Letter To My Ates

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To My Ate Pusit

I want to give you this remembrance gift (not much but may u appreciate it), may you always remember
the happy side of life even though we are facing a lot of challenges in life. Thank you for all the
pasalubong(sorry I can’t reciprocate it huhu) , the fun memories! More coffee dates, bonding, late night
talks to come! Thank you for being our ATE even though just a short time I really felt the love of having a
big sister. May you always remember that I admire you a lot! I can see your care and love to everyone
around you. Always take care ate! Don’t forget that your thoughtfulness means a lot to us and to other
people! Don’t forget to take care of kuya Justin! He has a really really weak body haha. We can see that
he loves you so much, he is a gold! Haha keep him. We love you ate pusit and kuya Justin! See you soon!
We are just here one chat away if you need us. Don’t forget to rest and take good care of your health!
Especially your mental health, remember to always protect your peace! No matter what happens we will
always be by your side!

- Trisha 💜
To My Ate Jane

I want to give you this remembrance gift (not much but may u appreciate it) hello ate may you always
remember that you are loved! Even though sometimes you don’t feel that love, but always remember
that you are created out of love! Thank you ate for your pasalubongs, your smile, your love to us! Thank
you for being our sweet ate jane jane! I felt your sweetness and your love for me. I admire that in every
detail that I told you, you remember everything! Haha I appreciate you so much! Your smiles remind me
that there is hope in every day. Don’t forget to enjoy life and smile always! Be more patient as a bunso
lol your parents are relying on you that’s why, they love you so much! You are their baby haha. Anyway
see you soon! Don’t forget to take care of your body and don’t give up on pursuing your dreams! do
what makes you happy! we are so proud of you, always remember that! We love you ate Jane! We are
always here for you, we are just one chat away.

- Trisha 💜

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