Web : w ww .rawt
Tum kur Road, Bangalore
I ndia

11. M r . Bha ve sh N Ve d
Chief Trader Tel : + 91- 4842229741
Ace Agencies Cell : + 91- 9846626336
6/ 22, Jewt own Em ail : bhaveshn@v
Cochin 682 202
I ndia

12. M r . Vishw a s Ga r g
Business Head Tel : + 91- 484- 3051100
Kancor I ngredient s Lt d. Cell :
814/ C, Seaport - Airport Road, Em ail :
Thrikkakara P.O. Web : w ww
Cochin 682 021
I ndia

13. M r . Pr a ve e n Ra j k u m a r
Manager - Global Purchase Tel : + 91- 484- 3051100
Kancor I ngredient s Lt d. Cell : + 91- 999- 586- 9715
814/ C, Seaport - Airport Road, Em ail : p.raj kum ar@k
Thrikkakara P.O., Cochin 682 021 Web : w ww
I ndia

14. M r . Bha ve sh Vij a ysinh

Trader Tel : + 91- 984- 2224068
Opp. I PSTA Bldg. Cell : + 91- 9846044886
Jew Town, Em ail : vij aysinh@asianet
Cochin 682 002
I ndia

15. M r . Ka m le sh J Ta nn a
Direct or Tel : + 91- 22- 65156555
Jam nadas Madhavj i I nt ernat ional Lt d Cell : + 91- 9987721212
Tanna House,2nd Floor Em ail : kam lesh@j m
11- A Nat halal Parekh Marg Web : w ww .j m
Mum bai
I ndia

16. M r . Ch a n dr a k u m a r
Managing Direct or Cell : + 919944022100
Asian Trading & Co Em ail : info@asiant
162/ 129- A,4t h St reet Web : w ww .asiant
V.G.Rao Nagar, Ganapat hy
Coim bat ore
I ndia

17. M r . T.P Kur ia k ose

Sr. Manager - Purchase Tel : + 91 484 3051525
Plant Lipids ( P) Lt d Cell : + 91 9745999822
Kolenchery, Cochin 682 311 Em ail : kuriakose.t @plant
Kerala, I ndia Web : plant

18. M r . Ra j a n Aga r w a l
Head Tel : + 91 9831088955
Sunrise Agro Cell : + 91 9831088955
51/ 3/ 2b St rand Road Em ail : raj an.agarwal9@gm
Kolkat a 700 007
I ndia

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 7

List of Delegates Annex 01

19. M r . N . Govin da r a j
Geewin Ex im Tel : + 91- 452 2520077
No- 14- Sonaiy ar Kovil St reet Cell : + 919443035266
Nar im edu, Madurai Em ail : annam expo@rediffm
Tam il Nadu Web : geewinexim .com
I ndia Act ivit ies : I m port er | Export er |

20. M r . Za ch a r ia N j a va llil
Part ner Tel : 04828202248
Kylasanad est at e Cell : 9447356406
Nj avallil house Em ail : zacharia_nj
Kanj irappally, Kot t ayam Dist
Kerala, I ndia

21. M r . Yoge sh M .M e ht a
CEO Tel : 32989779
Spicexim Cell : 9821018983
Com m odit y Exchange Building, Em ail : adm inist rat or@spicexim .com
5t h Fl, office no 534/ 535, Web : w ww .spicexim
Sect or No 19, Vashi
New Mum bai 400 708
I ndia

22. M r . Bha sk a r Sh a h
Managing Direct or Tel : + 91- 22- 41412525
Jabs I nt ernat ional Pv t Lt d Cell : + 91- 9820073814
A/ 350 TTC I ndust rial Area Em ail : j abs@j absint er nat
MI DC, MAHPE, Vashi Web : www.j absinet rnat ional
New Mum bai 400 708
I ndia

23. M r . G.A.Ba la k r ishn a n

Managing Direct or Tel : + 914844066238
Bhoom i Nat ural Product s and Export s Pvt Lt d Cell : + 918089040650
39/ 2455, Punnakat t u Param bu, Em ail : bala@bhoom inat
Sahakarana Road, Ernakulam Web : w ww .bhoom inat
Cochin, Kerala, I ndia Act ivit ies : Export er |

24. M r . Sa pa r sh P Sa t h ish
Business Head Tel : + 914844066238
Bhoom i Nat ural Product s and Export s Pvt Lt d Cell : + 918089040650
38/ 2455, Punnakat t u Param bu Em ail : saparsh@bhoom inat
Sahakarana Road, Elam kulam Web : w ww .bhoom inat
Ernakulam , Cochin, Kerala Act ivit ies : Export er |
I ndia

25. M r . Th a r a na t h Vidya sa ga r
Advisor Tel : + 914844066238
Bhoom i Nat ural Product s and Export s Pvt Lt d Cell : + 919447027954
38/ 2455, Punnakat t u Param abu Em ail :
Sahakarana Road, Ernakulam
Cochin, Kerala, I ndia

26. M r . Gu lsh a n Joh n

Managing Direct or Tel : + 914842223286
Harm ony Spices Privat e Lim it ed Cell : + 919847044595
12/ 597- 8,Jawahar Road Em ail : gulshan@harm
Koovapadam Web : w ww
Cochin, Kerala
I ndia

27. M r . Th om a s Kur ia n
General Manager - Mat erials Tel : + 91484 3051335
Synt hit e I ndust ries Lt d Cell : + 919387485052
Kaday iruppu, Kolenchery.P.O Em ail : t hom ask@synt hit
Ernakulam , Kerala 682311 Web : synt hit
I ndia

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 8

List of Delegates Annex 01

28. M r . F. M ut h u r a m a linga m
Form er Tel :
Perinagayaam m an Agencies Lt d Cell : + 919443028441
18/ 1 Sirukalandai Post Em ail : m ut huram alingam
Pollachi 642202
Coim bat ore
I ndia

29. M r . Su r a sa n i Ra ve e ndr a Reddy

Senior Manager Tel : + 912239388307
Ruchi Wor ld Wide Lim it ed Cell : + 919930801112
Ruchi House, Royal Palm s Em ail :
Aarey Colony , Mayur Nagar Web : w ww
Goregaon ( E) , Mum bai - 400 065
I ndia

30. M r . M ut t a t h il Thom a s Joy

Manager Tel : + 91 484 3051 244
Synt hit e I ndust ries Lt d. Cell : + 919387485017
Synt hit e Valley, Kadyiruppu Em ail : j oym t @synt hit
Kolencherry 682311 Web : w ww .synt hit
Cochin, Kerala
I ndia

31. M r . Sibi K Th om a s
Vice President Tel : 910842677396
AVT McCorm ick I ngredient s Lt d Cell : 919846046984
Sout h Vazhakk ulam Em ail : sibi@av t
Aluva, Cochin Web : w ww .avt m ccorm
I ndia

