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SS 590 : 2013
(ICS 67.020)


HACCP-based food safety management

systems – Requirements for any
organisations in the food chain

Published by
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SS 590 : 2013
(ICS 67.020)

HACCP-based food safety management systems –
Requirements for any organisations in the food

ISBN 978-981-4557-16-0
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SS 590 : 2013

This Singapore Standard was approved by the Food Standards Committee on behalf of the
Singapore Standards Council on 4 November 2013.

First published, 2014

The Food Standards Committee, appointed by the Standards Council, consists of the following

Name Capacity

Chairman : Mr Tan Khieng Sin Individual Capacity

1st Deputy
Chairman : Dr Chew Siang Thai Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore
2nd Deputy
Chairman : Mr Lim Kay Kong Prima Limited (Flour Mills)
Advisor : Dr Chua Sin Bin Individual Capacity
Secretary : Ms Tan Shiuh Ming Singapore Manufacturing Federation – Standards
Development Organisation
Members : Mr Johnny Ang GS1 Singapore Limited
Ms Lynn Chua Economic Development Board
Mr Sunny Koh Lai Hong Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Dr Lionel Lau Chin Leon Institute of Technical Education
Mr Melvin Lee SPRING Singapore
Dr Allan Lim Singapore Institute of Food Science and
Mr Lim Bak Seah Individual Capacity
Mrs Ngan-Loong Mann Na Singapore Polytechnic
Dr Ong Mei Horng Fraser & Neave Limited
Ms Linda Quek Individual Capacity
Ms Rani Sarmugam Health Promotion Board
Mr Anthony Say Tong Kin The Restaurant Association of Singapore
Mr Seah Seng Choon Consumers Association of Singapore
Mr Tam Yong Sheng International Enterprise Singapore
Ms Tan Boon Teng National Environment Agency
Ms Rosalind Tan SPRING Singapore
Mr Wong Mong Hong Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association
Dr Zhou Weibiao National University of Singapore

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SS 590 : 2013

The Technical Committee on the Development of a HACCP-based Food Safety Management System,
appointed by the Food Standards Committee and responsible for the preparation of this standard,
consists of representatives from the following organisations:

Name Capacity
Chairmen : Dr Lee Kim Lian Singapore Institute of Food Science and
Mr Chu Sin-I Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore
Secretary : Mr Edmund Tan Singapore Manufacturing Federation – Standards
Development Organisation
Members : Dr Beatrice Diono Nestle R&D Center (Pte) Ltd
Dr Lionel Lau Institute of Technical Education
Ms Lee Ham Eng Singapore Accreditation Council
Ms Ng Soon Huang DSM Singapore Industrial Pte Ltd
Ms Evelyn Ong Food Innovation & Resource Centre,
Singapore Polytechnic
Ms Linda Quek Individual Capacity
Ms Jenny Sng Individual Capacity
Ms Wong Chiu Ying National Environment Agency
Mr Wong Mong Hong Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association

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SS 590 : 2013

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SS 590 : 2013


National Foreword 7
0 Introduction 8
1 Scope 8
2 Normative reference 8
3 Definitions 8
4 Management responsibility 11
4.1 Management commitment 11
4.2 Food safety policy 11
4.3 Food safety management system 11
4.4 Tasks, responsibilities and authorities 11
4.5 Food safety team leader 11
4.6 Food safety team 12
4.7 Resources 12
4.8 Management review 12
4.9 Internal audit 13
4.10 Communication 13
5 System requirements 13
5.1 General 13
5.2 Planning and realisation of safe products 13
5.3 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs) 14
5.4 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis 14
5.5 Hazard analysis 16
5.6 Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes (PRPs) 17
5.7 Establishing the HACCP plan 17
5.8 Traceability system 20
5.9 Control of nonconformity 21
5.10 Handling of potentially unsafe products 21
5.11 Withdrawals/recall 22
6 Validation and verification 23
6.1 Validation 23
6.2 Validation of control measure combinations 23
6.3 Verification 23
7 Control of monitoring and measuring 24
8 Updating the food safety management system 25
9 Documentation requirements 25
9.1 General 25

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SS 590 : 2013


9.2 Food safety management system manual 25

9.3 Control of documents 25
9.4 Control of records 26
10 Continual improvement 26

A Cross references between SS 590 : 2013 and SAC HACCP Document 2 27
B Deviations between SS 590 : 2013 and SAC HACCP Document 2 30
C Cross references between SS 590 : 2013 and ISO 22000 : 2005 35
D Deviations between SS 590 : 2013 and ISO 22000 : 2005 38

1 Example of a decision tree to identify CCP 19

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SS 590 : 2013

National Foreword

This Singapore Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on the Development of a Food
Safety Management System under the direction of the Food Standards Committee. This standard
replaces SAC HACCP Document No 2 – Management of food safety based on HACCP (Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point) – Requirements for a HACCP-based food management system,
for use by food organisations, particularly by small and medium-sized food organisations, as an
“intermediate standard” to attain ISO 22000 standard.

The difference in clauses between SAC HACCP Document No 2 and the Singapore Standard can be
found in Annex A, for comparison and cross referencing purposes. The table on the deviation of
clauses between the two abovementioned documents can be found in Annex B.

This Singapore Standard is a modified adoption of ISO 22000: 2005 – ‘Food safety management
systems - Requirements for any organisation in the food chain’. The standard has been redrafted to
ensure its practicability for implementation by small and medium food organisations. The details on
the references drawn from the ISO 22000 to the Singapore Standard can be identified in Annex C and
the deviations between the ISO and national standard are explained in Annex D.

This Singapore Standard also takes reference from the Codex Alimentarius : General Principles of
Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969 (Rev. 4-2003).

Acknowledgement is made for the use of information from the above publications.

Certification bodies that wish to use this standard to certify food organisations must be accredited by
the Singapore Accreditation Council for compliance with ISO/IEC 17021, the IAF Guidance, and SAC
HACCP Document No 1 ‒ Requirements for HACCP auditing methodology and criteria for auditors.

Food organisations that wish to seek certification are required to implement the requirements of this

The accreditation scheme for certification bodies is managed by the Singapore Accreditation Council.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Singapore Standard may be the
subject of patent rights. Enterprise Singapore shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all of
such patent rights.

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SS 590 : 2013

HACCP-based food safety management systems – Requirements

for any organisations in the food chain

0 Introduction
This standard specifies generic requirements for a food safety management system.

This standard does not contain requirements on legislation and contracts with customer. These
legislative requirements and contract arrangements shall be observed by the individual food

1 Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for a HACCP-based food safety management system (FSMS).
The standard is for use in the set up and audit of an operational FSMS. The scope covers any food
organisation in the food chain which includes, but is not limited to, the following activities: sourcing,
preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, handling or
offering for sale or supply in any sector of the food chain.

The requirements are applicable to all food organisations which wish to design and implement an
effective food safety management system, regardless of type, size, product and complexity.

A food organisation is hereinafter referred to as the organisation.

2 Normative reference
Codex Alimentarius: General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969 (Rev. 4- 2003).

3 Definitions
For the purpose of this Singapore Standard, the following definitions shall apply. For terms that are
not defined in this standard, the definitions given in ISO 22000 : 2005 and Codex Alimentarius:
General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969 (Rev 4-2003) or their subsequent updates
shall apply.

3.1 Food safety

Concept that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to
its intended use.

NOTE – Food safety is related to the occurrence of food safety hazards (3.3) and does not include other human
health aspects related to, for example, malnutrition.

