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LJ Note Junction Best Note Provider Note By: Roshan BiSt : Chapter— Sampling distribution and estimation. @ Betrwsahi The ofachtsheal swaled of estimating unlenmor Population parameter. frm the populadi alled esSimabion. ve ata shjline of she. cada as dbbstn, ee 1e@8 ~ or pak Science At Malis from the samp cate @ Estimales and Estimator» A 5 ohedtedties which 48 used ae estimole a populodlan. porcmeton 48, called For examele: the s emean(Z)19an eattmator of pepuledtion mean (2), Sample prepettion (p) 1s the estimator of population prpotion P) and He S standard ceviabion (S) 48 the. estimedar of population standard, a @). A jeal value of esls % called, eshimate. ape mumoleal on cadomnale Ba Speaitc observed value of a slatislic, es. estimation: p fern estimation > It da the. process mm. which = Single. sample chodiches 4g used cto eating ralonclon 48 known as. parce cee she population The statis syn panaineler. 48, called wis “fel & etme the voiced dlaken by this pame _chmater 4s cade nd vale @. Sample Stotichies Lr Popubdion Parameter + estimator. Zomple. Shedishes . Lopulalion parcunaler | [PR represend tre small potion of popula Are remresents dhe whe elem m ppubdy 1p Sample swean. (5) BX M8 Rpulacin man = WSample ef2eon 1) fpulatin ste=N . Sample abandoned devant 1) Ppuladin cterndan devichrto) Ea Sample. corveledion coefficient =r, |y\ fepulation carelabin Coelfitends € YS ps ee [ie nt capttat_P, aligns TE G x Cy oe hel & and cy be the wer and upper. ox bimils tonfidore, mdewall and O be tre population CE alae Pp i of Poputation poramede, tes Poco cand Cx Se dhe 18 Ceidence. evel or Level of cmftdenée and o cos vol es Custos a He prabliy oP 03 ene Cy and 4.50, Pebebality PEZ0£6) and x +2 the probactilihy X=? (0 res yak Ie beloeon. @ Standond Error of Sample Mean(Z).- Grand a). Sialesttc " Stan ud evra. can. wher known d population sre IO wate (ny is olen ne * Oe r when & 8 known and. popula F (x)= = Mae (Ny i file, SE (== Troe dw N-1 Mean, when 6 +3 unknown and, population | 5, _ 82 ne tedlle PP £ (= SB Mean phon ov 18 Utlennmnard qpuldol SE CK) = S [way | sbe #3 fede. f 9) TR ag oa ya) Difference of mars Wha o's an kena i nz30) £30. A _Alumotesl Psblems,, srl Beh ent a b: Dunigy a wala storage a wale, verdonly samy A es wale. ynehes ecto do montfor lei Wade, tonsumpdon. On 2 perttavtan day 2 sangle «f 30 rmeteres chased 9 sample mean of 240 gallons and. Sample. standaud, cleviation of 45 gelling Pink a 30% confence terval for the vneaw water consurapsion, for Bho v Hive Sample. stee (rn) =30 Sample mean (x)= 240 gallons. Single standard dain (= 45.gallrs. evel of confidence (1-) =90f =0:90 Ber, oa 1-0 oh ay = 1—0.90 Bae = 0.10 pa ee Ze = Zan E> shat tut Ka . aie ~~ Now, gh 95% Level f ondidowe the confrdence emlewal esbimale f ples mean gt. 48, BE Tecnteiy B 9itest RAL Bie pA Kt Zo x 74 2 pe ae SF, QA0— WA KAS 2 $l A240 64 KAS 150 430 : oy 226.532 HE 55.44% Ponca tha tocar th ad uppers Lindh for he view val consumphion for the peptation arr 90.6.53 and 53 vay ak 98% confidence entra, BE A Random sample of 100 arbres soleckd fom « butch of 2000 ardtcles shiss tat He average dionel of asttele. 