32. M r . Kuldip Ku m a r Phull

Under Secret ary Tel :
Minist ry of Com m erce & I ndust ry Cell :
Dept of Com m erce & I ndust r y Em ail :
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi
I ndia

33. M r s. Sa r oj Ph u ll Em ail :

New Delhi
I ndia

34. M r . M oha m m e d Sha be e r

Propreit or Tel : + 91- 488- 4233407
Firdouse I nt ernat ional Trading Co. Cell : + 913745253699
Kum aranellur P.O. Em ail : ut t am chaand@gm
Wadakkancherry 680590
Thrissur 680 590
I ndia

35. M r . Sa bu Joseph
Managing Direct or Tel : + 91- 4842467516
Ann I m pex House of Spices Cell : + 91- 984- 7132323
V/ 139 D, Kalady Em ail : annim pex@j
Cochin 683574 Web : w ww .j
I ndia Act ivit ies : Export er |

36. M r . Ayu b M u ch ila k a t h Ka lla da

CEO Tel : + 91- 4842467516
Ann I m pex House of Spices Cell : + 91971- 503558319
V/ 139 D, Kallady Em ail :
Cochin 683574 Web : w ww .j
I ndia

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 9

List of Delegates Annex 01

1. M r . Edw a r d
HOD/ Direct or Tel : 62- 21 3858171- 5
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Dit of APEC and ot her I nt ernat ional Em ail :
Organizat ion Cooperat ion Web : ht t p: / / dit j
Jln. M.I . Ridwan Rais No.5 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jakart a

2. M r . Tu lu s Budh ia nt o
Secret ary Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Dit . General of I nt ernat oinal Trade Coop. Cell :
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5 Em ail :-
Jakart a 10110 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
I ndonesia

3. M r . M esa h Ta r iga n , M Sc
Direct or of I nt l. Market ing Tel : 62- 21 7884 2044
Minist ry of Agricult ure Cell :
Jl. Harsono RM No. 3 Em ail : m esah@dept
Gedung D Lant ai I I I Web : w ww .dept
Ragunan Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jakart a Selat an

4. M r . H um a la Ka r t a w idj a j a
Deput y Direct or Tel : 62- 21 3858171- 5
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Dit of APEC and ot her I nt ernat ional Em ail : radj awidj
Organizat ion Cooperat ion Web : ht t p: / / dit j
Jln. M.I . Ridwan Rais No.5 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jakart a

5. D r . N ur lia nie Be r na w ie
Head Tel : 62- 251- 8321879
Minist ry of Agricult ure Cell : 62- 812- 8444359
Research I nst it ut e of Spices Em ail : nurliani@lit bang.dept
and Ot her I ndust r ial Crops Web : ht t p: / / balit t ro.lit bang.dept ind/
Jln. Tent ara Pelaj ar Act ivit ies : Research I nst it ut e |
Bogor 16111

6. D r . Agu s W a hyu di
Head Tel : 62- 266- 533283
Minist ry of Agricult ure Cell : 62- 8128447031
Research I nst it ut e of Spices Em ail :
and ot her I ndust rial Crops Web : balit t ri.lit bang.dept
Jl. Raya Pakuw on Km . 2 Act ivit ies :
Parungkuda, Sukabum i 43357
West Java

7. M r . H a r yon o Sa r pin i
OC/ Sr. Official Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Dit . General of I nt ernat I onal Trade Coop. Cell :
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5 Em ail :-
Jakart a 10110 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
I ndonesia

8. M r s. N a na n N u r dj a nn a h
Bogor, I ndonesia Tel : 02518321762
Balai Besar Lit bang Pascapanen Pert anian Cell : 081315670030
Minist ry of Trade Em ail : nanan_j uly@y
Kam pus Penelit ian Pert anian Act ivit ies : Research I nst it ut e |
Jl.Tent ara Pelaj ar No.12
Bogor, 16114
I ndonesia

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 10

List of Delegates Annex 01

9. M r s. Flor a Su sa n N .
Sect iion Head, Com m idit y I Tel : 62- 21 3858171- 5
Minst ry of Trade Cell :
Dit of APEC and ot her I nt ernat ional Em ail :
Organizat ion Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jln. M.I . Ridwan Rais No.5
Jakart a
I ndonesia

10. M r s. I st ia t i H e n dr a sw a n i
Sect ion Head, Com m odit y I I Tel : 62- 21 3858171- 5
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Dit of APEC and ot her I nt ernat ional Em ail : I st iat
Organizat ion Cooperat ion Web : ht t p: / / dit j
Jln. M.I . Ridwan Rais No.5 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jakart a
I ndonesia

11. M r s. Re na t h a Sa vir a
Minist ry of Trade Tel : 62- 21 3858171- 5
Dit of APEC and ot her I nt ernat ional Cell :
Organizat ion Cooperat ion Em ail : rainat hev
Jln. M.I . Ridwan Rais No.5 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jakart a
I ndonesia

12. M r . An gga H a n dia n Pu t r a

Minist ry of Trade Tel : 62- 21 3858171- 5
Dit of APEC and ot her I nt ernat ional Cell :
Organizat ion Cooperat ion Em ail : anggahandianput ra@gm
Jln. M.I . Ridwan Rais No.5 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jakart a
I ndonesia

13. M s. Sa r i Ha ndini M ur t i
Minist ry of Trade Tel : 62- 21 3858171- 5
Dit of APEC and ot her I nt ernat ional Cell :
Organizat ion Cooperat ion Em ail : I st iat
Jln. M.I . Ridwan Rais No.5 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jakart a
I ndonesia

14. M r . D idi Dya h Pa lupi

Sect ion Head, Com m odit y Cooperat ion Tel : 62- 21 7884 2044
Minist ry of Agricult ure Cell : 62- 812- 19098707
Dit . of I nt l Market ing Em ail :
Jl. Harsono RM No. 3 Web : w ww .dept
Gedung D Lant ai I I I Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Ragunan - Jakart a
I ndonesia

15. M r s. D ia n a w a t i
Manager- Lab Organolekt i & Microbiology Tel : + 62- 21 87721001
Cent er for Supervision and Qualit y Cont rol Cell : + 62- 8158945221
Minist ry of Trade Em ail : wat
Jl. Raya Bogor Km . 26 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Ciracas, Jakart a 13740
I ndonesia

16. M r s. D in i M u lya n i
Supervisor Tel : 62- 21 87721001
Cent er for Supervision and Qualit y Cont rol Cell : + 62- 856- 92041206
Minist ry of Trade Em ail : dinim ulyani@gm
Jl. Raya Bogor Km . 26 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Ciracas, Jakart a 13740
I ndonesia