3.2 Food chain

Sequence of the stages and operations involved in the production, processing, distribution, storage
and handling of a food and its ingredients, from primary production to consumption.

NOTE 1 – This includes the production of feed for food-producing animals and for animals intended for food

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SS 590 : 2013

NOTE 2 – The food chain also includes the production of materials intended to come into contact with food or raw

3.3 Food safety hazard

Biological, chemical or physical agent in food, or condition of food, with the potential to cause an
adverse health effect.

NOTE 1 – The term “hazard” is not to be confused with the term “risk” which, in the context of food safety, means
a function of the probability of an adverse health effect (e.g. becoming diseased) and the severity of that effect
(death, hospitalisation, absence from work, etc.) when exposed to a specified hazard. Risk is defined in ISO/IEC
Guide 51 as the combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm.

NOTE 2 – Food safety hazards include allergens.

NOTE 3 – In the context of feed and feed ingredients, relevant food safety hazards are those that may be present
in and/or on feed and feed ingredients and that may subsequently be transferred to food through animal
consumption of feed and may thus having the potential to cause an adverse human health effect. In the context
of operations other than those directly handling feed and food (e.g. producers of packaging materials, cleaning
agents, etc.), relevant food safety hazards are those hazards that can be directly or indirectly transferred to food
because of the intended use of the provided products and/or services and thus can have the potential to cause an
adverse human health effect.

3.4 Food safety policy

Overall intentions and direction of an organisation related to food safety (3.1) as formally expressed
by top management.

3.5 End product

Product that will undergo no further processing or transformation by the organisation.

NOTE – A product that undergoes further processing or transformation by another organisation is an end product
in the context of the first organisation and a raw material or an ingredient in the context of the second

3.6 Flow diagram

Schematic and systematic presentation of the sequence and interactions of steps.

3.7 Control measure

(Food safety) action or activity that can be used to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard (3.3) or
reduce it to an acceptable level.

3.8 Prerequisite programme (PRP)

(Food safety) basic conditions and activities that are necessary to maintain a hygienic environment
throughout the food chain (3.2) suitable for the production, handling and provision of safe end
products (3.5) and safe food for human consumption.

NOTE – The PRPs needed depend on the segment of the food chain in which the organisation operates and the
type of organisation. Examples of equivalent terms are: Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), Good Veterinarian
Practice (GVP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Hygienic Practice (GHP), Good Production Practice
(GPP), Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and Good Trading Practice (GTP).

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SS 590 : 2013

3.9 Operational prerequisite programme (Operational PRP)

PRP (3.8) identified by the hazard analysis as essential in order to control the likelihood of introducing
food safety hazards (3.3) to and/or the contamination or proliferation of food safety hazards into the
product(s) or in the processing environment.

3.10 Critical control point (CCP)

(Food safety) step at which control can be applied and is essential to prevent or eliminate a food
safety hazard (3.3) or reduce it to an acceptable level.

3.11 Critical limit

Criterion which separates acceptability from unacceptability.

NOTE – Critical limits are established to determine whether a CCP (3.10) remains in control. If a critical limit is
exceeded or violated, the products affected are deemed to be potentially unsafe.

3.12 Monitoring

Conducting a planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess whether control

measures (3.7) are operating as intended.

3.13 Correction

Action to eliminate a detected nonconformity.

NOTE 1 – For the purposes of this Standard, a correction relates to the handling of potentially unsafe products,
and can therefore be made in conjunction with a corrective action (3.14).

NOTE 2 – A correction may be, for example, reprocessing, further processing, and/or elimination of the adverse
consequences of the nonconformity (such as disposal for other use or specific labelling).

3.14 Corrective action

Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation.

NOTE 1 – There can be more than one cause for a nonconformity.

NOTE 2 – Corrective action includes cause analysis and is taken to prevent recurrence.

3.15 Validation

(Food safety) obtaining evidence that the control measures (3.7) managed by the HACCP plan and
by the operational PRPs (3.9) are capable of being effective.

3.16 Verification

Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been

3.17 Updating

Immediate and/or planned activity to ensure application of the most recent information.

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SS 590 : 2013

4 Management responsibility

4.1 Management commitment

Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of
the food safety management system and to continually improve its effectiveness.

4.2 Food safety policy

Top management shall define, document and communicate its food safety policy.

The policy shall be

a) able to demonstrate its commitment to safe food;
b) appropriate to the role of the organisation;
c) focused on safety of foodstuff and respond to the needs of its customers and consumers;
d) supported by measurable objectives to ensure and improve food safety; and
e) reviewed for continued suitability.

Top management shall ensure that the policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels
in the organisation.

4.3 Food safety management system

Top management shall define the scope of the food safety management system.

The scope shall comprise that part of the food chain and those activities of the food business for
which the organisation is responsible and can be held liable.

The scope shall specify the products or product categories, processes and production sites that are
addressed by the food safety management system.

Where an organisation chooses to outsource any process that may affect end product conformity, the
organisation shall ensure control over such processes. Control of such outsourced processes shall
be identified and documented within the food safety management system.

4.4 Tasks, responsibilities and authorities

Top management shall ensure that responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated
within the organisation to ensure the effective operation and maintenance of the food safety
management system.

All personnel shall have responsibility to report problems with the food safety management system to
identified person(s). Designated personnel shall have defined responsibility and authority to initiate
and record actions.

4.5 Food safety team leader

Top management shall appoint an appropriate member of staff, who, irrespective of other
responsibilities, shall have responsibilities and authorities that include:
a) managing a food safety team (4.6) and organizing its work;
b) ensuring that processes needed for the food safety management system are established,
implemented, maintained and updated;
c) ensuring relevant training and education of the food safety team members (4.6);
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SS 590 : 2013

d) reporting to top management on the performance of the food safety management system and
any need for improvement; and
e) ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the organisation.

4.6 Food safety team

Top management shall appoint a food safety team whose role is to establish, develop, maintain and
review the food safety management system.

The food safety team shall be able to demonstrate its knowledge, expertise and different disciplines
available, required for the role.

Minimum qualification criteria, including required expertise, shall be defined and documented for all
members of the food safety team.

In addition, the knowledge, experience, assignment of tasks, responsibilities and authorities of all
team members shall be documented.

4.7 Resources

Top management shall examine the requests and provide, in a timely manner, the resources needed
by the food safety team to develop, implement, maintain and update the food safety management

When corrective actions, verification results or customers indicate that operational improvements are
necessary, the top management shall examine the issues and, where appropriate, provide adequate
resources for improvement.

4.8 Management review

Top management shall review the food safety management system, at planned intervals, of no more
than 12 months, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.

The review shall evaluate the need for changes to the food safety management system, including
food safety, policy and objectives.

The review shall provide evidence of the management commitment to improve the food safety
management system and its performance.

Records of such a review shall be maintained.

4.8.1 Review input

The input to management review shall include all the information necessary to produce the required
review output (4.8.2).

4.8.2 Review output

The output from the management review shall include decisions and actions related to:
a) assurance of food safety;
b) improvement of the effectiveness of the food safety management system;
c) resource needs; and
d) revisions of the organisation's food safety policy and related objectives.

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SS 590 : 2013

4.9 Internal audit

The organisation shall conduct internal audits at planned intervals, of no more than 12 months, to
determine whether the food safety management system
a) conforms with the planned arrangements for the internal audit(s);
b) conforms to the requirements of this standard;
c) conforms to the food safety management system requirements established by the
organisation; and
d) is effectively implemented and maintained.

An audit programme shall be planned, taking into consideration the status and importance of the
processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of the previous audits. The audit criteria,
scope, frequency and methods shall be defined. Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall
ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process. Auditors shall not audit their own work.

The responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits, and for reporting results
and maintaining records shall be defined in a documented procedure.

The management responsible for the area being audited shall ensure that actions are taken without
undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformity and their causes. Follow up activities shall include
the verification of the actions taken and the reporting of the verification results.

4.10 Communication

4.10.1 External communication

The organisation shall establish effective arrangements for communicating with suppliers, customers,
regulatory authorities, and other relevant organisations that have an impact on, or will be affected by,
the effectiveness or updating of the food safety management system, on issues having an impact on
food safety.

4.10.2 Internal communication

The organisation shall establish effective arrangements for communicating with personnel on issues
having an impact on food safety to ensure that the effectiveness of the food safety management
system is maintained.

5 System requirements

5.1 General

The organisation shall establish, document, implement and maintain an effective food safety
management system and update it when necessary in accordance with the requirements of this

5.2 Planning and realisation of safe products

The organisation shall plan and develop the processes needed for the realisation of safe products.

The organisation shall implement, operate and ensure the effectiveness of the planned activities and
any changes to those activities. This includes PRP(s) as well as operational PRP(s) and/or the
HACCP plan.

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SS 590 : 2013

5.3 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)

The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain PRP(s) to assist in controlling:
a) the possibility of introducing food safety hazards to the product through the work and
processing environment;
b) biological, chemical and physical contamination of the product(s), including cross
contamination between products; and
c) food safety hazard levels inherent in the product.

The PRP(s) shall be:

a) appropriate to the organisational needs with regard to food safety,
b) appropriate to the operation and the nature of the products being manufactured and/or
c) implemented across the entire production system, either as programmes applicable in
general or as programmes applicable to a particular product or operational line; and
d) approved by the food safety team.

The organisation shall consider the following when establishing these programmes:
a) site location, construction and layout of buildings;
b) layout of premises, including workspace and employee facilities;
c) supplies of air, water, energy and other utilities;
d) supporting services (including purchased services);
e) the suitability of equipment and its accessibility for cleaning, maintenance and preventative
f) management of purchased materials (e.g. raw materials, ingredients, chemicals and
packaging), and handling of products (e.g. storage and transportation);
g) measures for the prevention of cross contamination;
h) cleaning and sanitizing;
i) pest control;
j) personnel hygiene; and
k) other aspects as appropriate.

Verification of PRP(s) shall be planned and PRP(s) shall be modified as necessary. Records of
verifications and modifications shall be maintained.

Documents should specify how activities included in the PRP(s) are managed.

5.4 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis

5.4.1 General

All relevant information needed to conduct the hazard analysis shall be collected, maintained,
updated and documented. Records shall be maintained.

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SS 590 : 2013

5.4.2 Product characteristics Raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials

All raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials shall be described in documents to the
extent needed, to conduct the hazard analysis (5.5), including the following, as appropriate:

a) biological, chemical and physical characteristics;

b) composition of formulated ingredients, including additives and processing aids;
c) origin;
d) method of production;
e) packaging and delivery methods;
f) storage conditions and shelf life;
g) preparation and/or handling before use or processing; and
h) food safety-related acceptance criteria or specifications of purchased materials and
ingredients appropriate to their intended uses. Characteristics of end products

The characteristics of end products shall be described in documents to the extent needed, to conduct
the hazard analysis (5.5), including information on the following, as appropriate:

a) product name or similar identification;

b) composition;
c) biological, chemical and physical characteristics relevant for food safety;
d) intended shelf life and storage conditions;
e) packaging;
f) labeling instructions for handling, preparation, usage and storage; and
g) method(s) of distribution.

5.4.3 Intended use

The intended use, the reasonably expected handling of the end product, and any unintended but
reasonably expected mishandling and misuse of the end product shall be considered and shall be
described in documents to the extent needed to conduct the hazard analysis (5.5).

Groups of users and, where appropriate, groups of consumers shall be identified for each product,
and consumer groups known to be especially vulnerable to specific food safety hazards shall be

5.4.4 Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures Flow diagrams

Flow diagrams shall be prepared for the products or process categories covered by the food safety
management system. Flow diagrams shall provide a basis for evaluating the possible occurrence,
increase or introduction to food safety hazards.

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SS 590 : 2013

Flow diagrams shall be clear, accurate and sufficiently detailed. Flow diagrams shall, as appropriate,
include the following:
a) the sequence and interaction of all steps in the operation;
b) any outsourced processes and subcontracted work;
c) where raw materials, ingredients and intermediate products enter the flow;
d) where reworking and recycling take place; and
e) where end products, intermediate products, by-products and waste are released or removed.

The food safety team shall verify the accuracy of the flow diagrams by on-site checking. Verified flow
diagrams shall be maintained as records. Description of process steps and control measures

The existing control measures, process parameters and/or the rigorousness with which they to be
applied, or procedures that may influence food safety, shall be described to the extent needed to
conduct the hazard analysis (5.5).
External requirements (e.g. from regulatory authorities or customers) that may impact the choice and
the rigorousness of the control measures shall also be described.

5.5 Hazard analysis

The food safety team shall conduct a hazard analysis to identify, analyse and evaluate all potential
(biological, chemical and physical) hazards that can have an adverse effect on the safety of the
products and to determine which hazards need to be controlled, the degree of control required to
ensure food safety, and which combination of control measures is required.

5.5.1 Hazard identification and determination of acceptable levels

All food safety hazards that are reasonably expected to occur in relation to the type of product, type of
process and actual processing facilities shall be identified and recorded. The identification shall be
based on:
a) the preliminary information and data collected according to 5.4;
b) past processing and product experiences;
c) external information including, to the extent possible, epidemiological and other historical
data; and
d) relevant information from the food chain on food safety hazards.

The step(s) (from raw materials, processing and distribution) at which each food safety hazard may
be introduced shall be indicated.

When identifying the hazards, consideration shall be given to:

a) the steps preceding and following the specified operation;
b) the process equipment, utilities/services and environment; and
c) the preceding and following links in the food chain.

For each of the food safety hazards identified, the acceptable level of the food safety hazard in the
end product shall be determined whenever possible. The justification for, and the result of, the
determination shall be recorded.

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SS 590 : 2013

5.5.2 Hazard assessment

A hazard assessment shall be conducted to determine, for each food safety hazard identified (5.5.1),
whether its elimination or reduction to acceptable levels is essential to the production of a safe food
and whether its control is needed to ensure that the defined acceptable levels to be met.

Each food safety hazard shall be evaluated according to the possible severity of adverse health
effects and the likelihood of their occurrence. The methodology used shall be described and the
results of the food safety hazard assessment shall be recorded.

5.5.3 Selection and assessment of control measures

Based on the hazard assessment of 5.5.2, an appropriate combination of control measures shall be
selected which is capable of preventing, eliminating or reducing these food safety hazards to defined
acceptable levels.

In this selection, each of the control measures as described in shall be reviewed with respect
to its effectiveness against the identified food safety hazards.

The control measures selected shall be categorised as to whether they need to be managed through
operational PRP(s) or by the HACCP plan.

Control measures categorised as belonging to the HACCP plan shall be implemented in accordance
with 5.7. Other control measures shall be implemented as operational PRPs according to 5.6.

The methodology and parameters used for this categorisation shall be described in documents and
the results of the assessment shall be recorded.