2s sae sims cdandard, oostatinn 0-048. Pind. 957 and 987 conflene mberval for the average of HS bedel, of 2000 student, sun Gives Sample stee () 2100 Fopulaction, st2e (N)= 2000 Sample mean (X)= H:B5t ee Sample Standerd, deviahin (0) = 0.048 Capa 09. O bevel: of cnfidonce @— x} = 99% tht Pails 2 vali AT ana gee te alle DxKs0.05 ~~ os mide rnd. vale f D> Zig =t9F arth a / oR weak Kt (0 OR srk GUE Fey tote CD, Aso, bevel of ampdence af 92/ fa-ot)aggy 98 => x =0102 PF Foor= 1:33 Now, At 959% devel L /, . of popu a ye sf ones the confidence nlewal. estimation KR SEL HEK+R SE ™% K—Zoyg +2 [N= x. F rE 1 K—Zo05 Cit epee TZ 95'S fA % 0,354—1.96 x O.048 2000-100 Ay 20.254-41.96 Jt00 2000-1 002000 0.048 [2000-100 [x00 (2000-1 % 0.3 F482 HE OERD ny . a Ry devel of envio the confidence ntewal eatiunain of pepulttia, $0? 18 RZ oP [NM ZpeK AZ, & (WA 00 yea 0m Nt Substibutiys values aund calculating we ged a O. 3431 Zp = 6.3649, SE Suppose that when a signal shoving value tS Sransmibtel ‘om dent A. The value. recolved, 4 “loaton BB nomntlly tottbuted, with mean ¢e ard. valance 4 16 pe 16 Rae chen the velie receive 18 ¢e4H hoe. N48 nce NKR 4% Normal wrth mean CO and variance! to Ov -Duppowe Lhe same, value £8 5 9 bree, Af Lhe id tee value received ae 5, 8.55 12515497565 aa » Conshuct 95% confidence, snlewal for fe. Xt By BS 5 19/155495%5) 6.5 and 10.5 Sample. size (m)=9. Populi vaniancelo®)=4- Saoer Sample wean (%) 54 B.5t Qt 1St+F+I+hSt6-5 7105 | 3 =3 evel of confidence (1-)= 39% of confide ce (4: 28K, Then <= 0.05 DZ 22.052 2:98 Naw, Soak ee jeer fants the cnftderce anbew: esti lation, oy 2 HH EK 4Z Ppaction fe 18 Face HERZ ED 1 9-AD6x TA gt 29.43.96 “ze A om + $92 peE03e Hence He Lewser Liraifs aed upper Limils of pypulbabion mean ye Ant 52-S4¢ and Fh £9 and 10.36 respecti : Sea random 5 le of stze 25 showed, 2 mean of 65 ‘ele well aie cleviabre. of 95 inches Delevan ae confulence tmferval for the mean of Hee. papulabin Giver, Sample stee (n)z 25. Sarnple meanl%)= 65 Sa ample. sbandard eulotion (Ss) 225 ctovel of confrdence (1-o)= 58 By - =0.598 aN Dax= 0.02 Con Kaci S ymat = Ay ogy 25-4 gan? St oo el | = thoy one ° = 2499 ff devel of contience mlowval, estimate of 5 Now ab, 95 1 opulethon, rae Kr Apt 8 Ho Kad nt S$ PAB Spee Kd it 8 OS — 2492 MES aE 65-42.492 x25 2 or, BI.S+¢ AwA42,4¢6 Hence the Lower Lwulls ; mean ge ae 52.54 oda aii populatin @. Ink resliabin JD Stondand, exon of sample ree = i= Ce 6 Wak £ uth ere, OL ane lenown| ; & = pein tere 1) Standod, enor of somple pag + rages es vibe Ore, rage Propordion ome al j Sarr nh wal Sondanch evo, of sample Uae) re om N bendock of comae Ak oh bi 26,N 2 PAben WS Omod. OF Sam] orton (p) TPE Ton Tf pand ?" Pop fe. [ee Gar ke an fe - Thdewal Rlimabin of papulodn, Prperhin(®) 43 Pre tS Pa Pt Zt R ST 13 chsenved, Dhad 23 successes sy ¥ andependent wr Compule 0% confidence whrval for population. ey Eien, no: of ndependend bial n)-¥y. noi of sucess (X) = WF So, Prportion of sucess (p= Xe = 3 9 TOE tera of