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 11

List of Delegates Annex 01

17. M s. W iya s Pr a w e st i
St aff Tel : 62- 21 87721001
Cent er for Supervision and Qualit y Cont rol Cell : + 62- 85692111514
Minist ry of Trade Em ail : vm b.ppm
Jl. Raya Bogor Km . 26 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Ciracas - Jakart a
I ndonesia

18. M s. D ya h Pa lu pi
Sect ion Head, Technical Services Tel : + 62- 21 87721001
Cent er for Supervision and Qualit y Cont rol Cell : + 62- 812 9950261
Minist ry of Trade Em ail :
Jl. Raya Bogor Km . 26 Act ivit ies :
Ciracas - Jakart a 13740
I ndonesia

19. M r . Fr a n s H e r o Ka m sia Pu r ba
Bilat eral & Mult ilat eral Com m odit y Coop Sect ion Tel : 62- 21 7813191
Minist ry of Agricult ure Cell : 6281314601456
Building D, 2nd Floor Em ail :
Harsono RM, Jakart a Act ivit ies :
I ndonesia

20. M r . Abdu l Aziz

Minist ry of Agricult ure Tel :
Direct orat e of Spices & Seasoning Crops Cell : 62- 81218153315
Jln. Harsono RM, Ragunan Em ail :
Jakart a Web : w ww .dept
I ndonesia Act ivit ies : Governm ent |

21. M r . Eddy Pu r w a nt o
Sr. Official Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Dit . General of I nt ernat oinal Trade Coop. Cell :
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5 Em ail :-
Jakart a 10110 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
I ndonesia

22. M r . An di Sa h m a n
Sr. Official Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Dit . General of I nt ernat oinal Trade Coop. Cell :
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5 Em ail :-
Jakart a 10110 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
I ndonesia

23. M r s. En e n M a e sa r oh
Dit . General of I nt ernat oinal Trade Coop. Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5 Cell :
Jakart a 10110 Em ail :-
I ndonesia Act ivit ies : Governm ent |

24. M r . Ba ht ia r m a n
St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Dit . General of I nt ernat oinal Trade Coop. Cell :
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5 Em ail :-
Jakart a 10110 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
I ndonesia

25. M r . H ot li Sim a n j u nt a k
St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110
I ndonesia

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 12

List of Delegates Annex 01

26. M r . Ba m ba n g H a r ya nt o
St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110

27. M s. Th e r esia Sin a ga

St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110

28. M s. Sa r i Ha ndir i M u r t i
St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110
I ndonesia

29. M s. Tin a Pe r m a t a sa r i
St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110

30. M r . Su pa r di H a r ya
St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110
I ndonesia

31. M s. Su m a r n i
St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110

32. M r . I bn u H u doyo
Minist ry of Trade Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Direct orat e General Cell :
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Em ail :-
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5 Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jakart a 10110

33. M r . M a r olop Sina ga

St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110
I ndonesia

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 13

List of Delegates Annex 01

34. M s. Su sn ila w a t i
St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110

35. M r . Ya n Pie t e r Sih om bin g

St aff Prot ocol Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110

36. M s. Elia h
St aff - Public Relat ions Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110
I ndonesia

37. M s. Rin i Dw i H a st ut y
St aff Tel : 62- 21 23528601
Minist ry of Trade Cell :
Direct orat e General Em ail :-
I nt ernat ional Trade Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakart a 10110

38. M r . M ust a k im W idj a ya

Vice Chairm an Tel : 62- 21 3100516, 3914068
Associat ion of I ndonesian Pepper Export ers Cell :
AEKI Building, 3rd Floor Em ail : aeli@t elkom .net
Jln. R.P. Soeroso No.20 Act ivit ies : Spice Trade Associat ion |
Jakart a 10330

39. M r s. Yu lia n i W idj a j a

Market ing Manager Tel : 62- 21 3100516 , 3914068
Associat ion of I ndonesian Pepper Export ers Cell : 62- 811- 851388
AEKI Building, 3rd Floor Em ail : aeli@t elkom .net
Jln. R.P. Soeroso No.20 Act ivit ies : Spice Trade Associat ion |
Jakart a 10330

40. M r . M .T. Sa n ga j i
Direct or Tel : + 62 31 8551660
Mot asa I ndonesia, PT Cell :
Kom pleks Pert okoan Gat ew ay Blok F/ No. 8 Em ail : m t .sangaj i@m ot
Jl. Raya Waru, Sidoarj o 61256 Web : w ww .m ot
Jawa Tim ur
I ndonesia

41. M r . Ta nt o Ju w ono La u t a n
Sales & Market ing Direct or Tel : + 62 31 8551660
Mot asa I ndonesia, PT Cell :
Kom pleks Pert okoan Gat ew ay Blok F/ No. 8 Em ail : laut an@m ot
Jl. Raya Waru, Sidoarj o 61256 Web : w ww .m ot
Jawa Tim ur

42. M r . W ina r t o
Direct or Tel : 62- 31- 7480667
Gorom Kencana, PT Cell : 62- 811335188
Jl. Tanj ungsari Mas No. 1 Em ail : gorom kcn@indosat .net .id

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 14

List of Delegates Annex 01

43. M r . M a r ini Su pr a di
Bangka Alam Sej aht era, PT Tel : + 6221 4393 0204 / 07
Jl. Koba No.637 Cell : + 62- 811840266
Pangkalan Baru Em ail : pt gsm
Bangka Belit ung
I ndonesia

44. M r . Sa m ue l Filia ci
Direct or Tel : + 62 272 323867
CBI Global Trade and I nv est m ent , I nc Cell : N/ A
Desa Ket andan, Em ail : .id
Kec. Klat en Ut ara Web : N/ A
PO Box 104 Klat en
Cent ral Java
I ndonesia

45. M r . Su pr a di Ru st a m
Bangka Alam Sej aht era, PT Tel : + 62717 438 310
Jl. Koba No.637 Cell : + 62- 81995679029
Pangkalan Baru Em ail : pt
Bangka Belit ung
I ndonesia

46. M r . Su ppa ia h Kr ishna n

Managing Direct or Tel : + 62 31 8014648
Supa Surya Niaga, PT Cell : + 62 8123043935
C 8- 9, Sinar Gedangan, Em ail : .id
Sidoarj o, Surabaya Web : w ww .indonesia- nut s-
I ndonesia

47. M r . Tr i Sia n a nda r

Direct or Tel : + 6221 2311858
Panen Baru, CV Cell :
Wism a Met ro Lt . 3 Em ail : gm .id
Jln. Hayam Wuruk No. 19- 20
Jakart a

48. M r s. Fa r ida Joe lha sw in

Lat ransa Cit ra, PT Tel : + 6221 7340772/ 3
Jl. Shangrila I I I / 83 Cell : + 62811 834730
Pet ukangan Selat an Em ail : lat ransa@indosat .net .id
Jakart a - I ndonesia Web : ransa- cit