5.6 Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes (PRPs)

The operational PRPs shall be documented and shall include the following information for each
a) food safety hazard(s) to be controlled by the programme (5.5.3);
b) control measure(s) (5.5.3);
c) monitoring procedures that demonstrate that the operational PRPs are implemented;
d) corrections and corrective actions to be taken if monitoring shows that the operational PRPs
are not in control (5.9.1 and 5.9.2, respectively);
e) responsibilities and authorities; and
f) record (s) of monitoring.

5.7 Establishing the HACCP plan

5.7.1 HACCP plan

The HACCP plan shall be documented and shall include the following information for each identified
critical control point (CCP):
a) food safety hazard(s) to be controlled at the CCP (5.5.3);
b) control measure(s) (5.5.3)
c) critical limit(s) (5.7.3);
d) monitoring procedure(s) (5.7.4);

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SS 590 : 2013

e) corrections and corrective action(s) to be taken if critical limits are exceeded (5.7.5);
f) sponsibilities and authorities; and
g) record (s) of monitoring.

5.7.2 Identification of critical control points (CCPs)

For each hazard that is to be controlled by the HACCP plan, CCP(s) shall be identified for the control
measures identified (5.5.3).

There may be more than one CCP at which control is applied to address the same hazard. The
determination of a CCP in the HACCP system can be facilitated by the application of a decision tree,
which uses a logic reasoning approach. Application of a decision tree should be flexible, given
whether the operation is for production, slaughter, processing, storage, distribution or other. It should
be used for guidance when determining CCPs. This example of a decision tree may not be
applicable to all situations. Other approaches may be used. Training in the application of the
decision tree is recommended.

If a hazard has been identified at a step where control is necessary for safety and no control measure
exists at that step, or any other, then the product or process should be modified at that step, or at any
earlier or later stage, to include a control measure.

The following diagram - figure 1, adapted from Codex, is an example of the decision tree to identify
critical control points.

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Figure 1 – Example of a decision tree to identify critical control points (CCPs)

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5.7.3 Determination of critical limits for critical control points

Critical limits shall be determined for the monitoring established for each CCP.

Critical limits shall be established to ensure that the identified acceptable level of the food safety
hazard in the end product (5.5.1) is not exceeded.

Critical limits shall be measurable.

The rationale for the chosen critical limits shall be documented.

5.7.4 System for the monitoring of critical control points

A monitoring system shall be established for each CCP to demonstrate that the CCP is in control.
The system shall include all scheduled measurements or observations relative to the critical limit(s).

The monitoring system shall consist of relevant procedures, instructions and records that cover the
a) measurements or observations that provide results within an adequate timeframe;
b) monitoring devices used;
c) applicable calibration methods (7);
d) monitoring frequency;
e) responsibility and authority related to monitoring and evaluation of monitoring results; and
f) record requirements and methods.

The monitoring methods and frequency shall be capable of determining when the critical limits have
been exceeded in time for the product to be isolated before it is released.

5.7.5 Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits

Planned corrections and corrective actions to be taken when critical limits are exceeded shall be
specified in the HACCP plan. The actions shall ensure that the cause of nonconformity is identified,
that the parameter(s) controlled at the CCP is (are) brought back under control, and that recurrence is
prevented (5.9.2).

Documented procedures shall be established and maintained for the appropriate handling of
potentially unsafe products to ensure that they are not released until they have been evaluated.

5.8 Traceability system

The organisation shall establish and apply a traceability system that enables the identification of
product lots and their relation to batches of raw materials, processing and delivery records.

The traceability system shall be able to identify incoming materials from the immediate suppliers and
the initial distribution route of the end product.

Traceability records shall be maintained for a defined period for system assessment to enable the
handling of potentially unsafe products and in the event of product withdrawal/recall.

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5.9 Control of nonconformity

5.9.1 Corrections

The organisation shall ensure that when critical limits for CCP(s) are exceeded (5.7.5), or there is a
loss of control of operational PRP(s), the products affected are identified and controlled with regard to
their use and release.

A documented procedure shall be established and maintained defining:

a) the identification and assessment of affected end products to determine their proper handling
(5.10); and
b) a review of the corrections carried out.

Products manufactured under conditions where critical limits have been exceeded are potentially
unsafe products and shall be handled in accordance with 5.10. Products manufactured under
conditions where operational PRP(s) have not been conformed with, shall be evaluated with respect
to the cause(s) of the nonconformity and to the consequences thereof in terms of food safety and
shall, where necessary, be handled in accordance with 5.10. The evaluation shall be recorded.

All corrections shall be approved by the responsible person(s), and shall be recorded together with
information on the nature of the nonconformity, its cause(s) and consequence(s), including
information needed for traceability purposes related to the nonconformity lots.

5.9.2 Corrective actions

Data derived from the monitoring of operational PRPs and CCPs shall be evaluated by designated
person(s) with sufficient knowledge and authority to initiate corrective actions.

Corrective actions shall be initiated when critical limits are exceeded (5.7.5) or when there is a lack of
conformity with operational PRP(s).

The organisation shall establish and maintain documented procedures that specify appropriate
actions to identify and eliminate the cause(s) of detected nonconformities, to prevent recurrence, and
to bring the process or system back into control after nonconformity is encountered. These actions
a) reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints);
b) reviewing trends in monitoring results that may indicate development towards loss of control;
c) determining the cause(s) of nonconformities;
d) evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur;
e) determining and implementing the actions needed
f) recording the results of corrective actions taken; and
g) reviewing corrective actions taken to ensure that they are effective.

Corrective actions shall be recorded.

5.10 Handling of potentially unsafe products

5.10.1 General

The organisation shall handle nonconforming products by taking action(s) to prevent the
nonconforming product from entering the food chain unless it is possible to ensure that

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a) the food safety hazard(s) of concern has(ve) been reduced to the defined acceptable levels;
b) the food safety hazard(s) of concern will be reduced to identified acceptable levels (5.5.1)
prior to entering into the food chain; or
c) the product still meets the defined acceptable level(s) of the food safety hazard(s) of concern,
despite the nonconformity.

All lots of product that may have been affected by a nonconforming situation shall be held under
control of the organisation until they have been evaluated.

If products that have left the control of the organisation are subsequently determined to be unsafe, the
organisation shall notify relevant interested parties and initiate a withdrawal/recall (5.11).

The controls and related responses and authorisation for dealing with potentially unsafe products
shall be documented.

5.10.2 Evaluation for release

Each lot of product affected by the nonconformity shall only be released as safe, when any of the
following conditions apply:
a) evidence other than the monitoring system demonstrates that the control measures have
been effective;
b) evidence shows that the combined effect of the control measures for that particular product
complies with the performance intended (i.e. identified acceptable levels as identified in
accordance with 5.5.1); or
c) the results of sampling, analysis and/or other verification activities demonstrate that the
affected lot of product complies with the identified acceptable levels for the food safety
hazard(s) concerned.

5.10.3 Disposal of nonconforming products

Following evaluation, if a lot of product is not acceptable for release, it shall be handled by one of the
following activities:
a) reprocessing or further processing within or outside the organisation to ensure that the food
safety hazard is eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels; or
b) destruction and/or disposal as waste.

5.11 Withdrawals/Recall

To enable and facilitate the complete and timely withdrawal of lots of end products which have been
identified as unsafe:
a) top management shall appoint personnel having the authority to initiate a withdrawal and
personnel responsible for executing the withdrawal; and
b) the organisation shall establish and maintain a documented procedure for the sequence of
actions to be taken including:
1) notification to relevant interested parties (e.g. statutory and regulatory authorities,
customers and/or consumers); and
2) handling of withdrawn products as well as affected lots of the products still in stock,

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The cause, extent and result of a withdrawal shall be recorded and reported to top management as
input to the management review (4.8.1).

