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Lockdown during Covid 19 make your life so much harder

Absolutely that Covid 19 makes our life become so much suffering. These are some reasons why:

Firstly, Some of us are losing our works. Without job, we have no income at all and have to count on
charity money, but it’s just not enough. Everyone try to cut down meal and survie day by day. Covid 19
also makes whole country economy slow down too.

Secondly, we can not go outside and must do everything inside our home. That’s source of a lot of
inconveniences. Such as: I cannot hang out with my family, ralatives, friends, co-worker, customers,… It
make us a little stranger.

Thirdly, Without doing physical exercises and some outdoor entertainments, it makes us weaker and
some of us can get a mental problems like stress or something like that. Like me, I must do physical
exercises in house. And I found that it’s not as good as doing it outdoor.

To sum up, covid 19 epidemic totally change our life. I hope this epidemic will ends as soon as posible.
So we can get normal healthy life back.

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