49. M r . R.F. va n Bu che m

Q- Spicing, PT Tel : + 622678610220
Suryacipt a Cit y of I ndust ry Cell : + 6281510054288
Jl. Surya Madya kav. A7 Em ail : rvanbuchem @q-
41361 Ciam pel - Karawang Web : w ww .q-
I ndonesia

50. M s. Su m iya t i
Bangka Alam Sej aht era, PT Tel : + 62- 717 438 310
Jl. Koba No.637, Pangkalan Baru Cell : + 62- 819 49027438
Pangkalpinang Em ail : pt
Bangka Belit ung
I ndonesia

51. M r . K V Pr a k a sh Ra o
Managing Direct or Tel : + 62218564145
Agri Business I ndonesia, PT Cell : + 62816731076
# 903, 9t h Floor, I S Plaza Building, Em ail : .id
Jalan Pram uka Raya Kav 151
Jakart a Tim ur 13120
I ndonesia

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 15

List of Delegates Annex 01

52. M r . D e dyBoy Pe r k a sa
Market ing Ass. Mgr Tel : 021- 3921777
Marubeni I ndonesia, PT Cell : 08118781597
BI I Plaza Menara 2, 11t h Floor Em ail : dedyboy- p@j kt .m
Kav 51, Jln. M.H. Tham rin.
Jakart a 10350
I ndonesia

53. M r s. Se lvie a na Apr ilia

Account ing Manager Tel : + 62.721.350- 135
Am an Jaya Perdana, PT Cell : + 62.811729466
Jl. I r. Sut am i Km . 7 Em ail : am anj
Bandar Lam pung Web :-
I ndonesia Act ivit ies : Export er |

54. M r s. Lie M a r ia n i
Com m issioner Tel : + 62.721.350- 135
Am an Jaya Perdana, PT Cell : + 62.811729- 466
Jl. I r. Sut am i Km .7 Em ail : am anj
Bandar Lam pung Act ivit ies : Export er |
I ndonesia

55. M s. N on e la
Exim Depart m ent Tel : 62.721.350- 135
Am an Jaya Perdana, PT Cell : 62.811729466
Jl. I r. Sut am i Km .7 Em ail : am anj
Bandar Lam pung Act ivit ies : Export er |
I ndonesia


1. M s. N oor Azila h Abu Sha h id

HOD / Principal Assist ant Secret ary Tel : 603- 8880- 3387
Minist ry of Plant at ion I ndust ries & Com m odit ies Cell : 60- 12- 691 2994
Cocoa and Pepper Developm ent Div . Em ail : sam y
Aras 6- 13, Lot 2G4, Presint 2 ( Boulevard) Web : .m y
Pusat Pent adbiran Keraj aan Persekut uan Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
62654 Put raj aya

2. M r . Gr un sin Ayom
Direct or General Tel : + 6082- 484601
Malaysian Pepper Board Cell : + 6019- 8862226
Lot 1115, Jalan Ut am a Em ail : grunsin@m y
P.O. Box 1653, 93450 Kuching Web : www.m y
Sarawak - Malaysia Act ivit ies : Governm ent |

3. M r . La r r y Sa it M u ling
Direct or Tel : + 6082- 362943
Malaysian Pepper Board Cell : + 6019- 8178618
Lot 1115, Jalan Ut am a Em ail : larrysait @m y
Pending I ndust rial Area Web : www.m y
Kuching, Sarawak Act ivit ies : Governm ent |

4. M r . Ze hn de r Ja r r oop
Malaysian Pepper Board Tel : + 6082 331811 ext 149
Lot 1115, Jalan Ut am a Cell : + 6019 8263261
P.O. Box 1653 Em ail : j arroop@gm
93450 Kuching Web : www.m pb,gov.m y
Sarawak - Malaysia Act ivit ies : Governm ent |

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 16

List of Delegates Annex 01

5. M r . Pa u lu s Am in De t
Sr. Scient ist Tel :
Depart m ent of Agricult ure Sarawak , Malaysia Cell :
Agricult ure Research Cent re, Em ail : Paulus_am
Sem ongok, P.O. Box 977, Act ivit ies : Governm ent | Research I nst it ut e |
93720 Kuching

6. M r . La u Ee Tiin g
Malaysian Pepper Board Tel : + 6082- 331811
Lot 1115, Jalan Ut am a Cell : + 60165750918
P.O. Box 1653, 93450 Kuching Em ail : lau@m y
Sarawak - Malaysia Web : www.m y
Act ivit ies : Governm ent | Research I nst it ut e |

7. M iss Ange la Tida

Malaysian Pepper Board Tel : + 6082- 331811
Lot 1115, Jalan Ut am a Cell : + 60168695906
P.O. Box 1653, 93450 Kuching Em ail : angelat ida@m y
Sarawak, Malaysia Web : www.m y
Act ivit ies : Governm ent | Research I nst it ut e |

8. M r . Au gu st in e Joseph Bun ch ol
Food Technologist Tel : + 6082331811
Malaysian Pepper Board Cell : + 60198586583
Lot 1115 Jalan Ut am a Em ail : august ine@m y
Pending I ndust rial Est at e Web : www.m y
93916 Kuching Act ivit ies : Governm ent |

9. M r . Vin ce nt Sa w a t
Assist ant Direct or Tel : + 6082- 331811
Malaysian Pepper Board Cell : + 6016- 8615767
Lot 1115, Jalan Ut am a Em ail : vincent @m y
Pending I ndust rial Area Web : www.m y
Kuching, Sarawak Act ivit ies : Governm ent |

10. M r . Cha i Chiu Kh in

Managing Direct or Tel : 6082240663
Syn Min Kong Sdn Bhd Cell : 60168860321
Lot 2064, Jalan Tun Ahm ad Zaidi Adruce Em ail : sm kpepper@gm
Kuching, Sarawak Act ivit ies : Export er |

11. M r . La w M e e n Ch u n
Procurem ent Manager Tel : + 604- 5072929
Gaban Spice Mfg ( M) Sdn. Bhd. Cell : 60125541626
742, Lrg Perindust rian Em ail : m claw- .m y
Bukit Minyak 11, MK. 13 Web : w ww .m y
Tm n Perindust rian Buk it Minyak Act ivit ies : Export er | Man. of Spice Processing |
Penang - Malaysia

12. M s. Kok M e i Kha m

Procurem ent Execut ive Tel : + 6045072929
Gaban Spice Mfg ( M) Sdn. Bhd. Cell : + 60124663738
742, Lrg Perindust rian Bkt Minyak 11 Em ail : m claw- .m y
MK. 13, Tm n Perindust rian Bkt Minyak Web : w ww .m y
Penang - Malaysia Act ivit ies : Man. of Spice Processing |