The organisation shall verify and record the effectiveness of the withdrawal programme through the
use of appropriate techniques (e.g. mock withdrawal).

6 Validation and verification

6.1 Validation

The food safety team shall plan and implement the processes needed to validate control measures
and/or control measure combinations to verify and improve the food safety management system.

6.2 Validation of control measure combinations

Prior to implementation of control measures to be included in operational PRP(s) and the HACCP
plan and after any change therein (8), the organisation shall validate (3.15) that:
a) the selected control measures are capable of achieving the intended control of the food
safety hazard(s) for which they are designated; and
b) the control measures are effective and capable of, in combination, ensuring control of the
identified food safety hazard(s) to obtain end products that meet the defined acceptable levels.

If the result of the validation shows that one or both of the above elements cannot be confirmed, the
control measure and/or combinations thereof shall be modified and re-assessed (5.5.3).

Modifications may include, but not be limited to, changes in control measures such as process
parameters, rigorousness and/or their combination.

6.3 Verification

The organisation shall establish, document and implement procedures for verification of the Food
Safety Management System.

6.3.1 Verification planning

Verification planning shall define the purpose, methods, frequencies and responsibilities for the
verification activities. The verification activities shall confirm that:
a) the PRP(s) are implemented (5.3);
b) input to the hazard analysis (5.4) is continually updated;
c) the operational PRP(s) (5.6) and the elements within the HACCP plan (5.7.1) are
implemented and effective;
d) hazard levels are within identified acceptable levels (5.5.1); and
e) other procedures required by the organisation are implemented and effective.

Verification results shall be recorded and shall be communicated to the food safety team. Verification
results shall be provided to enable the analysis of the results of the verification activities (6.4).

If system verification is based on testing of end product samples, and where such test samples show
nonconformity with the acceptable level of the food safety hazard (5.5.1), the affected lots of the
product shall be handled as potentially unsafe, in accordance with 5.10.

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6.3.2 Evaluation of individual verification results

The food safety team shall systematically evaluate the individual results of planned verification (6.3.1).

If verification does not demonstrate conformity with the planned arrangements, the organisation shall
take action to achieve the required conformity.

6.3.3 Analysis of results of verification activities

The food safety team shall analyse the results of verification activities, including the results of the
internal audits (4.9) and external audits. The analysis shall be carried out in order:
a) to confirm that the overall performance of the system meets the planned arrangements and
the food safety management system requirements established by the organisation;
b) to identify the need for updating or improving the food safety management system;
c) to identify trends which indicate a higher incidence of potentially unsafe products;
d) to establish information for planning of the internal audit programme concerning the status
and importance of areas to be audited; and
e) to provide evidence that any corrections and corrective actions that have been taken are

The results of the analysis and the resulting activities shall be recorded and reported to top
management as input to the management review (4.8.1). It shall also be used as an input for
updating the food safety management system (8).

7 Control of monitoring and measuring

The organisation shall provide evidence that the specified monitoring and measuring methods and
equipment are adequate to ensure the performance of the monitoring and measuring procedures.

Where necessary, to ensure valid results, the measuring equipment and methods used:
a) shall be calibrated or verified at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement
standards traceable to international or national measurement standards and where no such
standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be recorded;
b) shall be adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary;
c) shall be identified to enable the calibration status to be determined;
d) shall be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement results and
e) shall be protected from damage and deterioration.

Records of the results of calibration and verification shall be maintained.

In addition, the organisation shall assess the validity of the previous measurement results when the
equipment or process is found not to conform to requirements. If the measuring equipment is
nonconforming, the organisation shall take action appropriate for the equipment and any product
affected. Records of such assessment and resulting actions shall be maintained.

When used in the monitoring and measurement of specified requirements, the ability of computer
software to satisfy the intended application shall be confirmed. This shall be undertaken prior to initial
use and shall be reconfirmed as necessary.

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8 Updating the food safety management system

Top management shall ensure that the food safety management system is continually updated.

In order to achieve this, the food safety team shall evaluate the food safety management system at
planned intervals. The team shall then consider whether it is necessary to review the hazard analysis
(5.5), the established operational PRP(s) (5.6) and the HACCP plan (5.7.1).

The evaluation and updating activities shall be based on:

a) input from communication, external as well as internal, as stated in 4.10;
b) input from other information concerning the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the food
safety management system;
c) output from the analysis of results of verification activities (6.4); and
d) output from management review (4.8.2).

System updating activities shall be recorded and reported, in an appropriate manner, as input to the
management review (4.8.1).

9 Documentation requirements

9.1 General

The food safety management system documentation shall include:

a) documented statements of a food safety policy and related objectives(4.1);
b) a food safety management system manual;
c) documented procedures and records required by this standard; and
d) documents needed by the organisation to ensure the effective development, implementation
and updating of the food safety management system.

9.2 Food safety management system manual

The organisation shall establish and maintain a manual that includes:

a) the food safety policy of the organisation;
b) the scope of the food safety management system;
c) the documented specifications, procedures and instructions established for the food safety
management system and/or reference to them; and
d) a description of the interaction between the processes of the food safety management

9.3 Control of documents

Documents required by the food safety management system shall be controlled.

Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled according to the requirements given
in 9.4.

The controls shall ensure that all proposed changes are reviewed prior to implementation to
determine their effects on food safety and their impact on the food safety management system.

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A documented procedure shall be established to define the controls needed to:

a) approve documents for adequacy, prior to issue;
b) review and update documents as necessary and re-approve documents;
c) ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified;
d) ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
e) ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
f) ensure that relevant documents of external origin are identified and their distribution
controlled ; and
g) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to ensure that they are suitably
identified as such, if they are retained for any purpose.

9.4 Control of records

Records shall be established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and
evidence of the effective operation of the food safety management system.

Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable.

A documented procedure shall be established to define the controls needed for the identification,
storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records.

10 Continual improvement
Top management shall ensure that the organisation continually improves the effectiveness of the food
safety management system through the use of communication (4.10), management review ( 4,8),
internal audit (4.9), evaluation of individual verification results (6.3.2), analysis of results of verification
activities (6.4), validation of control measure combinations (6.2), corrective actions (5.9.2) and food
safety management system updating (8).

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Annex A

Cross reference between SS 590 : 2013 and SAC HACCP Document No 2*

SS 590 : 2013 SAC HACCP Document No 2

Introduction 0 Introduction
Scope 1 1 Scope of application
Normative references 2 2 Reference Publications
Definitions 3 3 Definitions
Food safety 3.1
Food chain 3.2
Food safety hazard 3.3 3.5 Food safety hazard
Food safety policy 3.4
End product 3.5
Flow diagram 3.6
Control measure 3.7 3.4 Control measure
PRP – prerequisite programme 3.8 3.1 Pre-requisite Programme (PRP)
Operational PRP – operational prerequisite programme 3.9
CCP – critical control point 3.10
Critical limit 3.11
Monitoring 3.12
Correction 3.13
Corrective action 3.14
Validation 3.15
Verification 3.16
Updating 3.17
3.2 General control measure
3.3 Specific control measure
Management responsibility 4 4 Management responsibility
Management commitment 4.1
Food safety policy 4.2 4.1 Food safety policy
Food safety management system 4.3 4.2 Scope of the HACCP system
Tasks, responsibilities and authorities 4.4 4.3 Tasks, responsibilities and authorities

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SS 590 : 2013 SAC HACCP Document No 2