confidence, (2-28) = “07 2 049 2% 25:90 ante Now yak 20% dove of confulon, the confelence mderral estimate 7 of populedons proportion ‘p18, ! : prAoct Sb = RA pth ok oy, 04-1665 % [PE 2 Ata. 65% [EE nr 5 x JOFKOE oy, Dp — 3065 x [D4 X06 OF 4406 « [ORE f x [Be tOs - oy 0,504 APA O96 - 4 4 Hence, dhe dooer and upper Limit of popubdlon prpecten WL D304 and O96 vespeckvelp dé LA random sanyale f 80 “fovm, 2, commun Seno cloael TE St en ered conft Limi} for the. prepertinn of smoker. Sol . Given, Papuledion stze(N) =%00 Sample spze (n)=30 : ‘woof avmoken (9 =30. Somple Propactin of srake(pinK = 30.2055 = 120.375 0.625 level, ofconfdence (1-01) = 997 =0.99 : => X=0. 01 : 22, = 2,015 2-58 i Now, ab 297 devel of tonftdenie , bhe compo amdewal eshimale ” chim p 4% ro ~ I uon- of pap” prpactn p48 Zaer'| FE RW APL p29, PE Nos . 2.58 x [9-395 X0, 625 [300-90 ZPZ 034549, : ony 0-375 x SPE KO RS [300-38 ZPA0545+2. S[osssninr 300-80 at, 0.95444 PZ 0.4953 300 the prorcbinice and appa dinth of population "pepo: ot creole, ane. {asad and oles respected, pbokilih vate ® Velewnnadion of Sample Stze (a) . ” Ok using smear lob a population of stze, N and dravolag a abe lebion with size v1. and, pspuletion- ood aban ev dance ol it theorem (C kT). = ZRaEK ole <= = (whee, Evrerl6}= F-w)) ——— Zo = ER ao ok, An SZ E 2 | N=/Z GS] ) By usin YD tion: — Lop a Sample ste (i) 4% dyeuon. $eorn the. P lection wrth populaten Proporbion (P) and, Fhe sample proparhin %8(p) Hhen,we have - Z=p-P 2 1 yh, =F = eM “'Loh-P eee (He) oa Zep om IN=/ Ze P Lele Tf Pond Game ulna fred ger Hos be P=Q20.5 Le roe tAs ation aland d. deuiadion Boho toge ea a be to scdhde P lation ‘meer tthe ™ n of ey not exceeding a5 f . SP eniven, cpuladin sbardarc| deviabin (6) =. , Eyer (6) = 0-5 levee of sipntficancl) = 0.06 Now, “Sample smetn)= (ZZ) E = [Zo.06x3 \* =] = 2 C582) = 138,99 mR 138, : Q3. The. principle ofa college wards. to estimate the ion. ge piel lis wale obra Se og size of A sample shold he select so ns tp ~have the a we of tion of Interested setudords rth ference of to ern of 40, ce abmosh coda? H 44 believed from previews records Heed tel prepactin of trderested students wes 0-50? cn BX ten Gosthen ma Brem( 6) = 3% aie od: fepuledion popodhi( Pls 0,30 se Q = 1-0.30 = 0.70 then, Since His 13 Lee se ofabnosd,cortalw'ty So we fale Z=3. Ney ay = [2sy- ro “ Eo“ = (Bas) X0:30X 0.79 = 195, Qs. A random re, 64-hae been dasa : populah on. waite 2 lod deviabron 20. the creer 8 nee Calculate 95 lence Lamp Ha Woo dot Bla wndlle 2 ork ap eee if cong Shee 48 286 Instead ? Ss 2H civen, Sample stee (n)= 64 fopulabion. phe caaleh (O)=20 Se Revel. of CP ee & na) 23846 > roe 1,96 ob 95% dove cf cnfderee Aa confidence aedewal sobok of populeclion mean ‘ye 92, K Zoe A HER AZ 5 gg om BO 1.96 x 20 oe =H 4B0+1.96% 20_ ae or, FSLA MAYS : Har fhe wile of cmbdone ankival ¢% eee "= 9.3 wh ws25£ thon 30-296 %.20_ 4 pe 8041 6% 20, AR6 PSF Or, FHSS oe Sf He width of cmfdonce -rmbrval agrees Hence. f we Inceage tho. size. oP cons in “aa of confidena, andbenit decreases, B20 4S

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