13. M r . Ta n Yeow Be n g
Direct or Tel : 6042814403
I ndospice Sdn. Bhd. Cell : 60124452224
322- A, Jalan Salim Em ail : .m y
Off Jalan Perak, Jelut ong Web :
Penang 11600 - Malaysia Act ivit ies : I m port er |

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 17

List of Delegates Annex 01


1. M r . Gu n a r a t n e , W .D .L.
HOD / Direct or General Tel : 94812388364
Depart m ent of Export Agricult ure Cell : 94779854499
1095, Kandy Road Em ail : direxag@slt net .lk
Peradeniya Web : w ww .export agridept
Sri lanka Act ivit ies : Governm ent |

2. D r . A.P. H e e nk e nde
Research Officer Tel : 0094- 66- 2224479
Depart m ent of Export Agricult ure Cell : 0094- 71- 8447839
Mat ale Reserach St at ion Em ail :
Mat ale Act ivit ies : Research I nst it ut e |
Sri lanka

3. M r s. Sha nt h a Pa dm a L Se ne vir a t hn e
Assist ant Direct or Tel : 094112537050
Depart m ent of Export Agricult ure Cell : 094718221140
Kandy Road, Em ail : shant hasen@slt net .lk
Peradeniya Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Sri lanka

4. M r . Asok a Se ne vir a t hn e
Depart m ent of Export Agricult ure Tel : 094112537050
Kandy Road, Peradeniya Cell : 094718221140
Sri lanka Em ail : shant hasen@slt net .lk
Act ivit ies : Governm ent |

5. M r . Sa r a da de Silva
Chairm an Tel : + 94 11 2514099 ; + 94 11 7635025
Spice Council - Sri Lanka Cell : + 94 777 720887
1,1/ 1, Anderson Road Em ail : saradads@slt net .lk; t
Off Dickm ans Road Web :; int ercom export
Colom bo 05 Act ivit ies : Export er | Spice Trade Associat ion |
Sri lanka

6. M r . D A Pe r e r a Tel : + 94112722223
Managing Direct or Cell : + 94777885440
EOAS Organics ( Pvt ) Lt d. Em ail : eoas@slt net .lk
34/ 3 Lum bini Aveneu Web : w ww
Rat hm alana, Colom bo Act ivit ies : Export er | Food Processor | Ext ract or |
Sri lanka

7. M r . M I I nsh a f Aha m ed Tel : + 94 112 544515

Managing Direct or Cell : + 94 777 363198
I shana Export s ( Pvt ) Lt d Em ail : ise@slt net .lk
37 Old Moor St reet Web : w ww
Colom bo 12 - Sri lanka Act ivit ies : Export er | Food Processor | Grinder |

8. M r . Ra m a sa m y Lin ge sk u m a r Tel : + 94 11 2438553

Part ner Cell : + 94 77 7791747
Subiksha I m pex Em ail : info@subik shaim
184 Dam St reet Act ivit ies : Export er |
Colom bo
Sri lanka

9. M r . D C A Pe r e r a
Direct or Tel : + 94112722223
EOAS Organics ( Pvt ) Lt d. Cell : + 94777885440
34/ 3 Lum bini Aveneu, Em ail : eoas@slt net .lk
Rat hm alana, Colom bo Web : w ww
Sri lanka

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 18

List of Delegates Annex 01

10. M r . D R J Pe r e r a
Execut ive Tel : + 94112722223
EOAS Organics ( Pvt ) Lt d. Cell : + 94777885440
34/ 3 Lum bini Aveneu Em ail : eoas@slt net .lk
Rat hm alana, Web : w ww
Colom bo
Sri lanka

11. M r . A M J Ba n da r a
General Manager Tel : + 94112722223
EOAS Organics ( Pvt ) Lt d. Cell : + 94777606211
34/ 3 Lum bini Aveneu, Em ail : eoas@slt net .lk
Colom bo Web : w ww
Sri lanka

12. M r . N a n da B. Kohona
Direct or Tel : + 94117389384 / 85
I nt ernat ional Com m odit y Traders Pvt . Lt d Cell : + 94718681602
148/ 1, Ky nsey Road Em ail : nanda@ict lk .com
Colom bo 08 Web : w ww .silverm
Sri lanka Act ivit ies : Export er | I m port er |

13. M r . K.L. Ka r u n a r a t n e
Managing Direct or Tel : + 94 11 2385917/ 8
L.B. Spices Trading ( Pvt ) Lt d. Cell : + 94 777566404
220. Old Moor St reet Em ail : lbt
Colom bo 12 Web :
Sri lanka Act ivit ies : Export er |

14. M r . M .C.M . Za r ook

Managing Direct or Tel : + 94112632261
Sinbad Privat e Lt d. Cell : + 94777328245
43/ 104 New Sam agi Mawat hha Em ail : zarook 1@slt net .lk
Borapana, Rat hm alana Web : w ww
Sri lanka Act ivit ies : Export er |

15. M r . D e sha pr iya Liya na ge

Asst . Manager - Agricult ural Services Tel : + 94- ( 0) 11- 2436404
SGS Lanka ( Pvt .) Lt d Cell : + 94- ( 0) 71- 6895555
No. 140, Vauxhall St reet Em ail :
Colom bo 02 Web : w ww
Sri lanka Act ivit ies : UN Agency/ I nt l Org |

16. M r . K. Ana n da Ku la ra t na
Managing Direct or Tel : + 94 112 736354
Cit ro Essent ial Oils ( Pvt ) Lt d Cell : + 94 777414616
Cit ro Building, Em ail : cit rooils@slt net .lk
15/ C, Old Quarry Road, Web : cit roessent
Mount Lavinia - Colom bo Act ivit ies : Export er |
Sri lanka

17. M r . D . J. V . Abe yr a t n e
Managing Direct or Tel : 0094112914935
Orient Trading Com pany ( Pvt ) Lt d Cell : 00 94 714768326
165, Dippit igoda Road, Em ail : orient v@slt .lk
Dalugam a, Kelaniya Web : w ww .orient
Sri lanka Act ivit ies : I m port er | Export er |

18. M r . M .Y.M . I br a h im
Direct or Tel : + 94- 11- 2544515 / 2432721
I shana Export s ( Pvt ) Lt d Cell :
37, Old Moor St reet , Em ail : ise@slt net .lk
Colom bo 12 Web : w ww
Sri lanka Act ivit ies : Export er |

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 19

List of Delegates Annex 01

19. M r . M a sood H u sse in Sa ifu de e n

CEO Tel : + 91- 22- 23452052
M. A. M. Trading Corporat ion Cell :
107, Anand Building, Em ail : info@m am
82/ 84, Kazi Sayed Act ivit ies : Export er |
Masj id Bunder - Mum bai
I ndia