Food safety team leader 4.5 4.4 HACCP management representative
Food safety team 4.6 4.5 HACCP team(s)
Resources 4.7 4.6 Resources
Management review 4.8 4.7 Management review
Review input 4.8.1
Review output 4.8.2
Internal audit 4.9 4.8 Internal audit
Communication 4.10
External communication 4.10.1
Internal communication 4.10.2
System requirements 5 5 System requirements
General 5.1 5.1 General
Planning and realisation of safe products 5.2
Prerequisite programmes (PRPs) 5.3 5.3 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis 5.4
General 5.4.1
Product characteristics 5.4.2
Raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials
Characteristics of end products
Intended use 5.4.3
Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures 5.4.4
Flow diagrams
Description of process steps and control measures
Hazard analysis 5.5 5.2 HACCP analysis
Hazard identification and determination of acceptable levels 5.5.1
Hazard assessment 5.5.2
Selection and assessment of control measures 5.5.3
Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes (PRPs) 5.6
Establishing the HACCP plan 5.7
HACCP plan 5.7.1
Identification of critical control points (CCPs) 5.7.2
Determination of critical limits for critical control points 5.7.3
System for the monitoring of critical control points 5.7.4
Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits 5.7.5
Traceability system 5.8
Control of nonconformity 5.9
Corrections 5.9.1

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SS 590 : 2013 SAC HACCP Document No 2

Corrective actions 5.9.2
Handling of potentially unsafe products 5.10
General 5.10.1
Evaluation for release 5.10.2
Disposal of nonconforming products 5.10.3
Withdrawals/ Recall 5.11
6 Guidelines for the Application of the HACCP System
Validation and verification 6 7 Validation and verification
Validation 6.1 7.1 Validation
Validation of control measures combinations 6.2
Verification 6.3 7.2 Verification
Verification planning 6.3.1
Evaluation of individual verification results 6.3.2
Analysis of results of verification activities 6.3.3
Control of monitoring and measuring 7 8 Monitoring and measuring
Updating the food safety management system 8
Documentation requirements 9 9 Documentation requirements
General 9.1 9.1 General
Food safety management system manual 9.2 9.2 HACCP manual
Control of documents 9.3 9.3 Control of documents
Control of records 9.4 9.4 Control of records
Continual improvement 10
* SAC HACCP Document No 2 – Management of food safety based on HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point) – Requirements for a HACCP-based food
management system

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Annex B

Deviations between SS 590 : 2013 and SAC HACCP Document No. 2

(see also Annex A for cross referencing of clauses)

SAC HACCP Doc 2 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

Introduction 0 Introduction Introduction was modified as follows; For a), the introduction of
requirements was simplified for
a) Deleted paragraphs 1, 3 and 5; user’s understanding. For b), the
requirement was deleted to give
b) Deleted second sentence of paragraph 2. emphasis on technical
requirements of the Singapore

1 Scope of application 1 Scope Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Scope of application were deleted. Added relevant descriptions for
ease of local implementation.

2 Reference publication 2 Normative Clause 2 was deleted and rewritten. Change of normative reference to
references Codex Alimentarius standard in
the Singapore Standard.

3 Definitions 3 Definitions Clause 3 was deleted and rewritten. Used all definitions from ISO
22000 for alignment and
consistency to provide greater
clarity for user.

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SAC HACCP Doc 2 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

4.1 Food safety policy 4.2 4.1 was modified as follows; For a), relevant corresponding
requirements (5.2) from ISO
a) Deleted paragraph 1, items b) and c) of 4.1 and replaced with 22000 were introduced to align
requirements from ISO 22000; the Singapore Standard with
existing international
b) Modified item e) of 4.1. requirements. For b), ‘include’
was replaced with ‘supported by’
for clarity.

4.2 Scope of the 4.3 4.2 was modified as follows; For a), the scope of the HACCP
HACCP system was simplified for flexibility and
a) Deleted items a to d and paragraphs 3 and 4 of 4.2; ease of implementation by
removing detailed requirements.
b) Added requirements from 5.1 of SAC HACCP Doc 2 and 4.1 of For b), product requirements and
ISO 22000. control of outsourced processes
were added to enable the building
of a proper food safety
management system.

4.3 Tasks, 4.4 4.3 was deleted and replaced by 5.1 of ISO 22000. Roles and responsibilities of all
responsibilities and personnel are clearer and better
authorities defined by the ISO requirements
for easier implementation.

4.4 HACCP 4.5 4.4 was modified as follows; For a), greater flexibility given to
management appoint food safety team leader
representative a) Replaced ‘member of management’ with ‘appropriate member from across the organisation. For
of staff in the introductory sentence; b), usage of term, ‘food safety’ to
align with ISO 22000. For c),
b) All instances of ‘HACCP’ in the clause were changed to ‘Food added requirements to better
safety’; define the job role of the food
safety team leader and alignment
c) Added requirements from 5.5 of ISO 22000. with ISO 22000.

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SAC HACCP Doc 2 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

4.5 HACCP Team(s) 4.6 All instances of ‘HACCP’ in the clause were changed to ‘food safety’ Use of the term, ‘food safety’ to
align with ISO 22000.

4.6 Resources 4.7 All instances of ‘HACCP’ in the clause were changed to ‘food safety’ Use of the term, ‘food safety’ to
align with ISO 22000.

4.7 Management review 4.8 4.7 was modified as follows; For a), use of the term, ‘food
safety’ to align with ISO 22000.
a) All instances of ‘HACCP’ in the clause were changed to ‘food For b), the trait of ‘continuity’ is
safety’; embedded in other requirements
of ‘suitability’, ‘adequacy’ and
b) Replaced ‘ensure continuity’ with ‘continuing’ in paragraph 1 of ‘effectiveness’ in the clause.

4.8 Internal audit 4.9 Time frame of no more than 12 months for internal audit intervals was Added a quantifiable time frame
included. for consistency which
organisations are to conduct
internal audit.
5.1 General (System 5.1 5.1 was modified as follows; For a), use of the term, ‘food
requirements) safety’ to align with ISO 22000.
a) All instances of ‘HACCP’ in the clause were changed to ‘food For b), paragraph 2 on outsourced
safety’; processes was moved to 4.3 of
SS 590 : 2013.
b) Deleted paragraph 2 of 5.1.

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SAC HACCP Doc 2 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

5.2 HACCP analysis 5.5 5.2 was modified as follows; For a), food safety team is
deemed the entity to conduct
a) Replaced ‘organisation’ with ‘food safety team’; hazard analysis. For b),
paragraph 2 is implied in Clause 8
b) Deleted paragraph 2 of 5.2 and added requirement from ISO of SS 590 : 2013. Added
22000. corresponding clause from ISO
22000 to align the requirements of
the Singapore Standard with ISO

5.3 Pre-requisite 5.3 5.3 was deleted and replaced with corresponding clause(s) from ISO Requirements from ISO 22000 are
Programme (PRP) 22000. more comprehensive and easier
to use as a guide for

6 Guidelines for the N.A Clause 6 was deleted. The deleted clause (citing
application of the reference document) is identical to
HACCP system Clause 2, normative reference of
SS 590 : 2013, which already

7.1 Validation 6.1 7.1 was deleted and replaced with corresponding clause from ISO Validation requirements from ISO
22000. 22000 are generic and provide
greater flexibility and ease to
implementation by user.

7.2 Verification 6.3 7.2 was modified as follows; For a), use of the term, ‘food
safety’ to align with ISO 22000.
a) Replaced ‘HACCP’ with ‘food safety management’; For b), Requirements were
deleted for greater flexibility and
b) Deleted paragraphs 2 and 3 of 7.2. ease in implementation by user.