1. M r . Tr a n Va n Cong
HOD / Direct or Tel : + 84 4 - 38437450
Minist ry of Agricult ure and Rural Developm ent Cell :
Global I nt egrat ion and Em ail : congt .ht qt @m
Foreign I nvest m ent Division Web : w ww .m
Depart m ent I nt ernat ional Cooperat ion Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
2 Ngoc Ha, Ba Dinh
Hanoi - Viet nam

2. M r . H a H ong H a i
Deput y Chief of Mission Tel : + 62- 21 31901506
Viet nam Em bassy in Jakart a Cell :
Jln. Teuku Um ar 25 Em ail : j akart a@m
Ment eng hhaiha2004@y
Jakart a Pusat Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Viet nam

3. D r . Bui Ch i Bu u
Direct or General, I AS Viet nam Tel : + 84- 8 8291746, 8297889
I nst it ut e of Agricult ural Science Cell :
for Sout hern Viet nam Em ail :, iasv
121 Nguyen Binh Khiem , Web : w ww
Dist rict 1, Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies : Governm ent |
Viet nam

4. Mr. Do Ha Nam
Chairm an Tel : + 84- 8- 38223901, 38237288
Viet nam Pepper Associat ion Cell : + 84- 903- 803048
135 Past eur, Ward 6 Em ail : vpa@pepperviet nam .com
Dist rict 3, Ho Chi Minh Cit y Web : www.pepperv iet nam .com
Viet nam Act ivit ies : Spice Trade Associat ion | Export er |

5. M r . Tr a n D u c Tu ng
Chief Office, VPA Secret ariat Tel : + 84- 8- 38223901, 38237288
Viet nam Pepper Associat ion Cell : 84- 903- 687073
135 Past eur, Ward 6 Em ail : vpa@pepperviet nam .com
Dist rict 3, Ho Chi Minh Cit y Web : www.pepperv iet nam .com
Viet nam Act ivit ies : Spice Trade Associat ion | Export er |

6. M r s. Ch i D a ng
Unispice Tel : + 84- 83899 8902
36, No.5 St reet , Cell :
Chu Van An Quart er Em ail : aquaagro2@hcm .fpt .vn
Binh Thanh Dist r ict , Web : w ww
Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

7. M r s. Vuong Th i H oa ng Ye n
Unispice Tel : + 84- 83899 8902
36, No.5 St reet , Cell :
Chu Van An Quart er Em ail :
Binh Thanh Dist r ict Web : w ww
Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 20

List of Delegates Annex 01

8. M r . Pa r a m bir Bha n da r i
Managing Direct or Tel : + 84 8 5413 5401
Goldm an Holdings I nt ernat ional Lt d. ( Viet nam ) Cell : + 84 90 777 1102
Broadway D, 2nd Floor Unit 3 Em ail : direct ors@goldm
152 Nguyen Luong Bang St reet , Web : w ww .goldm
Dist rict 7, Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies : I m port er | Export er |
Viet nam

9. M r . Pha n N h u M in h
General Manager Tel : + 84- 8- 35207633
FUCHS Gm bH & Co. KG/ Purchasing Office in Asia Cell : + 84- 903618024
29 Le Duan St reet Em ail : spicet rader@hcm .fpt .vn
16t h Floor, Room # 19, Dist 1 Act ivit ies : I m port er | Food Processor |
Ho Chi Minh Cit y
Viet nam

10. M r . M a sa hik o M iya i

General Direct or Tel : + 84 650 3767 750
KSS Viet nam Co., Lt d. Cell : + 84 907 855 567
No.45, St .8, VSI P Em ail : m asahiko_m iy .vn
Thuan An Town, Binh Duong Prov ince Web : w ww .vn
Viet nam Act ivit ies : I m port er | Export er | Food Processor |

11. M r . N gu ye n Tr on g Doa n
R&D Manager Tel : + 84 650 3767 750
KSS Viet nam Co., Lt d. Cell : + 84 989 390 148
NO.45, ST.8, VSI P Em ail : nt .vn
Thuan An Town, Binh Duong Province Web : w ww .vn
Viet nam Act ivit ies : I m port er | Export er | Food Processor |

12. M iss Tr a n Thi D oa n Tr a ng

Haprosim ex JSC Tel : + 84 8 39453001
Lot 6- 7 Tan Thoi Hiep Cell : + 84 937 707 336
I ndust rial Park, Em ail : info@haprosim exj
Hiep Thanh Ward, Dist rict 12. Web : w ww .haprosim exj
Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

13. M r s. La i Thi Th u H uye n

Direct or Tel : + 84.8.62904 818 / 22412 432
Viet coffee Co. Lt d./ An Phuc I nt 'l Co. Cell : + 84.91 858 2228
6.06B SCREC Building Em ail :
Le Van Sy St reet Dist rict 3 Web : w ww or w ww .viet -
Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies : Export er |

14. M r . N ida l Al Ka r r i
I nvest or Tel : + 84.8.62904 818 / 22412 432
Viet coffee Co. Lt d. Cell : + 84. 94648 3933
6.06B SCREC Building Em ail : nidalkary@gm
Le van Sy St reet , Ward 12, Dist rict 3 Web : w ww .viet -
Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

15. M iss Tr a n An h Tu ye t
HAPROSI MEX JSC Tel : + 84 8 39453001
Lot 6- 7 Tan Thoi Hiep Cell : + 84 983 118 815
I ndust rial Park, Hiep Thanh Ward, Em ail : info@haprosim exj
Dist . 12, Ho Chi Minh Cit y Web : w ww .haprosim exj
Viet nam Act ivit ies : Export er |

16. M r . Le Viet An h
St aff - VPA Secret ariat Tel : + 84- 8- 38223901, 38237288
Viet nam Pepper Associat ion Cell : + 84- 909- 929691
135 Past eur, Ward 6 Em ail : vpa@pepperviet nam .com
Dist rict 3, Ho Chi Minh Cit y Web : www.pepperv iet nam .com
Viet nam Act ivit ies : Spice Trade Associat ion |

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 21

List of Delegates Annex 01

17. M r . N gu ye n Ta n H ie n
I m port - Export Manager Tel : 84- 8 35113934
Pearl Corp Service & Trade I m p/ Exp JSC Cell : 84- 918- 001770
147 Nat ional Road 13 Em ail : t .vn
Ward 26, Binh Than Dist rict Web : w ww .vn
Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

18. M s. N gu ye n Th i Ye n
Direct or Tel : + 84- 8- 38279381
Am berwood Trading Lt d. Cell : + 84- 8- 913 951730
2 Thi Sach St . Ben Nghe Ward Em ail : nt yen@am berwoodt
Dist rict 1, Ho Chi Minh Cit y Web : w ww .am berwoodt
Viet nam Act ivit ies : Export er |

19. M r . Ta m t a Ra m e sh Ku m a r
Direct or Tel : + 84- 8- 62615733
Akila Holding LLC Cell : + 84- 1669- 088881
70 Hoang Dieu St Em ail : dir.hcm c@ak
Ward 12, Dist rict 4 Web : w ww .ak
Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

20. M r . Ph un g N goc Loi

Direct or Tel :
Phung Thuan Thanh Co., Lt d. Cell :
Ham let 4, Bau Lam Ward Em ail :-
Xuyen Moc Dist Act ivit ies : Export er |
Ba- ria Vung Tau Province
Viet nam

21. M r s. Tr a n Th i Oa n h
Phung Thuan Thanh Co., Lt d. Tel :
Ham let 4, Bau Lam Ward Cell :
Xuyen Moc Dist Em ail :-
Ba- ria Vung Tau Province Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

22. M r . Ph un g Th u c Kh uon g
Phung Thuan Thanh Co., Lt d. Tel :
Ham let 4, Bau Lam Ward Cell :
Xuyen Moc Dist Em ail :-
Ba- ria Vung Tau Province Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

23. M s. Le e M e i Siu
St aff Tel :
Phung Thuan Thanh Co., Lt d. Cell :
Ham let 4, Bau Lam Ward Em ail :-
Xuyen Moc Dist Act ivit ies : Export er |
Ba- ria Vung Tau Province
Viet nam

24. M r . Pha m V a n H ie p
Direct or Tel :
Phuc Loi Trade one Mem ber I m p/ Exp Co. Lt d. Cell :
382/ 32 Nguyen Thi Em ail :-
Minh Khai St reet Act ivit ies : Export er |
Dist rict 3, Ho Chi Minh Cit y
Viet nam

25. M r . N gu ye n Va n Qu e o
Direct or Tel :
Hung Hung Co., Lt d. Cell :
1052 Hung Vuong St reet Em ail :-
Chu Se Tow n, Gialai Province Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 22

List of Delegates Annex 01

26. M r . Th a i An h Tua n
Direct or, HCM Branch Tel :
Dak lak Sept em ber Second Ex port I m port Co. Lt d. Cell :
23 Ngo Quyen St reet Em ail :-
Buon Ma Thuot Cit y, Act ivit ies : Export er |
Dak Lak Prov ince
Viet nam

27. M r . Le Du c Toa n
I m port Export Manager Tel :
Dak lak Sept em ber Second Ex port I m port Co. Lt d. Cell :
23 Ngo Quyen St reet Em ail :-
Buon Ma Thuot Cit y Act ivit ies : Export er |
Dak Lak Prov ince
Viet nam

28. M s. D uon g Le Qu yn h
I m port Export Manager Tel :
HS Viet nam Net work Co. Lt d. Cell :
37 Ton Duc Thang St reet Em ail :-
Dist rict 1, Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies :
Viet nam

29. M r . D in h Vin h Tha i

I m port - Export Manager Tel :
The Viet nam Nat ional General Exp/ I m p JSC No.1 Cell :
46 Ngo Quyen St reet Em ail :-
Hanoi Act ivit ies :
Viet nam

30. M r . Pha m Qu a n N a m
I m port - Export Manager Tel :
The Viet nam Nat ional General Exp/ I m p JSC No.1 Cell :
46 Ngo Quyen St reet Em ail :-
Hanoi, Viet nam Act ivit ies :

31. M r . Kie u Kim Kh a n

Vice Direct or Tel :
Phuc Sinh Corporat ion Cell :
384 Hoang Dieu Em ail :-
Dist rict 4, Ho Chi Minh Cit y Act ivit ies :
Viet nam

32. M r . Ta Qu oc Su Tel : + 84835171083

Thai Ha JSC Cell : + 84905636567
25- 26- 27 Phan Xich Long Em ail : m odit ies@gm
Binh Thanh Dist r ict Web : w ww .t haiha.v n
Hochim inh cit y Act ivit ies : Export er |
Viet nam

33. M r . H u yn h Qu a n Th inh
Purchasing Manager Tel : 84- 650- 3718005
Nedspice processing Cell : 84- 908498566
Hoa Lan, Thuan Giao, Em ail : hq.t
Thuan An, Binh Duong Act ivit ies : Food Processor |
Viet nam

34. M r . D in h Va n Tr i
General direct or Tel : 84- 650- 3718005
Nedspice processing Cell : 84- 903840554
Hoa Lan, Thuan Giao Em ail : hq.t
Thuan An, Binh Duong Act ivit ies : Food Processor |
Viet nam

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 23

List of Delegates Annex 01

1. M r . GLATZEL, Kla u s- Pe t e r
Consult ant Tel : ( + 855) 012 583382
Mem ot Pepper Cooperat iv e Cell :
P.O.Box 340 Em ail : pepperklaus@gm
Kam pong Cham
Cam bodia

2. M r . YI N , Sopha
Execut ive Direct or Tel : ( + 855) 012 607263
Mem ot Pepper Cooperat iv e Cell :
Dar Com m une, Mem ot Dist rict , Em ail : m em ot .pepper@gm
Kam pong Cham Prov ince
Cam bodia

3. M r . H ir on obu KURATA
Kurat a Pepper Co., Lt d. Tel : + 855- 12- 842970
# 206e0 St .63, Cell : + 855- 77- 777884
Boengk eng Kang 1 Em ail : info@kurat
Cham karm orn, Web : kurat
Phnom Pneh
Cam bodia

4. M r s. Am y Ch e n Pia nk a
I - KAST Net work Tel : + 85578555232
G1 Bassac Garden Cit y Cell :
Sangkat Tonle Bassac Em ail :
Cham karm on
Phnom Penh
Cam bodia


5. M r . Ch e n Yu n Fe i
Chairm an, HPA Tel : + 86- 898- 66516330
Hainan Pepper Com m unit y Cell :
Room 5A2, Hai Wai Building Em ail : hsfpeppercom m unit
36 Long Kun Nort h Road Act ivit ies : Export er | Spice Trade Associat ion |
Haikou Cit y 570125
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

6. M s. H u a n g Xua n
Secret ary Tel : + 86- 898- 66516330
Hainan Pepper Associat ion Cell :
Room 5A2, Hai Wai Building Em ail : hsfpeppercom m unit
36 Long Kun Nort h Road Act ivit ies : Export er | Spice Trade Associat ion |
Haikou Cit y 570125
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

7. M r . W a n g Bing
Deput y Direct or, Dong Chang Farm Tel : 86- 898- 66516330
Hainan Pepper Associat ion Cell :
Room 5A2, Hai Wai Building Em ail : hsfpeppercom m unit
36 Long Kun Nort h Road Act ivit ies : Export er |
Haikou Cit y 570125
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 24

List of Delegates Annex 01

8. M r . Li M ing Ya o
Direct or of Dong Chang Farm Tel : 86- 898- 66516330
Hainan Pepper Associat ion Cell :
Room 5A2, Hai Wai Building Em ail : hsfpeppercom m unit
36 Long Kun Nort h Road Act ivit ies : Export er |
Haikou Cit y 570125
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