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SAC HACCP Doc 2 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

8 Monitoring and 7 Clause 8 was deleted and replaced with corresponding clause from Requirements from ISO 22000 are
measuring ISO 22000. more comprehensive and easier
to use as a guide for

9.1 General 9.1 9.1 was modified as follows; For a), use of the term, ‘food
(Documentation safety’ to align with ISO 22000.
requirements) a) All instances of ‘HACCP’ in the clause were changed to ‘food For b), guidelines on
safety’; documentation according to
nature, size and type of
b) Deleted paragraph 2 of 9.1. organisation and activities were
removed for ease and clarity of

9.2 HACCP manual 9.2 All instances of ‘HACCP’ in the clause were changed to ‘food safety’ Use of the term, ‘food safety’ to
align with ISO 22000.

9.3 Control of 9.3 9.3 was modified as follows; For a), usage of term, ‘food safety’
documents to align with ISO 22000. For b),
a) All instances of ‘HACCP’ in the clause were changed to ‘food provides sequence and objective
safety’; of document control, which makes
it easier for user to understand
b) Added requirement from corresponding clause of ISO 22000. and implement.

9.4 Control of records 9.4 9.4 was modified as follows; Requirements from corresponding
clause of ISO 22000 are concise
a) Deleted paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of 9.4; and provide greater flexibility and
ease to implement by user.
b) Added requirements from ISO 22000.

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Annex C

Cross reference between SS 590 : 2013 and ISO 22000 : 2005

SS 590 : 2013 ISO 22000 : 2005

Introduction 0 0 Introduction
Scope 1 1 Scope
Nominative references 2 2 Normative references
Definitions 3 3 Terms and Definitions
Management responsibility 4 5 Management responsibility
Management commitment 4.1 5.1 Management commitment
Food safety policy 4.2 5.2 Food safety policy
Food safety management system 4.3 4.1 General requirements
Tasks, responsibilities and authorities 4.4 5.4 Responsibility and authority
Food safety team leader 4.5 5.5 Food safety team leader
Food safety team 4.6 7.3.2 Food safety team
Resources 4.7
Management review 4.8 5.8.1 General (Management review)
Review input 4.8.1 5.8.2 Review input
Review output 4.8.2 5.8.3 Review output
Internal audit 4.9 8.4.1 Internal audit
Communication 4.10 5.6 Communication
External communication 4.10.1 5.6.1 External communication
Internal communication 4.10.2 5.6.2 Internal communication

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SS 590 : 2013 

SS 590 : 2013 ISO 22000 : 2005

System requirements 5
General 5.1 4.1 General requirements
Planning and realisation of safe products 5.2 7.1 General (Planning and realisation of safe products)
Prerequisite programmes (PRPs) 5.3 7.2.1 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis 5.4 7.3 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis
General 5.4.1 7.3.1 General
Product characteristics 5.4.2 7.3.3 Product characteristics
Raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials Raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials
Characteristics of end products Characteristics of end products
Intended use 5.4.3 7.3.4 Intended use
Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures 5.4.4. 7.3.5 Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures
Flow diagrams Flow diagrams
Description of process steps and control measures Description of process steps and control measures
Hazard analysis 5.5 7.4 Hazard analysis
Hazard identification and determination of acceptable levels 5.5.1 Hazard identification and determination of acceptable levels
Hazard assessment 5.5.2 7.4.3 Hazard assessment
Selection and assessment of control measures 5.5.3 7.4.4 Selection and assessment of control measures
Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes (PRPs) 5.6 7.5 Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
Establishing the HACCP plan 5.7 7.6 Establishing the HACCP plan
HACCP plan 5.7.1 7.6.1 HACCP plan
Identification of critical control points (CCPs) 5.7.2 7.6.2 Identification of critical control points (CCPs)
Determination of critical limits for critical control points 5.7.3 7.6.3 Determination of critical limits for critical control points
System for the monitoring of critical control points 5.7.4 7.6.4 System for the monitoring of critical control points
Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits 5.7.5 7.6.5 Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits
Traceability system 5.8 7.9 Traceability system
Control of nonconformity 5.9 7.10 Control of nonconformity
Corrections 5.9.1 7.10.1 Corrections
Corrective actions 5.9.2 7.10.2 Corrective actions
Handling of potentially unsafe products 5.10 7.10.3 Handling of potentially unsafe products
General 5.10.1 General
Evaluation for release 5.10.2 Evaluation for release
Disposal of nonconforming products 5.10.3 Disposal of nonconforming products
Withdrawals/ Recall 5.11 7.10.4 Withdrawals

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SS 590 : 2013 

SS 590 : 2013 ISO 22000 : 2005

Validation and verification 6 8 Validation, verification and improvement of the food safety
Validation 6.1 8.1 General
Validation of control measure combinations 6.2 8.2 Validation of control measure combinations
Verification 6.3
Verification planning 6.3.1 7.8 Verification planning
Evaluation of individual verification results 6.3.2 8.4.2 Evaluation of individual verification results
Analysis of results of verification activities 6.3.3 8.4.3 Analysis of results of verification activities

Control of monitoring and measuring 7 8.3 Control of monitoring and measuring

Updating the food safety management system 8 8.5.2 Updating the food safety management system
Document requirements 9 4.2 Documentation requirements
General 9.1 4.2.1 General
Food safety management system manual 9.2
Control of documents 9.3 4.2.2 Control of documents
Control of records 9.4 4.2.3 Control of records
Continual improvement 10 8.5.1 Continual improvement

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SS 590 : 2013 

Annex D

Deviations between SS 590 : 2013 and ISO 22000 : 2005

(see also Annex C for cross referencing of clauses)

ISO 22000 : 2005 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

Introduction 0 Introduction Introduction was deleted and rewritten. Rewritten to be more precise and
clear for ease of implementation by
1 Scope 1 Scope Scope was deleted and rewritten. user.

2 Normative references 2 Normative Normative references were deleted and ‘Codex Alimentarius:
references General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/ RCP 1-1969 (Rev. 4-
2003)’ was included.

3 Terms and definitions 3 Definitions No changes made in SS 590 : 2013. --

4.1 General 5.1 General 4.1 was modified as follows; For a), relevant requirements were
requirements adopted.
a) Moved paragraphs 2 and 4 of 4.1 to form 4.3 of SS 590 :
2013; For b), Concise requirements were
deleted to allow flexibility and ease
b) Deleted paragraph 3 of 4.1. of implementation.

4.2.1 General 9.1 4.1 was modified to add a requirement on the ‘Food safety To align requirement with SAC
(Documentation management system manual’. HACCP Doc 2.
4.2.2 Control of 9.3 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --
4.2.3 Control of records 9.4 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013 --

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SS 590 : 2013 

ISO 22000 : 2005 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

5.1 Management 4.1 Items a to e were deleted. Allow flexibility for user to provide
commitment evidence of management

5.2 Food safety policy 4.2 5.2 was modified as follows: For a) SS 590: 2013 certification is
not mandatory for food
a) Deleted items b, c, e and f; organisations. Food organisations
are to comply with any legislative
b) Included requirements from SAC HACCP Document No. 2. mandatory requirements
irrespective if they are SS 590:
2013 certified. For b) Relevant
requirements were retained and
incorporated from SAC HACCP
Doc 2 for local implementation.

5.3 Food safety N.A 5.3 was deleted. Not necessary to include as the
management clause is self-explanatory and de
system planning facto expectations implied in 5.1.