9. M s. Guo Qia n
Assist ant of Hainan Pepper Dept . Tel : 86- 898- 66516330
Hainan Pepper Associat ion Cell :
Room 5A2, Hai Wai Building Em ail : hsfpeppercom m unit
36 Long Kun Nort h Road Act ivit ies :
Haikou Cit y 570125
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

10. M s. N ie Jia n Yu n
Assist ant of Hainan Pepper Dept . Tel : 86- 898- 66516330
Hainan Pepper Associat ion Cell :
Room 5A2, Hai Wai Building Em ail : hsfpeppercom m unit
36 Long Kun Nort h Road Act ivit ies :
Haikou Cit y 570125
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

11. M r . Li Bingch a ng
Hainan Super Fragrance I m p and Tel : + 86- 898- 66720712
Exp Trade Co.,LTD Cell :
Rm 602,Huanli Building Em ail : .cn
No.52,Longhua Roadd, Web : w ww
Haikou, H ainan
China, Peoples Republic

12. M s. Ch e n Ya n li
Hainan Super Fragrance I m p and Exp Trade Co.,LTD Tel : + 86- 898- 66720712
Rm 602,Huanli Building Cell :
No.52,Longhua Road, Em ail : .cn
Haikou, Hainan Web : w ww
China, Peoples Republic

13. M s. Zha n g X ia oli

Hainan Super Fragrance I m p and Exp Trade Co.,LTD Tel : + 86- 898- 66720712
Rm 602, Huanli Building Cell :
No.52, Longhua Rd Em ail : .cn
Haikou Cit y Web : w ww
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

14. M r . Ce n Guo H u i
General Manager Tel : + 86- 774- 3833258
Sunway I nt ernat ional Co., Lt d. Cell : + 86- 13707745175
Room 303,Block 2,Bld 7 Em ail : spiceresource@gm
Yuan Jiang Li Gang,
Xi Jiang Road
Wuzhou, Guangxi
China, Peoples Republic

15. M r . Ta n X ia o H ua
Manager Tel : 0086- 774- 3853600
Sunway I nt ernat ional Co.,lt d. Cell : 0086- 13977416061
Room 303,Block 2,Bld 7 Em ail : spiceresource@gm
Yuan Jiang Li Gang,
Xi Jiang Road
Wuzhou, Guangxi
China, Peoples Republic

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 25

List of Delegates Annex 01

16. M r . Zh i H on gj in g
Market ing Manager Tel :
Hainan Hongfu Trading Co.Lt d. Cell : 86- 18689932915
2F,No.160 Qunshangcun Bailong Town Em ail :
Haikou Cit y
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

17. M r . Lin M in gqin g

General Manager Tel : 86- 89866516330
Hainan Hongfu Trading Co.Lt d. Cell : 86- 13807589548
2F,No.160 Qunshangcun Bailong Town Em ail :
Haikou Cit y
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

18. M r . Lin Da oh ong

Deput y General Manager Tel :
Hainan Hongfu Trading Co.Lt d. Cell :
2F,No.160 Qunshangcun Bailong Town Em ail :
Haikou Cit y Act ivit ies : I m port er | Export er |
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

19. M s. Fu X ia oyu
Market ing Manager Tel :
Hainan Hongfu Trading Co.Lt d. Cell :
2F,No.160 Qunshangcun Bailong Town Em ail :
Haikou Cit y
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

20. M r . Ch e n Ke bo
General Manager Tel : + 86- 898- 62839028
Qionghai Henda I ndust ry Co.,Lt d Cell : + 86- 13005019883
No.32,Xincunw an St reet Em ail :
Qionghai Cit y
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

21. M r . Li Yongh u i
Manager Tel : + 86- 898- 62839028
Qionghai Henda I ndust ry co.,Lt d Cell : + 86- 13907592210
No.32,Xincunw an St reet Em ail :
Qionghai Cit y
Hainan Province
China, Peoples Republic

22. M r . Li Jia ba o
Foreign Sales Manager Tel : + 86- 898- 66720712
Hainan Super Fragrance I m p and Exp Trade Co.,lt d Cell :
Rm 602,Huanli Building Em ail : .cn
No.52,Longhua Rd, Web : w ww
Haikou Cit y , Hainan Act ivit ies : I m port er | Export er | Food Processor |
China, Peoples Republic

23. M iss W u Su yin g

Sales Person Tel : 86- 898- 66720712
Hainan Super Fragrance I m p and Exp Trade Co.,lt d Cell :
Rm 602, Huanli Building Em ail : .cn
No.52,Longhua Road Web : w ww
Haikou Cit y , Hainan
China, Peoples Republic

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 26

List of Delegates Annex 01

1. M r s. M a r ia m K I dr is
Assist ant Direct or Tel : 234- 8059616935
Feder al Minisit ry of Trade & I nvest m ent Cell :
P.M.B.088 Garki Em ail : idrism
Abuj a Act ivit ies :

2. M r s. Ta ba k Vict or ia Ju m m a i
schedule officer Tel :
Federel Minist ry of Trade & invest m ent Cell : 234- 8035906789
P.M.B 088 Garki Abuj a. Em ail :
Abuj a Act ivit ies : Governm ent |


1. M r . A.J.J.M . va n Gu lick
Chairm an of ESA/ Tel : + 31102801380
Managing Direct or Cell :
Nedspice Group Em ail :
Weena 260 Web : w ww
Rot t erdam
Net herlands

1. M r . S. Ka nn a n
Execut ive Direct or of I PC Tel : + 62215227664
I nt ernat ional Pepper Com m unit y Cell : + 6281283321050
Lina Building,4t h Floor Em ail : kannanedipc@gm
Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B7. Web : w ww .ipcnet .org
Jakart a 12920
I ndonesia

2. M r . N ur H a r ya nt o
I O, I PC Tel : + 62215224902
I nt ernat ional Pepper Com m unit y Cell : + 6281410125645
Lina Building,4t h Floor Em ail : io@ipcnet .org
Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B7. Web : w ww .ipcnet .org
Jakart a 12920

3. M r . M oh. Ta u fiq W H
SO, I PC Tel : 62- 21 5224902
I nt ernat ional Pepper Com m unit y Cell :
4t h Floor, Lina Bldg Em ail : sa@ipcnet .org
Jln. HR Rasuna Said B7 Act ivit ies :
Jakart a

4. M r . Ya di Su r ya di
EDP Assist ant Tel : + 62215224902
I nt ernat ional Pepper Com m unit y Cell : + 628161174034
Lina Building,4t h Floor Em ail : it @ipcnet .org
Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B7. Web : w ww .ipcnet .org
Jakart a

Report of 42nd Pepper Exporters Meeting, 25th Nov. 2011 27

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