5.4 Responsibility and 4.4 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013 --

5.5 Food safety team 4.5 5.5 was modified as follows: Wordings and requirements from
leader SAC HACCP Document No. 2 were
a) Deleted items c and d; added for use in local
implementation and covered the
b) Included requirements from SAC HACCP Document No. 2. requirements from the deleted

5.6.1 External 4.10.1 5.6.1 was deleted.

Clauses have been rewritten to
exclude detailed requirement for
5.6.2 Internal 4.10.2 5.6.2 was deleted ease of local implementation.

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SS 590 : 2013 

ISO 22000 : 2005 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

5.7 Emergency N.A. 5.7 was deleted. Requirements are not required to
preparedness and be stipulated explicitly as they are
response self-explanatory and implied in 5.4

5.8.1 General 4.8 5.8.1 was deleted. Clause was replaced by the
(Management corresponding clause (4.9) from
review) SAC HACCP Document No. 2 for
relevance and ease of local

5.8.2 Review input 4.8.1 5.8.2 was deleted. Clause was rewritten to exclude
detailed requirement for ease of
local implementation.

5.8.3 Review output 4.8.2 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

6.1 Provision of N.A 6.1 was deleted. Clauses were replaced by the
resources corresponding clause (4.6) from
SAC HACCP Document No. 2 for
6.2.1 General N.A 6.2.1 was deleted. flexibility and ease of local
(Human implementation.

6.2.2 Competence, N.A 6.2.2 was deleted.

awareness and

6.3 Infrastructure N.A 6.3 was deleted.

6.4 Work environment N.A 6.4 was deleted

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SS 590 : 2013 

ISO 22000 : 2005 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

7.1 General (Planning 5.2 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

and realisation of
safe products)

7.2 Prerequisite 5.3 7.2 was modified as follows; Deleted requirement is similar and
programmes implied in Clause 2, Normative
(PRPs) a) Deleted paragraph 1 of 7.2.3; reference, of the Singapore
Standard. Certain requirements
b) Modified requirements in 7.2. were amended for ease of local

7.3.1 General 5.4.1 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

(Preliminary steps
to enable hazard

7.3.2 Food safety team 4.6 7.3.2 was deleted and additional requirements of ‘knowledge’ and Clause was replaced by the
‘experience’ were added. corresponding clause (4.5) from
SAC HACCP Document No. 2 for
relevance and ease of local
implementation. Raw materials, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of were deleted. For Paragraph 2; SS 590: 2013
ingredients and certification is not mandatory for
product-contact food organisations. Food
materials organisations are to be comply with
any legislative requirements
irrespective if they are SS 590:
2013 certified. For Paragraph 3 on
updating of descriptions when
required is implied in Clause 8 of
the Singapore Standard.

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SS 590 : 2013 

ISO 22000 : 2005 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation Characteristics Paragraphs 2 and 3 of were deleted. For Paragraph 2: SS 590: 2013
of end products certification is not mandatory for
food organisations. Food
organisations are to comply with
any legislative requirements
irrespective if they are SS 590:
2013 certified. For Paragraph 3 on
updating of descriptions when
required is implied in Clause 8 of
the Singapore Standard.

7.3.4 Intended use 5.4.3 Paragraph 3 of 7.3.4 was deleted. Paragraph 3 on updating of
descriptions when required is
implied in Clause 8 of the
Singapore Standard. Flow diagrams Minor editorial changes not amounting to change of context and Editorial changes.
requirement were made. Description of Paragraph 3 of was deleted. Paragraph 3 on updating of

process steps descriptions is implied in Clause 8
and control of the Singapore Standard.

7.4.1 General (Hazard 5.5 7.4.1 was modified to specify the potential types of hazards that may Terms, ‘Biological, chemical and
analysis) occur. physical’ were added as
terminology for types of hazards
which are from the international
HACCP framework.

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SS 590 : 2013 

ISO 22000 : 2005 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

7.4.2 Hazard 5.5.1 b) and d) were modified. For b) requirements were made
identification and more descriptive and for d)
determination of requirements were made more
acceptable levels generic to aid in the understanding
and application by users.

7.4.3 Hazard 5.5.2 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --


7.4.4 Selection and 5.5.3 Paragraph 4 of 7.4.4 was deleted. Detailed requirements were
assessment of removed to ease in implementing
control measures the standard.

7.5 Establishing the 5.6 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --


7.6.1 HACCP plan 5.7.1 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

7.6.2 Identification of 5.7.2 7.6.2 was modified to include requirements and text from Codex To align requirements for critical
critical control Alimentarius: General Principles of Food Hygiene (Rev. 4-2003). control point (CCPs) in the
points (CCPs) (document for normative reference). Singapore Standard.

7.6.3 Determination of 5.7.3 Last paragraph of 7.6.3 was deleted. Requirements on training and
critical limits for education were removed as they
critical control are not relevant in local context.

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SS 590 : 2013 

ISO 22000 : 2005 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

7.6.4 System for the 5.7.4 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --
monitoring of
critical control

7.6.5 Actions when 5.7.5 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

monitoring results
exceed critical

7.7 Updating of N.A. 7.7 was deleted. The Singapore Standard does not
preliminary require users to update preliminary
information and information and documentation of
documents PRPs and HACCP plan in its
specifying the PRPs scope. Updating of other
and the HACCP parameters is implied in Clause 8.

7.8 Verification 6.3.1 Paragraph 2 of 7.8 was deleted. Requirement on verification

planning planning output was removed to
allow greater flexibility and ease of

7.9 Traceability system 5.8 7.9 was modified as follows: For a) the requirement on
regulatory requirements records
a) Deleted the last sentence in the last paragraph of 7.9; was removed as it is not relevant in
local context. For b) the term was
b) Included the term ‘recall’. included for clarity.

7.10.1 Corrections 5.9.1 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

7.10.2 Corrective 5.9.2 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --


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SS 590 : 2013 

ISO 22000 : 2005 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation General 5.10.1 Minor editorial changes not amounting to change of context and Editorial changes.
(Handling of requirement were made.
products) Evaluation for 5.10.2 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

release Disposition of 5.10.3 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --


7.10.4 Withdrawals 5.11 7.10.4 b)3) and paragraph 2 of 7.10.4 were deleted. Requirement on sequence of
actions [7.10.4 b)3)] and securing
of withdrawn products (para 2)
were removed to allow greater
flexibility and autonomy by user to
handle the withdrawal process.

8.1 General (Validation, 6.1 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

verification and
improvement of the
food safety

8.2 Validation of control 6.2 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --


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SS 590 : 2013 

ISO 22000 : 2005 SS 590 : 2013 Modifications in SS 590 : 2013 Explanation

8.3 Control of 7 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

monitoring and

8.4.1 Internal audit 4.9 Time frame of no more than 12 months for internal audit intervals A clear time frame was included for
was included. clarity of requirements.

8.4.2 Evaluation of 6.3.2 8.4.2, items a to d were deleted. Items a, b and c are covered under
individual the following clauses of SS 590 :
verification results 2013:

For a) 4.10 Communication, for

b), 5.5 Hazard analysis, 5.6
Establishment of PRPs, 5.7
Establishing HACCP plan, and for
c) 5.3 Pre-requisite programmes.

Item d is not relevant.

8.4.3 Analysis of results 6.3.3 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --

of verification

8.5.1 Continual 10 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --


8.5.2 Updating the food 8 No changes were made in SS 590 : 2013. --


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SS 590 : 2013

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  Singapore Standardisation Programme
is managed by Enterprise Singapore

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